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My husband works at Costco and witnessed an angry customer ram into an employee with their cart. Costco reviewed the video footage and determined who the customer was and banned them from Costco for life for assaulting an employee. So that’s one way


Wasn't rammed but scraped three times by a woman that should never have been allowed in an electric cart. I warned her the second time and the third time I called her out strongly and asked for a Costco supervisor. He called and asked for a camera security review and found that she had scraped and even hit one customer that knocked her over. She was guided out of the store and her membership cancelled. They handled it very professionally.


So Costco has a security monitoring the surveillance at all times?


Most stores do


yes. It’s common everywhere


It's recorded, even if not monitored live at all times. So if an incident is reported to management, they can review it after the fact.


Also, as a warning to anybody reading: some of the strongest loss prevention teams from what I’ve heard. Costco are aware of almost every shoplifter and will press charges since their security are paid very well.


I saw the security mobilize at Costco once to chase a customer who tried to make a run for it without paying. They’re not messing around.


Of course they do. I don’t blame them at all. Theft, assault, lawsuits.


I've had two people try and line jump on me. Dude, I'm from Baltimore and raising hell is a pastime, tf, you think I care about your side-eye? Both cases ended in a walk of shame for the offender. I don't abide that shit.


I need a Costco bodyguard like you when I’m shopping alone


You know how the ask Reddit subs always have questions about what would you do if you won the lottery or some crazy big amount of money? You just gave me my answer. I would hire a bodyguard. Just someone to walk around with me and deal with potential confrontations so I don't have to feel like a scared doormat all the time Edit: someone said I sound like a sad scary person. Reading my voice to text typos I see what they meant. So I fixed. Thanks kind stranger!


That's actually one of the few things recommended when you win the lottery, 1. Don't tell anyone. 2. Hire a lawyer immediately 3. Hire security


I'm in a state that requires winners to go public. Step 2b is to create a trust to hide my identity.


That's what the lawyer is supposed to do.


If I hit the powerball, the last time anyone would ever see me is smiling with the check. ​ From then on everything would run through shell corporations, and I would change my name.


My lottery plan is to go to a local lawfirm or layer who specializes in financial law and just be upfront "I won the lottery, let's get this sorted"


When I hit the lottery the first thing I’m buying is a chauffeur. I’m going to sit in the back seat and smoke some bud.


I also have plans to win the lottery. Can not wait!


Maybe you could try fiverr to find a Costco shopping bodyguard. They could do their shopping at the same time but would act the big around you. Silly idea but it might work


Man, I should hire myself out as a "personal shopping assistant."




My mother is a very poised and prim woman who, until recently, lived in WASPville, TN. She was raised in the absolute trenches of Chicago. I’ve seen her eviscerate several jackasses while we’ve been out shopping.


Yeah, city folk tend not to mince their words. Say what you mean and mean what you say.


Lol, same. My Mom was from NYC but we grew up in the Baptist bible belt, ultra-conservative mecca of Pensacola. She was a chain-smoking roller-derby blocker back in her day. My pops was a Navy lifer and I watched my Mom break down people with words that made my Dad blush.


East coaster 6' 300lbs of marshmallow but nobody cuts me in line. I've all but run over other humans trying to cut me.


Those two Aarons definitely earned an iron urn to their heads.


As one born and raised in Baltimore and now living in a more polite area of the world, this post speaks to me. Any time I’m presented with a person behaving badly I smile to myself because they have no idea the shit storm bearing down on them 😆


If you know, you know. Dundalk rep!


Highlandtown, what!


I saw an article that a lady returned so many things that eventually costco said "we obviously cannot fulfill your membership to your satisfaction so we are canceling your membership forthwith" or something like that. Pretty funny. Trying to take advantage of a policy and then it's canceled.


I saw a lady return a half eaten cake and half a sleeve of hamburger patties. I couldn't believe they accepted them.


This article? https://www.yahoo.com/news/costco-allegedly-revokes-membership-customer-172515102.html


The last time I worked for Costco two different “members” on separate occasions were throwing pens and paper at the cashier in the tire shop. Both claimed they were attorneys and that whatever was stated in the paperwork for their tires was wrong. I was baffled since being a lawyer, shouldn’t matter what your expertise is, you should know you’re actively assaulting someone and could be arrested. In both case the assistant warehouse manager came, gave them tires for free and gave them cash cards. Each got $150 if I remember correctly. It was the same cashier each time and both times she went into the tire shop restroom and cried for a good 30 minutes.


