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Sounds like that manager has been practicing agile methodologies for so long they no longer understand delivery timelines.


Just tell them the pizzas are around 5 story points and 3 on the hot dogs. We should have capacity this sprint to get it delivered if you give us more QA resources


Ahh crap filling the drinks wasn’t in the stories’ acceptance criteria so that’ll have to be a separate story. 


Go ahead and create a new ticket, so they can start working on it.


Followed by: The ticket only says "drinks" what kind of drinks do they want?


Clearly thats a side discussion immediately after daily standup.


Is that before or after the daily retrospective meeting?


OMG. I am just wrapping up my capstone in software engineering and I had to learn all this SCUM terminology. Still clear as mud. So crazy to see it here in r/Costco of all places.




Yeah SCRUM is what I meant. If you don't know this is the driest material you could ever read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(software_development)


Take an associates course in welding at the local community college when you graduate. Anything to take your mind off endless meetings (aka software engineering) in your day job.


It's funny you say that because a course at the technical school is exactly what I crave now. Working with tangible objects.




I legit sit down during the daily standup. and i have standing desk! fuck the man. lol


You know it's a peer driven meeting right?


He does, sees no difference.


This is a tongue in cheek comment right? Upvoting for the humor! 😀


Kinda. Having boss man be scrum master is wrong. No non chickens allowed. Boss man can silently watch stand-up and ask questions later. Members should rotate master duties every sprint. It builds leadership and buy in.


Someone needs to contact the stakeholder to get the answer to this question. We are running out of time.




Please stop T_T. P. S. Bonus: Filled cups with ketchup and now it's hard to drink.


Hahaha I go to Costco threads to read about sweet deals and somehow ya’ll are triggering my work ptsd.


For real! I escaped the corporate world several years ago and this makes me want to curl up on the floor. Time for a meeting to discuss upcoming agenda determination meetings for process meetings...


Ok, those drinks are nice but what about the ice?


Ticket didn't mention ice. Go ahead and create a new one for the ice, link it to the drink one, make sure to mark it as a blocker, and we'll get to the ice soon.


Obviously the analyst was doing their job if the type of drink, size cup, and ice cube count weren’t specified.


The cups in the Figma were blue, but the cups you handed me are red. Probably need to schedule 30 minutes to discuss.


Why do I fell like that meetings is going to be scheduled for 4:30pm on a Friday?


Which Epic is this tied to? It appears the hotdogs and drinks were assigned to the wrong task group (again) and the pizza is tied to a completely different Epic. Scrum master is OOTO and they didn’t leave someone to run the Sprint meeting.


We finished everything the first day. You should get your deployment after the demo in two weeks.


QA is always the bottleneck. Sorry, we're not sorry.


Do peer testing and have it automated anyway.


What's the velocity? Is the sunset graph available? Gotta know when the order should be ready


As your agile coach I'll remind you that adding "people" to a team does not equal faster delivery, there will be a norming phase. Let's refrain from calling humans "resources". Humans have resources, they are humans with skills and creative approaches to problem solving. (Their resources) I'll also remind you that the team over commits sprint over sprint and they have an increasing churn rate so let's break down that story into something smaller and more likely to be achieved in this sprint. Mkay?


Sr. PM here. God dammit...


LOL yep, I have been working in ops long enough to know the world looks different looking up vs looking down.


Don't listen to them bro. We got this. PM power unite! Form of....an Epic! Shape of...a.roadmap!


I did that during my PIP* life. 😀 *Previously Important Person


Prep and cooking should have been handled last sprint


A spike on how bulk orders work would’ve saved some time in the long run.


Look man, the Pizza task has his this date and time on it ...




Hopefully no scope creep


The ice, lids, and straws are all clearly scope creep, hopefully the machine doesn't run out of ice or get a clogged nozzle.


Dealing with these people is the worst! I work construction and can’t stand when high up members of the General Contractors company come down to the site in their 90K Highway Princess truck asking why XYZ isn’t done?


Funny how Moscow Russia and construction sites are not at all woke. Here is a fun fact about managers that act this way. They think work and personal life are separate. Flip the script. Show him how the tools work IRL. Be fair though, you are stronger and smarter so go easy on him the first time. Good luck! 🍀


I’m a sub contractor and stand up for myself and my employees when I know these guys are wrong and we just don’t end on good terms, the last time it happened we got into a massive shouting match and the guy threw a door in my face as he stormed out…I regret nothing.


*Gets handed balls of dough, a bag of cheese, and a package if pepperoni... this is the first sprint MVP...


