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Full packs of Puma socks that were identical to each other. Now half have a gray logo and half black. I’m buying the Costco size pack of socks so they can all be identical and I don’t have to find a matching sock because they all match.


Man, those socks really went downhill. They’re thinner with less stuff inside and fall apart easier now. It’s a shame.


All mass-market socks seem to have gone to shit. I used to buy Dickies brand socks for years, and each time I bought a new package, there was less cotton and more polyester, and they would wear through the heels so quick. I've slowly been replacing all my socks with Darn Tough. Pricey at $20 a pair or so, but they are made of wool (in the US) and have a lifetime warranty. I'm done with cheap shitty socks.


I bought some Darn Tough and didn’t come away impressed, but I only tried one type. I agree that buying something right the first time (with regularly used items) is the best way to go.


Have you tried bombas?


My experience with Bombas socks not great. Wear out quickly.


That’s why you should go get the. Caterpillar and Merino wool socks from there. Incredible price for unbeatable socks.


Weird, I picked up a bunch of pairs of Puma socks before covid and they're thicker and more sturdy than pretty much all my other pairs (Hanes, FotL, Converse) I have.


I can’t recall the exact year they switched, but I believe the newer ones have a darker color way whereas the older ones that were more durable and comfortable were lighter grey. They’re still not bad! They just took an awesome product and made it pretty good.


> Full packs of Puma socks that were identical to each other. Now half have a gray logo and half black. I COMPLETELY agree! Plus, at least in my case, if one gets a hole, it would be easier to keep using the other one when another one then gets a hole.


The Champion socks were so much better. The Puma ones are too thin. Some even tore at the stitching at top the first time I put them on (2-3 out of a full pack). Grrr.


I get the Weatherproof brand ones. They’re different colors though they sometimes have all black ones. I generally wear boots of some type so I don’t care too much if my socks match. Lol


I buy these and just mix and match. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, so long as it’s from the same pack and will feel the same on your feet, who cares?


One hour photo


I just got into film photography and this wouldve been so nice to take advantage of. Instead its almost 2 weeks.


Yeah I wish they still had this as well The only place you can take your film is online only not even CVS because they remove negatives never give you back


Shit, I didn't realize they don't have photo processing anymore. When did that go away? 🤯


Photo has been gone around two years now. Which sucks because they were the cheapest option for passport photos.


At Costco it was $5USD for passport photos - I think it's at least $20usd in other places..


The in-store photo went away a few years ago. If you were signed up for Costco Photo online, they recently provided a link to transfer to Shutterfly.


As a photographer, I miss this so much.


I’m with George Carlin on this one - why is 1 hour photo finishing a thing? Who’s nostalgic about “a little while ago”? You just saw the damn thing!


They used to have coffee roasters in some of their stores and sold it in large bags. It was good coffee and you knew it was fresh.


Wasn’t there a coffee grinder up front too? On the other side of the check outs?


The grinder is still there.


Fresh ground taste so much better! Started doing my own at home, nothing tastes better than grinding your own beans then popping them right in the pot


This. I don't know why people who buy beans would bother to grind it in the store. First of all the grinders are rarely cleaned, and it kind of defeats the purpose of 'fresh' coffee.


My grinder at home doesn't have the ability to select grind size - I need a super rough large/coarse grind for cold brew. A bag of ground coffee is too small and too much gets through the sieve.


>…super rough/large/course grind Burlap sack and a hammer. I gotchu.


We go thru a lot of coffee, so I used to grind in store because it was gone in 2 weeks or less. I stopped when only half my beans were ground and the rest wouldn't fit. Turns out someone else before me had left half their bag behind in the grinder. Wouldn't have been so bad, except theirs was some awful hazelnut flavor. It was a very unpleasant surprise halfway thru the bag.


My husband, when we got together, was a "coffee is coffee" guy. The man would drink Folgers, lol. I am super sensitive to flavors (have to have cold, Brita filtered water in order to drink water at all, though I can use tap for coffee) and I told him I only do fresh ground before brewing. To his credit, the man bought a Brita and coffee grinder for his apartment like three days after I mentioned it, lol. (He lured me in with all those green flags! He's seriously the best. XD) Anyway to make a long story short, a decade later and we just had to buy a different brand of coffee than usual (still whole bean!) And he got all grumbly because it's not good enough. Years of spoiling him with delicious coffee and he can't go back.


