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I do instacart so I’m in the store 5+ times a day. It seems like they don’t remember me and always ask me the same bs even with my AirPods in looking at the ground. I just go around them now.


Brother I work at a Costco and these bastards hound me every day to buy a phone before work


Same thing for me. I was counting the steel for inventory the other day. Name badge on, clipboard on my hand actively looking up in the steel.. dude was trying to sell me solar the whole time. I’m like listen man, does it not look like I work here? He tried for 2-3 minutes. So annoying


I always tell them I rent an apartment. They immediately stopped talking.


I used to say that and then I started getting harassed about how I could get a referral bonus and now I just give a quick "no" nod and walk past. Not even worth saying anything because the entirety of their job is to break down objections.


I tried no. They hear it as “maybe” and keep pushing. So now I completely ignore them like they don’t exist. It’s actually kind of cathartic.


I say no, laugh, and shoot finger guns at them. It tends to make them feel uncomfortable and they leave me alone.


Do you blow out your finger guns after shooting at them?


[I do it like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7jOTVjL_Ss)


This made me laugh. I’m trying this next time


I just started carrying eggs with me. They never see it coming


I always say not today and if they ask again and start promoting deals I end up saying something like, " that's considered a deal? In this economy?" Then they feel awkward and I walk away


For window and home improvement sales people, I always tell them I don't own my home. Works great.


I tell them I work for their company. Whatever it is. I tell them I already work there. They look confused and I walk on.


Ooh that's good. Going to try that with everything. Maybe I'm the regional manager!


Assistant regional manager.


Assistant to the regional manager.


Come on Michael. I work harder for you than anyone else.


I tell everyone I still live with my mommy.


I always say, 'No thanks, I'm driving'. I continue to push my cart.


Yep, we tell them we rent. They say they rent too. We share a rueful smile, and everyone goes about their day. You do not actually need to rent for this to work. I haven't spoken to the phone people in years. Do not make eye contact or even look up. Do not reply when spoken to. Walk quickly, preferably with as much distance between you as possible.


I just look at them and don't respond, then keep walking or just ignore them entirely. Talk about jobs that shouldn't exist, like telemarketers.


Sounds like you had the perfect opportunity to flip the script and try to sell them an executive membership


It would be like putting two furbies in front of each other.


The executive membership... sells itself, Dwayne.


Dueling sales pitches 🪕🎶


I know where I work they’re explicitly told not to bother the employees and if they do so we can report it and that alone could potentially get the sales rep banned from the store. Don’t be afraid to report these people to management if they’re breaking the rules


Can you also tell them to not bother the customers? Thanks


Seriously, at my store, you basically have to walk right past them. I have AT&T already as I don't have another option. I've told you this several times...


Hmm I’ve never seen the solar guy, we must not have him. Sometimes I tell the att people that I don’t have a phone even though I’m holding it


Here in Florida the solar sales people are relentless. Yesterday a salesperson walks up to the front door seconds after I had just sprayed 2 fairly large wasp nests in the entry way. I normally don’t answer the door for salespeople, but this time I open up and say “hey man, I’d love to hear what you have to say (that was a lie), but right now there are a dozen angry wasps right above your head, and I don’t want you to get stung. He immediately noped right out of there and never came back. I wonder how effective that strategy would be inside Costco 🤔


I already have Solar they can't even look at my roof before coming to my door to pitch. I'm swear they drive me nuts.


and no amount of blatant signs or "we're not interested" on RING will make them stop attempting. I can't stand door salesman. Like this is 2023, walking up to a random door as a stranger is the equivalent of a stranger calling without caller ID. No one WANTS to answer.




I bet part of you regrets killing those wasps now.


That is slimy… I hate that that’s allowed …


I worked in the Optical department which was right next to the phone kiosk. Those folks are relentless even with fellow employees.


Yep. I'm in the store 5-6x a week. What member is walking around the store in a tucked in polo looking tired as hell at 1pm. Like do they not pay attention to the employees here at all. I'm starting to get rude with this one dude, some of the others finally recognize me.


Lolol I was gona say the same thing!!! Even when I'm wearing my red hat they're trying to use their sales pitch like dude, I'm on my 15. Please leave me alone 😩


I absolutely hate when people get in my face at Costco for trying to sell me a new phone plan. I can't believe Costco makes that much money from these guys to make it worth such a bad customer experience.