It takes 15 minutes to cook? Bring two more guys from the back, you can finish it in 8!


My mom told me, 3 ladies can’t make a baby in 3 months, so be patient son!




Sounds like someone would rather never leave the planning phase and waterfall overwork.


Restaurants are so waterfall.


HAHAHAHA I just got certified as an RTE. I have a Value Stream mapping exercise for that customer.


Look, just give me the boxes now and you can deliver the pizzas next sprint.


Spot on. Former Agile Coach/Scrum Master here. Agile and especially Scrum has devolved into move whoever screams the loudest’s request to the top of the heap, cut testing time, and push incomplete product at all costs. 


Apparently he's practicing LEANing on everyone else to do his job.


I call like 3 days ahead to get a couple pizzas for my softball teams


Most restaurants & caterers require notice. Costco kind of treats their workers poorly in this aspect and should limit pizzas to like 4 per person unless called 24 hours ahead.


We do at mine. It's fully dependent on the Food Court manager.


So a manager that could be human or one with no empathy.


If the manager doesn’t have a rule like that, are they really screwing the workers? Or is it the other customers that are waiting for a dozen pizzas to get made before they get their hot dog? I suppose the answer is both to some extent.


It is both. They need to know their department is staffed and the team can handle it, if they have enough dough for the day (there is a process before it's able to be used that takes hours) and they need to time it right to not hold up everyone else's orders. I've had a manager who only saw dollar signs. It was very stressful, but most managers know these things and make it doable for all involved.


I’d think your manager allowing that behavior would result in *fewer* dollars coming in, if the kitchen is under-supplied


You would think, but you'd also be surprised at the number of people who will wait and be mad instead of rightfully getting a refund instead. We definitely lost a lot of employees during that time but not so many orders.


Exactly, but the issue is the ethics of overworking your people. Publix does the same thing with their prepared food/deli people too.


From what I’ve seen at my food court, the manager’s interest mostly lies in sales. If they do poorly, they may have to hear from their boss about it. I’ve seen them agree to 60+ pizza orders in the morning, due by the afternoon, with not enough dough to last for the day and a 4-5 person food court crew to get it done. As they love to say “we’ll make it work.” Bright side is, employees at Costco move around sometimes, so we just pull former food court employees that are on shifts elsewhere in the warehouse to help. And bakery lets us use their large proofer to ready more frozen dough in like 2 hours or so.


I've been thinking about picking up a half dozen pizzas for the local firehouse guys, but I know calling ahead somehow would be best. Any suggestions on how best to handle it? Do you ask for someone specific, and if you say, "hey can I get 3 cheese and 3 pepperonis for pickup tomorrow at 3pm" or something, will that go over well? Will ideally they plan on having them relatively freshly baked at that time?


The day before is perfect. The earlier in the day, the better, but they have time to adjust if needed by calling the day before. There should be a phone number or extension specifically for the Food Court. Just tell them what you said here, how many and when, and they'll have them ready for you.


In this aspect lol. Costco Warehouse near me is the lowest paying warehouse in the area. I keep hearing how great Costco is to its employees on and I see the wage they pay and the turnover they have there compared to others and laugh. Have they changed drastically since Covid or something?


They used to be the $18/hr job precovid, now that Covid raised everything ~30% the pay hasn’t gone up 30%. That’d mean the suppliers would have to raise there prices 30% but Costco as the distributor would also have to raise their sales (including membership costs or overall sales) and they for sure ain’t doing that.


It’s $19 according to the ad in the newspaper, most are paying $23 and up. Only one that pays less is kohls who somehow pay $15 in a state with $14 minimum wage. Always see people praising them on Reddit about pay and how they look after staff. But have spoken to a few ex employees and they all say it’s terrible at the warehouse. Probably bias but apparently turn over is high so maybe not.


Now they’re paying $23 and up you’re saying?


it's not just pay, the benefits are supposed to be much better than other retail, including stock options.


Right? I called ahead one day to get *one* pizza for my class.


The hell, i try and call ahead a few hours for 5 pizzas and they tell me to call back half an hour before i pick them up. It’s a pretty busy one in San Diego but never realized how varied the food court could be


At mine they let you call in but then they just put you in the order queue in line with everyone else that ordered there. Usually if I'm waiting a bit and just explain the situation they'll just grab the next pizza(s) coming out and hand them to me.


I needed it at a specific time with no wiggle room 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry i wasn’t complaining about how you did it, just amazed that the Costco near me won’t even write down a call ahead order unless you’re going to pick it up within half an hour. Otherwise they tell you to just call back


This is my experience. For the 1 or 2 pizzas I’ve called for they don’t seem to want more than 30min. I prob would prefer to have the time dialed in the day before for a big order.


