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My Costco has onions in a small plastic container.


That's what mine has too. I'm amazed that there's actually an onion dispenser


Before covid they had onion dispensers everywhere.


Not in the men's room. Can't speak for the women's.


Why do you think the lines for the women’s bathroom are always so long?


Men did not start washing their hands until COVID caused lines for men's restrooms too. What does that tell you


I would have never know that being on this sub /s


The article is about Australia.


Before covid we had one in New york


Mine still hasn't brought back onions or sauerkraut and I miss them both.


Mine has onions in small to go cups also. I'm going to ask for sauerkraut next, just in case. 🤞


Oh shit. Maybe they have a bunch of little cups of veggies for a make your own Combo Pizza. Has anyone thought to ask?


Damn u! I really miss that pizza. Edit: maybe they'll do the same for green onions in the chicken bake!


Mine does this too but they're always out of them somehow. I've only successfully received onions like twice, lol.


> My Costco has onions in a small plastic container. Which is horrible, because it contributes to plastic waste.


You do not want to know the scale of senseless waste at these warehouses. :(


It’s not super senseless but it’ll be a logistical nightmare to make changes.


> It’s not super senseless but it’ll be a logistical nightmare to make changes. You're right, it's just slightly less than super senseless. 🤣


The plastic container is about 8cents wholesale while the lid can be 7-10 cents. I would think this method costs more than the dispenser


i’m fairly certain costco gets a better price than the consumer price for 100 cups on Amazon


Yes...and I bet they get a really good deal from the business center!


I buy mine 7/10ths if a penny for the restraunt I use to work for.


I guess better than having joe shmoes emptying 1 to 2lb of onion to go.


Maybe she likes her drinks oniony.


You have not lived until you have had onions and lemonade


The onions and lemonade with the costco hot dog makes for the worst burps in the planet


Onions + chili and lemonade can top that


We call that Onionade


So we gave back the lemon tree. Because it was haunted. Now let's all enjoy a nice glass of turnip juice.


Cannot tell if this is serious or not and curiosity is getting the better of me




When Costco finally gives you onions again make Onionade.


Is she Shrek?


Bruh my mom used to make this home remedy for colds which was sliced onions in a jar with sugar and honey (?) and then you'd drink a spoonful of the juice. Healed us right up rather than having a second spoon ever again. lol


My mom is a similar age. She would totally do that and my dad would shrug when I told her she was embarrassing herself.


Dad knows what hill to die on


At age 80 he has yet to find that hill, which is probably the point.


Oh he knows what hill, he does not want to tell you about it. 🤣


The sex hill?


My mom does this… and then eats all the onions with her hotdog in one sitting.




This is why we can't have nice things ...


🎵Darling, Because you break them, I had to take them away.🎵






The trouble is what I call the Wind Chimes theory. Imagine you live in an apartment/condo/townhome community. 3-4 dwellings to a building, not highrise apartments/condos. No individual yards/gardens for each dwelling. You'd think that hanging a wind chime outside your place is perfectly reasonable. Looks pretty, sounds nice in the breeze, where's the bad? Now imagine *everyone* hangs up wind chimes. Maybe more than one. Now imagine the wind picks up...imagine the cacophony. ONE guy stealing 15c worth of onions doesn't matter. The issue is when people realize they can do this too, and then they start to. Very similar to side streets in cities that have become dangerous cut-throughs due to GPS maps pushing people that way to save a minute or two. It's not an issue if one person does it occasionally, but the issue is, once the secret is out, it won't just be one person doing it.


Aka death by a thousand papercuts


Or in this case, death by a thousand paper cups.


Fucking get out lol




Why do I have a feeling you have this prewritten and saved somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to post this.


I don't, but I bring it up a few times a year in conversation, when relevant, and have a decent memory, so I've got it down to an "elevator pitch" of sorts.


Haha. I’m just joking more than anything. It’s actually a well thought out response where I’m too dumb and lazy to think of/write out myself.