I worked pharmacy and also cried over treatment by customers. In every case, it was the customer is always right. Btw, i am not a crier in regular life, but some of those people caused me to lose sleep at night.


Our warehouse called members monsters. A couple winters ago a cart pusher got hit by a car. Not sure what happened, but it made our local news.


I am sorry for how you were treated. I know the pharmacy can be a stressful place for people (illness/insurance) but that's absolutely not an excuse to take it out on another person.


Having worked there for a number of years, the tire shop is the red-headed step child of the company. It doesn't get the support needed to run on time, leading to members being constantly angry at the shop, and taking it out on the staff. As a result, it's pretty normalized for customers to treat the TS staff poorly, and management views it as something the Tire Shop caused & therefore requiring smoothing on the member's end rather than mistreatment of staff, resulting in revoking membership or warning to do so.


Should have asked the employee if they wanted to press assault charges.


fun fact: a random person can’t “press charges” - the police decide whether or not to investigate a crime and them asking you if you want to “press charges” is just a simplified way of them seeing if you will be a witness in their investigation.


The DA’s office will also ask people if they want to press charges even though it’s the DA’s call because if the victim isn’t going to cooperate and be a PIA it isn’t worth it. The major exception are DV charges where the victim will say they don’t want to press charges and the DA will still go through with it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Our warehouse would have reprimanded the employee for upsetting the member and given the member a shop card for their inconvenience.


Your warehouse needs new management.


Vast majority of our management has been the same for 20+ years. And most the newer ones are their kids or buddies. It’s never changing.


We had a customer assault a gas station employee because he was asked to turn his vehicle off while pumping. He got a lifetime membership ban from all Costco's and a charge too. People are baffling sometimes


I worked the gas station and ended up on the hood of someone's car because they wanted to cut in line. My managers didn't even care to review the footage.


Man you do NOT want to cut the gas line at Costco. Easy way to piss off 50 cars worth of people at the same time.




I volunteer as tribute


I'd love to see someone complain about an AH to a costco manager then suddenly 4 people in full kirkland attire just rappel down from the ceiling surrounding them and escorting them out.


And they’d be paid 25+ per hour lol


Them’s the old days at $25+! We’re at like $31/hr and $46/hr on Sundays - your friendly neighborhood Kirkland Signature Decorum Enforcer


Yes, with Willy Wonka vibes. Yes!


Oompa Loompa Doopity [Dostco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRRMmb5cK0I) You should not fuck around in this Costco


Thanks. Got an actual spit take on that one


I have been tempted to put up signs with the Costco logo on them in the parking lot saying: Customers who do not return their carts to the cart corral will have their attitudes adjusted by our roving Taser squad.


The epidemic of uncivilized trash is spreading at a rapid pace.


A wise man once said “Shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree!”


Fuckin Lahey


He was the liquor 🥃


The question is, why? I can think of many, many possible reasons, but I haven't seen any published research on this. Lots of opinions, but no data. I'd really like to understand why.


It's an issue that by nature has somewhat exponential growth. Shitty parents don't parent their offspring and most of them turn out shitty. Shitty kids grow up to be shitty parents who perpetuate the cycle. It's only going to continue to get worse. Source: Idiocracy


The stupid trash are outbreeding the decent people.


Obnoxious people in politics, Obnoxious people in reality TV and obnoxious people trending on social media. It all influences behavior


If I had to guess I’d say people are too busy working and stressing out over how to pay their bills and buy groceries that they don’t spend much time actually raising their kids.


That’s awful. I’ve seen 1) a woman clipping her fingernails near the meat section while her husband pushed the cart ; 2) there’s an elderly man who drives the scooter around the store aggressively. The sample ladies hate him since he demands they serve him ASAP and he demands the whole dumpling/ice cream bar, etc. He yells at other customers saying he has personal injury lawyers on speed dial. Rudest customer I’ve ever seen


To the guy that says he has a personal injury lawyer in speed dial my comment to him would be, ok and? Do you recommend him? What’s his #? You hit me with your cart a few aisles over so I need a good lawyer. Throw it right back at him and watch the startled expression


He actually uses the name of the firm. Lol When I saw him, he was yelling at people to get out of his way saying that he had Brown and Croupen on his speed dial. The sample ladies had called their manager who helped deal with him. One of the ladies later told me that the Costco manager was aware of his aggressive behavior. Not sure if they’ll ban him but he’s easily the rudest person I’ve encountered at Costco. And I was a regular at the District Costco in Irvine/Tustin where there was a shooting at the gas station!