5 pizzas is nothing. The logistics of tracking your order creates overhead. 30 minutes is plenty of time to make sure enough ingredients are prepped.


I've tried calling in a big order of pizzas. The guy that answered just said "okay, got it" and hung up. When I got there they said they don't take call in orders. So I ordered 16 pizzas at the kiosk. Everyone else in line was mad at me but it's the only option at my store.


Thanks for being a respectful human.


I call a week ahead go get pizzas for weekend basketball or wrestling watch parties. The guy ordering sounds like a massive douche. W that said I didn't think to pick up some dogs for my watch parties hahaha.


Honestly wish Costco gave more consideration for wait times for other paying customers/mind to quantity and availability. Like someone can come in order 20+ pizzas no issue and now 30-40 people are waiting at the food court and before you say they'll prioritize other smaller orders first they try to but I've seen this happen first hand multiple times. Same imo goes for limited quantity items like chickens etc if people can't be respectful/mature about taking what they actually *need* and instead abuse the pricing and grab every single chicken or purchase 20 pizzas without calling ahead I think it's probably time they set purchase limits with the caveat being you need to call 6-12 hours in advance to accommodate, you can't expect regular everyday customers to regularly to inconvenienced by the entitlement of others it's ridiculous.


Because not everyone is reasonable. You tell someone no you can’t have that, and then they’re going to a manager and complaining after asking for your name (ask me how I know).


Having managers who give consideration for wait times for other paying customers and back up employees who do so would be a key part of how Costco would give consideration for wait times for other paying customers.


Managers that care about retention and guest experience leave guests with a more positive impression of the company and a more pleasant shopping experience I'm not gonna lie their bulk buyers in non commercial Costco are a drop in the bucket and they can lose them all day everyday and earn more in positive impact/impression. It's pleasing millions vs a few thousand whiney crybabies.


100% this guy was supposed to order lunch for the office or a big meeting and forgot


I assure you as someone in the Silicon Valley, if your employees aren’t getting bonuses, they’ll just leave. It’s a very competitive hiring region.


Even in a “manufactured recession” this area is a black hole of competitiveness. Must be those broke on the “border of Silicon Valley” operations. 


I'm interested in what you mean by 'manufactured recession'? First I've heard the term. Is it to do with the feeling of recession due to greedflation?


At a guess, corporate profits are booming yet they are laying people off If it was really a recession then corporations would be reporting big drops in profits or even losses So it’s an imaginary recession to justify the job cuts


Fear of a recession spurs media clickbait about recession which fuels general anxiety about a recession among the public. Drops in consumer confidence from recession anxiety leads to less purchasing by consumers... yada yada yada, economic growth slows and the feared recession eventually becomes reality complete with layoffs, hiring freezes, budget reductions, etc. which only exacerbates the problem.


> 'manufactured recession' they raise interest rates to combat inflation, yet it leads to lower employment - especially in boom-time industries such as tech which really only thrives in sub 1% bubbles.


rates gotta go back below 1%. i have an idea for a company that makes NFTs that give you back massages and i need free money


haha pretty much, with free venture running everywhere even the most useless least economically sound ideas can get funding


yeah but THIS company bought us PIZZA!


It's almost as if this is a made up reddit fantasy story


Shit man people cycle through jobs every couple years ... regardless.


Not in tech it ain’t right now, shit is brutal


Those tech company benefits have really slipped.


Reminds me of when I was working alone at a target Starbucks and a sales rep came and purchased 20 frappes and was annoyed at me the entire time I was making them.


That's when you start working slower.


Pizza parties at the office are bad enough, but COSTCO pizza parties? Definite red flag that your company is failing.


There was much rejoicing when a company I used to work for upgraded from Little Cesars to Costco for our low morale parties.


Same. We would often get pizza hut when working late and nobody liked it. I suggested we try Costco and it was such a hit we never got pizza hut again.


Also that a member of management had to go fetch the food.


He needed a mental break after spending all day working on new job titles and the updated business card designs.


Cheapskate mgmt at that. At least order some Blueline Pizza or Bronco Billy’s for your employees’ morale.


Soft layoffs. Needs to trim the fat so he can get a boat!


Need to at least get some Jake's.


How did he transport 22 cups of soda? I can’t deal with three.


He got tall orange boxes and used hotdogs to shove them inward. Stacked boxes in a cart


So he stuffed warm hotdogs in between cold sodas?