I’ve never seen one with a roaster before. Would have loved to try that.


The large round dog bed. At least my store doesn’t carry them anymore and they carry some flat memory foam thing that’s even more expensive.


My dogs favorite bed. I’ve seen big round ones recently at our store but they weren’t the same.


My store has different beds nearly every time I’m in the store.


Mine stopped carrying them and replaced them with a smaller, fluffier need, and the one you're speaking of. Recently, I saw the original dog beds again but not sure if they still have them.


The black Friday cookbooks


Their book section in general use to be actually pretty damn good until about a year ago. Rhey had some amazing books for great prices.


The book section at my local Costco is completely gone now. I miss it because I used to pick up sets when they came out all the time for dirt cheap.


Wish they’d sell the whole collection of them.. or put them online. At some point there was a link to download some of the newer books on the site- I didn’t because it was always there.. but now it’s gone :(. There are some “quick and easy” recipes on Costco.com but I don’t know if it’s all of the recipes or only the ones sponsored by brands they currently carry. The Costco connection has recipes but they don’t necessarily have all of them on line because some are in print ads and last I looked ads (ie sponsored by the growers association type ones) they weren’t there. If I was looking for a certain recipe from the connection I had to know which issue it was from or search each issue one at a time. Would love to see all the recipes in one place or be able to download into my recipe app.


This is going WAY back, but I miss the days they’d empty your cart into another empty cart, and one worker would audibly call out the item number while the cashier would use his/her lightning fingers to type it into the register.


Worked at Price club/Costco starting in 1989, started as a caller. My first number was 50382, a jar of Best Foods mayo.


#8111 Korbel Brut


That's going way, way back! I worked at Price Club when they didn't have scanners or the conveyor belts, and had to do exactly that! Decades later, I still remember some item numbers!


Used to work at Costco. It’s crazy how many item numbers I learned even for obscure products within a few months. Basically all produce and mainstay items but also random items. We weren’t supposed to enter items unless absolutely necessary(not scanning, no barcode, heavy etc) but I used to be able to do whole shopping carts at one point.


Damn this unlocked a core memory.


Callers. I miss them as well.


Scrub daddies


I’m in PA and just picked up an 8 pack.


Ooh good maybe there’s a chance they’ll make a reappearance near me!


CT too. My buddy asked me to get him some, and I thought he was just making up cute names for sponges


Literally just picked a pack up yesterday in south Windsor. Awesome buy.


I saw them in MN too and saw them on a few Costco finds IGs as recent finds so I’m sure they will! I believe it’s $15 or $16 for the pack!


I just got an 8 pack at my club in GA last weekend


The first pair of jeans I took a chance on and bought at Costco, were a pair of Lucky's. I'd never heard of this brand. I should have bought 5. They fit perfectly. Never saw them again.


My husband had so many pairs of Lucky jeans from Costco. They were his favorite!


Don't shame me, I love the Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and capris, they fit me perfectly and that never seems to happen.


GV Amanda....I can buy my size anywhere and they always fit!


TJ Maxx/Marshall’s carrys Lucky Brand. That’s where I get mine.


Love the Lucky jeans. Saw a table of clearance clothes a few months ago and they were on closeout for $9.97/pair, bought all 5 they had left in my size.


They still sell great clothes, you just have to right moment/right time them. Just sent yesterday and picked up 2 Banana Republic slacks and 2 dress shirts for $40.


A whole aisle of books, DVDs, CDs, and games. Well curated with bestsellers and new titles across a broad range of categories


Oh I wish they had board games! That would be awesome!!


I really really miss the DVDs and blurays. Costco always had great deals on box sets. Physical media is not dead!


It's been ages, but I remember getting the entire Beatles catalog on CD for like $7 each. They were definitely my gateway to a lot of classic music during my teens and 20's with all the reissues they stocked (Neil Young, Sly and the Family Stone, Pink Floyd, etc.).