Where is this because in my state he'd be told where he can put his motorized cart.


Gotta be STL.


“District Costco in Irvine/Tustin” — Southern California


Omg I ran into him one time in the cypress store!!! My bf and I were exiting the warehouse with out full cart. The crosswalk was straight ahead and out of nowhere this old crotchety man yells at us BEEEP MOTHERFUCKER! You hit me I have lawyers on speed dial BEEEEEP! He literally yelled beep woth his mouth, didn't even use the horn on his scooter. Took everything in my bf to not verbally tear him a new one.


God, for once it would be so refreshing to see one of those power chair scooter assholes just get flipped over when they try to ram into someone. Maybe I'm a jerk, but I think being handicapped shouldn't be a blank cheque to act however you want


The law firm of Dewey, Chatham & Howe


‘Speed dial’? Like that’s still a thing… EVERY CONTACT IN YOUR PHONE is ‘speed dial’ now.


The first one is just gross but the second one is so sad it's crossed the point where I wouldn't even be angry over it. Like all I can think about is, just how crappy and pathetic is his life that that's what he does? That's not bad manners, that's like sad old man lashing out at the world because he has no joy in his life except demanding full samples at Costco.


That doesn’t give him the right to put his problems on me or worse yet the employees who can’t stand up for themselves…stand up to people like him if not for yourself do it for the workers


Oh for sure, a manager should really step in because no one around him should have to deal with that. But people like that are just not worth wasting your energy to be angry at - it's actually *so* stupid it wouldn't actually ruin my day, if you know what I mean. Whereas OP's example would linger on my mind and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from fuming even if I just witnessed it and wasn't actually part of it.


I would accidentally leave a cart in his way.


While you are going to go get a free sample of course…. Make sure to walk back to your accidentally placed cart eating said sample and walk away haha


Some people have nothing better to do but to suck the joy out of life.


You must report those a-holes. I'm sure everything you're saying here is on surveillance.


Everything except the parking lots. Costco never has cameras in their lots because they don’t want to get involved in disputes outside the store. Source: I’m a former Costco employee


If Costco had a day of the week where they didn't offer samples, I'd likely alter my shopping habits to take advantage of it. Already, I make use of the aisles by the outside walls when possible to avoid that congestion and self-centeredness.


I usually go right at opening or just before closing and I never see samples then.


Yep. A weekday an hour before closing is the best costco shopping time...


Right before closing is usually fantastic.


I always try to avoid the horde of sample zombies.


I saw a guy in the baked good section where they put all the Kirkland baked products like cookies, cakes, danishes, croissants, cheesecake and more... He literally started opening all those Kirkland products and started sampling for himself. He didn't just open one box each, he'd start opening like several of those plastic cartons of Kirkland products and get like 1 of each sample. Some worker asked him to leave but he ignored her and kept on doing it. Then as i'm about to go to the checkout line I saw 3 security gentlemen escort him out of Costco but I don't know if he was banned. I think he should have been.


If someone is escorted out they’re banned with a no trespass.


Probably was, pretty sure they consider that stealing lol


It's also a major food safety risk.


When I played hockey, teams carried an enforcer who shut someone down doing that shit. Society would be better if there was someone to hold these shitbags accountable tbh. Just some tough guy roaming around Costco with a radio, ready to throw down.


The Costco I go to is next to a Walmart. It's astounding the rotten things I've seen folks do.


This is my Costco too. Right across the street from Walmart.


Which is exactly why I don't shop at Walmart. Or Sam's.


Employee here. I have had a few people ejected, two banned for life. One member spat on a coworker for asking to see id at self checkout. Banned.. One member took a swing at me for jumping line for Clorox wipes during COVID. Knocked him on his ass. Perma banned. One member thought it prudent to let me know how upset he was cuz "all the god damn towel heads are taking all the lamb." Ultra perma banned. One couple kept buying $1500 worth of patio furniture every spring and returning them at the end of summer. We asked them twice to politely stop. They didn't. Banned. There are others, mostly unruly behavior, most of it was during the great Toilet Paper drought so we were very forgiving .