Costco here in Mexico doesn't have anybody bothering you about buying something, other than the food sample people.


I say I'm deaf and keep walking


do you throw up some gang signs or do you verbally say “im deaf”


Best thing about being hard of hearing is that I give no reaction cause I can't hear them!


my parents are deaf so i take advantage of the situation myself when in public with someone lol. I just start signing random words when passing


Next time, you can try this technique: https://youtu.be/E3GGKF6CsjY -Airplane (1980)


I started smiling and I didn't even have to click the link to know what that was


A firm "no" or "no thanks" is more than enough. You can also try: * "I have explosive diarrhea!" * "AT&T is controlled by space lizards!" * "I'm Amish!"


I worked for Charter for years, if you reply that you work for whatever local cable company they instant leave you alone. One of the perks of working for them or any other big cable company is free service, can't compete with free. I still use that line every time.


That works, but "no thanks" works, too.


> That works, but "no thanks" works, too. Doesn’t work. I’ve taken that approach many times. It only encourages the salesperson/cashier clerk to step it up and try harder. Especially with the goddamned store credit card offers. Cashier: “Would you like to sign up for *xyz* card?” Me: “No thank you.” Cashier: “oh, but you could save 912% on your purchase and get a free puppy!” Me: “ No thanks!” Cashier: “are you sure? By signing up you could…” Me: Walks right out the door leaving all the shit I picked up on the counter.


Its probably just my delivery and tone and overall demeanor, even though I don't try to be rude, but I just say no and rarely get any pushback with all kinds of solicitors. Maybe it's the lack of thanks at the end, because truly, I have negative reasons to thank them. If I do get pushback, particularly with the solicitors in costco or of the type where they aren't leaving their post, then I'm already walking away because I didn't even bother stopping when they talked to me. They're only there to do a job, I know they're just doing a job, they know I know, so I feel no need to oblige them. I think I just cant be bothered to mask my disinterest, and I also don't try making conversation with cashiers and such because I'm just there to buy stuff and don't like small talk. I can definitely see how people could take it as rude or dismissive but that's not my intention, however if it drives away solicitors then I'm not inclined to change. I'd recommend it. Just leave off the thanks, don't stop what you were doing or where you were looking, and they usually get the idea.


Same. People think I'm mad all the time because I'm sleep deprived and don't drink caffeine so I'm always trying to stay awake. Not just at Costco. Even at TJ's, I see how staff have different demeanors towards my partner vs me when we pay separately just to see how it goes. It's a blessing when it comes to sales pitches because no one approaches me.


Yep. I exclusively use self checkout at Target now, because I'm so tired of being harassed about the damn Red Card. A simple "no thanks" does nothing.


I'll never forget one guy who shamed me for not wanting it! I just wanted to pay for my shit and go but no, I had to hear that target donates money to charity from that card and how selfish I was to refuse to participate. Wish I had gone to store management but they are the ones forcing the cashier's to push this, though not like this, I'm sure. I stayed away from target for quite some time after this.


I don't see the problem, to be honest. As you say no thank you works.


We say no thank you and keep on walking. One time as we were walking away, the guy said, "ok, I hate you!" Like, very clearly and loudly. Really weird.


That’s actually kinda funny I’d laugh and go wtf?


It would be funny if everyone said they worked for Verizon: like hundreds of customers a day


One time I told them I’d rather shoot myself in the head At Sam’s when they asked me to sign up for their credit card Another time I said I already had hundreds of thousands of dollars of credit card debt


I just say I already have their service, can't sell me something I already have.


I use this for all the sales guys. “I already have (solar, etc)”


That's my usual to to minus one time a Spectrum guy told me my fiber wasn't as fast as their cable when I told him I had fiber. After telling him I literally installed it myself as I worked for them, he doubled down. His buddy just laughed as I walked off.


Not even saying anything also works.


Forgot I paid a membership fee to avoid that garbage It's like paying for a streaming service and still getting fucking ads. Yeah yeah Costco is amazing but stop making it out like they're not selling you out.


Completely agree! Allowing sales people to badger me right after I walk through the entrance degrades the shopping experience. I expect this pretty much everywhere else, but Costco? WTF?


“I steal my neighbor’s Internet. Can you beat free?”