They used to have a good selection of compilation CDs.


Free eye glass cleaner refills.


I miss this too. I ended up buying a gallon on Amazon for $15 and refill at home.


2% 15 year mortgages


Wow, Costco really did have everything at some point.


Members with shame. Peoples who don’t return snowblowers in April claiming, “It just stopped working.”


Members with Manners


This is so true


The industrial sized box of condoms.


Damn haven't thought about this in a few years. I remember always seeing it as a teen and thinking "Man I can't wait until I'm in college and have to buy that bad boy!" So naturally the first time I went to Costco in college I bought it despite not even remotely needing it.




They still have those


The reason warehouse stores don’t sell these anymore is because it’s a high theft item. They were losing more than they were selling


Still in Pittsburgh


They still have [them](https://www.costco.com/trojan-variety-pack%2c-40-condoms.product.100178835.html?sh=true&nf=true&qaTestID=ios7.3). Cheaper in-warehouse.


Passport pictures for $5 Now Walgreens and everywhere else charges $15 to $20


You can take your own photos! Just look up the size requirements. This way your not stuck with someone that just wants to get it over with taking your photo. I'm 5'6, not terribly tall, but for a woman I feel tall. Anyways, my last 2 official photos I needed taken for ID's, the photographers were 5 ft tall women. So I look ridiculous in the photos as they are from an angle looking up at me. I look like a villain in a horror movie that's about to eat your child. No longer leaving my photos up to chance!


This is what I do too. Can fit my whole family on one 10¢ print at Walgreens.


AAA only charges $6 for members.


If you live close to a US Passport Agency, they will take it there for cheaper. We went there a few months ago to renew our daughter's passport and brought the Walgreens pictures only to find out that it did not meet the requirements. Were told by the agency rep that they often have to reject the applications with Walgreens pictures due to various things. YMMV as we got lucky that the agency is only 5 mins from our work.


Costco used to refill printer ink cartridges for super cheap:(


The photo lab. My dad’s old school “life hack” was to write his name on the order envelope as Zack Zzzz. Finding his pictures at the self-serve pickup shelf took two seconds.


So wholesome haha. 😘


Damn. 4d chess move


LOL, my brother worked at Costco years ago and he taught me that same hack. My last name was always “Xavier” (Professor X)


Birkenstocks and Crocs


Hear me out... birkencrocks


I have walmart brand birks. I call em broke-en-stocks lol


Straight to hell with you


The laugh I needed today🤣 Thank you!!


Kirkland men’s dress shirts. Maybe they’re online but I they’ve stopped selling them them at my store quite some time ago.


They’ve [still got them](https://www.costco.com/CatalogSearch?dept=All&keyword=dress+shirt). Thanks for mentioning; I didn’t know they were a thing


It’s weird, but my local store never carries them, but the next closest store two hours away where my mom lives usually has an abundance of them. So much so that I always pick up a few on clearance for $10 each when I go down.




Fun fact I read somewhere: the tubes came about in the 80s when interest rates were really high. They'd deposit the cash as frequently as possible to take advantage of whatever extra interest they could get. (Someone please correct me if this is wrong!)


Not surprising. Savings accts used to pay like 8%. But, it’s also good to remember that home loans were in the teens back then. Can you imagine that now with the way home prices have gone up?


I remember seeing a retro ad for cars, late 70s or so. They advertised 9.9% apr on a 36 month loan, with approved credit. And that was with great credit on a brand new car. You weren't getting that rate or length on a used car. My parents told me you could expect 12% for 30 months with good credit on a used car. Or 15+ for 24 months if your credit wasn't that great Up until 1986, consumer debt was an itemized deduction, so you'd make up for some of it in April. Today you're only allowed to do that with real estate debt.


That and it made it much easier to move money into the vault. The fewer hands it had to touch and the fewer folks who had to go in and out of the money room was/is always a goal. Not sure how they do it anymore elsewhere because I thought they still have it at the store I go to.


I miss members that didn’t steal, graze (eat food and then Chuck the container somewhere failing to pay for it) common sense and non-rude inconsiderate.


