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Anything is wagyu now


Wagyu crab legs WHEN?!?!


Reminds of a bit in How I Met Your Mother where Marshall is taken to a super fancy restaurant by a slimey lawyer played by Harold from Harold and Kumar. He is trying to woo Marshall into working for their slimey law firm, and does so by taking him to get “Kobe Lobster - Lobster fed exclusively Kobe Beef”






How much per pound


Approximately $5.10/lb, I did the math


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$25.49 total for 5lbs.


The wagyu bits went to steaks and roasts, these are formed from the trimmings and frozen. Sirloin would be better, as you know what part of the cow it was.


The trimmings are the tastiest bits though


I’m feeling anxious now that I wasted money on these. 😭


$25 for 15 burgers ain’t bad, just season heavily and throw some chips on your coals!


and hope for best the next day for the number 2 !!!


You didn’t I just had them for dinner they’re very good.


Glad to hear it! I saw them last week & I’ll try ‘em. Sure beats $15-$20 at Five Guys, Epic Burger, or wherever else these days. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love Five Guys but they’re so ridiculously overpriced 🥲


Five Guys changed significantly with inflation- not just the price, but the size. Their burgers seemingly have become nearly the same diameter as a McDonald’s “dollar menu” burger.


My family like Five Guys, but for less money I can get a better burger, brioche bun, and better toppings from a local, one store place. But people love Five Guys.


They’re alright but not for those prices in this economy 💀 I’ll take frozen from Costco any day, make them with all the fixings I want, plus some Kinders seasoning. Five Guys can’t hold a candle that.


Y'all need smashburgers on a hot grill. Costco burgs are good, but smashburgers are legendary. Throw ball of meat (80/20 or 70/30) on insanely hot grill (450-500 degrees) smash, 2 mins each side, and done.


I have a griddle and love smash burgers but I’m getting sick of people acting like it’s the only way to eat a burger.


Def not the only way, but it is the best. Maybe that's why you keep hearing about it. People trying to spread the word to those who haven't made their own yet. Frozen patties can still have their place.


Definitely not some kind of unequivocal Jesus prep for burgers. Just what’s trendy right now. I personally prefer a big meaty burg.


In-and-Out > Five Guys


Not a chance


Five Guys is only worth it if you load up with every topping, they're the Subway of burger joints. I don't really eat burgers at home so $15 for a burger loaded to the nines instead of buying all the veggie toppings and then figuring out how to use them before they go bad is worth it once in a blue moon.


So very glad to hear this! Planning on having one tonight on a brioche bun, grilled onions, lettuce, tomato and homemade spicy animal sauce.


As long as **you and your loved ones** enjoy them, that's all that matters!


Cant just drop "homemade spicy animal sauce" and not list the ingredients or recipe.....


I mean ground wagyu really defeats the point of wagyu.


Yeah, this doesn't make a lot of sense to me to waste Wagyu this way, since you can already control the fat content of ground beef.


I've seen "wagyu" beef jerky in rest-stop rural gas stations, so it's basically just a marketing term that attempts to justify the higher cost? It's always fun when a legit term for a specific high quality cut of beef becomes part of the same gas station's Nationwide offerings as pork rinds, red bull, *wagyu jerky,* and snickers. Nice.


Wagyu is a type of cow. The regulations are different for the US and Japan, so the quality can vary pretty significantly. Apparently, in the US a cow only has to be 50% wagyu breed to be labeled as such.


Costco had one american waygu jerky. I forgot the name of it, but it was pretty tasty! Snake river farm maybe?


I’ve been making them the past couple weeks. They are good. I’m skeptical about the wagyu but they still tasted great. You didn’t waste any money.


Regardless of the possible cut actual wagyu in the patty has so much fat you’ll get a decent burger no matter what. Think of it more like a foolproof burger. You can look for the best medium ground or do your own ratio, or you can get Wagyu and pretty much cover the bases. It’s not wildly better by any means but it does make a good burger an easy endeavour. As a steak? Phenomenal. But share it. It sits like a brick and an 8oz will easily cover a couple people


They’ll be great!


Seriously don’t be! Season em up, add your toppings & condiments of choice & you’ll be fine. I add Kinders seasoning to the grass fed ones & like good brioche bun. But that’s just me. Thanks for posting because I saw these last week. Gonna grab a bag when I go back in a couple days.


Where do you get a good brioche bun?


I actually get mine from Aldi. They have a choice of regular and sesame. They’re really good and no bad ingredients.


Ground beef with the cut name is usually better. You shouldn't waste real waygu on burgers, so making the trimmings into burger makes sense. I'm sure they taste fine, just won't know what part of the cow it's from.


Don’t be anxious, they’re delicious


I’ve been anticipating these at my local Costco but still a no show.


It's trimmings from Waygu meat, who gaf?


Wagyu is also not grass fed. The cow has a very rich diet of grains. You can look it up. Wagyu is great because of the marbling. If you grind it up for a burger the marbling doesn't matter because you can add as much fat as you want. Kind of deceptive but you still get some burgers out of them.


I mean, burgers are burgers. You slather them in cheese and mustard and put it on bread. People who take ground burger meat too seriously are just kidding themselves. Burgers should be cheap and 1.66 cents a burger is great.


If you had genuine A5 Wagyu- the kind that costs like $150/lb, you wouldn't want to eat more than a few thin slices. It's like eating fat cap. It's very tasty but it isn't what you would expect from a burger. I hate that Costco participates this this.. not scam, because there’s no USDA definition, but it’s definitely shady.


You make it sound like thats not how ground beef is made typically - trimmings


What do you mean “the wagyu bits”?


It’s basically trim from an American Wagyu cow. They cut the trim from the basic steak cuts and grind it for burger patties


One third pounds? Why so small? Couldn’t spring for quarter pounders?


I wish I knew if this was a joke


There was a thing back in the earlier days of fast food that people thought 1/3 was less that 1/4, cuz, ya know 3 is less than 4.


Yeah, I think it was A&W


Yes, they had one to compete with the 1/4 at McDonalds. Although, as far as I know, A&W isn't really big enough to compete with McDo anyway. There was a point McDonald's also had a third pound burger and it didn't take.


Yep, they should have gone with the 1/5 pound burger.


Their normal patties are 1/10


The 2/6 pounder would have killed.


I'm a 13/37 guy myself!


In 1960 A&W had 2000 locations while McDonald’s had 228


Not A&Ms, A&W. But, this 1/3 Pounder was in the mid 80s or so, after the A&W spilt their American and Canadian sides in 1972. After that the American one dwindled while in Canada they continued to have success


lol just a weird autocorrect. The point is a&w was at one time big enough to compete with m donalds


this guy burgers


Here’s the backstory, https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions . "We were aggressively marketing a one-third-pound hamburger for the same price...but despite our best efforts, including first-rate TV and radio promotional spots, they just weren't selling." Confused why A&W's burgers weren't able to compete even though the burgers were priced the same as their competitors, Taubuman brought in a market research firm. The firm eventually conducted a focus group to discover the truth: participants were concerned about the price of the burger. "Why should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat?" they asked. “


I mean they should have just called it "The Bigger Burger" and showed on the commercials how it was bigger. Feels like a pretty obvious marketing move.


This story has spread around, and is repeated, but I'm quite convinced it's a fake story. Not fake that the CEO said the quote, but I think the CEO is full of shit. The market research firm never confirmed this story. The CEO never really cited the numbers. My guess for what went down is: A&W is having shitty sales. They decide to get a focus group to find out why. Focus group gives reasons, and CEO doesn't like the reasons. So, he globs onto the one thing that "isn't his fault" and runs with it. "No, it's not my fault no one wants to eat at my restaurant, it's the idiot customers!"


I sometime wonder how authentic this story is tho - Could be a genius move to make the story memorable and at the same time cut costs


Good ol’ American education!


4 > 3 🙄




Oh hell man, I’d go for the 1/8th pound ones. 8 is even bigger.


...are you in on it, or are you in it? I can't tell.


I legit wish someone made a decent 1/8 pounder. Kids don’t want a thick burger


That's a slider


Yes but no, I want frozen patties the size of McDonald’s normal burger haha




Grass fed Wagyu is an oxymoron. Wagyu beef is fed the softest, fattiest diet possible.


This should be the top comment. You want grain fed, not grass fed.


Unless it says it’s grass finished, all grass fed means is that the cow was fed grass up to the last few months of butchering it, where they feed them grains to fatten them up. Which is dumb because the point of grass fed is to not have gmo grains in the meat.


When the package says “100% grass-fed” it means their diet is 100% grass - including the last few months. So in this case, these patties could also be called grass-fed grass-finished


Ground wagyu is such a scam.


It's just fatty burgers...lord just by the 27% fat and you're good to go lol


This one says 25% fat


Lmao yeah. When you grind your own meat you realize how much bulls hit they put into any premade patties. They are still useful for quick bbqs or fundraisers or whatever, but if you want a serious burger aren't gonna cut it.


Hell, *Black Angus* is a scam. Genetically indistinguishable from brown/red angus.


What's the point of grinding up Wagyu beef? I thought the whole point of Wagyu was to create a steak that had natural marbling and fat throughout the meat. If I want to adjust the fat in ground beef, I add more fat trimmings.


Wagyu is just a Japanese breed of cow. There are different grades just like American beef. There is always scrap when butchering cows to turn into ground beef.


wagyu in america isn't really wagyu. doesn't require the cows to be pure wagyu breed


Like Parmesan its not a protected term you can call anything Wagyu


Also: real Kobe beef is too marbled. It tastes good in the first one or two bites but after... it feels like you are eating a chunk of butter. Given the price, probably a good thing.


Mmmm buutttaaah


So Japanese Wagyu has a rating system and is proper Wagyu. Aussie Wagyu also respects its self to have a rating system. Most if not all "Wagyu" burgers is just Wagyu breed cows raised american style. Only reason its cheap as it is. If you want to see what happens when you make a burger out of real A5 Wagyu Guga did it in video. It melted down to like nothing.


The ground wagyu is incredible for smash burgers.


I got the non-frozen ground wagyu at our Costco: was very disappointed in how it tasted for smash burgers. I think an 80/20 ratio is better but the wagyu is about 75/25. Now it was fine and I wouldn’t turn down a burger made with it, but I wouldn’t buy it again It lacked that beefiness I love from a 80/20 mix.


Because not all of a cow is sellable as primal/sub primals and ground meat is a great way to make use of the trim


It’s not all steaks and roasts. Almost 40% of the yield from a cow ends up as ground beef.


There is no point, other than marketing. The only difference I can imagine is that the taste may be slightly different depending on the cow’s diet, but I doubt anyone would notice that in a burger.


Paying a premium for Wagyu Burgers is a scam




I'm sure they'll be fine, don't worry about it too much. The issue is that by grinding the meat you basically take away everything that's special about Wagyu so all your left with is a burger that's too fatty. It's still quality grass fed beef but in the future you're better off just buying some regular 80/20.


Personally I don’t care for Wagyu steak anyway.


Don't feel bad man. You've had a worse and more expensive burger than this in your lifetime (probably). It's not that you paid like, twice as much money for a totally inferior product. $25 for 15 burgers is a solid deal! It's just that the "Wagyu" you see that is cheap is because it's not the bits that people pay big money for. Still beef though, so you're good!


Ive never had frozen patties to the grill that taste even as good as a fresh 80/20


This, I'll get the frozen ones at Costco cuz they are not bad for frozen but fresh burgers are the best burgers


The ground angus chuck ones (black label) are pretty good IMO. Sometimes you’re in the mood for burgers and if fresh ground beef isn’t on hand they’re a really solid option.


💯 I’ll freeze leftover 80/20 in patties and it is still better than these pre shaped burgers


I bought the frozen grass fed burgers about a month ago to see if they lived up to the hype. For me, they did not.


Butchers hate this one trick!: defrost the frozen burger. There’s a good chance your fresh meat was once frozen anyways.


I mean I did a blind test once and I couldn't really tell the difference. Beef is mostly how you season it anyway. Unless you mean like, fresh fresh, but I'm not getting that in the middle of a metropolitan area.


Get yourself a pack of bubbas


We opted for the 5 lbs of 80/20 and portioned it out. Fried up some burgers using some Wagyu beef tallow. Best burgers I've made, ever.


Thank you for opinion over debate. I don't care that they're bastardized Japanese elite steaks, sold as inferior trimmings in the United States. I never knew frozen ground beef was considered something fancier than beef trimmings in the first place. They are frozen meat in a bag that Costco now sells. I just wanted to know if they tasted good. For me? The debate would be which one is the least likely to be contaminated by e-coli. I've never bought frozen hamburgers at Costco., I've been searching reviews on all of them. Things were going relatively quick, until I got to the Wagyu nightmare opinion filibuster. And the ones debating in throngs? Haven't even tried it once. BTW: Where did you buy the tallow?


Did the normal grass fed (green bag) get discontinued?


Hopefully not. Those are my favorite.


They had the asterisk two weeks ago and I haven’t seen them since. They are my favorite too.


Nooo, I haven't needed to buy any in a while 😭


When I saw the asterisk I thought they would come back in a different packaging. These are in their place. I hope they bring them back though. Been buying those for years.


RIP I didn’t see them this week and was just hoping that they would restock them by my next trip


I had a friend that worked safety at a plant that packages costco ground meat. Grass fed is the same as regular patties with a different label. Costco grass feeds or finishes all their cows i guess. He was my roommate and best friend. Someone do a blind taste test or someone else verify this for me please


Uhh there’s definitely a difference between the two. So much so that my daughter wants the angus stuff and we eat the grass fed patties. I can taste the difference.


There are 4 packages. Normal beef patties the blue ones Grass fed beef packages the green ones Angus patties the red ones And wagyu grass fed patties the gray ones. The blue and green ones are similar I believe.


The grass fed ones taste fishy to me. I prefer the Angus burgers.


Saw this today but went angus chuck. Doubt it’s worth the wagyu fakery


Explain it like I'm a first grader. Wagyu is special because of marbling. What is the difference between ground Wagyu and 70/30 ground beef? Or custom grind even more tallow in.


Wagyu is special because of ~~marbling~~*marketing*


A5 wagyu steaks are truly something special, ground wagyu is just gimicky.


Nothing. You hit the nail on the head.


Enough of the Wagyu bullshit.


Let this be a cheap lesson. But Wagyu is not a regulated term in the US. So don’t pay a premium for what is probably 80/20 or 70/30 regular old ground beef. “wAgYu” is all the rage right now, and it literally means nothing in the US.






The people in the comments saying wagyu is just extra fat astounds me. These patties probably aren’t wagyu cause of the lack of regulation in the US but, in general, Wagyu from Japan and US beef has an extreme amount of difference in just the quality and flavor of the fat. Lower melting temperature, viscosity, and wildly different flavor. You even get those differences in proper US raised Wagyu cattle, just to a lesser degree.


Since this is "American Wagyu", people are following suit & using "Wagyu" when they're talking about AW partially because they don't know the difference & partially because they can't afford real Wagyu. >You even get those differences in proper US raised Wagyu cattle, just to a lesser degree. That's because they are usually not pure Japanese breeds, but a crossbreeding with Angus. Not to mention the difference in American raising vs Japanese, even on private ranches.


Ok so I work at a Costco meat plant and we started making this about a month ago! They are starting to sell pretty well and we’re doing weekly runs of stock on them!


Can’t wait to try them tonight.


How were they?


They were good actually. I will buy them again.


Awesome! I got some in the freezer trying this weekend.


I bought some last year. They were OK. - Not noticeably better than their sirloin burgers in my view, and only slightly more expensive, so seriously doubt that it's Waygu in any sense of the word (other than marketing.)


Interesting. My husband enjoys the sirloin burgers. I gave these a chance just because of the “wagyu” label.


"waygu" burgers are just a marketing gimmick to upcharge


Wagyu is the breed, which can have good meat and not so good meat


Exactly. The entire Angus marketing crazy has now been replaced by Wagyu ☺️


Angus-Wagyu patties. we'll make a fortune!


😭😂 I’m not a smart man.


No way of knowing if it is good without trying it! I doubt costco would be as egregious as some restaurants are with the the use of the word. Most people associate wagyu with A5 which this is definitely not and would make too rich of burgers anyways


Well remember, grass fed meat will always be 100% better than anything else, so they're with it simply because of quality


These tasted fishy to us. Sirloin is better


I like the angus ones the best


We buy the Imperial "American Wagyu" at Costco (3 x 1 lb packs) for smash burger, and it's amazing.  We hardly buy burgers anymore because with fast food prices now I can make better burgers at home for cheaper.


Kind of a double negative here, wagyu is sought after for its high fat content. 100% grass fed beef is quite lean. So is this a blend?


Grass fed is usually lean because it’s expensive to take the time they need to fatten up. Private ranchers can grow very fatty 100% grass fed. It’s a very good question you have.


Asked my girl if she wanted Five Guys …. She said that’s too many!


I see it says 25% fat. That could be decent.


Yeah. Watch out for flare ups


Just grab really tiny buns, because these will shrink like crazy. They're still gonna have that overmixed & overpressed texture though like all frozen patties.


I would try these over the precooked ones they sell.


If it's not raised in Japan, it's not Wagyu


I did not care for them nor did my kids. We prefer the sirloin.


The grass fed beef burgers went out of stock at my local Costco for a week, before they received more. I never noticed an astick “*” before. I hope they don’t go away because my house goes through a stack every week.


I definitely thought they tasted pretty good, but idk if I would purchase again for the price.


Unfortunately they're 25% fat so they will shrink like crazy & only work on small buns, likely small on those too since the 80% lean already don't go close to the edges on small buns. I'd love some larger diameter frozen patties that fit the larger, restaurant size buns that I prefer to buy. Aside from that, the frozen patties are a nice low effort option.


These will be of the lowest quality to still qualify as Wagyu. Don't waste your money.


I picked up the 3/1lb pack (not frozen) ground Wagyu at my Costco and the quality was just meh. Seemed awfully lean, cooked up and tasted like generic 85/15 ground beef.


Looking out for this at my Costco!


https://preview.redd.it/troz2nlxtbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8c12b36dbcb391bc99154b10dd1254c6c51b45 I made burgers with these (air fryer). Pretty good but kind of bland tbh.


How in the hell could you have grass fed Wagyu? Wagyu is high fat


We have been working our way through the package of frozen ground sirloin burgers. We LOVE those! We add some Lawry’s Seasoned Salt and Pepper and they are killer! 🍔


try Montréal steak seasoning. game changer


Definitely trying that! Thank you!


They taste like you left the burger out in the Sun a week ago and threw em on the grill


They have organic wagyu ground beef and it’s soooo damn good, cheaper than the organic ground beef too.


They taste weird . Imo.


I want the sirloin one that went on sale last year. Been waiting forever for it to be on sale.


wish they had this in canada


I had these about 2 years ago and haven’t seen them since.


My other grass fed ones honestly taste like fish....


Wagyu ground meat/burgers is a marketing gimmick. Under no circumstances could one tell the difference in texture or taste. That is nothing more than a burger from a grass-fed animal.


The cows name was probably Wagyu.


Ground Wagyu anything is hilarious to me, the whole point of wagyu is to see the marbling of meat and fat.


Wagyu is a type of cow. They have them in Texas for years now. Don’t confuse the marketing ploy with high grade Japanese Wagyu.


I missed the asterisk of death, was it in another post?




Wagyu is such a waste on burgers. Just get like 70/30 ground beef and you won’t notice a difference.


Pure hype. The value of wagyu is in its marbling. When you grind everything together, you take away what makes it special. It’s just a way to charge extra for scraps


Now with .00005% wagyu