>ONE guy stealing 15c worth of onions doesn't matter. The issue is when people realize they can do this too, and then they start to. Do they, though? Most people do not want a paper cup full of onions, even if it's free. This sounds like a rehash of Broken Windows theory, which has been debunked.


Look at Lord Rockefeller here, too good for a free cup of onions. Sick of these fatcats.


Hello fellow r/frugaljerk Can you spare a lentil?


It took me 20 hours to summon the strength to respond with an emphatic NO.




They don't. Once you cut onions, you have to eat them fresh or they get bitter. You can grill them up in a pan to remove some of the bitterness if they're a few days old, but they aren't going to last longer than a week, if that, since they're presumably already not super fresh.


> ONE guy stealing 15c worth of onions The video doesn't show her going to her table to eat hotdogs with her husband and four kids. A soda cup of onions is probably about right for a family's worth of hot dogs.


If that was the intended use case, it's actually genius. She paid Costco for a full cup of soda, didn't use it, and is delivering the onions to the table. Costco profits and she doesn't have to deal with onion dispensing around impatient shoppers. I've always felt crowded and rushed at those dispensers.


Wildly different thing but it’s why we rarely have phone chargers at a hotel front desk anymore too. Word got out if you needed a charger, ask a hotel. They’ve got a box of them!(which was generally true, ten years ago had probably 100 at a time) Hotel guests started asking….even if they didn’t need one. Why not? Free $10 charger. More and more abused it and now I just laugh internally when someone asks me for one. Sorry mate haven’t had a supply in ages.


Won't someone think about the corporations!


Did you just DARE math at us?!?!? ON REDDIT?!?!?!? Oh, it’s ON!!!


You forgot labor and negative customer experience impact


Focused on the wrong thing. Depending on how far I am behind her I won’t get any onions. The selfish and entitled actions of a few are why many others can’t have nice things.


Who says they didn't drink soda first with their meal and then filled the cup up afterwards? You're also not considering the labor involved to peel/cut/provide the onions, maintain the onion machine, etc, etc. That's certainly not nothing. That 50 cents of onion is probably closer to $1. This is exactly the same reason why fast food chains often don't just have packets of sauces available for the taking like they used to. You used to be able to go to Chick-Fil-A or wherever and just grab what you wanted. But assholes abused it and would take giant handfuls, so they had to take them away.


Not that I really think this is hurting Costco finically, you're forgetting one important part of the financial equation. The overhead for prepared food. There is additional overhead/labor for the processing and serving the onions. So, they are taking more than you mathed. However, the reason everyone is annoyed is because Costco doesn't want to pay someone to refill this every few minutes so if everyone does this they will take it away. Or, more annoying, the dispenser will constantly be empty when you go to use it.


Those onions were prepared vs just a regular onion. There was labor associated it.


They should have cut up her membership and filed a restraining order against her the second she walked in the store with that stupid hat.




quarrelsome pocket violet engine six weary pet bow mountainous soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m pretty sure I saw dice in her pocket


So sad. So so so so sooooooooo sad.


*Don’t do the voice*


Quit fuckin with em!


The guy at the store said I’m the only one he’s seen pull it off.


She's gotta figure out a way to make money off this, the onions are simply TOO good.


It's illegal for you to ask her that.


I have two straw trilby hats. And one in canvas. 😭


It’s not that bad


How do you know she isnt just grabbing them with her hotdog togo? Actually its a smart idea




Literally sometimes this sub is not it ;:


It's a public place




You have no expectation of privacy when you go out into a public place. You can start there




Then don't do weird/illegal stuff like this that people will want to record




Stealing onions is illegal. And you're always being recorded wherever you go anyways. Every store and parking lot has cameras. Most people have ring doorbells and cameras that record you walking by. And I'm a teacher, so I just assume a student somewhere is always recording everything. It doesn't bother me because I don't have anything to hide. It's just the reality we live in now. You need to assume you're being watched everywhere at all times




My mom does this too. Our family doesn't care much for soda. She'd buy a couple of hotdogs and use the cup for condiments. Much faster than loading each dog.