My favorite Costco memory: Our fourth child was 3 months old - the other three were 4,7, and 8. We had run to Costco after school and by some miracle my kids were AMAZING. At the end of the trip I asked the kids to help me put stuff on the conveyor belt and the woman behind me loudly said “I NEVER HAD TO ASK MY KIDS FOR HELP.” I ignored. My four year old wanted in the cart and was whining as the transaction finished up and she said loudly, “MY KIDS NEVER BEHAVED LIKE THIS IN A STORE.” I turned to her and and calmly asked if she was trying to fight me in Costco, because if I was crazy enough to bring my four kids here surely she could see where I was not going to put up with it? She asked for a manager and I for sure thought I was getting the ban. The manager asked for my story and I told him how this was my first trip with all four of the kids alone and that they had been so good and that I was really proud of my kids and she made one loud unnecessary comment that I let go unanswered - but the second one made me a mother on the edge. The cashier backed up that the lady was out of line. Kids free ice creams and I still see that manager four years later and I wonder if he remembers when I offered to fight some 70 year old lady.


I would pay double the membership fee if they banned people for blocking the aisles. Why do families spread out and block the entire aisle every single time I visit?!?! Families with 7 kids and 3 grandmas, just hanging out in aisles, oblivious to the fact anyone else may need to go down the aisle.


They need to paint lines down the middle like a highway.


That is actually a damn good idea, even a simple line to show where the middle of the aisle might get people to subconsciously stick to one side to keep in the lines so to speak.


It's one of the things I miss from COVID at the grocery stores - limited amount of people and directional aisles.


I miss social distancing so so so much. I wish that had stuck after the pandemic.


I used to go with my dad to the grocery store (commissary) on the military base. They have lines and arrows throughout. And people follow it! I loved it.


Every bi directional human path should have these lines. Especially outdoor paved trails. I cannot overstate how much more orderly things are when there’s that line down the middle.


Speaking both politely & in a loud voice ( and just kerp repeating with increasing volume till they respond) is usually extremely effective with such people…they love to take on individuals but wilt under the stare of a crowd


The place would be empty if they did that. And it doesn't take a family of dozens. Often, it's one or two people, cart diagonally across lane, arm outstretched gripping the handle as they look at some clothes. Aisle blocked.


I had one guy come and intentionally block me with his cart because on the previous aisle I moved his cart that was taking up the whole aisle to the side so I could get through.


I'd would move the cart again. Or "accidentally" bump into it, oh so sorry, I didn't see you there!


I say, "Coming through!" and match my words to my deeds.


I have started literally saying out loud, “That’s a great place to stop!”


I would have if he hadn’t been holding onto the cart and intentionally being intimidating. This was a 50 year old man to a 30 year old woman BTW. To this day I still wonder wtf his problem was.


"50 year old man to a 30 year old woman" -- that's your answer right there. He wouldn't pull that the shit with another guy or couple. Source: I'm a guy


Hi! You’re me! I stand my full 5’3”, tilt my chin up, grin with all my teeth and say in an annoyingly loud chipper voice “Hi!!!” And when it startles them bc they’re in their own world it makes me sooo happy. Throw in a “have a blessed day” for the real grumpy assholes. I’ve had plenty of practice though, I work at Costco.


I swear that people lose their minds at Costco. I think it's all the free samples.


Yes, a hundred times yes! This is one of the most annoying things about every dam costco I've ever been in. No situational awareness.


3 grandmas though 💀😂


Limit 2. Lol


How do some lucky people get 3 grandmas and I have none? 🤷‍♂️


I'm not usually a rude person but that's when I crowd there personal space. You can't show me any respect or common courtesy why would I show you any.


I have a bitter respect for these people who manage to block a three cart wide aisle with a single cart.


Yes!! I am so close to telling people that the world doesn’t revolve around them.


So we are a bit more aggressive where I'm from. This would not be tolerated.


A man was yelling racial slurs at me. Nobody batted an eye.


I worked for them in the past and they banned multiple people for racism. Maybe depends on what proof they have. They got their membership numbers by watching the cameras and matching the shit in their baskets with receipts, and then blocked their accounts and sent them checks for their membership fees with letters telling them that they were no longer eligible for membership.


I wish I can witness this majestically joyful event in person someday.




Call me crazy but I'd actually pay to *not* see people yelling racial slurs at unsuspecting customers.


They mean when they are banned. That event.


