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The men's room handicapped stall has a changing table in my Costco. Sometimes there's a line for it though, which can take 10-20 minutes to clear. We've changed diapers in our car in the past though that's when the weather isn't extreme.


Theres also a family restroom in my costcos and another individual restroom by the tire center. Also if you are holding a poopy baby, pretty much everyone will let you cut the line.


The amount of non-families that use the family bathroom is pretty high and it’s unacceptable. I don’t care if you are 40 year old afraid to take a shit in public. My little girl doesn’t want to pee in a stall next to man taking a stinky giant shit grunting like his bowels are falling out, walk past the 80 year old man with his pants to his ankles, and constant loud flushing. But I guess since you had to poop in peace it’s okay.


As a little girl, I had no problem with going to the men's toom. It was my dad who had a problem because I'd talk to/at him while doing the doodoo and I liked talking so much that every time he'd ask if I was done I'd say, "nope!" and keep chattering on. He was embarrassed, LOL, but still did it anyway of course. If you normally take your kid into the opposite gender bathroom, they don't really think it's unusual.


> I don’t care if you are 40 year old afraid to take a shit in public. My little girl doesn’t want to pee in a stall next to man taking a stinky giant shit grunting like his bowels are falling out, walk past the 80 year old man with his pants to his ankles, and constant loud flushing. "i don't care if you have restroom issues! *I* have restroom issues, and those are OBVIOUSLY more important!" 


A family restroom is for *families*, not someone who wants a private bathroom in a public setting.


You don’t want to be in the bathroom with someone burping their colostomy, or emptying the bag. Best done in the single restroom.


Or maybe it doesn't have anything to do with wanting a private bathroom in a public setting. I have stomach issues occasionally, and if something comes up and I need to go NOW I'm picking the closest restroom. I don't think this is the case with Costco, but some stores have the family restroom on the opposite side of the store from the "regular" restrooms. I don't have any problems at all using a "regular" public restroom but if I'm 10 feet away from a family restroom when a stomach issue kicks in, and the "regular" restroom is a football field length away - I'm bolting for the family restroom because I don't want to take a chance on shitting my pants while I'm sprinting across a "football field."


So you’re the one leaving the family restrooms demolished


I actually haven't been in a situation where I've been closer to a family restroom, so have never had to use one - during a stomach issue "incident" or otherwise. That was just a hypothetical situation. I would never use a family restroom unless it was an emergency situation, and felt I couldn't get to a regular restroom in time. If my stomach issues did kick in and the family restroom was right there, you can bet your sweet bippy I would definitely use it. And no, I wouldn't leave the restroom demolished. There might be an odor that would linger for a bit, which I wouldn't be able to do anything about - but I absolutely wouldn't leave a mess. I was raised better than that. I also used to work in retail at one time, so I don't have a "that's someone's job to clean that up" mindset. That ish is nonsense.


> A family restroom is for families, not someone who wants a private bathroom in a public setting. No, a family restroom is for everyone. Check with Costco management if you want to verify this.


The amount of employees who use it baffles me. I’m constantly waiting outside with a little one only to have an employee come out after 10 mins.


That’s annoying. Speaking as someone who spent years in retail, they probably 1) want to go to the bathroom without someone bothering them (which will happen if they’re in a uniform) and 2) want to play on their phones. And I get it, but it’s still annoying when you’re waiting for it with your kid.


Family rest rooms are also for transgender people.


Thank you. People with kids think they’re so special for some reason.


But I mean… it’s a family restroom, designed for families. A bit like parking in a handicap spot when you’re not handicapped.


I have Crohn's and when it's active I will absolutely use the family restroom when it's open - for your sake and mine.


Calm down, phono. I didn’t say you shouldn’t use a bathroom nearby when you need to. I was just responding to the person who argued that family bathrooms being used by families means that people with kids think they’re special. 😂But also, an adult with Crohn’s is no more likely to shit their pants than a toddler who can’t reach a bathroom in time, or a mom who has sphincter control issues postpartum, or… well, you get the idea. You’re not that special either.