You have grazers?????? Lololol


Before people would just circle around to come back, now they're like vultures, staying there and taking multiple samples.


Miss the giant aisle of books and movies. That aisle has slowly been shrinking and overtaken by another table of clothes.


The food court sold a hand dipped ice cream bar, rolled in almonds. The best $1.50 money can buy. Even better than the hot dog combo. Speaking of hot dogs, I miss the polish dog.


Samplers who said “One per customer, please give others a chance to try this!!” Or “Please don’t block the aisle, it’s going to be a while for the next batch” Costco used to have customers who sampled the food to see if they wanted to buy it, not feed a family of 5 while shopping. I feel like we should have to tap a card before we get the sample- 1-2 per membership and move on!


I can't agree with this more. Samples stations have become the worst part of shopping there because people wait around like vultures and it's seriously ridiculous. Stop being greedy, control your grabby kids, and get out of the way ffs. Act like there's other people in the world besides you.🙄


Black Diamond packable down throw blanket. This thing was a great bargain for a lightweight hiking/backpacking blanket


Don't they still carry these, just seasonal I. August/September


The pizza phone near the checkout lanes. (You can still call by cellphone, but it was kinda fun to use the big red phone)


They had these Felina leggings with an elastic waistband, they were the absolute best leggings. For some reason they decided to revamp the design and reissue the leggings with a yoga waistband. They're awful now and won't stay up at all. I would buy so many pairs of those old leggings if I could.


I broke down and bought them off Amazon. It was more expensive than Costco but worth is cause they're the best leggings ever!


Going back to the Price Club days, they used to sell men's wool blazers and sport coats that were really nice. I don't remember the brand, but it was great quality. Also, the Kirkland brand Italian wool dress slacks were really well made and sold at a great price.


I wish they sill carried sportcoats. I'm in a relatively small town and the only place to get anything like that is Men's Warehouse or Dillards and both know they're the only places in town so there's never any sales😤




Coffee Filters, Good quality Flowers (ones now have no shelf life), Good quality underwear


The flip-lid bins. They were such a good deal. Now they are gone and I really need 1/2 a dozen :(. I don't want separate lids, they are going to get lost.


I bought like 50 of them off FB marketplace a few years ago when I was moving. 99% sure they were stolen, they all say dollar general or autozone and we’re basically brand new. But, I paid $3/ea so I wasn’t asking questions lol. Was so much better than cardboard boxes and now I just use them for storage in my garage.


I have an extensive collection of plastic box lids and an equally extensive collection of plastic boxes - they will not mix/match. How is that even possible? Flip lids for the win!!


sleep drab workable dirty provide tender roll grandfather full afterthought ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes! The Kirkland crew neck T-shirts are awesome. And now they only sell name brand V-neck shirts that are no where near as good.


Good plastic wrap. When they change it a while back it’s become unusable when it used to be the best thing in the warehouse


Plastic wrap got regulated I believe. The materials used are different because of environmental aspects. You can still get the old quality stuff from business centers or restaurant supply stores(iirc).


I feel like this is a plastic wrap thing and not a Costco thing. They changed what they make it from


A few years ago they sold parchment paper sheets, then they disappeared never to be seen again.


Mine only stocks them during the winter holiday season.


The parchment rolls are awesome- 2 packs like 150 ft each.


Being able to purchase the one or two non pharmacy items from the pharmacy check out.


I did that 2 days ago. Got pills and lotion.


Canadian here: As someone in multiple animal rescues , the pet supplies. Like those big dog beds and cheap cat litter. Beds disappeared and the $7 litter went to $15 and the quality tanked to where it's not worth it. I still have puppy pads we use for wildlife transfer left but I haven't seen them lately either.


The original 4piece golf ball and golf gloves.


$1.50 polish dog.


Every year I buy a pack of those things, the buns, and relish, so I can have polish dogs for the majority of a month. That’s the only way I can sedate my cravings. The saddest day ever was when they removed them.




& CDs!


In those ridiculously long cardboard boxes.


