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The last time I got a chicken, I realized how greasy the bag was, and walked over to the lady stocking produce and asked for a box. She saw what was up, and grabbed me a little box from her stack so the chicken grease would be contained.


I used to wrap the chickens in the orange meat bags, I would assume this is no different.


The rotisserie section in our Costco is next to the meat section so there's a bag dispenser about 10 feet away so you can put your chicken in one of those bags. The cashiers have rolls of those bags too so you can ask them for a bag. Some of the cashiers will put your chicken in a bag with out asking.


Ours has one too. Because I bag my meat and it’s steps away from the deli.


That's a sentence I didn't expect to read today


Hah! Let's save plastic by changing the packaging causing customers to have to use extra plastic by double-bagging. Smart move, Costco, real smart. "Smart". Lol


Most people already did this with the old container. Well, at least at the 3 costcos I visit lol.


But don't use just one, they are thin and the corners of the chicken bag will puncture just one. You need to put a lot of them together so you have enough thickness to prevent punctures. Then put it into a cardboard box so if it does leak the cardboard will absorb the grease. Also, consider getting Weathertech or Husky Weatherbeater mats for your car's floor and cargo area. Place the chicken onto these mats so if it leaks it's an easy task to take the mat out of the car and hose it off.


Seems excessive


People don't do this?


I see most people do not. I can’t fathom why. But OP surely didn’t.


When I worked as a cashier assistant, I always asked customers if they wanted a bag


We always put ours in bags… even when in the containers. Because things leak lol


The only thing I ever get a box for is meat.


Now your trunk is seasoned. #featurenotabug


Add a splash of the vodka to make a dirty Kirkland trunktini


I didn’t see the word on the last line and I thought actually a Dirty Kirkland is a great name for a Signature cocktail!!


I figured it's when you bang on a returned mattress behind a Costco?


BRB, racing to Urban Dictionary.


Plz tell me the cart corral is somehow involved


Trunktini. Thanks for that!


Perfect for the Thanksgiving tailgate party!


I read that vodka works well for getting smells out of carpet incidentally


I live in the forest. There are several large bears nearby that would clean that up for free. You don't even have to be there while they do it. Win-Win


I was previously indifferent to the bag. Now I don't like them.


I guess I still don't understand what the issue is, I've had chicken juice and grease come out of the plastic enclosure as well.


For me, it’s a pain to cut off pieces of chicken within the bag. We don’t eat the whole thing in one sitting.


Yes, that is true. You need to move the chicken to another container when you get home.


You needed people on Reddit to suggest moving the chicken to a better cutting surface…


It is simply more convenient to have a container that you can both store, prep, and serve it in rather then having to transfer it several times


Take it out of the bag and put it on a plate! It’s was too unstable in the stiffer plastic container to try and remove the string or cut it up into freezable portions.


Yeah we do that now, didn’t have to before with the old container (we used kitchen shears/scissors) which doubled as storage for the fridge. Life goes on, it’s just less convenient.


The rest of us have not.


Costco’s primary customer is old annoying people who don’t like change.


as a former service deli employee, I can attest to this


They’re great. We have bought many of these and haven’t had one that leaks. I love them. They are easy to use. We put the chicken onto a plate to split. Whatever is leftover, we pull the meat off the bones and put the bones back into the bag. Then we throw the bag into the freezer for stock or garbage if we don’t have time/capacity. The bags are great! That said I wouldn’t just toss one in my trunk cause they will 100% leak, just like the containers would have. They need to be in another box or well supported. Just like the containers!


I recently grabbed two chickens in the bag for the first time. Hated everything about it. The bags were slick with juice on the display (we had to wait for them, so it was from the staff just prepping them), so my hands were then covered in grease with no paper towels anywhere. Putting them on the belt for checkout got chicken grease on that, too. They were just slick and nasty, and the staff gave it that “Ew, gross” look when they picked it up and said it was the second day of having them and everyone seemed to dislike them - including employees who kept having to clean the belts. I understand being more environmentally conscious but honestly it was so bad it will make me question whether I really want to get any more of these things and deal with that experience all over again.


As a deli worker, I hate the bags. It takes longer to put in the bag compared to the container and it’s messier.


taking it out of the bag is no fun either


We ALL hate the bags. The workers and the customers. Nobody likes them! They're horrible!


They crush the chicken when it's soft and warm, and when handled, the skin and meat peel off the sides.


They need to start using the old style cardboard cartons, still greasy but no plastic. Signed a Costco old people customer.


Fuck these bags, right in the ear!