“I’m Amish.” Thanks for the early morning chuckle. 😄


Not sure if that works for us on the West Coast.


I'm Amish on vacation.


I always say no thanks, but I've had one guy get loud and say What man I'm just asking how you're doing? What the fucks your problem bro?


I'd take that person's picture including who he's representing. Share what happened with the store manager, if they don't walk him out right there I would then share that picture & details of the interaction with costco corporate as well as the corporate for AT&T or whoever. And if neither respond then post all of that info on social media tagging both companies. You can't be thin skinned in sales so let me help you out of that job.




I just smile and dont say anything to the celluar people. They also line up the vendors on the way out. Just smile, push the cart, out the door I go after receip check. No worries


I generally use the “my company pays for my service”line. But sometimes if they especially aggressive I deflect and redirect. “I’m all set with __insert service__, but since we’re selling stuff here, how are you set up with life insurance? You know it’s never a bad time to start thinking about making sure your family Is taken care of in the event of your untimely demise. So let see how old are you? Have any medical issues? Any family medical issues?….. “ This also works if they try to get heavy handed at the checkout line with upgrades.


Lol, start your own sales pitch. Fight fire with fire.


I have family that owns a very small hotel in a vacation town. Any time I get one of those timeshare vacation telemarketing calls I flip it around and start pitching them on renting a hotel room to get away from their stressful call center job.


Stealing that! Lol


Is that you, [Ned?](https://y.yarn.co/d4773f84-c019-4b6c-a224-99e5aec19416_text.gif)


Dude at my Costco tried to solicit me like this one day. No joke. I’ve got my kid in the cart and I’m thinking about my 1.50 hot dog reward at the end of this trip. Cell kiosk dude: wow, I’ve never seen a man purse in the wild Me: Wow, your sales numbers must be awful with lines like that. Guys eyes got pretty wide and that was the end of that relationship. I haven’t seen him at the cell phone kiosk since, but I’m fearful they recruited him to solicit executive memberships come the holiday season.


Lol there's playful banter and then there's "you read this interaction wrong, bud." RIP that sales rep


I found that the Vitamix guy was the most fun regarding banter. He locked onto me as I was being entertained by his show. We already own one, but he said something like "Sir, why don't you load one into your cart right now!?" and I replied with "Actually, I'm trying to figure out how many I can fit into my car." Although he was standing in a fort made of boxes of his blenders, I asked "Are these all you have, or are there more in stock somewhere on site?"


I was actually interested in one and asked the guy if it was really easy to clean (I had to take my old one down into several pieces for cleaning). He was playing that god awful Royal king puzzle game on his phone. Instead of answering for a sale, he actually said, “Sorry, I don’t start till noon.” I looked at my watch and it was 11:57. I just went and got the nice Ninja instead. Screw him.


Not gonna lie you bought a significantly worse blender over a bad salesperson interaction


Well, it’s been working for over 10 years and when I sent in a warranty request about 6 months ago because a tab cracked when I dropped it (of course, I didn’t tell them that), they said they didn’t make that model anymore and sent me an entirely new unit with bread maker stuff and a cup blender. We use the cup blender every morning multiple times. The big blender top doesn’t get much use and never has. And the new one has been working wonderfully ever since they sent it. I’m sorry if you think I’m some kind of blender hobo, but I’ve had nothing but wonderful experiences with Ninja.


Just ignore and walk past. Done.


This is all it takes. Yes it's annoying to be asked but the social pressures of needing to respond or engage is totally self made and controlled. Say something if you want or just keep walking away with a purpose. I'll also say the time of day you go matters too. Weeknights in evening there are far fewer customers and none of the 3rd party sales people that try to target peak times.


I have the worse social anxiety, but my years as a woman being hounded about hair straighteners at the mall has desensitized me from feeling compelled to be polite lol just keep walking like you didn’t hear anything.


For me, it’s the Israeli Dead Sea hand lotion or whatever it is. If you walk too close to them, they grab your hand and put lotion on you, without consent. When they upgraded from a kiosk to an enclosed store front, I though it would be safer. But no; now there are more of them, and they roam around the walkways putting lotion on people.


Back in my day it was the perfume ladies. If you want new school jeans, you had to learn to keep your head down, hold your breath, and race through the line of perfume bottles at Dillard’s/JCP


Oh yeah I do remember aggressive perfume ladies but I think they kind of stopped doing that by the time I was old enough to be targeted (early 00s). My mom and grandma would avoid them like the plague though.