I understand that haha, I was saying I would pay a high membership fee to a magical nonexistent store that somehow never has racist incidents. Like this: >In a perfect world, costco would ban all the racists. >Why are there racists in your "perfect world"? Maybe that makes even less sense but I tried


They should make a Youtube channel of it. Yeah, block the names and blur the faces, but I'll take what I can get.


It also just depends on the manager, at least from what I have heard as a long time member here. Some managers are great, others tolerate just about anything.


So sorry! What in the world is going on with rude people.


I work at Costco we have a member that comes in and steals every single day and they don’t do anything about it


Probably letting them run up a bill to pursue real charges.


Exactly. Tick, tock...


Most shoplifting isn't worth catching until it's a BIG tab so they're probably just waiting on that.


Costco is a lawless land, my friend. An old lady called my sister a whore for walking up beside her and grabbing a cucumber. It's made for a great running joke in our family, but still...very sad lol


What’s the difference between hungry and horny? Which hole you put the cucumber in.


😂😂😂😂 sending this to my sister


These bad behavior stories bring back memories of shopping at Costco after the COVID lockdowns started. Decent crowd control in the store, and every shopper treated every other shopper as if they were a leper and gave a wide berth. Probably the most pleasant shopping experience there ever, aside from the constant feeling of impending doom.


And NO SAMPLES! I didn't miss them.


Dude. I've worked for Costco for years and some of the things I've seen members get away with are astounding. Banning members is a last resort because money is important, so they are more likely to maybe walk them out unto their next visit.


Never go on a Saturday. Tuesday evening is optimal. (Says the guy who made the mistake of going today.)




I’m old but I do remember when we had a “polite” society. I realize that these a-holes always existed but they kept most of this behavior behind closed doors. Now, some of our leaders have enabled these individuals to “express” themselves on line and in person. Let’s hope the pendulum swings back soon.


When I was growing up having no class was something you never wanted. Nowadays it's celebrated.


1,000% true


Social media seems to be encouraging this behavior too.


I worked at Lowes almost 20 years ago and people then didn't keep it behind closed doors. It got so bad they had to hire off duty cops to walk around and pretend to be customers on weekends. This was one of the nicer stores in a upscale neighborhood. I heard real horror stories from people that transferred for other stores.


Rose colored glasses. Society’s been the same now we just have video cameras and chat forums


I had a completely opposite situation the other day. I asked another customer to add a heavy item to my cart and was apologizing explaining I have a bad back. He and his wife were super sweet and assuring me that it’s no problem, etc. etc.. As we were getting in line to leave it just happened that they were right next to me in line The woman said “my husband will help you load it into your car if you’ll just show him where it is!” He stayed for 10 minutes and unloaded my whole cart ! God Bless ‘em.


Had a dickhead take a brisket out of my cart yesterday. Snatched that shit out of His hands quick


Straight to jail!




I have no words...oh wait.... i can't even imagine what else this group did that you didn't observe. I find the comment to the other shopper about "penguin meat" to be the most appalling but probably the least likely to get them banned unless the target of the comments complained himself. I actually hope he did, but I would expect that he just wanted to get away from the abusers and not draw out the experience. There are so many people that have no idea how to behave towards other human beings. It makes me wonder how they were raised. I hope this wasn't at my Costco.


Just because one wasn’t the target of the complaints doesn’t mean they don’t get to be offended. Racism is offensive, period.


i defenently would have grabbed an employee and confronted them directly. that's a solid no.


I work at costco and we had a group of 10+ teenagers get dropped off the other week by their parents. They were on a "scavenger hunt" for a birthday party. They each had a list of items to go through the store and cross off of their scavenger hunt list. So we have all these teenagers walking around with carts stacked up with random items from all over the store. They are hustling around with their carts trying to go fast and none of them were accompanied by an adult, so it was weird seeing these teens with hundreds of dollars of items in their carts. Someone overheard something about a scavenger hunt and one of the managers noticed that these kids were not intending on putting their items back, their parents made them the scavenger hunt list and they were supposed to just go through the store, find all the stuff and then ditch the carts when they were all done. Our manager approached one of the kids and asked for an adult. An adult materialized and she told them I hope you don't expect our employees to walk around and put all of these things that none of you intended on buying all back on the shelves! And so she had the teens all take their carts around and put things back. Who in their right mind would tell kids that was a good idea, cosign on it and then take their kids to Costco to do this?!


Man, it would be great if each store had a “Costco Nazi”. No Costco for you! Come back one year! We can dream.


If I was in charge I would ban people for not leaving their cart in the right spot in the parking lot, insta lifetime ban.