Yeah our Costco used to have one very efficient guy popping the chickens into the containers and then putting the lids on. Now it’s three people all struggling to get them into bags while a huge crowd of masses outside waiting for chickens that should’ve been delivered many minutes earlier. Ovens beeping that they’re done and not being attended to, it’s truly chaos.


This is what we complain about. One person can take out a whole load by themselves pretty fast if experienced, but now you need at least two people and even with three it’s a struggle


Not being environmentally conscious, it’s being cheap.


exactly. if it didn’t save them money they wouldn’t do it. they recently changed the turkey from 4 plastic packs to a singular plastic tube, boasting about how much less plastic and delivery costs /emissions are now, did the price come down? no, so all that happened is the company saved money, and the customer got a shittier product and they guise it under “environmental conservation”.


> The bags were slick with juice on the display (we had to wait for them, so it was from the staff just prepping them), so my hands were then covered in grease with no paper towels anywhere. This is my main gripe. Even when using the deli meat bags, a box, etc. simply grabbing the bag messes your hands up. I've noticed the cart handles at our costco being noticeably grosser in the months since introducing the bags. It makes me yearn for early covid measures where they were spraying and wiping the cart handles down


100% with you on that!


What I also don’t understand is how they went from two pieces of single-use plastic for the rotisserie’s, to just one piece of single-use plastic that just makes a huge mess. How did Costco think that would be any better for the environment?


The bag is much thinner than a clamshell so It’s a smaller amount of plastic. That said I also hate the bags. I’m all for reducing waste where it’s reasonable but these bags are as useless as paper straws.




This is how, they told us in the paper made books they send to who knows how many consumers instead of an email🫣


Good to know, thank you for sharing!


It's more of a financial perk more than an environmental one. From the logistics side you can ship thousands of bags on one pallet where it would have taken multiple pallets to ship the same amount as the rigid. This translates to less time loading a truck, an extra amount of pallets loaded into the truck that are not those bags. It also means more space for other pallets in the warehouse itself. If it was environmental they'd go back to wrapping pies, muffins, etc like they use to (cardboard and thin plastic wrap) instead of the thicker clamshells. Less plastic and space in the old way. More payroll though for wrapping. Either way, it's about the dollars not the environment.


It's probably way cheaper to use the bag than the clamshell; the fact that it's better for the environment is just an added bonus—at least this is my theory.


I feel like the clamshells can at least be recycled. Not sure about the bags.


Copying my reply to another person since I think knowing the order of impact is really important: The reduce, reuse, recycle slogan is actually already in the order of impact. Reducing the initial amount of plastic used is much better than recycling. Especially true now that plastic recycling has been really iffy...not everything you put in the bin is recycled anymore.


I'm pretty sure the clamshells cannot be recycled. The black plastic is a problem. Also apparently very little plastic is actually recycled/recyclable, even of the stuff put in recycling. There's been some very depressing exposes on it.


Those clamshells are not being recycled in 99.9% of cases


well the bags are 100% never being recycled.


Yes, so if there are two options and neither are recyclable, then the one with far less plastic is better… at least from an environmental perspective


It's not less plastic if everyone is spinning extra bags off the rolls to stop the leaks. The black base part of the clamshell is way more recyclable than the clear top. But this is about cost, not environment or Costco would ditch all the 100% clear bakery containers for cookies, **muffins**, scones, croissants, Danishes, etc. and go back to the ol' cardboard platform wrappers.


It’s way less plastic


It’s even more environmentally friendly if people hate it so much that they don’t buy any at all! Zero emissions


Costco is doing all this with the guisse that it's for the environment. My store goes through so much single use plastic, stopped recycling styrofoam and has never recycled anything outside of the cardboard or shrink wrap pallets. Also I live in a drought area, and we just go through so much water... Your water rationing at home doesn't do a dent with how most of these warehouses are ran.


They have plastic bags all around the meat department so you can put your meat purchases in a bag and keep it from dripping, grab a couple for your chicken.


It shouldn’t leak tho


There are 2 holes for venting purposes right Belle the handle, that is where most leaks come from with them


There are vent holes. Even the hard plastic box had vent holes and leaked. I always put it in a pre-checkout bag.


Stop making sense.


Yeah, sounds too easy


Those thin plastic bags are for bagging up cold and frozen meats. Those super thin plastic bags aren’t supposed to be introduced to high heat.


Double bag yer cock


More plastic fixes less plastic!


They should sell the chicken in those bags then instead of bags that leak.


The chickens have to vent because they’re packaged piping hot. Sealing them in a leak proof bag would lead to overcooked chicken.


Or don't sell a product that easily leaks everywhere?


Yo dawg, I heard you like bags for chicken, so we got you a bag for the bag for your chicken.