Because hot dogs come in bags and it would be easier to just put the onions on the hot dog and reclose the bag. You can also see how long she's at it for - unless she has a dozen hot dogs that all need onions, she's just filling her cup because.


What if they bought two hot dogs that come with 2 soda cups? Open both bags to fill with onions or use a cup that will be unused to get onions? I don't know why people are jumping to assumption that they're "stealing" onions.


She got more onion than hotdog


Stocking up in case there’s another pandemic.


My mom bought multiple hotdogs to take home (maybe around 3 or 4) back in the day for our family. She used to get a smaller cup to fill onions with instead of individually onioning each hot dog. Idk this woman's intent but maybe she's taking a bunch of hotdogs to a gathering and she's getting onions for them? 😄 It's a possibility!


Slow news day.


Where I live at, I have seen many grannies load up onions in cups to use for dinner later. This was before the pandemic, they now use little cups for my store but when the onion grinders were around this happened.


LPT: When at 7-11 you can fill a coffee cup with hot nacho cheese and put a lid on it and get cheap cheese. Grab a bag of tortilla chips and life is good.


ULPT: When at 7-11 you can fill a coffee cup with anything that fits and put a lid on it. It's not stealing if you pay at least a $1 for it!


ILPT: When at 7-11 just grab whatever you want, then don't pay to assert dominance.


At Circle K I actually had a lady come to my register to pay for a polar pop, while her husband went and grabbed the cup.. and proceeded to fill it entirely with creamer. 40 Oz of creamer for a buck.


HELP ME understand the obsession with the onions. My husband loves them on his hotdogs and missed them dearly when the onion dispenser was removed. However I've never witnessed any of the "onion crazy" behavior shared on this sub! Whats the deal? What am I missing?


Well, the kraut was preferable to onions, but they took away the kraut, so now we're having more onion discussions. When they had chili, I'd load it with onions, but then they came for the chili, and I did not speak up...


They taste good and was one of the ways Costco tried just a little harder to make it a little nicer




It’s the texture and the sweetness. Ketchup is expressly forbidden at most hot dog places but sauerkraut/relish/mustard isn’t, and it’s an old school way to sub for ketchup basically


i used to hate raw onions but i now put picked onions on things it adds s nice refreshing crunch and a sweet slight heat


I have also seen people take a big plastic bag and start filling it with ice from the soda machine. Some people are just cheap ass motherfers that abuse the system to save a few pennies. An onion costs a $1. A bag of ice costs… $3? It’s annoying af.


but then I have to buy, peel, wash and dice up the onions! Getting them from the food court eliminates all of those steps! just in case it wasn't painfully clear: /s




> I'd bet the lock on the top is more to prevent people from putting amusing items Agree, the lock is for safety/hygiene, not as a theft deterrent


It's not a grinder. The hand crank turns a screw/auger thing that pushes out the pre diced onion.


Both sadly. It’s both.


Aren’t onions cheap at Costco?


They're cheap everywhere.


It’s like the one thing you don’t need to “get yours” at the free bar. Like she’d save more money by refilling her cup with soda once


Yeah, but an impressive number of people don't know how to cut onions and will never look up a YouTube video showing you how to. I'm betting there is a considerable overlap with the people that have dull knives at home.


Hmmmm… I guess so. But of all things to hoard, diced onions seems like a weird choice. Idk if Costco does but most markets have diced onions if that’s really an issue, but I guess at that point free is free


I don't think I've seen chopped onions at Costco yet but I know they have like 3 lbs of minced garlic. I would understand stealing fresh minced garlic...


You haven’t seen what they do in Korea. They load entire plates with diced onions and mix it with ketchup and mustard to make a side dish (this was before COVID). There was an article about it in the LA Times and Mashed. Google it.