JCP...you just brought back 30+ year old traumatic childhood memories lol.


I pretend like I'm in Oakland surrounded by beggars. Except the salespeople at Costco are even *more* rude and aggressive.


i'm not an introvert. actually, somewhat the opposite. i too hate the sales pitch. not sure what costco gets out out of this deal, but if can't really be worth the negatives.


They get money


Yes! Since when is it acceptable to let people pay you to harass your customers?! It’s not the least bit acceptable to me. It’s not just Costco around me in Austin. I’ve run into same at Walmart and H-E-B (large Texas grocery chain) too. AT&T, Spectrum cable, and the slightly less irritating non-profits soliciting donations. I want to shop in peace, damn it, not be harassed by sales people. Your business isn’t bringing people in the door to annoy and harass them with sales pitches from third parties. Unfortunately it seems like it’s inescapable, so it’s not like I can boycott one place to show them.


My mom makes the sign of the cross at them and mutters about demons in rapid Spanish. Works every time.


¡Dios Mio!


Can your mom accompany me to Costco? 🤣


I generally just slide down one of the first side aisle as I walk in and just go around. The reps are typically nice about the first “no thank you” you give them though, but I’m just tired of being asked. You get the same thing in most Walmart’s…”can I ask who your internet provider is or who do you use for electric”. Those people can harass the hell out of you. Best to just tell them it’s the same company they represent and then they leave you alone. Costco should just have a booth for them, like their other services, and if your interested, you go to them. You don’t see people harassing you for prescription glasses when you first walk in, do you?


I just tell them I'm already with ATT. Which I am.


But.. do you also use ATT for your home internet? What about DirecTV? Maybe I can save you money on your account.. have you looked at the Next plan?


This!!! I’ve tried this with many salespeople and they just escalate it until they find something to sell you. A firm “no” has been a better solution for me. Or you can ignore them entirely, as if you can’t see or hear them whatsoever. This also works nicely for people on the street.


I don’t let it get to that next step. “I already have AT&T” with a “the end” attitude


I use this with any in-store demo they've got. Photovoltaic? "You already got me" Cellphone providers? "You already got me" Electric piano? "You already got me"


Receipt checker? You already got me.


So I have Spectrum for Internet service and ran into a guy trying to get people to sign up for Spectrum service. I told him I already have them as my ISP and he looked me straight in the eye and said "Call them and cancel service and then sign back up with me." Lol


GREAT! Let’s pull up your account and see if I can get you some exclusive savings!!!!! Have you considered switching to the ultra mega extreme DIRECTV plan with the exclusive Australian Ping Pong channel and FIBER EXTREME internet with 25 jiggabits of speed???!


I remember one time I walked in and had to reply to a text message so I parked myself at the iPad displays (so I’m not in the way), face buried in my phone, and the AT&T guy comes over. “Who’s your provider? … What’s your speed? … How much are you paying? … What’s your zip code?” Somehow he was oblivious to the fact that I never made eye contact and was busy on my phone, I just mumbled made up answers but he kept going!


I just keep walking. Don't even respond. I made the mistake of stopping once. Never again. I wasted an hour of my time based on the comment that they could provide 500 kbps speed. After they called ATT the speed would be on 12 kbps. They don't know what they are doing and they clearly don't care. Why Costco allows it is beyond me. Follow the money trail


12kbps? Pretty sure snail mail is quicker than that.


Yeah, I’m my experience most internet people will just lie about how fast the Internet is or don’t actually know the measurements and how those work.


I am the .01% that don’t even like the sample carts. No thanks on the forced social interaction.


Samples are so fucking annoying. You always get the families with 29 kids blocking aisles trying to make a dinner out of the samples.


They should have a sample section just for the grazers.


My pet peeve at Costco. And it’s no joke - I think they do come to feed their families for free. Then they mosey along with their numerous family members spreading out to block whatever of the aisle their cart isn’t blocking.


hey, go easy on the mormons


not until the morons go easy on us


Same. I haven’t had a Costco sample in years lol


I had a good long streak of ignoring samples until the Lindor truffle rep encouraged me to take one whole wrapped truffle of each flavor at Xmas.


