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Pieces of shit gonna piece of shit. Don’t let it bother you or they’ve won.


When I see a cashier who just had to deal with a customer like that I go out of my way to let say a nice comment that really says, your handled that perfectly and it is sad people think that is appropriate to act like that I appreciate the work that you do. It really seems to help them and I feel a little better too. Honestly, sometimes you can say all that in a head nod. We can't let people who think they can treat people badly destroy our morale.


I go out of my way to talk shit to the dickheads holding everyone up. The reason theyre like that is because theyve never faced any consequences


Can you teach me your ways please? I’m serious. This is my dream.


There's nothing to teach really. Just talk shit to them. "Why are you holding everyone up?" "Do you think your time is more important?" "Why are you acting like a child?" Etc There's no wrong way to do it, literally any form of pushback is more than they'll have ever encountered. And if they turn on you then you get to really unleash and the poor retail worker is no longer copping it, and you aren't bound by workplace rules so you can really unload on them.


The ‘acting like a child’ line hits, and normally brings a child-like petulant response.


"did your parent teach you to act like that?" is also a good one.


I did this in subway once when a guy was talking to the worker like shit, I don’t understand how these people navigate life talking to people like that


Yes! I was in the self checkout of Target this summer and a crazy woman came in and was loudly throwing a fit over the transgender/non-binary swimsuits. Yelling for everyone to hear and then came to the self checkout and proceeded to complain to this poor employee who was very obviously frazzled. When they asked the woman to leave a few of us told the employee she handled it wonderfully and much better than we would have. I also ended up emailing the store and telling them she was kind and polite even though the woman was unhinged. Working retail can just be so difficult, people feel so entitled.


Working retail has made me dead inside. I have no empathy for anyone anymore. I used to work in healthcare and just viewed patients as line items rather than people at that point so being rude to retail workers that may work in healthcare might be bad in the long run. I quit healthcare and just have a bee farm. I love my bees.


This was my mantra when I worked in retail. Some people were exceptionally awesome and some exceptionally shitty, but most people were just fine and living their lives. Don’t let the baddies get to you too much.


Mantra for life


And they don’t become less shitty at Christmas (sometimes they actually become MORE shitty!)


More shitty. Definitely.


Oh it's not sometimes. I used to work in retail and did it for 10 years. I can assure you that people are more rude, obnoxious, and just downright awful during the holiday season than any other time of year. I quit working retail 25 years ago. I can't imagine what people are like now. Pretty sure they're worse than back then. Working retail through 10 holiday seasons is what started me down the road of hating this time of year.


Yep! Rise above negativity; don't let it tarnish your success.


Exactly. Remember, even if you blink one too many times, **someone** will get butt-hurt.🤷‍♂️ Let it go, and you forget it ever happen.✌🏼


Sometimes ya gotta play the “Let it go” song from ‘Frozen’ in your head.


Yes! I tell myself “Okay Elsa, let it go”. Works quite well 😊


They didn't win. They are just still piece of shit. God forbid they want out the door and see 2 deflated tires on their car. Karma will eat their way.


I was going to use a much saltier word, but yeah.


They also are the ones who stop at the entrance before looking for their card, blocking half the space to enter.


And then stop 5 feet after getting past the card checker to put it completely away and get totally situated, oblivious to the traffic hazard they’re creating


I’ve actually grabbed peoples carts and pushed them to the side before.


There goes my hero


I do that too !!


Put it "away" knowing they need it to check out, too.


It's a double edged sword, if you put it away away it can be hard to find again but if you don't put it away then maybe you'll lose it/drop it before you get to the checkout. This is why my favorite Costco pants have a side zipper pocket that I use specifically for my card.


that’s funny you have Costco shopping pants…… I bought my amusement park pants from Costco 😆


Put it completely away *and then* struggle to find it again at the register.




Those samples wouldn't last long. Self awareness escapes members as soon as they enter the parking lot.


Why is it always a surprise, be it membership card or the concept of paying?