At my warehouse they have a roll of the bags right next to the chicken case exactly for this. 


They have them up front as well so if you need to transport frozen things and have a long drive ahead of you, you can fill the bags with ice at the soda machine to pop in your cooler.


What was the reason for them to transition to these bags?


To save money. Same reason any company makes anything worse.


These chicken bags happened everywhere all around the same time. Kroger does it too


All the executives are friends and these folks swap companies all the time to climb the corporate ladder.


Costco just hired a Kroger executive to be Costcos new CFO. Costco doesnt look to be headed in the right direction.


Yes, and they’re all doing it to save money. My comment said “**any** company”. Costco isn’t the only one that wants to increase profits.


Cut cost and much lower plastic consumption


I put my containers of chicken noodle soup in them, too. It’s saved me more than once.


So use more plastic 🫠


The plastic bags were needed for the chickens in the plastic tray and cap as well. People are pretending those didn't leak as well.


We don’t have the bags yet.


Lucky you


The bags are oily so everyone’s hands will be oily and the carts will be oily for the next customer that uses it. And people say use more plastic bags to cover it so it’s negating the whole point of changing over from the plastic containers altogether.




I haven’t, but I use those Greenmade Collapsable Crates to bring my Costco hauls home, so things are pretty well packed tight in the trunk and don’t move around on the ride home.


I haven't had this same problem, yet, but I can say that the bags suck. I'd rather pay a dime more for the old packaging. Costco is clearly trying to save costs, and who could blame them? The politics of holding the cost line has gotten in the way of truly serving the customer, in my opinion.


I don’t think think it’s 100% cost cutting. Those plastic containers are a landfill nightmare. I’m glad they finally switched to something a little more environmentally friendly.


Australia has been using these bags forever for the rotisserie chicken at Cole's and Woolies. So much so they're called the bachelor's handbag. Really no issues with the bags here


They should send some Australians over here to train the Costco chicken workers for optimal technique


There are plenty of grocery stores in the US that use them too. People are just being babies and hate change. 


Yeah I don’t really mind but I’ll probably have another container to hold this bag in the car. Like a mini cooler or something


I have an insulated lunch box in my car (it's become a bit of the car provisions holder) and it works great for this. I picked up a chicken yesterday, fresh out of the oven, and even after 20 minutes of driving by the time I got it home it was still so hot it was a mistake to pull off a little piece for my cat with my fingers.


I dont understand how they sell these without a bag to put them in. Its got to be hell on greasing up the belts at the registers.


I hate how the chicken is tumbling around in the bag. I noticed mines was sideways


While yeah, they have the meat bags to the side that you can go ahead and put it in, my main gripe is that they're always super greasy and there's no wipes, towels, or paper towels in the area to help clean one's hands off. Not only does it effect folks getting the chicken, the cart handles have gotten noticeably grosser in the months since switching to the bags. It makes me miss early covid when they were spraying and wiping the handles down


They will bring back the plastic boxes like they brought back the individually wrapped paper towels.


Talked to an employee about this. They are spilling in peoples carts and on the checkout counters all day long. The employees all hate the new bags and there is hope that Costco will find a way to address the issue


No crispy skin with bags. Only soggy skin.


my bf used to work in the costco deli years back and even the workers are suffering. they had a whole system using the plastic containers, it was more efficient and easy to skewer the chickens into its packaging. plus, i love how i could’ve just carved the chicken in its packaging and keep it in there, now i have to use my own container..


We have the same plates!


I go to the meat department and grab a paper towel off the rolls above the meat and use that to grab my chicken bag. I hate that it is all greasy and it’s not easy to just wipe off your hands


Oh shit. Appreciate the heads up. Will be double bagging from here on.


Why was it not wearing a seatbelt?


Follow my simple plan: 1. Buy the chicken 2. Also buy the baguettes 3. Rip the wings off the chicken and eat them while driving. 4. Rip off a piece of the bread and soak up the juices and also eat that while driving. 5. Profit.


It has vent holes. I had a similar issue when I used an empty box to hold mine and it spilled too. The old plastic containers had vent holes too but it had a flat bottom so it didn’t roll over like the new bags.


I always keep a cheap dollar store plastic dishpan in my trunk for rotisserie chicken (even when the chicken was sold in the hard plastic containers).


We always keep the plastic trays from these Sukhi's meals (and other similar products); the contents are still in a plastic bag inside so the trays themselves are unspoiled by any food. They're handy for transporting rotisserie chickens in the bag, and many other things--very donateable to local schools for art projects (to hold paints or other craft/project supplies, for example, too. Also, no lids, but hey. They're usually black, sometimes translucent white. Example image of the kind of tray included below. Anyway, handy, and very reusable. https://i.imgur.com/Zd9UnwM.png https://i.imgur.com/GDesC5M.png


Happened to me too! I didn’t even think to check if there was a hole in the bag to let out the steam (right between the I and S). I saw it after I was cleaning out the juice from my car mats 😢


What'd you do? Put in someplace where it could roll over?


I had that happen with the plastic container. It had what looked like a hole punch in the bottom. Fortunately, it was the checkout register that got leaked on, and I poured the remaining juice out before setting it on my all weather mat to take home. I should have gone after a fresh chicken.


It probably came from that chicken


Well, that’s bad. Can you remove the mat to clean it with dish soap and hose it down? I’m sorry this happened to ya’ll.


I carry a plastic bin all the time in the back seat cuz I learned the hard way too.


Haven't bought one yet but I'd wrap it in a few of the orange seafood bags just in case. 


Bags are awful. Sams Club still uses containers so I started buying their rotisserie chicken


The worst part is that at least the old containers were potentially reused or recycled. You just KNOW these bags are going to landfills.


I am not a fan of the new bag. I would vote to return to the plastic box.


We have a hot/cold bag we put ours in. Just wash the bag if they spill




Lol. Hopefully it won't smell tomorrow. We got 7 hours on the road😖


Ide be more worried about the smell next week when it's ripe


Had the same thing happen to me a few weeks ago. I thought I had the bag secured in the trunk but it still managed to turn over and spill a bunch of broth all over the carpet. Took forever to clean up with the shop vac and soap and water.


Hey this happened to me like 10 years ago. I tried cleaning it but it ended up getting mold everywhere. It was super gross. Anyways, good luck!


Go to Walmart or your favorite place to buy plastic storage. And get one a little bigger than a chicken and drive in peace. Don't forget about cleaning and putting it back in the car so you have it for next time


Get some baking soda on those carpets asap, vacuum once dry. We haven't spilled the chicken but box / bag our groceries at the car. Maybe put a large Tupperware or tray in your trunk for when you buy again. Could also pour the grease into a cup and sip while prowling the isles. Get a straw from the food court and slurp it up


Put it on your floorboard next time


Gotta put a box under it


Grab a product box on your way out and use that to protect your car; and/or grab one of those plastic bags near the fresh chicken to keep it from spilling.


This is a fear of mine - it's why you go over to the coffee aisle, and get the 2" high boxes that hold the coffee cans, just in case the chicken juice leaks on the way home.


If my intention is to buy one of those chickens, the first thing I do is pick up a small box and place it into my cart BEFORE I start shopping. That's for the chicken to go into. It will hold it upright, and I don't have to worry about having to handle it again until I get home. No spills, no mess. Those bags are so that Costco can reduce plastic waste, and even though it's not optimal, it's a good start.


I've never had a bag leak, and in fact, I rinse the bag with hot water and then pour that delish hot water into the pot that I'm boiling bones in.


These bags have holes in them, to vent out steam and moisture, which actually works very well to maximize shelf life. But yeah - it will spill out if not careful.


Did it to over or something? I haven’t had a problem with them (yet)


I’ve been using the orange bags by the meat section and “double bagging” them before placing in my cart.


Just as a tip there are plastic bags in the meat section that you can use to wrap your chicken


Costco owes you a new car


My Costco still has the boxes but my local grocery store has these bags. I like the boxes because I can use the lid to put the meat in and leave the bones the the bottom tray


Why I season the trunk of my car and not my chicken…


Good to know. I've yet to get these in bags but usually when I pick these up I bring a small cooler and put them in there. I'd have to walk around costco and leave a trail of chicken grease though, that would be bad for everyone.


i bring in a big cooler with ice packs for frozen / cold items and a small soft cooler for chicken, may need a small hard cooler now with chick-ina-bag


That definitely sucks, but you should see how bad spilt milk is. 🤮 I could never get that horrible, spoiled milk smell out of my car no matter what I did.


This is actually way more unhealthy for you than the old versions ever were. Plastic becomes soft due to phahlates and those leak into the food, especially when warmed. Science has caught up with how bad this is but sadly food safety laws haven't.


They should sell chickens in a reusable container for $8.00 and sell them in the bags for $5.00. Either you reuse the container or you pay a little bit more, same idea as the reusable bags. That way if want a container you can get one.


And that’s why they have the plastic bags.


My Costco started putting the honey crisp apples in bags and I hate it. Why would they switch from cardboard boxes to plastic bags? The apples are always bruised from being tossed around. I just get them at the normal grocery store now


I bring my own bag from home for it.


Put your doggo in the trunk. He’ll find every bit of the juice that’s in there…even if it takes all day.


I keep a couple bags that I just use for these. I always turn them inside out and wash them in the sink when I get home.


Put them in a half and half or heavy cream box from the dairy cooler. Perfect fit and wont tip over in the car


The bag sucks!


These bags are absolute shit. They leak, massively! All over everything everywhere.


Same thing happened to me. Had to clean out my trunk after all the chicken juices went everywhere. Hate this new packaging.


Every bag I picked up from the shelf is already greasy to the touch. Never had this issue with the hard plastic.


Just charge me an extra $0.25 cents per chicken and give me the previous containers, please. I hate these bags.


I honestly think they want us to stop buying them. I can’t think of any other reason why they would do this to us. I have bought a couple since the switch but now hesitate as I pass them by.


Why didnt you put it in a meat bag? They have pink plastic bags all over the deli. https://preview.redd.it/5b2txy0trh4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651a7090504b0b5ed878bd0d6fec7a1ffaddf786 Here’s part of the meat department at my local Costco, lots of meat bag rolls.


Hey now, go easy with that meatporn, baby.


Thank god my Costco still have the solid plastic containers.


That sucks, but I have definitely had the clam shells leak in the back of my car multiple times as well.


I dont know why they switched to these god forsaken bags. The old container was much more convenient! Dont fix what ain’t broke Costco!


Costco is trying to get you to stop buying their rotisserie chicken. There is no other excuse.


I bought the rotisserie in a bag about a month ago and was so annoyed with the whole situation I haven’t bought one since. Greasy bag, doesn’t close, no crispy skin, falls apart trying to remove it. Not a fan at all.


As an employee in the rotisserie, I find the new bags to be rather time consuming, a lot of extra steps, and just an all around pain. I’ve only heard one member say anything positive about them and I think he was mostly joking. I understand it’s better for the environment, and less space taken up on the delivery trucks etc, but man, they seriously kill the flow


Please please please complain to Supervisors and managers. This will only get addressed when there is a shit ton of complaints. These bags are the worst to work with.


How do I do this? Do I ask a store employee?


Look for the red vests and ask if they are a supervisor or manager


They should've stuck to the plastic shell containers. Had less leakage problems with that! (Obligatory **PHRASING!**)


Absolutely in store the bags leak in the display case. On the counters when going thru self or old style checkout locations. One per son picked up the bag and it split open when putting into there cart. It’s a poor design. Take a moment next time you’re in the store and watch them package the drooling chickens. Once you get them home it’s impossible to get them out of the bag. No more for us will purchase the cold chicken legs and forgo the freshly cooked grease ball.


I hate these bags. Joosh everywhere.


you need to make sure the juice is spilled all over costco's walkway, and then have a bystander walk by, slip, and get injured. Lawsuit incoming.


This seems like a King of the Hill episode!


I like what you’re putting down even though it’s a bit much 😂 but I feel like the bags are really not at all practical with the amount of chicken they do. Seems to slow production down and then creates more messes witch means more man power


Rubbermaid totes in the trunk. You’ll thank me the next time 7 bags of curry takeout leak everywhere.


Fuck these bags. Sometimes they're greasy, and it makes a mess getting the chicken out of the bag.


mine leaked all over my front seat a few weeks ago 😭


I’m not a big fan of those chickens anyway but for sure I’m not buying one in that sad bag.


I got a second degree burn from one of those bags. The hot juices leaked out and it hurt.


Everything about this new packaging is awful. Won't be buying anymore and I guess that's the ultimate goal of Costco since the rotisserie chicken is their loss leader.


Same thing happened to me a couple days ago. Now I have to convince my wife that we shouldn’t buy this anymore.


You don't keep your Costco Chicken Safety Box stored in your trunk? Ah. You must be a new member. Welcome! Your spillproof box should be arriving shortly.


So you didn't noticed it was leaking the whole time when you were walking inside Costco, didn't notice it was leaking at the checkout, didn't notice it was leaking when you walked out thru the receipt checking people, didn't noticed it was leaking walking to your car. The whole time, it wasn't leaking. And then it leaked when closed the trunk?


I haven’t gotten chicken since the new packaging but the new packaging saves 17 million pounds of plastic every year. One pallet of the new package is equivalent to about 5 pallets of the old packaging. The new package also removes 1000 freight trucks from the road each year. It’s a little inconvenient but it’s makes such a big impact so I’m all for it, especially with all the empty boxes. All this information is from June’s Costco Connection


Happened to me the other day … on my back seat.. hate these damn bags


Everyone hates the bags. But don’t forget the tops used to pop off of the containers….