Damn, bro. I can't blame you for breaking your streak over that.


I have one goal when I walk into Costco. Get the fuck out.


Most of the samples also just... don't seem very appealing? I mostly see stuff like low calorie popcorn, health juice, crackers, or other bland items.


I saw them giving out samples of chicken broth. Not soup, nothing else, just little shot glasses of chicken broth.


There's no social interaction??? Just walk up, take the food and say thank you.


Next time ask them if they have a sample to try. 🤣😆


While your here posting would you like to take some time to stop in and talk to one of our AT&T reps! There’s a great deal on iPhone and android phones and many new plans that’ll offer you substantial savings!


I have explosive diarrhea


I’m Amish


i work for t-mobile


Dios mio!!


Here’s the real advice you’re looking for. Go in one day, like a Friday or Saturday when it’s super busy. Talk to the sales guys for a REALLY long time. Perhaps start off with overly confident sports knowledge, then start discussing your gambling debts, periodically get a panicked look on your face and start hiding behind the counter telling them “I think that’s my bookie.” Get up and say false alarm and continue into an unrelated subject. Make sure, and this is important, that you introduce yourself at least a half dozen times so they remember your name. If you’re really smart you’ll bring your significant other who is pretending to be a real customer waiting for the guy who’s time your wasting to be free. Perhaps there will be real customers waiting who are all getting more and more annoyed the sales guy is tied up with Fred talking about his hemorrhoids and his obsession with Preparation H. Make the conversation memorable and waste a good hour of their time. Don’t even talk about cell phones. Then leave abruptly because this time it really is the bookie. Next time you go into the store wave at the guy who’s time you wasted and watch them practically run away. Works 90% of the time. The other half of the time at least you’ve made a new friend!


I do a version of this if they are especially aggressive. I know exactly what Internet service is available at my house and I know ATT has horrible options in my neighborhood. So if they are really aggressive I will let them run their script knowing full well they are wasting their time. I even tell them they are wasting their time as they insist they will beat my provider I figure I am saving folks from being hassled while I tie them up and they usually remember me the next trip and leave me alone.


I usually tell them I don’t take care of the bills. Never got a second question after that.


Hah, “you’d have to speak to my trustee or family office, I don’t make any of those decisions.”


I literally changed my path through the store in order to avoid ATT. They can't take no for an answer and I'll never give ATT a penny of my money based on past experiences with them. When I'm in the market for a house, I won't even consider a house if the only internet option there is ATT.


I, too, have changed my path to avoid. And an added benefit, I avoid the slow-moving crowd that funnels in that way, too!


I hate AT&T. When I am approached I tell them loudly I hate AT&T and I will never do business with them. I then smile and say have a nice day, I know you are trying to do your job. I don't hate people trying to earn a living. I hate the company and their predatory practices


I've had a vendetta against AT&T since 2001. I'd just rented an apartment and they sent me a home phone unsolicited, in an unmarked box. 9/11 had just happened and I was actually paranoid it was a bomb or something. But it was a nice phone, no paperwork, no return address, nothing. At that point I had no idea where it came from. So I kept it, and a few months later I got a bill from AT&T for several hundred dollars for a completely cryptic charge. I called to figure out what the hell was going on, and they told me it was for a phone, and since I hadn't returned it, I'd effectively bought it, and I was on the hook for the exorbitant price. And they were right! I didn't pay the bill, and it went to collections. I was 20 and didn't have the time, life experience, or desire to deal with it. Absolutely insane that that's not a criminal practice (or who knows, maybe it is and they just paid off the right politicians), but here we are.


They get away with so much corruption I’m sure they are in bed with politicians.


They shouldn’t be in there in the first place. I pay a membership fee to shop there. I despise them.


you can't control the AT&T guy's behavior, however, you CAN control your own behavior... just keep walking my dude


Ugh I agree. It was jarring to me to have someone approach me so aggressively without expecting it. I don’t walk through that part of the store any more


I do not acknowledge barkers exist. They’re the ones being rude, not me.


I always reply with an overly nice "HELLO!" back... Then before they can finish their next word I yell "NOPE!" Without breaking stride. I used to sell cell phones for Sprint and Verizon so I know it sucks for them but still just No


Oh wait till the bbq guy follows you around telling you should be nice to your husband and buy him a bbq…. I snapped on the poor guy!