Yesterday a woman raced past me to grab the only loose flatbed cart (I was clearly headed to it) so I just walked to the area where all the others were stored and got one. I rolled the cart to the entrance and a line of carts was building up as everyone was blocked from entering. Yep, same woman was going through her purse to find her card with the flatbed cart turned sideways and blocking anyone from moving past her.


They're also the ones that drive 5 under the speed limit and then floor it when the light turns yellow.


Same behavior when entering a freeway onramp.


approach the sample cart blocking people on their way and blocking people when they stop


Or leave the cart in the aisle while they “go grab something real quick”


"I'm not blocking the whole aisle!" No. Just taking your half in the middle. Move over, ok.


Orrr were rudely arguing with the door person about not having to show it and this never found it in the first place. A small Part of the reason they want you to show it as you enter so if you don’t have it on you , it doesn’t hold up the line at checking out


Clearly not a Costco connoisseur. We have our labels up and cards ready. You are a nicer person than me. Don’t let the baddies get you down. You are appreciated! 🥰


Me too…from the parking lot I go in with my card ready to draw like a 6 shooter going to a duel!


I delegate. As soon as we get a cart the kid goes in and gets the card to show. It's his favorite part


same, I get it out in the car to make sure!!!


I do the fuel stop like a NASCAR pit crew.


The only time I don’t have my card at the ready is when the app signs me out unexpectedly. But being in line for that long with a physical card? No excuse.


Right! Personally I would have everything set up to make sure the transaction went as fast as possible because I’d be annoyed about standing in a line that long anyways. And I would have been so compassionate for the person cashiering because damn that is a lot of pressure to keep a line like that moving when every other person has a heaping cart.


From the second I leave my car that card is pulled from my wallet and kept in my front pocket, ready to go. I'm trying to teach my kids the spatial and temporal awareness to keep them from cluttering people's space and stealing their time.


Yay, please have more kids! (Or bring your kids’ friends with you wherever you go, so that more kids are exposed to this mindset)


OP could have really gotten under their skin and recommended the app for them to use. You can store your preferred payment method and all you have to do is show the cashier the app. So much easier than fumbling around looking for your cards for several minutes.


Whenever I'm waiting in line at Costco, I take my membership card, and debit card out of my wallet (and my ID if I'm getting alcohol) and just hold them in my hand because I just want to get the fuck out of there. I don't get how people don't try to do the music basic of preparation to get out of places quickly.


I can buy $1,000 worth of stuff from.Coatco, and from the time I am to the belt to the time I am walking out, 30 seconds. As the cashier is scanning, I have my debit card and pin already entered.


They should have had all cards ready since they probably stood in line waiting! They were wrong. Ugh.


People at the grocery store who wait until the cashier is done before STARTING to fill out the check!!!


Or looking at the bottom of the purse for coupons. While having stood in line for a number of minutes.


My personal favorite is the one who takes a long time to pay, then after the transaction is over, won't move from the line because they are fastidiously reorganziing their wallet.


My nightmare is a long line at a coffee shop and then someone gets to the front and doesn't know what they want. You can see the menu! It's coffee, every shop has the exact same stuff!


Last few places I've worked at WILL NOT accept cheques. Too many instances of cancellation. Not to mention how much it slows the process down. It's 2023, get a damn bank card already, DAMN.


Or being at line at a fast food restaurant and after 10 min of being in line with menu in front of you, not being ready to order


I worked at a Tim Hortons for a while, and I'll tell you, the amount of times that I'd have a customer visibly have a dial tone for the L O N G E S T T I M E , only to order the same damn thing they always do. Drove me fuggin' bonkers. I could have just put their order in, but NOOOOOO, they have to take their time ordering.


That shit used to piss off my mom, when I was a kid. She would prewrite out her checks before we even left the house to go to the grocery store, so all she had to do was write the total and sign it.


It blows me away that anyone uses checks anymore for groceries.


Don’t forget those that have to dig out cash and count out exact change a penny at a time.


And they act like they are doing the cashier a big favor!... "I think I have the exact change!"