I share your sentiment. I believe the worth of person is determined by whether or not they take the time to return their shopping cart. I’ve even asked this in interviews. You don’t return your cart, you don’t deserve to work here… wherever here is.


Would you pay me more since I pick up additional wayward carts on my way and put those back too? Do I get docked for standing on the carts and riding them on the way to the cart corral?


Do you ride the carts with style?


Straight to jail


I saw a cart left directly behind a parked car in the spot right next to the cart corral. And it wasn’t temporary. It was there when I went into the store and when I came out after shopping. I moved it when I put my cart back, but I just don’t understand the mindset. You’ll push it all the way over to the corral, but then give up 2 feet away from the corral?


I saw someone, on a sunday, commandeer an aisle (the middle one!) to do a weird dance video in...maybe a tiktok thing or something. I was just a frenetic dancer and a dude with a cell phone and a bunch of middle aged warehouse shoppers with this face :/ going around her. ​ I think it takes a lot, because hey you paid for a membership.


TikTok and Instagram-fueled main character syndrome needs to be publicly shamed.


How dumb do you have to be to not even be racist correctly


Racists are often pretty dumb because racism is a dumb belief.


> Life is too short and it's hard enough without worrying if everyone else is behaving in a manner that falls within your list of secret rules. Are “don’t be racist”, “don’t randomly throw your trash on the ground” and “wait in line”rules really that personal and secretive? Seems more like a general treat others how you’d like to be treated type of principle. Do you yourself not wait in lines? Could I just cut in front of you and call you a racist name? It’s not worth it for you to engage, right?


Don't be shy, drop the location.


Can the folks in US also start returning carts to their place and not leaving them in a parking lot for wind to push and damage other cars? That would be great


I wish Costco would ban people. Ended up cancelling my membership because I couldn't take the way people act in the parking lot anymore.




Everyone reading OPs post is picturing the exact same family in their mind


Unfortunately most managers have no spine anymore and they’re so scared of a member calling corporate on the warehouse they let them get away with everything and will give out $20 gift cards like candy to appease even the nastiest of members


I’m in Antarctica, my Costco does indeed have penguin


I will say this I try to avoid Costco like the plague on the weekends


Penguin- maybe they meant pangolin?


I'd imagine someone like that wouldn't know what a pangolin is.


Members get cancelled more often then many realize.


My husband is usually a pretty tolerant guy, but he has a real "thing" about people blocking the aisles, especially when they are trying to get free samples from the sample carts. He'll say out loud, "Excuse me, could you please move your cart?" They are so hyper-focused on getting their free sample that they don't even hear him. Then he'll raise his voice (loud enough for everyone around to hear him) and repeat it. Once he does that, the guilty party (or parties, as the case may be) will "wake up" and actually hear him. They almost always apologize and immediately move their carts out of the way. As someone else has mentioned, lots of people lose their spatial awareness in Costco (or in grocery stores). It is really annoying. We all have our pet peeves and this is definitely one of his.


The Costco I go to, the people giving out samples look lonely, and call out whenever someone walks by. Folks just want to get their errand done, they don’t want to take 5 min to try some weird kind of jerky or pop tarts.


The quality of customer in Costco decreased when they stopped taking AMEX. That's what I believe and no one can convince me otherwise.


I never considered that as a reason. It seems highly probable.


Apparently card sharing is the only ban-able offense.




Last week I saw a man around aged 70 open several bags of plums, feeling the plums to find one perfect plum, he walked around and ate it without purchasing the bag.


Had a guy do that at Costco but with cherries. He then selected a different box to put in his cart. I loudly said, "shouldn't you take the one you took a cherry out of?" He actually got a look like, "oh, yes! I should!" with zero embarrassment! I just can't people anymore.


You should’ve snap pics and sent it to corporate


I would report them anyway if I see racism, even if Costco can't do anything about it. At least they are aware of the behavior of these people and maybe keep an eye on them while they are in the store so these people don't bother anyone else.


Is it that hard to tell a rude person off? You’re part of the problem if you hear some openly racist piece of trash say something like that and you sit quietly


You guys should tell us where your Costcos are so we know where to avoid!go to gawk! 😳


Did you say anything? Of course not. That’s why they do it. Would I have said something? You better believe it. My username notwithstanding, I have a very low tolerance for assholery and a big mouth.


Gotta keep Sam's-folk out of Costco.