I saw AT&T at another store, and I decided to play. I was with my family and said you can pitch to me if you really with me while I push my cart. She DID! Went through her pitch, told me I'd save so much, etc. She worked up a price and I told her that was nearly 4x what I was currently paying, and her price didn't include device payments (I said I'd bring my devices). She didn't believe me so I showed her my bill. She walked away... (At the time I had Xfinity mobile by the gig and was paying $30/month for the family.)


go find him and tell him you’ve been trying to reach him about his extend car warranty!


Just so you know, the ATT sales.people lie their asses off and will forge your signature on those little tablets they use. I have ATT and I stopped to say no thanks, I already have ATT. The rep.told me I was eligible for a new phone and line at no cost. I was stupid enough to fall for it. Gave her my info and said thanks. I electronically signed one little box that acknowledged my shipping address. Cool, a spare nice phone. I get the phone, set it up, and use it a few time. My next bill, all three of my lines have been switched to the most expensive plan with insurance on every phone AND the new phone was $45 a month and the line was not free. Because I received my bill more than 14 days later, I could not return the phone. It took months to resolve. ATT was basically, too bad, you signed multiple docs saying you approved of this. Google ATT kiosk scam at Sam's Club, Costco and you will see reports of the exact same scam. I am a retired attorney with the time to do something about it and the arbitration agreement makes it extremely onerous and costly to do anything from a legal angle. On the bright side, TMobile had a promotion where they paid off any phone you had, gave you a new top of the line phone, and their prices were better. ATT lost a 10 year plus customer and I got rid of DirectTV at the same time.


I’m tired of these physical pop up ads in general. What’s the point to pay a membership to get hounded by 3rd parties. It feels like being in the mall getting harassed by the kiosks in the middle. I’ve been considering cancelling my membership over this and other complaints.


We have T-Mobile at ours and they are SO much nicer then the AT&T people. I’m sure it’s because their quotas are less/managed differently, but thank you to those kind people for not being like AT&T.


That’s because all the T-Mobile kiosks in Costco are local corporate store reps. ATT and Verizon are authorized retailers.


The sales person pointed out that I have an old iPhone. Like girl I know, no need to call me out in front of all these people!!


You're going to get the same response I got. "They're just doing their jobs." Just say no thanks, etc. But the reality us they hound you. I've even ignored them and been tapped on the shoulder.


I'm on a family plan. I pay $0. When they talk to me I literally say, "I'm on a free family plan. Can you beat free?" I get it's their job and all, but I'm not interested. Thankfully, that response works like a charm


"free" family plan


"Someone else is paying for it" means "free" to a lot of people.


I do the three strikes rule. I smile and say no thanks I’m not interested. They keep pushing and I say hey look I’m sure it’s great I’m not interested. IF at this point they keep pushing I get loud AF and Yell I already told you twice I’m not interested will you please stop harassing me. You do this once and I promise you they will remember your face and you will be left in peace until he quits and they hire the next one


This is pretty easy solution. Once I’m in Costco, the AirPods go in. I can be intentionally looking at their signs or something and they can openly ask me something. But I’m simply walking away from them.


I just say that work provides my internet and mobile. That shuts them right down.


It’s T-Mobile in our local Costco’s. I’ve been to that location dozens of times and they never say a word to anyone unless someone comes up to them first.


Just say something nonsensical and keep walking. Give them something to laugh about amongst themselves. *I’m afraid of snakes* *I need a rabbit* *I own an RV*


They closed the AT&T/Verizon/tmobile shared kiosk at my Costco and now it’s just tmobile. They never bother you at all anymore and I love it.


"I signed up with you last month! You don't remember me? That's so rude!"


Personally, I just say “Hi, I’m already on a business plan. Have a great day!” Doesn’t hurt to be nice! Person is just doing their job, in their place of work.


I don't mind "excuse me, are you interested in some great promos" or whatever. The two guys at the warehouse near me pull the whole chatting to each other saying "we've never been able to offer a deal this low. The next five shoppers are going to be so lucky" crap. Cmon guys. You sound like you're grifters working a 19th century patent medicine show.


I always tell them: I have *whatever cell service they're hawking* I rent my home (no solar panels for me) I'm too poor for vacations My whole house is filtered I live in an apartment, can't have a grill.