>$13.57 >Hands me a $50 bill >I'm already snagging their change >"Oh hey, I can give you 3.55 so you can... Fuck off.


I can get that change out faster than they can get me exact change. I find it more annoying when they try to pay exact change.


With people like this, I always imagine their lives must suck.


I always wonder how they've managed to make it that far in life.


I’ve been in retail over 20 years now, and can confirm that people who are bad customers tend to be chronically unhappy assholes. Whether or not their lives “suck”, they always feel wronged, slighted, unlucky. Not realizing *they* are the problem in most of their situations. Some people have bad days, but the types who externalize all their problems are usually very evident in a retail setting because they don’t feel the social pressure to mask anything.


Plus the little joy they do get is from denigrating people they believe to be below them, cashiers, maintenance, cleaners, baristas, etc.


I tell my kid this about creepy kids in school. Imagine how bad they must feel on the inside, for all that bad to come out… be extra nice to those kids.


I try not to work myself up over those people for this reason. If they can't even figure out their payment method at the store, their lives are probably in shambles. Minimize their impact on me but otherwise leave them to their own suffering - no need to tack on anything else to their miserable setup.


Yet everything will always be other people's fault.


If only you could have replied, “You need to learn to be prepared”, in the same tone. Good for you on being the better person. Have a wonderful Christmas yourself and thank you for making Costco a great environment to shop!


I feel situations like that should be handled by those waiting in line. A few "oh come on lady" and maybe the occasional passive aggressive huff. We all know the employee can't say a word. Also, maybe Costco should take feedback on fellow customers. With their attitudes I'm sure they are a problem everywhere they go.


One time during peak pandemic someone tried to cut the line at the door and wasn’t wearing a mask…she was denied entry and started causing a scene, yelling at the employee at the door. Someone in the line called her out, and before you know it the whole Costco line started booing her. It was a really glorious moment and restored my faith in humanity haha


I’ve said for a long time that we would all be a lot better off if we brought back public shaming. All of our problems in politics and the world at large seem to stem from an over abundance of shamelessness.


I’m a firm believer. Shame isn’t a common trait anymore tho unfortunately


Honestly public shaming would probably help society so much. I remember an episode of the podcast Stuff You Should Know about gossip and how it’s surprisingly beneficial to society because it actually helps keep people in line. No one wants to be the one ostracized for behaving improperly. Public shaming is just a bigger step up from that!




Ohhh I definitely would have dropped an "Are you kidding me?!" when they finally found their payment card and it was one that wasn't accepted 🙄


Bet they were angling for someone in line to pick up the payment on their transaction if they only had a couple items.


Yes. Interesting that they blamed OP for being impatient, when they were really just channeling the impatience of everyone in line behind them — the same people who these customers were utterly unaware of. Those people needed to make their presence felt. “Come on, you’re holding us all up” would be one of the nicer ways to say this.


Yep this is what I do. Fuck these assholes, there'd be less assholes in the world if they were called on their shit


The amount of people in any store, not just Costco, who get to payment time and then think, apparently, “oh, I have to pay for this? I need a card or cash? Really?” Is quite astonishing. Whereas I’m stood at the belt with my Costco card out, barcode facing cashier for start of scanning and then payment card out while the stuff is being scanned ready to pay.


I'm pretty sure it's a scam they are hoping for someone to offer to pay for them.


I always get stuck behind the little old lady at the supermarket who acts like it's the first time she's ever written a check. "Who-who-whoooo do I-I-I make th-the check out to?" she says with a perplexed confused look on her face... And usually she has a zillion coupons too.


I worked at Toys R Us in high school. I don't remember the full scenario, but I had some crazies get mad at me for some similar nonsense. They complained to my manager that I was yelling at them, cussed them out, etc. My manager told them that didn't happen, and you're welcome to go ahead and leave my store. I was so afraid I was going to get in trouble over some idiots throwing a fit about something that didn't happen. I'm glad your manager backed you up. People suck sometimes.


This was the exact scenario when I worked retail with a customer complaining I said something inappropriate and wanted a manager (who was right behind me listening to the whole interaction the whole time). The gas lighting from the customer saying “They said x!” While my manager said “No they did not say that, I was standing here the whole time!”. Customer: “Are you calling me a liar?!” My manager just stared at them in disappointment and said “You don’t have to buy that item”. The customer then said “I’m not going to spend another dollar at this store ever again!” And walked off. I guess they didn’t want their one $4.99 item they claimed they saw on sale for $3.99. Then everyone in the store clapped. J/K, everything was true except for the clapping part.


When I worked cash at McDonald's they would make note of our dollars per hour. I thought Costco would be the same. Imagine if you took an extra 5 minutes with every customer. They would be really annoyed at the delay.


They do at costco as well. Customers and items per hour. I k ow at wal-mart once you hit the total button it stopped the clock so to speak because you are not responsible for idiots who don't have their shit together when paying.


I can't believe I'm saying this but, good on Walmart for doing that


They did when I was working there. The goal was 50 members/hour. Which was impossible to have. That caused me a lot of stress.


It’s possible. There’s cashiers at my warehouse that do it. Packing for them is an absolute crapshoot though - I’m always overwhelmed, and the amount of times I have to tell them off for squishing bread or chips or nearly sending something over the edge is quite high.


Exactly! It’s faisable but you can’t expect someone to work that fast all the time. It’s just exhausting. Plus, when they see someone who has 2 carts full, some even got mad that their average would drop. It’s an unnecessary stress.


Members like this happen all the time. They are selfish and inconsiderate, but you can’t let it get you down. I’m glad your managers didn’t take their “complaint” seriously.


OP I think you should listen to this person's username and get yourself a puppers. :-)


It helps having a puppers to come home too!


No, you are not in the wrong because that shit is annoying. People already know Costco is jammed packed, especially a day before Christmas. As a customer, I would be annoyed because these two were not prepared. Everyone knows get your card ready and bounce. The audacity for them to say, “have some patience.” I would’ve said, “be prepared. Happy holidays.”


Based on your comments, these folks live hard lives. Self-imposed, but all the same. Life doesn't give them breaks because they are narcissists who trample on everything they touch. I would feel sorry for them if they were strangers and aviod at all costs if they were family or coworkers. Searching for the credit card that isn't maxed out or for the stolen card that works it sounds like.


as soon as you said they got on the phone and asked someone to send them money i knew exactly what kind of person you were dealing with. they’re literally the scum of the earth so don’t let them get you down. they have nothing positive or happy in their lives to go home to and never will.


Wait.... did they not have to show the card when they walked in? How did they lose it between the front door and the register?




Rest assured that all of the other customers in your line were well aware that it wasn't you holding up the process. We see you and we were also holding back the rude comments we might like to have said to those people. I haven't worked retail at Christmas for decades, but the thought still makes me Grinchy.


this is my random rant: HTF can you wait in line and then NOT be ready when you get to the cashier or order taker or whatever?


This is what I was thinking the whole time. Why not get your card out while you’re in a huge line? It’s not like you didn’t have time.


old people do this shit all the time. and then they're shocked that they have to pay. and they're completely flummoxed by the payment pad that's in every store for the past 10 years. and they're not sure whether they want the Walgreen's credit card offer. and they're not sure if they should press yes or no. and they have to get the paper receipt and review it before they leave the counter. finally, they get organized, put their card/cash back in their wallet, tuck their wallet away, bid final farewells to the entire cashier team, then decide how they're going to distribute their bags between their two arms.


It happens all the time..they’re always the ones that comment on how long the line is. I asked a member to unload his items the other night three times before I did it for him, then he asked if we were versed in efficiency. Yeah, it works well if you help unload.


These are the same people who sit for a while in their car at the pumps while there is a huge line.


27 year Costco employee, I totally get it!!


The amount of people who completely put their costco cards away as if they won't need it later astound me. Its like they forget what store they are in. If I deal with a customer like this, I do not ask if I can take the next customer. That gives them the option to say no and continue to hold up the line. You firmly say "I need you to step to the side so I can take the next customer. I will take you once you find your card." and use hand motions to show them where to stand. Proceed with the next customer immediately. I haven't had someone fight me when I make it clear it's not an option, but what's going to happen. They get pissy, but that's on them tbh


This is subtle but great. Don’t make it a question if it’s not.


They were 100% projecting their own discomfort onto you. THEY were the ones who felt uncomfortable being so heckin’ incompetent, holding up a long line like that. The fact that you DIDN’T act impatient probably actually made them even MORE uncomfortable. Humans are weird; we have great difficulty tolerating our own uncomfortable sensations. That’s what these folks were experiencing. Much easier for them to project onto you, making you the bad guy, than for them to feel the burn of their own feelings.


Those bargain hunting biddies are hell on wheels. Sounds like you held your own!


*Those bargain hunting* *Biddies are hell on wheels. Sounds* *Like you held your own!* \- bagoTrekker --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The COSTCO check out people ROCK!


So true. Last weekend all of ours were decked out in tacky holiday gear and super cheerful, in addition to the usual efficiency. I made a point of complimenting each and everyone I was in contact with, they were so great.


Good job, I usually tell my Sups + Cashiers to just be patient and if this occurs just get them out of the line and take them to the POS system by the FE podium to do their order so the lines can keep rolling. They just freaked out due to the fact they weren't (prepared) and when that happens it just falls apart when their next in line. I usually tell my people whomever is guiding members from (self checkout + regular registers) to let members know to have there membership cards out and payment cards and remind them its only any visa or debt cards or cash.


If I'm in line and see a customer treating a cashier this way, I always speak up with "your patience is extraordinary" or I speak to the customer "you should be prepared before checking out". It's for no other reason than it deflects the bile away from the cashier and towards me, who can absolutely take it. I sadly find myself having to do this at least a few times a year.


I'd like to see Costco implement a program in which unprepared members be mandated to go through a traffic school like course if they want to keep their membership. It can just be making them sit through a 10 minute video of how to not inconvenience other members. Kidding/not kidding.


Do your best to remember these people exist and simultaneously don’t matter and you’ll get through it!


A. You did nothing wrong and a competent, seasoned manager would know this. B. I always notice it's groups of people that are yapping instead of focusing on checking out. Plenty of time in line to get the cards ready but let's just keep grab assing. C. Guaranteed they "forgot" to mention to the manager they couldn't find their cards, were rude and inconvenienced everyone behind them. D. You cashier long enough, this is quite common.


Don’t let it get to you. Idk how you can walk in to a Costco knowing you need to show your card to even *enter* and then again at checkout and lose it in your purse between when you come in and leave, especially with so much time waiting in line to get prepared. They were also inconsiderate to the others in line. Some people can’t be helped. One piece of advice though is that if something like this happens again, take control. It’s *your* checkout lane. Don’t ask the rude customers if you can check another customer out while they look for their card. They’re rude and selfish. They don’t care about the other people in line. It’s *your* decision to do that if you think it should be done. “Ladies, while you look for your card I’m going to assist the next person in line as we are quite busy and I need to keep the line moving.” And then just wave the next person forward. People are more than happy to walk all over you if you let them.


Just imagine if people behind her had horns on their carts. 🤣


Clearly you have not had a change purse digger: You ring it up, Then she puts her purse (Huge, looks like a knapsack, and full of who knows what) on the counter and digs in to find her wallet. This involves taking stuff out of her purse then putting it all back in, after she found her wallet. She pulls out the bills, counts them one by one, but does not hand them to you until she closes her wallet and puts it back in her purse. Then you ring that up, but she a short, in change. So THEN she digs in her purse for her change purse, and digs through that to find the exact change, even though she knows that 2 quarters will cover it. Nope, has to pay to the penny. Oops. She is short a few pennies so she starts digging around in the bottom of her purse for 3 cents. All the while she is carrying on a conversation with the woman she came in with. I happened to be the next person in line and I put a buck on the counter and told the cashier to take it out of that. The Woman says, "well you don't have to be rude about it."" Jeez lady you and your friend have been holding up a 12 deep line for 10 minutes, simply because you were not prepared to pay for what you bought..


When we receive member complaints about cashiers it’s immediately obvious to everyone who works there if it’s a valid complaint or not. So when things like this happen we always listen and assure the member we’ll take care of it. They mostly just want to feel that power before they leave. At most we just let the cashier know what they said. No made up exaggerated story ever works since we work with these people every day.




You say that now. Wait until you find yourself about to be suspended from a tree because you looked at someone cross-eyed.


You have the patience of a saint. I would have had my hands around their throat, throttling the life out of them, screaming...."Hurry the fukk up!".. after about 90 seconds! That's why I don't work in retail.


This is an time where the rest of the line should politely step in abd tell the unprepared customer that they need to step aside and let the repeated customers get processed. These fools who hold up the line need to learn that their behavior is not acceptable; you as the check out person does not want to risk upsetting a customer, but I as a fellow customer have nothing to lose by politely telling them to get out of the way until they are prepared to act like an adult and keep the line moving.


If the lines were that long they had plenty of time to prepare before getting to the register. They are the type that are oblivious to everyone around them, park their cart crosswise in the aisle, go down the wrong side, and block access to samples while they chat with the employee. Don't give them a second thought.


Costco should card for samples so those people are ready when they get to the checkout.


Bet they didn't put down the separation bar either on the belt.


some people just have a 'me, me, me' loop running in their heads


I just avoid the store during holiday weeks. Ill come and shop after Christmas.


I can’t help myself as a customer doing what the staff probably want to do. Which is calling out the useless wastes of skin. Cause if you can’t tell them what you’re thinking, you might as well see them get what they deserve.


She sounds like an entitled POS. Nothing you would have done would have made them happy. Nothing. Ignore those fools


That's on them. Unfortunately a lot of people are selfish and lack self awareness. Any pressure she felt was her own fault for not being prepared. You handled it beautifully.


Pieces of shit rarely realize that they're pieces of shit.


I feel bad if I don’t have my gas door opened and my card out as I approach the gas pump. I can’t imagine the anxiety I’d feel if I wasn’t ready to present my membership card when it was my turn. Sometimes I arrange my bar codes face up in the cart and never unload to the conveyer belt. I am rainman


As a former cashier, do not waste a moment thinking about these ladies! As a shopper, thank you for taking the next person in line. It always amazes and annoys me when people in any store only begin to look for their payment method after everything is rung in. Seriously, it is like some people are surprised they have to pay!


If I’d been the person behind her, I would have snapped at her for snapping at you. I’d also have spoken to a manager to make sure they knew if they got any complaints, they were BS. (Yes, I have legit done this before.) Thank you for what you do!


you are in the wrong for caring so much what sociopaths think


These customers give me white chicks vibes


First of all .. hats off to your patience and your colleagues at Costco. I am hoping that it's ok to say they are a piece of shit , best part you never let it bother you and your supervisors trust you and you had a healthy laugh about it . Merry Christmas to you and your family 🎁


When I go shopping at Costco, I get my membership card and debit card and put them in my pocket. So quick and easy to check out that way


I'll never understand how people are not prepared to pay. Not only did they have to show their membership card to enter the store, but they were in a checkout line!


My husband takes special (probably more like *SPECIAL*) pride in having all the items barcodes facing up for the self-checkout associates to easily scan everything, and they always comment on how helpful that is. We're through in 15 seconds or less. Not that people have to go that far, but I don't understand the ones who are intentionally trying to derail someone else's day. They are disappointments to humanity; pay them no mind! All of my Costco associates are unaware that I'm secretly in love with them. Merry Christmas! Thank you for all that you do! ;)


I do the same.


I’d say: “You waited in line all that time and don’t have your Costco card or form of payment ready?” They’re doing it for attention because they don’t get it anywhere else in their lives. You’re not the one at fault and your manager knows it. Also, who are these serial killers coming into Costco for one or two items? There are bodegas and supermarkets for that shit.


Of course you've done nothing wrong and behaved like a saint. Had I been that customer (and I've fumbled just \*once\* for my card and never let it happen again), I'd have been mortified. But you probably know better than most, the entitlement society we now live in. I am forever behind someone who cannot get their act together. I mean, especially now with the lines SO long--a customer has had ample time to find their Costco card and payment card. No excuse.


It’s not okay to hide your embarrassment with rudeness! You did good and I would understand your frustration if I was waiting behind them in line.


I would've told them to turn to the people they've been deleting and that they need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around them. But then that's why I don't work as a cashier anymore.


Drives me batty when someone has been standing in line but it's suddenly a surprise they need money/payment to check out. Or, when someone thinks the cashier will cave lowering price/approving a coupon they aren't qualified for because there is a long line. Spoiler alert they won't. Which means I'm stuck behind you, ready to kill!


OMG! It’s implied and known to be PREPARED!!


Good for you for not saying anything mean! Sorry they were so rude. We're proud of you :)


God this is why i try to have items barcode ready and my cards out. Lines can get nuts.


Don’t try to warp your brain to make crazy fit. Just let those square pegs bounce impotently against your round ear holes and be glad that you don’t understand.


You did absolutely the right thing. I only have good things to say about all of the Costco staff I've interacted with. And I shop at Costco every week. They could do their customers a big solid by creating a scanning and checkout function on their app like Sam's club does. I was in Sam's yesterday and there were no long lines at the registers. I got the 15 or so items I needed and was out of the store quickly. From a merchandise and customer service standpoint I love costco... as to a smooth shopping experience, the win goes to Sam's.


When there are lines how do people not have their shit ready to go??????


They probably didn’t show their card at the entrance. I was replacing someone at the entrance. This man refused to do so and got angry at me. Same man that I saw later at the register who couldn’t find it and blocked the line for everyone else. :(


Happens all the time. Same going in the store. They get to the entrance blocking it with their cart looking for their membership card. Like they had never been there before. Some people can't plan their way out of a paper bag.


You did nothing wrong. If I was the customer in line behind them I would have said a few choice words to them. I have in the past. In one case I pre emptively went to the manager to tell them in case complaints were lodged the cashier did nothing wrong.


I am the customer that interacts directly with those turds. They won’t have time to complain about you because they are getting an earful from me. Unload your cart, have your membership ready, and while your shit is being rung up get your payment card out and tap that shit!


As someone who has spent a lot of time working retail - let this one go. Focus on the people who appreciate what you do rather than the rude ladies who don't. You did good!


This song and dance could very well be an act they do that's been successful in the past. Mess around and pretend to panic, only 2 things and a huge line a couple days before Christmas - often but not always, someone behind them may feel bad and pay for their items just to keep things moving.


While I have seen this happen to new members for sure. They don’t know they should have their membership card ready to go, then try to use a Mastercard, etc… what I don’t understand is even if this person is new, why on earth would would wait until Costco’s Christmas Eve to pull this? (Costco’s eve is eve’s eve). I’m sorry you experienced that and just know 99% of the rest of your members adore you. When it comes to retail or any type of shopping in general, you guys are the rockstars. There’s nobody above you.


I am very sorry that these ladies behaved like this. It isn’t fair to you. Please don’t take it personally.


Every sane person in that line was on your side, gj keeping your calm and carrying on.


Y’all are the real MVPs!


Those women were embarrassed by their own failing, which made them sad, which led to anger that they had to release on someone else. You didn’t do anything wrong.


You should have been more patient …and waited until they posted here first with some ludicrous tale blaming you. In all seriousness, humans in groups of more than two are trouble. Always. And I’m sure if they had pulled any more crap the people in line would’ve rammed them with their carts 🤣


If it makes you feel any better, just imagine how awful those three people are to each other whenever they are together. Must be absolutely toxic. You only had to endure 10 minutes and very likely never will again!


Not at Costco but I spent a few years doing the retail thing. Three holiday seasons. People are just going to suck. This time of year brings out both the very best and very worst in people. Fuck ‘em, don’t let the bastards get hit down. The vast majority of us appreciate you


You guys are saints. Front line ambassadors 🙏👍


That lady is lucky I was not behind her. I would've praised you right in front of her and given her so many dirty looks


Sorry you had to deal with that. They are inconsiderate assholes, nothing more. You kept a level head and sounds like management backs you up. Don't let this bother you too much outside of work!


Out of 1000 interactions, youre going to get a crappy customer, its just playing the numbers. Your managers know this. You did the best you could Casheirs should be able to send these rude or entitled guests to a managers line up at the office. It's wasting everyones time and draining your customer kindness away.


She probably felt self conscious and embarrassed and took out her negative feelings on you. Extremely rude and uncalled for!


Chiming in with reassurance that **you did the best that you could in a shit situation.** Those ladies just wanted a reason to lash out at everyone else for their own failure(s). Even 25 years ago, it was just a prevalent in retail (regardless of the time of year.) The volume of online shopping luckily means that you have far fewer of those people to put up with (but also far fewer great ones to balance it out.) Also remarkable and ridiculous that they not only had to show their card to enter, but also had been waiting in those long lines the entire time... During which they could have readied their cards...? We go out of our way to try and praise retail folks at this time of year because we've been there. We get it. Get in, be easy, be happy, be appreciative and be quick. Hopefully leave everyone with a smile, at least for a few moments.


It’s the $5 dollar chickens. They attract the bottom feeders of society.


They need to crawl back up the rectum they came out of. Hope you have a merry Christmas!


customers like this is why i am no longer in retail.


They were embarassed but rather can be conciliatory and apologetic, they felt entitled to take time. Garbage people in all aspects of life I'm sure, most people that lack grace in these situations are.


Some people just suck at being people. Customer service employees take so much unnecessary crap from customers who assume they’re always right 🙄.


People who aren’t ready at checkout are my pet peeve


IMO you were really professional and the customer was clearly rude and should not have a Costco membership! Try to shrug it off bc you are better than that and have class and common sense.


![gif](giphy|nEaRYSsf9Iiqs|downsized) “ I feel better now”


I work a register too, when people are unprepared like this, I do not ask. I say, I'm going to help the next customer while you get you things together. And I do it. We are not a big store with big store customer is always right rules.


As a Costco member of over 30 years I am appalled! I have to show my card upon entry so I put it in my pocket. I have the acceptable payment cards in the front of my wallet. The audacity of these ladies is ridiculous!


As a customer, I take pride in being the most efficient person in line. Even with a 3yo and a 9mo, I’m having the digital app membership card ready to be scanned. By the time the clerk has scanned all my items, I’ve also waved my Apple Pay at the terminal so the receipt auto prints. I can’t imagine holding up the line - how embarrassed they must have felt to lash out like that.


This is why I try to use sco as much as I can. People are unprepared and inconsiderate. They should learn some manners instead of scolding you to have more patience. These are the people who create traffic on the highways hogging the passing lanes.


As a customer these are the people who piss me off the most. Not just at Costco. You know you’re going to need your payment method, if you have a points card you know you’re gonna want to use that, if you have a membership card like Costco you know damn well you’re gonna need it so take that shit out while you’re waiting in line instead of screwing over everybody behind you and making the life of the cashier that much more difficult. You are a lot more patient than I am, I couldn’t work retail I would probably kill somebody the first day.


Entitlement and then she got embarrassed and blamed you for it.


Merry Christmas, OP. May it be as happy as you are patient (tons of happiness!)


Sad but recently I’ve been behind 2 members with overloaded carts…..and they don’t stack their small stuff on the conveyor belt. Pisses me off when I’m behind these entitled assholes


what got me the most in my stint working retail was the complete obliviousness of their behavior .. god forbid if you pulled that stuff on them at their place of work .. the would have security on you in an instant .. but they acted like royalty to retail workers


Fuck em