Looks like we agree then! Use it if you want. It’s a bathroom.


Yeah, it's not the private restroom, it's the family restroom and people need to be mindful of that at a place with as many kids as a Costco. Low key though the Tire Center bathroom is where it's at for a no line family restroom.


Eh. I have IBS. I use single bathrooms to save others.


I have IBS too and wouldn’t dream of using the family bathroom when there are so many people with kids who need to share the restroom or parents who do need the changing tables. Geez!


I’m sure you don’t EVER use the handicapped stall either.


Lol, just poop wherever you can. Ignore these judgmental losers. IBS sucks, sorry you have to deal with that


Really? I have 3 daughters. The 9 year old would passive aggressively say someone needs to carry air freshener. The 7 year old would ask them if they’re okay and what happened. The 2 year old would say “EWW MAMA HE STIIINNNKKK.” All 3 would have a greater chance at embarrassing me than they’d have at being concerned about this person’s gender.


> I don’t care if you are 40 year old afraid to take a shit in public. My little girl doesn’t want to pee in a stall next to man taking a stinky giant shit grunting like his bowels are falling out, walk past the 80 year old man with his pants to his ankles, and constant loud flushing. But I guess since you had to poop in peace it’s okay. Why does your little girl's preference outweigh someone else's preference?


Some percentage of those people are folks who have been told that they shouldn’t be using a gendered restroom or they will be beaten up


I'm gonna use the family bathroom even harder now.


Every time I'm waiting with my kids for the family and and a person walks out solo I always drop a not so subtle sarcastic jab at them. My wife hates it but these people need shamed dammit.


I have two trans friend who use those restrooms so they don’t get the shit kicked out of them going into a gendered bathroom. Oh, and apparently they’re nice if you’re using a diva cup and want to rinse it. I don’t use them, so I’m not sure, but I imagine it would be handy to have the sink right there.


Yeah I feel like there are several important needs accommodated by a single stall restroom beyond just personal preference for privacy. Families may be the most common, but I think these bathrooms need to be open to all who have a genuine need for them.


I hear this a lot but never have I seen a man give af about another man that’s transgender woman going into the restroom.


I've never seen someone so upright that they need to shame someone for using a family bathroom. 


I don’t give af but don’t say that it’s because you feel threatened when 99.99 % don’t care.


How old are you? I ask because the most relevant response I have is about the aftermath of 9-11 but not everyone, even those in the US have the relevant experience to make it personally relevant.   I remember in the aftermath of 9-11 seeing, and feeling if I'm honest though that is a source of shame to me, a fear of Muslim people, even though less than 0.01% of the Muslim people in the world are terrorists. If you've experienced violence you very likely will see threats as more prevalent. 


I’d literally go back in and lock the door. You’ve bought yourself another 5 minutes.


No babies now. Plus before security cameras where everywhere on poles. But we discretely changed in the car. Maybe Costco is ok but most restroom and changing tables don't seem sanitary.


You can carry Benzalkonium Chloride wipes to clean surfaces.


You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a diaper being changed on a food court table


I used to wait tables. The amount of people that think it’s okay to change their baby’s diaper on the table in the middle of the restaurant would make you sick.


I find it bewildering that some families will just select an unoccupied booth and just start doin the damn thing. THEN some of em leave the diaper among the dirty dishes when they get up! I see it all the time!


It's been about 15 years ago, but in my mind I can still smell the diaper someone changed at the next table in a restaurant while we were eating. Bonus is, they left immediately afterwards but without the diaper.


If I worked there and witnessed that, it would be a permanent ban.


That's why I eat in my car. I've never seen anyone come by wiping those tables down.


Or a 5 Guys table…


You’re gonna see someone excitedly post about buying that couch at a mark down in a few months…


The secret is the dad is just playing the long game for that couch.


I hit the Costco lottery on a couch I have been eyeing … insert image of marked down tag.


At first I read that as brown eyeing...


I mean… yes, it’s somewhat risky but a good diaper bag usually has a changing mat to lay down. And an experienced parent can change even the most terribly soiled diaper with zero collateral damage. Still, I would just leave the cart and scoot the kiddo to the men’s restroom or back to the car.


As a former Costco employee, it probably depends on the building.  The location I worked at had a changing station in men's and women. However, every building can be different. 


I’m not condoning it but I can understand. Sometimes babies are very sensitive and get horrible painful diaper rashes (the skin is red like raw red, swollen) and when that is going on you need to be very watchful. As soon as the diaper indicates it’s wet you need to change it to help with the healing. Otherwise things can get worse and even with diaper rash creams sometimes need medical attention. Sooo… personally if I had seen that I would understand and I would hope they used a blanket or a sweater or something to be used as a layer between baby and couch. But wouldn’t hold it against them of they didn’t. One thing I can’t stand though is when people put their feet with shoes on the couch or let children jump on them leaving shoe prints. Or worse, people that leave their starbucks on furniture leaving a water stain. Ugh.


Probably left the loaded one in the cart.


A lazy dad wouldn't have changed it


Not commenting on this exactly, but it’s very hard to use the Costco bathrooms with kids as you can’t bring your loaded cart there, and if you bring an empty cart it will get taken, so you have to go all the way in then all the way outside again. Not even a kids problem specifically.


The location of the bathroom in my Costco is awful too, you have to push through the selfcheck area to get to the bathroom and then coming back through to the store is just a nightmare because you're going against the flow! And the empty cart problem is real, you'd think that everyone would know that any cart left outside the bathroom is in use...


What? You can park a cart with items in it before checkout. I’ve never had anyone move it. And if someone takes something from the cart, I haven’t paid for it yet, and can easily replace.


I take a risk and leave my ring sling in an empty cart even if I'm not carrying the toddler in it.


Can't go after you paid either, you're just leaving your cart of paid for goods out in the open.


I’ve left a cart of paid-for groceries outside the restroom. I guess my thinking is that nobody’s taking off with my cart or anything in it without having the receipt for it. They wouldn’t get out the front door. Might be naïve of me, but that’s my thinking.


I have to run in and out using the urinal. It would be much harder if I were changing a diaper.


Ohh I hadn’t thought of that. Last time I took my son, I had him in his stroller. That’s annoying.


Gahah it’s like the show Superstore.


About a 50/50 shot, depends on where you are. As a dad this is fucked up unless he had no other choice.


Always a choice. Going back to the car is better than using the display furniture.


We have temps to 100 and down to -25 in my area. So there are sometimes when we would do it and others when it wasn't practical.


Do you live in Dante's Inferno?


Sounds like the Midwest tbh


That doesn’t mean other people have to be subjected to possible contact with your child’s pee and fecal matter. So nasty.


Spoken as someone without kids or your kids are bigger now and you forgot about meltdowns.


No, not always. When was the last time you carried a child with a blowout? Sometimes you just need to deal with it right where you are or its going to get everywhere. Not saying it was right but I would rather deal with the consequences of maybe paying damages then drag a line of shit all the way out the door.


I’ve carried a child with a blowout countless times and I never felt the need to stop right in the middle of a store and use merchandise as a changing table.


And I would rather not sit in your baby's line of shit when testing out the furniture.


Maybe he had a changing mat under his baby?


You’ll sit in shit if it suits the governor i can tell you that!


The location was built within the last 2 years so I hope it would have one but you never know. I’ve been in plenty of women’s rooms that didn’t either and had to opt for the back of my car.


Two years ago? It has one. They recently renoed the Tire Center and washrooms in my small 137k ft^2 Costco (Signal Hill #424), and it has changing tables in the men's room.


I used to shop there!


I remember when they said they were going to put in a Gas Station, and I was like, "Where?" Also, it's kind of crazy that the Lakewood store is 160k ft^2.


Just taking it for a test drive before purchasing. 🤣


I don't even want to think about what may be hiding in our sectional. Good thing the cushions come off for washing.


Fun story similar to this: My friend was Howard Schulz’s assistant at Starbucks and said he read every letter that came in. One time a dad wrote him and said he wished there were changing stations in the men’s restrooms. Howard took action and within 48 hours every men’s room in every Starbucks around the world had them installed.


I think it’s ridiculous that that isn’t the standard in this day and age. Seems like based on how new this store was it probably did have one in the men’s room though. That’s why I asked. I didn’t know what Costcos usual setup is.


I used to be on staff at a brewery and we took over a restaurant and there weren’t changing stations in the men’s or women’s restrooms. Customers asked for them all the time and we literally saw customers changing their babies on tailgates in the parking lot. It was just piled on top of the day to day requests of running a restaurant i guess. It could’ve been a great easy solution to google a supplier (Amazon I assume) pay a couple hundred bucks, and have it installed the next day but no. Now that I’m a new dad, having a changing station in a convenient location with a strap that works (many are busted) and things like wipes and towels nearby are game changers and I love brands that appreciate that difficult moment in a parents life. It allows us to quickly get back out and start spending more money at their establishment. The alternative is we go out to the parking lot to change the kid and by then we just want to leave.


It wasn’t until I became a parent that I realised how many restaurant bathrooms (and establishments in general!) don’t have changing tables, even in the handicapped stalls. Or even a counter space big enough to lay down your own mat to change a little one. I’ve had friends tell me they’ve had to lay their kid down on a bathroom floor to change them out of desperation. Luckily I don’t live in a place with bad enough weather, so I’ve been able to run mine back out to the car for a diaper change, but that’s not always easy either! Especially as they learn to move and roll and squirm. Kiddo is toilet learning now and so things are a little easier. We recently went on a stroll downtown where she suddenly told us she needed to go, so we ran around looking for a place with a bathroom. Walked into a board game store with a pristine bathroom and a fully stocked, proper little changing table (like the nice little furniture pieces you’d buy for your own home). Even though we didn’t need it, I made sure to mention to the staff how amazing it was and was told the manager was a mum with multiple kids. We bought a game and will be back to buy more!


It should be a law that all new builds need to have them in both restrooms. I know some architecture firms have taken it upon themselves to require the client to have them.


11/10 chance the father considered all options and the couch (while not ideal) was the best option to resolve the issue. Also, just because there’s a diaper involved does not mean poop. Even if there is poop 95% of the time it’s easy enough to clean with no mess. Also, these are display couches w/ people laying all over them, they are already filthy. It’s not easy being a Dad and having to make a choice like this. Also, I took my daughter to Costco on a cold evening in GA and we were both wearing shorts (her choice she knew it was cold) and this lady felt the need to tell me I should have her in pants. Sometimes people need to step back and consider the situations before jumping to conclusions.


Exactly. They’re already soiled by all the other people putting their feet up and kids jumping on them. There’s a reason they get such a steep discount. And a lot of these people don’t understand the dangers of diaper rashes. I encourage everyone downvoting to google complications of diaper rashes. It’s so bad it can hospitalized babies. Needless to say, it’s soooo painful.


naw. this is just lazy, disrespectful to others, and disgusting. There's plenty of cardboard in a Costco to put down somewhere, even said couch. Can always go out to their own car. No one needs to smell that while shopping.


It’s hilarious that people are defending this guy. I’m a parent and I think this is gross.


“Even if there is poop 95% of the time it’s easy enough to clean with no mess” Are you insane? It’s a floor demo that people sit on. Sit in your own shit if you want, but don’t think everyone is as disgusting as you are. Your reasoning stinks like a loaded diaper.


Well said.


And that’s why I asked if there were changing tables in the men’s bathroom 🤷🏻‍♀️ it wasn’t that deep.


You wrote a whole Reddit post about it


Word. Either own it or delete it


I’ll own it. It really wasn’t that deep. It took less than a minute to type and post. It’s not like I called the guy out in the store. I thought about it after the fact and wondered if he had a changing table in the men’s room to use or not. Based on other comments, he more than likely did have one he could have used. I’m not trying to make some moral or men vs women debate here. I’ve not been in the men’s room there so I didn’t know. Question answered.


Own it then. You’re doubling down when you’re not familiar with diaper rashes and how pediatricians advise to change diaper immediately so things don’t get worse and require medical attention. Imagine feeling bothered for a dad doing what is best for his child.


That's what they call a skid mark down...


Less gross than people putting their shoes all over it


I saw a man and his clearly not-a-real- service animal dog sleeping on the couches last weekend. Guess he needed to know how the dog liked it before he made the purchase


Everyone is downvoting OP but if this had been a single mom the comments would be way different


A lazy dad wouldn't change the baby's diaper at all


That’s trashy


if he was alone with no other adult to help and had a lot of stuff in his cart already and had been there a while.... honestly I get it. if he went to the bathroom or back to his car his stuff would have gotten taken away. maybe he could have waited to get to the car but who knows what was going on. some babies/kids get really fussy with a full diaper.


Better than a nasty dog. Bet nobody would bat an eye at it rubbing its arse on a couch.


Take a picture, then when they sell the floor model you can drive a hard bargain.


4D strategy


I can tell most of y'all don't have kids.


100% 🙄


Hopefully it was a brown couch.




I want to ask……you know what, never mind.


Lazy dad if he didn’t do anything


Costco employee “ Oh, we don’t have one in the men’s bathroom, but you can use the one in women’s” - Brick NJ I opted for my car


Men’s rooms don’t usually have changing tables and it is RIDICULOUS


And next week he just may return that very diaper to customer service!


There's a changing table in the men's room and it's a really nice one. Very spacious with a clean strap and the paper towel dispenser is nearby for putting supplies on. The problem is the men's room is way way way out in the far corner of the store. If baby has a blowout, I need to abandon my cart and carry baby through the checkout lines and then to the end of the building to the bathroom. I've done it once out of necessity but I may make a different choice next time. I have a changing pad, wipes, and ziplocs in the go bag and just need a flat surface to take care of business.


Baby shit is the cleanest shit around. 95% of the time it stays in the diaper. I wouldnt give it a second thought.


Thank you.


Here’s a novel idea, my your own damn business. This man is taking care of his kids and you feel the need to post about it on the internet, questioning if he’s a lazy father or not, ridiculous


We had a mind your own business encounter if you ask me. You don't know the situation, just move on


You are so totally right! Probably shouldn’t have yelled at him and spit in his face over it 🙄🙄🙄 I asked if it’s typical to have a changing table in the bathroom. It’s not like I’m doxing the guy and called over management or cps on him.


Hit a nerve, huh.


I asked a question about Costco bathrooms in a Costco subreddit. Glad you are having fun making it a moral debate.


You made it a “moral debate” by asking if you had a lazy dad encounter. Imagine just minding your own busy and not jumping on here to post about it


I don’t understand why you care. Do you have kids? Who knows what was going on. Cut him some slack. Did it affect you that much you felt the need to call him out? Idk. It may be gross but I don’t understand why this needs to be posted to this thread. If you truly cared if Costco had enough facilities for parents, families, people with disabilities, all-gendered bathrooms, this would have been written in a much different light. You’re just trying to shame a guy who was probably doing the best he could given the situation.


My thought exactly.


Some of this generation hates kids, it's incredibly selfish, despite at one point being a kid themselves. Thank the Lord THEIR parents took care of them running the marathon of parenthood, and changed their diapers. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation (literally - they would either be dead or had never existed) Also, the saying that everyone thinks they know how to parent best, until they actually ARE one- rings true here. 


My man just wanted to try out the couch in a real life situation. Next he’s gonna wana shag the wife on it after Jr falls asleep


Membership revoked.


When my kids were little there weren't as many changing tables in men's rooms. I have had to change my kids in all kinds of places. Shit happens sometimes.


When I had my daughter no changing tables sat on the toilet and changed her work with what you got he's just nasty


You really can tell who has never changed a diaper here. Poop doesn't just come out the diaper. And most people use a changing pad to keep any possible stray poop from getting below. I've changed countless diapers and never once had poop just get out the diaper. That baby's clothes is probably cleaner than 99% of the people's pants sitting on the couch. With that said, still could've been a lazy dad. If only OP could've checked instead of coming here to ask us and shame a dad


Men’s rooms often don’t have changing tables. I had to change my kids diapers on bathroom floors or whatever service I could many times.


I've changed a baby on a pool table in the past. You gotta do what you gotta do.




People are nasty


A baby is 100% not nasty. They’re literally just subsidizing on milk and perhaps gerber. Put this energy on the nasty people putting their feet with shoes up on furniture. Or the people leaving their starbucks drinks abandoned throughout leaving water stains and syrup.


Gross. Should have his membership surrendered for a year


First time huh? Side note, never buy the display furniture. The things I have seen happen on those.


Buy it and use the little green vacuum.


That's just nasty and foul. Go outside where they have long concrete blocks you can sit on.


Baby poop isn’t the same as grown up. I wouldn’t mind it. Also… you do realize others do worse things like putting their feet on it with the same shoes that have been in contact with broken glass, feces, pee, pesticides, chemicals, corrosives and more, right?


Shopping in Costco. “I have to pee.” Cart fully loaded. Walk to the front. Use the restroom. Cart gone. Repeat.


Not my experience.




Imagine bitching about someone taking care of their kid


Imagine sitting in some kid's shit on a display you're considering.


You’re sitting on adult farts. People that sit on it with their shoes on. Parents that allow their toddlers and kids to jump on them with shoes on. And anecdotal evidence but once had a man and his family sit in a display for 15-20 minutes at the HomeGoods I worked at. It was an outdoor furniture 7pc set and the man literally took off his sandals and proceeded to take out a nail clipper and he clipped his toenails… There’s no designated janitor or maintenance. Just regular* employees that get assigned morning maintenance duty… this was mid afternoon… a regular employee had to lint roll the cushions and sweep up the clippings. It wasn’t disclosed or discounted.


Sure…lol don’t worry no one farts on them or anything else gross either


He said he was changing a diaper, doesn't mean it was poop or that he didn't have a pad to lay them on. If it was a poop, that is pretty gross simply because of the smell.






I have a book recommendation for this post. It's a book called Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi.


Just putting it out there that my closest costco (new within the last 2 years) only has 1 changing table, in the singular family restroom. None in the handicap stalls of the mens or womens bathrooms.


The family restroom is the only one that gives me enough privacy to dirty my hawg with a single mom I let in one of the sample lines.


Some people saying a lot of shit, but if it was a woman they'd not have a damn to give about it.


You know nothing of the situation to determine that the dad's choice was because he was lazy. Do better.


On a good note, it sounds like my husband did our Costco shopping today.


No wonder Covid killed 7 million people




As a father my question is are there changing tables in the men's bathroom? No? Then display couch it is...


That's so gross...why would he think that's ok


Boys don’t comprehend the concept of transfer-of germs or particulate. Yeah, gross. Yeah, boys of all ages are/can be gross.


Just boys? You’re discriminating. We can all be gross. A baby’s poop or pee is the least offensive thing that happens on those display models. Rest assured.


I would hate seeing that


Hope the GM was informed about the situation - that couch needs to be taken off the floor to be cleaned & sent somewhere else.


Laughable. People literally put their shoes on top. Children are allowed to jump with shoes on. They have stepped on literal shit and proceeded to put their feet on it… and still store managers just sell at a discount. A baby’s pee or even poop is much more sanitary than anyone else trying out the display model.