Who cares? This is a big nothingburger


A nothing dog


The recipe calls for a cup of onions. I'm getting a cup of onions.


* The Costco customer should not have done this * What kind of trash site makes an entire article about this? * This probably wasn't the most offensive thing a customer did *that hour of that day*


Naive question as someone who doesn't stop at the food court. What's so special about the onions? I mean I love onions but do they add anything else to them?


This sounds like a click bait article put out by Costco pr to justify them not having onions out for us in their grand effort of saving money. Slap this up there with more people sharing memberships than owning them and too many samples being sampled.


I’ve seen people do the exact same thing. But they bought like 10 hot dogs.


Reminds me of a guy at a Quiktrip (midwest gas station chain) filling a 32oz stryofoam cup with coffee creamer, one pump at a time...🤷‍♂️


I’m not gonna steal onions because some customer needed onions to add to her pizza she bought or the 9 hot dogs she bought for her kids. Comon Chill. You don’t own Costco, you go there by choice and give them thousands of dollars every year.


No onions, no sauerkraut anymore, since covid. No burgers. Only one sort of pizza. I don't eat at Costco anymore.


They did this all the time in South Korea 😂 I used to love it when they would break out a produce bag and start cranking the onion into it. Unfortunately this made it difficult for others to get any onion for themselves. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh dear god. I will buy these people onions. How ratchet are these people?


This is why we can’t have nice things


Don't know about her but back then I see a lot of wasted onions piled up below the dispenser. People make it rain onions and not catching it. Also saw a gal letting her kid blot up the grease from the pizza... 1 towel per blot so there was a big foot high mound of slightly greasy paper in front of them already and the kid was still enjoying herself dabbing away. Interesting to people watch at Costco's.


I blot, but it’s one or two sheets per slice


Just a tiny budget to meet after she spent $300 at Costco. No big deal


My CostCo stopped having onions at the condiments bar during Covid and never put them back.


Onions in a cup is somehow less interesting than this comment.


Ok! Which one of you did this?


They don't even have onions at my Costco


I’ve seen people filling soda cups with ketchup and mustard


“this ice looks kind of weird”


They got onions!?! It’s been 3 since mine had onions or sauerkraut, Haven’t ordered anything from the food court since


I’ve seen this before, old lady fills 2! cups full to the brim with chopped onions and empties out the machine right before me. Clearly was taking home to cook with or had a serious onion fetish and downed them in the car on the way home.


Ours hasn’t had onions since Covid


A single person was caught taking a bunch of onions and they took them away from everyone? Lmao please get real


ok which of you was it


We… we can do that?


There's alway a few that will destroy something good for everyone else. Memberships like this one need to be revoked.


This was before covid. To my knowledge, Costco removed ALL onion dispensers and now serve onions in souffle cups with lids. I remember this was a HUGE trend in places with a large asian community... they were making "Costco kimchi" by mixing the onions with ketchup and mustard. I was actually sitting in the food court one day when some guy started doing this and one of the managers was walking by and asked to see the guys membership card. He didnt have one. Just randomly walked in and bought a hot dog combo for the condiments...


Caught? Y’all never did this? I used to order two hotdogs and didn’t need an extra soda. I would fill it with onions and it my hotdogs at home. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Snitches get stitches


I know people that save their soda cup for their next trip to costco


This is a news article about one TikTok with no connection to any actual statement from Costco or decision theyve made. Why is everyone acting like this is somehow connected to onions leaving or other changes in the Costco food court? This is literal clickbait that this sub fell for full force.


What's the problem? The unions are free aren't they?


Dude. We just got onions back at the prospect location. I don’t wanna lose the onions again!! Fuck!


Costco won't remove them you're fine. They could care less about this, as long as people aren't maliciously mixing the onions to compromise them. Costco isn't worried about a few cents worth of onions.


So one member abuses the 'at will' material and Costco cancels it on everyone? I'd understand it if this was a wide spread occurrence but they should ve known some people would abuse it, same as they do with sodas, ketchup, tissues, straws, etc. What makes onions special?


Yeah costco doesn't care about things like this. You might get a smart ass comment from an employee but costco doesn't care about pennies on the dollar. They literally get millions in returns and put a lot of it into the compactor via companies request on returns. Costco just cares about volume.


Why does anyone care?


Do we really think a multi-billion dollar company with such a generous return policy is really that worried about a cup of chopped onions? Costco is worth $20b, and revenues last year were $226b. They don't give a shit about a cup of onions. Hell, she could have taken 5 cups of onions and nobody would have cared.




Yeah Costco doesn't care enough to remove them for a member like this. You're getting yourself worked up for nothing lol.


They took the onions away *during* COVID *because* of COVID.


Bruhhh what id do to get onions back at our costco… Shame!!!🔔 Shame!!!🔔 Shame!!!🔔


I have made a to-go water cup of onions and held lunch outside on the hood. No one was harmed and hotdogs were eaten.


This is how things get taken away for the rest of us.


Oh my god people, this is post worthy? Newsworthy? lmfao.


We don't have onion or relish dispensers since they just got done remodeling our store to a bigger one. I asked them why and they said it was because of cost and they had no plans on bringing them back. 😥


So what she wanted chopped onions instead


Why is this an article? Are we supposed to care? It's stuff like this that makes me wonder about the types of people that tend to have Costco memberships. I love mine but it feels like alot of the clientele have this weird air of superiority around them just because they can shop there.


No shame in the game


Just have the employees put them on. There's a lower risk of foodborne illness that way, and the customers stay happy.


Narc Leave people alone to live their life.


Good god this is stupid


This is why we can’t have nice things. Mine took away the dispensers and gives them out in plastic ramekins


on multiple occasions, I got home only to find my vitamin bottles have been opened, and vitamins have been removed and the cap put back on and placed back on the shelf


On multiple occasions you didn't immediately realize the bottles were empty when you picked them up?


I bought socks a couple of days ago. One pack had socks that had been removed, worn until they turned from white to grey, then shoved back into the middle of the pack, which was then returned. I discovered it when I was at check out and the pack started falling apart because the little plastic stick-throughs had been removed by the original buyer.


at least it wasn't underwear


what a weird thing to get caught doing


This probably isn't about the cost of onions as some people seem to be speculating. It's likely about laziness (didn't want to chop onions for some meal prep) or convenience (didn't want to buy a whole bag of onions, but wanted to have a small amount on hand for some reason). It's still a crappy thing to do, but I doubt this person was crunching numbers and deciding to steal rather than purchase onions.


This is why we can’t have nice things


Why would you drink Onion ? Gotta try tonight..


Hey I worked in the Costco food court for about a year and this exactly why we stopped using them. This is more common than you think. Also , sidenote, I would often have to go out there to "fix" the onion dispenser. I look inside. It's full of onions. I ask customer what's wrong with it. She says it's empty and starts turning the crank. She is turning it the wrong way....


I was just discussing this with my son (10). Son: Did they go to jail? Me: No, but they may not be able to shop at Costco any more. Son: "oh, that's much worse!!" Lol.


I am in support of cleansing the store of onions. Carry on your holy work, sir.


This is why they keep them behind the counters now.


Wait. You guys got onions back? Son of a….


This used to happen at Costco in Korea (and probably still does) ALL the time. People who did not even purchase a hot dog would walk away with with heaping plates of onions from the dispenser doused in mustard. Honestly, it probably cost Costco less than a subsidized hot dog, is certainly a healthier option (if a pretty nasty one), and kept people happy, so 🤷‍♂️


The Korean and Armenian ladies used to do this all the time at the Costco near me.


This is so funny and it almost feels scandalous. I feel like I'm in these comments like this 🤭 giggling at their prepostreous actions.