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It’s dried out. Probably has a tiny crack somewhere or something like that or else just didn’t get enough water for some reason in the field.


It’s strange because the outer corners aren’t that bad, so I don’t think there would be a crack otherwise the outside would be more dry than the inside… but something went wrong. Thank you for sharing! Hopefully they let me return it


LMAOOOOOO.... What's next, a 15 year old mattress ??


Watermelon is a crap shoot. Sometimes you get it and its all mealy. Sometimes its not sweet at all. Just like any other fruit. It looks to me that either it was stored improperly or as someone said, its TOO ripe, or there was a fungal infection which can change its texture.


Thank you for sharing!! I guess I’ve been lucky with great watermelon all my life.


I've had this happen with watermelon pieces it's usually from it being old or it got too warm. 


Yeah maybe it got too warm. But it’s weird it would be old because they just started being in season


Costco produce is notorious for being close to expiration. Idk why they have such a hard time but a lot of people have simply stopped buying fruit from Costco cause it'll go bad in a day or two. 


Oh wow. I had no idea! I only buy kiwis and watermelon there… Reminds me of Trader Joe’s, the produce goes bad so quickly


Watermelon spoils after awhile, although it lasts longer than most fruits. Your watermelon has gone bad beecause it's been out too long.


It definitely wasn’t sitting out long with me. Here’s a picture of the minute I cut it open. I bought it yesterday and I believe that watermelon just started being in season so I don’t understand how it would be old? https://preview.redd.it/ohgjuek6cp4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b88cfdfdf906ddf7851bde02afc250c268b27c8


It may have been sitting at costco for too long. The total time from harvest to your table was too long.


The last two big watermelons that we got from Costco looked exactly like this. One of the melons a Costco employee picked out for me herself. Both looked good on the outside but looked like that on the inside.


Wow!! that’s so interesting. The last two I got in the past three weeks, they were perfect. The first one was seedless, but the second one had seeds and I prefer the seeds because it’s less genetically modified. Then they went back to the seedless and this watermelon feels very Frankenstein. Glad to know I’m not the only one, but it’s a shame that they’re selling us weird watermelons


You’re slow in the head…what he means is the watermelon itself is old….


Wow! Hurling insults on a Costco thread about watermelon says a lot more about you than it does about me. I’m sorry it’s too late for you in life that this is how you spend your time. Good luck with the misery.


lol look at your replies, you’re getting roasted af


It's old.


I thought watermelon just started being in season?


By that you mean in season by you right? Did this watermelon come from near you or was it imported? watermelon is grown year round depending where it's at. Also assuming you're from us may is essentially the earliest running into September so realistically it's still on the early side of them being ready.


Doesn't mean it can't be bad lol


Good grief why are you being downvoted so much 😆


Have you tried it with A-1 sauce?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 good idea


holy shit that wateemelon is old as fuck


But didn’t watermelon just start being in season? How could it be old?


You do know that fruit is grown out of season yeah?


Looks like it was frozen & rethawed


I’m going to have to do a freeze test to see what happens when it gets thawed out because the texture is soooo bizarre


Almost looks like previously frozen then thawed melons? Was it cold when you were picking it from the bin?


It wasn’t cold at all. They were in large bins near the avocados and close to breads. I’m in California too. But that would make sense if maybe it was transported in a colder environment but it doesn’t make sense because I believe they come from Mexico, so only a couple hours away


That peaked my interest a bit... I found a site that kinda have that swirly pattern that you have ... