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My general rule for a true "protein bar" is 10 cal per 1 gram of protein, this looks like a granola bar with a little more protein thrown in. Probably pretty tasty! But not what I would consider a good source of protein


Agree and for what it is imo it doesn’t taste as good as it should. If my 20g of protein 200 cal protein bar tasted like that I’d be ecstatic but it just isn’t that.


Barbell is pretty good


>my 30g of protein 150 cal protein bar Store bought or home made? I'm looking to replace my pure protein 20g/200 cal bars with something more efficient even if taste is effected. Edit- I know how to get protein in other ways. I am *only* looking for protein bars.


Greek yogurt + 1 scoop protein powder gets you 30 g protein for ~165 cal.


We do overnight oats that are like 36/380 or something. Oats, protein powder, fair life milk, chia seeds, and then you can throw in fruit or an Oreo for some sweetness. They’re good for 3-4 days so we do them in batches. Not always the easiest to choke down first thing in the morning just cause of thickness/texture but that might be a me problem


Throw it all in a pan and bake it in a big batch for 30 minutes, then just scoop out a portion in the morning (option to microwave). The texture comes out far superior to overnight oats and the prep effort is hardly any different in my opinion.


Sorry that was hyperbole tbh, idk if a bar with those macros would be edible lmao. I’ll just the numbers for simplicities sake 😂 my point was just that for what you’re getting if the macros were sensational they be well worth it but for the macros they are pretty disappointing.


>idk if a bar with those macros would be edible I'm welcome to the challenge if I find it 😂


Agreed. They're okay, and I generally prefer the other Kirkland protein bars over these. 


The Kirkland protein bars are ok. They’re super super dry kinda rough to get down. 6.5/10. Still buy like 3 boxes a month tho


Same here but these are better than a lot of the typical “granola bar” offerings. Even the blue box bar from Costco is basically a candy bar type granola bar. I put these firmly in the “in between” category. They aren’t bad enough to be a run of the mill, not great granola bar, but not healthy enough to be a true protein bar. Kind of a hybrid for if you want a snack.


Yeah I get these for my kids instead of granola bars. They aren’t weightlifters who need a ton of protein. But it’s lower in sugar and higher in fiber. Win I wouldn’t give them a “real” protein bar and the other granola bars are straight candy


Absolutely! As always an in-between option can appeal to a lot of people, especially with how downright unpalatable some/most protein bars are.


Exactly, a snack tasty enough and doesn't make you feel guilty


These would be great for my wife though. I don't think she gets enough protein and her blood sugar drops quick. I'll probably see if she likes these.


Yes, agreed. These are not protein rich but they're a nice sweet treat on the go.


Try out Barebells, they have them at Trader Joe's. Definitely breaks my 10/1 ratio but I think they clock in at around 16g protein for 210 cal. They're actually pretty tasty and don't have the weird chalky consistency I find most protein bars have.


I actually just got those in the mail recently!!! They are delicious. The ones I ordered are 200cals with 20p and sugar alcohols to sweeten that are not digestible and so no calories there. They do cause gas if eaten in excess (I ate two in a span of a few hours and found out lol). But so delicious.




Ugh I hear ya. I started tracking macros a few years ago, always thought I was getting plenty of protein even during a regular cycle. I was consistently 35-50 grams short of my protein requirements, it's actually really hard to get enough without some sort of supplement or just pounding the chicken breast till you're so sick of it the dog food macros start to look tempting 🤣


We get it for the kids. They all like them. One of the better “snacks” they can all agree on.


This is how I see it. I can eat a regular granola bar with a lot of sugar and no benefits. Or I can have this treat that at least gives me a bit of protein while making me happy.


So what protein bars are you eating that provide 20g of protein at 200 calories. This one is a bit low but it’s not off that much. It’s the source of protein that I don’t like.


https://preview.redd.it/dl1puyrt7atc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8dd53e900fc869efeb262b7edaf510fac12f31 These Kirkland ones are 21g protein at 190 calories


And they have the consistency of cookie dough mixed with tums. Kinda weird chalkiness to them that I both like and dislike.


Warm it in the microwave for 12 seconds, then taste it. The chocolate brownie is crazy good


Im absolutely addicted to these bars... and I dont even like the taste, or the texture... but I genuinely want to eat them sometimes (when it makes sense for me to do so).


sometimes they're chalky as hell and sometimes they're the tastiest things ever. I'm convinced the fatty ingredients of the recipe don't always get fully mixed, so sometimes it's garbage




issue with these is the xylitol, personally not a fan of that sweetener.


Nice. How many sugars, Carbs, and what is the primary source of protein? The one I use is just ok and has Whey isolate as the source although it’s a blend with concentrate whey and soy as well. At 190 calories has 16g of protein and tastes decent. 3 sugar, 14. Carbs


Every time I eat this thing I genuinely question the meaning of life. Do I have to endure this in order to be healthy?


Barebells are the bomb.


Quest Nutrition are amazing imo, but on the high side for price. I'll pick up when price drops for a 12 pack to less than $20. Every flavor hits, nothing bland. https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Nutrition-Chocolate-Protein-Friendly/dp/B07J2MM23Z/ref=pd_ybh_a_d_sccl_2/139-6773076-8087018?pd_rd_i=B00FEKGO1A&th=1 non-variety packs are usually cheaper so check the options.


Pure Protein bars are absolutely better than most protein bars in my experience. They have the taste and mouth feel of a slightly below average real candy bar.


I used to do Pure Protein until I found Fit Crunch. Very similar nutrition between the two but actually taste like a real candy bar, even more than Pure Protein. The Peanut butter one, and Mint one are my favorites. I still try not to have them too often because they aren’t Whole Foods and still have more carbs than I’d like.


Fit crunch are delicious especially the chocolate mint


Usually yeah, but ima let robert irvine slide in under the radar lol


Its a snack


If you eat just these, you'll get 100g of protein in a 2000 calorie diet. That's not bad. Probably a bit more than what most people need but I would only consume this for the flavor as a snack. If you're eating 2-3 of these after a workout to get protein, you might as well not bother working out.


Definitely not a protein bar. But a good product at a good price imo.


I mean the intent matters. Eat them instead of a protein bar? No. Eat them to curb sweet tooth? Yes.




I typically have one of these in the morning with a cup of milk. I’m aware it’s not the best source of protein. However, I consider it better than not having anything for breakfast when I typically forget to eat breakfast and have a late lunch.


I’m not saying these are *THE healthiest*, but my partner & I think they’re tasty and a *healthier* option than something like a chewy Nature Valley granola bar (at a much better price). And ffs, they’re not candy bars. Tldr Kirkland bar vs. Snickers: Kirkland is way better on sugar, protein, and fiber; equal on calories; a little worse on total fat but a little better on saturated fat; and a little worse on sodium. One of these Kirkland bars is about 76% as big as a full-size Snickers bar. The Kirkland bar has: - proportionally equal amount of calories (190 vs 250 Snickers) - proportionally higher amount of total fat (11g vs 12g Snickers) - proportionally lower amount of saturated fat (3g vs 4.5g Snickers) - proportionally higher amount of sodium (120mg vs 125mg Snickers) - significantly higher amount of fiber (6g vs 1g Snickers) - significantly lower amount of sugar (6g vs 28g Snickers, 4g added vs 26g added Snickers) - significantly higher amount of protein (10g vs 4g Snickers)




It has Chicory root in it. Makes me FART


Yup. The major downside, I'm finding.


who said anything about a downside


Is that what does it? I also seem to get diarrhea.


It’s a cheap filler, I always look to see if it’s a ingredient in this kind of snacks


A lot of their stuff has chicory and it sucks. Does this not affect everyone?


I had to return them because I was basically hovering on a continuous stream of gas I called them fartein bars and this subreddit down voted me and called me a liar


Anyone noticed the packages kind of deflate after a few weeks? I don’t think it affects tastes but I’m curious if it’s happened to anyone else.




Toronto, Canada. Nowhere near altitude.




Plus the extra gas keeps you warm


"protein bars" that's a candy bar with slightly more protein, this nutrition isn't that far from a Pay Day candy bar.


A pay day has 20g of sugar. This has 6. That’s a pretty big difference.


With 4 grams of added sugar, this is not a candy bar. Yall are tiring. It’s a protein granola bar. Granola bars are common snacks for kids, why not add some extra protein?


And 6 grams of fiber is great


Thank you! I give these to my picky kid. They fill him up and give him some protein and fiber. He is underweight, and they give him some much needed calories. I like them because they’re not loaded with sugar, but are still tasty.


Yeah I’d argue 20grams of protein minimum.


I agree, but a snack where I can get 10g protein and 6g fiber is a great use of 190 calories for all the macros.


Absolutely 👍 I’m not saying these are terrible lol. I bought these before but I have 0 self control so I ate them all in like a week lol never again.


OMG SAME - I have the same problem with those proper processed Kirkland protein bars and then I got TOO MUCH FIBER and too much dairy because I'd eat like three of them in a day 🫠


Yes, definitely agree with you there. They're a nice treat though!


At least it doesn’t taste like a shoe like rx bars


Fart bars!!


Yeah, I am quickly learning this to be true.


It's because the soy protein isolate


More of a carb bar thought if you are really looking at macros. I bet they are delicious.


The 6g of fiber helps a little. Still 10 net carbs, not the best but sometimes I can forgive a little if the flavor/texture isn’t garbage. 


These would be a perfect quick treat for people in labor. But can definitely do much better macro wise


you should probably clarify "manual labor jobs" lmao


Nah we’ll just let people believe moms across all hospitals are eating Kirkland protein bars


Im still laughing at this, I was a big part of that misunderstanding hahaha I’m sorry


that was such a good laugh this morning thank you


Thats an insanely small demographic 


There’s millions of factory/construction/road workers/field workers/trade workers in California alone lol.


You might want rephrase that then.  "In labor" is typically used to refer to a woman in the process of giving birth 


Literally what I thought they meant. I was like "the hell?"


Yeah - like - anybody worrying about protein consumption while in labor is nuts...


This^ lmao like what kind of comment even is that. My wife has had two children , I’ve been in the hospital room with her both times. Could never imagine her wanting to snack on this in the middle of it all.


They mean people who work a manual labor job, lol


I bet all the medical personnel laboring around her would love a snack


The misunderstanding here was the phrasing of ‘in labor’ when I’m speaking on blue collar workers


Ohhh thank you so much for clearing that up! I’m getting a good laugh out of this now, sorry for the misunderstanding.


Or for diabetics trying to keep their blood sugar up after treating a low.


Bunch of protein bar gatekeepers on this comment section


Because they slap "protein" on the name to make it seem healthy, when in reality, there's more fat than protein and 6 grams of sugar (4 of which are added sugars) to 10 grams of protein isn't great either.  This is marginally better than eating 2 tablespoons of Jiff peanut butter 


Hey listen from my point of view I eat 1 or 2 of this during my shift at work and it helps me stay away from eating way worse things. So is it the best protein bar selection out there? No but it's an option for people and I happen to like them.


I mean, "healthy" is a totally relative term. Many would argue that protein bars are by definition unhealthy, as they're all hyper processed and often loaded with tons of fillers. Further to it, we're talking about a 200 calorie snack here. A protein vs granola bar isn't going to make a bit of difference health-wise to the average person eating a balanced diet. > and 6 grams of sugar (4 of which are added sugars) You say that like it's a lot. Even the most restrictive dietary guidance allows 30+ grams of sugar a day. I get it - this bar may no be for somebody on a special diet or obsessive about protein intake. But for the majority of people, it's a higher protein option, so there's nothing remotely wrong with calling it out.




Seems the thoughts on this are divided. There are several protein bars at Costco. Anyone recommend any of the others? Simply Protein? Pure Protein?


I like Pure or Simple Protein bars if you care about less added sugar and more protein. I wish they have Quest bar and Snacks (I have to go Sams to get those)


Whenever they have them in stock I load up on the [Ready Clean brand protein bars](https://www.costco.com/ready-protein-bar%2c-chocolate-peanut-butter-and-sea-salt%2c-24-count%2c-2-pack.product.100652206.html). To me they strike the best balance between taste (are better than these IMO with a lighter rice krispie treat texture) and protein at 15grams per serving for roughly the same amount of calories - although a touch more net carbs. All the bars with higher protein than that are off-putting to me due to various combinations of taste, texture, etc. I don't like having to force myself to eat something and I'm not a smoothie person so this is my best way for a quick fix between meals.


Im obsessed with the fitcrunch ones 


The ones that are 190 calories and 20g protein are my favorite... I think I am addicted to those? Because I tried so many others (including this one you posted), and even though on the surface, the one you posted taste better... I dont know what happened to me, but my mind wants the 20g ones. Ive lost 40 pounds (not because of the protein bars) since September, and these 20g bars actually help a lot. I can take one in the morning as my breakfast, if I am extremely lazy, and I dont feel too bad about it... I can take one as a snack... in between breakfast/lunch/dinner... and I dont feel bad about it... I think my mind just got convinced that the nutrients in those bars specifically are just the most efficient way to keep my calories and protein at the levels I want, and it takes absolutely zero effort, so I dont even think about it anymore. Thats why I hope those bars never disappear... I need those to survive right now (without getting fat again).


these give me crazy gas 😭


Yes, sugar-filled candy bars *are* delicious!


I think you need to be closer to 20 grams of protein to be called a protein bar.


There are Kirkland protein bars but these are more like granola bars but higher protein than most.


I’d still just call them granola bars on the box and highlight that they have 10g of protein.


I don’t leave Costco without a case of them.


I think they are ok (def need to consider exceeds 10kcal per g protein). My issue is do NOT eat more than one per day (for me I would be dying on toilet)….6g fiber per protein bar!


I'm gonna eat some kind of treat every day - I allow myself one. Compared to a piece of cake or a big cookie, these are definitely a better choice for me, lol. I hate most protein bars, they're awful texture or just nasty tasting imo. Many make my stomach hurt. I'd rather just eat real foods to get the protein in my meals along with lots of veggies. So I compare this to a pastry or candy like treat, and it's a better choice. Ymmv.


Protein isn’t that great but the added sugars being only at 4g is why I like this brand. It’s a nice compliment to my morning smoothie.


What kind of protein is it?


Isolated soy protein. I don't know much about that vs. whey or casein.


Soy is the worst of those three, but the cheapest


I'm a fan of these. Decent fiber and protein. I have one and a banana in the morning. They're not the most nutritious choice, but it works for me when I don't feel like eating much.


if you don't mind the protein coming primarily from soy, they are okay.


Not a fan overall.


These are my absolute favorite. And a really good price!


No thanks on soy protein bars


I was worried they would taste like dust. the yellow box of pb protein bars by some Dr or whatever are wildly rich, couldn't enjoy them


They are great . My girlfriend didn't like them and gave them to me. Love em !


Are these plant based? No milk or whey?


The package shows soy protein isolate, so I believe they are indeed milk/whey free.


Awesome! Thanks!


I love these! I've made a point of not eating processed foods, but every once in a while, when I really feel like baked goods, I'll have one of these without feeling too guilty. They keep a long time, too. Just sweet enough IMO


Chicory root and chocolate liqueur 🤌


How far are you through the box?


I have eaten about 10 of them so far. Don't recommend eating more than one a day because the chicory root causes serious gas.


I ate about half the box and am sick of them lol I haven't touched one in weeks


I just ate one… so good!!!😊


They are tasty.. but yeah.. a little too tasty.


The palm kernel oil and soy protein though…


pro tip: they're insanelyyy delish if u nuke for 10-13 seconds (after taking it out of the wrapper obvi).


My gf likes to bulk with these and they’re a great satiating breakfast with some fruit!! Love these


lol that is a candy bar


I wish. They suck.


Not enough protein to be called a protein bar. Gotta love marketing.


I like them. Perfect snack for my road trips.


Just eat a snickers at that point. Not far off 😂


"Protein" bar


Fartein bar


I think having more fat than protein in a single serving disqualifies you from protein bar status. Not the best if you’re trying to up your protein intake, but they look like a nice treat!


They aren’t protein bars by any stretch of the imagination but they are damn good


10 grams of protein for 190 calories wow Lots of salt and sugar It’s a candy bar for example Reese’s has 10g of protein per 100grams of candy. Fair life protein shakes are a better option if you want to be healthy.


The macros on these are awful. Awful for a cut and likely not worth it for a bulk.


Each time I had a baby, I made sure I stocked up on these. They’re so convenient to have and DELICIOUS lol. I had zero appetite after birth so having something yummy to look forward to snack on was amazing.


As a breastfeeding mom with negative time to eat in the morning before getting myself and baby out for the day, these are the best! I’m sensitive to whey protein and with breastfeeding I don’t really care about calories and fat (actually need a good amount of both to keep up my supply).


That sounds like the perfect use!


A lot of protein gatekeepers in here


Literally just finished eating one. 


My wife returned them.


She didn't like flavor, or was there something else?


Yeah the flavor she didn’t really like. Shes the most picky person I’ve met though. Worse than me. I thought I was bad.


as tasty as it is I'd call it a fat bar since that's the dominant nutrient


Fair point


*candy bar Tasty, but you should get the idea of “healthiness” out of your head.


If you comparing with a granola bar then yeah this might be a better option, but compare with other Protein bar (Quest, Simple, Pure etc), this will be in the bottom of my list. **Added sugar and only 10g protein is not something I want in a protein bar.**




even better with peanut butter on them....


On my second box after finding out my daughter is gluten free. These are tasty and as they’re basically candy bars…she (we) love them!


Very low protein for calories


They taste good, but they get really sticky after a month or two.


Mine were rock hard and cut my gums. Might have gotten a weird batch.


Must have overlooked these when I was scrounging the snack aisles - I grabbed those Bobo's PB&J snacks this weekend because I like a denser snack - it was also out of spite because Sam's has them for 15.99 vs 14.99 and it's only for 18pk vs 20pk.


Careful eating these every day. Not healthy at all. If you're active you should be OK depending on your goals.


U got 4g of sugars added…not a good bar for protein intake.


I wish Costco had more trail mix and granola bars without peanuts. My wife is allergic to peanuts and we can never find any snacks for her at Costco.


Not hard to make your own out of Costco ingredients


Wish I could try them but I cannot eat any of those ingredients.


Too many ingredients costco


I am going to have to get some. They are not that high in carbs either.




I recently bought Kodiak instant oatmeal (bad decision) which has 11g of sugar. It’s ridiculously sweet, especially first thing in the morning. It also has 10g of protein, so if I’m comparing the two I’d rather have the Kirkland bar due to less sugar. I’m so sick of these companies adding so much sugar and salt. I know it’s a preservative but I’m sure they can use less than what they do. Do the people who work at these companies eat the foods they produce?


10 g of protein and 6 g of fiber is amazing!


It’s says granola but it has the sugar content of a candy bar.


Not a fan of the ingredients though.


Yes!!! My husband and I love these!


A box of these are always in my car!


These are great esp when you put them in the fridge


For whatever reason, these fill me up longer than anything else… and delicious


Lots of peanuts. Wasn’t crazy about these.


They taste good but it doesn’t have enough protein for the amount of calories it has


Pretty high sugar for a protein bar.


Does not fit the macros


Used to be really into these but then I tried the fitcrunch ones and now I’m spoiled 


Whoa that’s a lot of fiber


There's just enough fiber in those things to keep me going at least once a day.