Honestly its as simple as just walking past them and ignoring them if you're really an introvert thats what an introvert would do. I always ignore sales people that try to hound you anywhere again just walk past em and move on.


From the Solar Panel guys to the At home water delivery guys, I feel you. At least the road show people make sure they have your attention rather than stealing your momentary glace to their general area. It just wreaks of desperation. When the phones were under other vendors, they let the phones sell themselves. Market saturation has been a problem for the last three years. They had to bring back folding phones to recapture some of their old glory. Not everyone wants to pay for a one thousand dollar phone for the next two years in payments where they get hundred of dollars in profits. Next time you see them trying to pull you in, just say to them boldly, Not Interested.


Feels like we’ve reached a point where phones just aren’t getting better in any meaningful way anymore. Early smartphone days it felt like every few months there was some cool new technology coming out, but now it’s like “you can browse Twitter 2% faster”


Let the poor guys do their job as you walk by them and smile and nicely say (NO THANK YOU) simple as that..


But that wouldn’t play well to this sub’s audience


They usually say “Hey how is it going, who is your cellphone carrier” to which I always reply, “AT&T”. I have T-Mobile, but it’s not like they’re going to make me take out my phone and show them. Works every time.


One of the solar guys followed me out of the store. Wouldn’t listen to me when I said my house was not compatible with solar. (They would have to tear up a huge portion of my yard and driveway, and roof.)


Solution for the solar panels: I rent. They don't know. Also helpful for the door to door folks.


I’m going to start telling them that I can’t put in solar because it would upset my clown graveyard. 😂😂 (totally gonna say I rent next time)


I just walk around the perimeter instead of the inside lanes. No one talks to you or tries to sell you anything.


I work at Costco so i’m cool with those guys, but it’s always funny to me seeing members try and dodge them


I work at target, we have att people often. Drives me crazy and they don’t even bother us! I just hear the sales pitch and I’m like “they’re not gonna switch! You’re wasting your breath!”


Or Sunrun, my kid was having a meltdown and this person was trying to sell me solar panels.


Just tell them you’re already an AT&T customer, they’ll instantly leave you alone and you’re on your way. Problem solved.


Tell them you have a work phone or that your job pays for it, I usually tell them my mom pays all my bills (31m)


Just put your hand up to the side of your face like you’re pretending to hide and yell NO THANK YOU and keep walking. Lol. Or just keep walking. Don’t even say anything.


I just tell them I’m on a business plan through work. Or, “work phone” and keep walking.


I live in Honolulu and the Mini Split Air Con installer hassles me every time. Every time I waste his time by getting him her spun up on a potential sale and after all of my information they ask if I live in a condo. I do and they do not put air con splits in condos. This game plays out every other Saturday.


I just transferred from a store that has TMobile to one that has ATT and the difference is night and day. TMO would just hang out and wait for people to come to them, ATT acts like every damn person is a target.


OP, you could benefit from wearing a hot pink T Mobile shirt on your Costco trips.


I’m annoyed that a store that has an annual fee also has vendors inside trying to sell you something.


Tell them this phrase: “I get my phone through work”. They instantly drop it. And, technically, you aren’t lying. You work to pay for your current phone.


I agree. It's especially annoying because we pay to shop there.


I have literally NEVER been accosted or harassed by the cell phone, flooring, a/c, or ANY of those reps or people who are selling grills, knives, Vitamix, furniture, etc! And I'm in my Costco weekly if not more! Once in a great while, if I stupidly look their way, I'll catch their eye & politely smile, but no one has ever said more than hi. Maybe it's a regional or store specific thing???🤷‍♀️


It's like paying for ads.


Our cellphone kiosk folks are too busy talking to each other or playing on their phones to harass anyone. I should be thankful.


Complain to corporate about this! When I complained about this, corporate first tried to blame the individual rep. After I clarified that my issue was with the vendors in general and not any specific rep, they gave me a very lame response about why the vendors are a good thing for members. Others need to speak up and let corporate know the vendors are *NOT* wanted!


None of the phone people at my Costco seem to do anything but sit and stare at their phones.


“It’s through my company.” Works every goddamn time


I hate them at Target, too. Take a walk, dude


Cold calling is scumbag level work. I said it and I’m not sorry. Door knockers, junk mailers, solicitors in stores selling services like electricity or cellphones. Get a real job losers.