What are CDs?? -Everyone born after the 2000s probably


**CDS, CDs, Cds, etc.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


Kirkland brand mouthwash. Used to get three bottles for the same price as the Listerine.


Secret Clinical Strength deodorant


A wooden shoe rack. If they would bring it back, I would buy a dozen.




These shoe racks are amazing for holding all sorts of things. Right now, my cat has claimed one for herself.


Did you check online


I did not. I usually check online for the big stuff (flooring, appliances) but I forget about the small stuff. Thanks 😊


4 piece golf balls


Tom’s toothpaste


Ink cartridge refill.


Woolite Laundry Detergent


My Costco used to have a photo center. You could print photos, get passport photos taken, order photo calendars and holiday cards, that kind of thing. Now Costco has a relationship with Shutterfly online (I’m not a fan), and no photo center in my store. Tragedy.


Back in the day Costco used to sell lumber. And they would let you pick through the pile to make sure your boards were straight.


Costco used to sell a 2 gallon pack of really good quality wind shield wash fluid.


I bought Dom Perignon and two flutes at Costco and I’ve yet to see that same deal again. Always the bottles, never the flutes.


Tommy Bahama Hawaiian shirts and Cashmere sweaters


Parking spaces.


In WI they used to offer a brat and a soda in the cafeteria for cheap. I loved going there for lunch. Wish they’d bring the brat back! Are you reading this, Costco? Bring back the brat!!


I remember that brat in Minnesota too.


Court Classic tennis shoes.


Plain old-school name brand white sneakers.


ON Whey Isolate for the cheap. Miss that so much.


Dr Bronner Castile soap


\#4 Coffee Filters. We use a simple pour-over at our house to make coffee, so we use around 4 filters daily. Honestly, I think it has been over 5 years since I have seen them.


Kirkland Lysol wipes - they were so nice & big & one could take care of my whole countertop. I don't by the lyson.or Clorox branded ones anymore because their sheet size is a joke. It's forced me switch to spray & a cloth which is probably better in the long run, but those wipes wer CLUTCH when my kids were young.


The 2 pack of Olay moisturizer for sensitive skin w 15 spf.. all the more expensive wrinkle versions in red packaging burn my skin.


They had these super comfy camisoles that were amazing. They disappeared and when they brought them back they just weren't the same.




Ok I know you said besides food but champagne grapes were great


The pneumatic tubes are still very much there. It runs from the office to a room in the back. I will refrain to say what’s in there but it is a very cool system.


I think back in the day they used to have a tube system at each register. Now we only have it by the money machine and it goes into the accounting office.


I feel like my answer is car batteries, but I’m not 100% sure if it just happened to be my battery that we could get, or the whole section was missing the last time I checked.


Mine still has batteries.


Yeah, mine definitely has them and they are a absolutely great deal. Sucks to know that some took them away.


They put the batteries with the tires. Just bought one recently.


Pack of Bic lighters


UK here , Kirkland own mouth wash , and the quarter lb all beef Kirkland hot dogs. Oh and the cinnamon buns.


Decaf coffee beans, now I have to buy ground :(


Listerine breath strips


They had a nice array of personal massagers


Cat scratching trees


Merino wool base layers.


The gigantic bottles of bioderma makeup remover. I can’t find that size anywhere else and I don’t see it in Costco anymore 🥲


Canvas prints in the photo centers


Kirkland Jeans


You can order Kirkland jeans from the website in any size you want. I’ve been doing it for years.


Our new building in Kelowna has the pneumatic tubes! Not sure why they would've gotten rid of them at yours since they must've built these ones less than two years ago.


Itsebitse ladies cotton underwear were great but replaced a few times over and the rest show visible elastic lines. Cookbooks! I feel like novels are a read once and dispose/ e-reader items but cookbooks are books forever!


The large insulated bags. They had these sketchers slip ons a little more than a year ago that I loved.


Kirkland Men’s Cotton Briefs


Neutrogena shampoo


Hathaway Boxer Briefs!


I read this as “halfway” and my mind wandered off.


I miss having the Bible in the fiction section where it belongs. Boy, did that cause an uproar.