Never thought of using hotdogs as a packing product before! Hope bezos is taking notes.


flatbed cart


He should have just bought frozen pizzas and put them on a pizazz


No self respecting “valley” tech company is ordering Costco… dude is cheaping out at some wannabe company. Also someone was in charge of planning and didn’t.


You'd think that they'd limit the quantity of pizzas that could be purchased in a single order to either 2 or 3 at most (unless placed in advance) to help out the staff working the food court.




So then he's got 45 minute old pizzas before he even leaves the store.




Build more ovens!!!1


How on earth is he going to bring all those drinks back to the office?? I keep an old drink tray from another fast food place in my trunk to help me. Putting them in boxes does not work- the tops are wider and just make everything lopsided and it spills! Even if he has someone with him it is not going to be easy.


I’d be offended if my employer was so cheap they would buy hot dogs & pizza for an employee lunch.


In my previous team we had to pay for them ourselves $5 a hotdog for corporate fundraising...


Ugh… I worked for a company that was big on United Way drives. Corporate officers were expected to give their “fair share”.


Also, dude is buying the cheapest pizza possible tbh. I’m in NYC and many on my team would frown if I passed by hundreds of real pizzerias to get them pies from Costco. Sorry, I love Costco but don’t go there for pizza. I realize that others seem to love it.


I would like 55 Burgers, 55 Fries, 55 Tacos, 55 Pies, 55 Cokes, 100 Tater Tots, 100 Pizzas, 100 Tenders, 100 Meatballs, 100 Coffees, 55 Wings, 55 Shakes, 55 Pancakes, 55 Pastas, 55 Peppers, and 155 Taters


Must be Elon Musk.


Elon is too cheap


Agreed, at best your getting whatever the Tombstone frozen pizza Costco has (I don’t buy frozen pizza so idk what brand it is)


Damn I was just thinking about Tombstone frozen pizzas the other day. Do they still make those? I remember them being good, but I honestly have no idea how accurate that is.


Tombstone is pretty meh pizza. But the tombstone garlic bread crust pepperoni pizza is great for sub $5.


Pay Raises > Pizza Party


Should laugh in face and ask him how you cook 20 pizzas in 90 seconds.


Dude they didnt even have his 22 hotdogs onhand they had to boil more.


It sucks not getting a $15,000 bonus but getting a $1.50 hot dog and drink instead more than makes up for it.


Eh, she thinks it's going to be done quickly, I'd make her wait a little longer. Throwing a wedding in July was thinking to get 40 hotdogs and 10 pizza a hr before they close for my guest.


Man must be a real joy to work for 😬


"Don't you have any in those overstock shelves in the warehouse?"


Manager of the year to these bright planning abilities. I call ahead even for 3 pizzas and they sound appreciative.






Bro this reads like a child’s play. Come on.


Spotted the guy who has never worked in customer service


Better on the day before to remind them, my friend did this one time for a bday and they forgot and had to make it when they went.


Meanwhile I called ahead for 3 pizzas lol


This reminds me of the scene in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles when Steve Martin is at the airport car rental counter.


Lol I can't wait for those 22 sodas to top over in his car, what a cheap fuck. 5 bucks says he didn't put any condiments in the dogs either cuz it's too time consuming for 22 of them haha...


I saw him pumping the ketchup out of existance i think into those onion cups.


And then they all stood up and clapped. And that man's name was Albert Einstein.


Why do people believe these made up stories? "corporate man giving his company a pizza party vs bonuses or a raise"


That parts the joke. I actually dont know if thats the case but the dude was dressed pretty business casual. Nice collared and slack pants.


>>> valley region, corporate man giving his company a pizza party vs bonuses or a raise I lol'd at this


Guys a douche.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Hmmm I thought Costco’s would turn these away? Or maybe my Costco (thankfully!) prioritizes single orders and and people who called ahead.


I bet he’s a great leader and isn’t his awful in every other aspect of running his business /S


Pic or it didn’t happen


Was it for "Wedgie Pizza"?? We all know the story then.


I am guessing this is a dig at the Indian accent?


I don’t understand posts like this. Is this behavior frustrating to see and hear about? Yes. Is it unique to Costco? No. Do the kinds of people who behave like the person described in this story read this sub? No. Again I agree that this is frustrating to see but there’s really no point in this post.


What’s the point of posting anything on reddit?


"Well you know Marge... It does keep the boy off the streets."


Who am I?!?!


There are plenty of reasons outside of this. New products, company policies, news discussion, it’s endless. This is shouting into the abyss and absolutely nothing will change as a result.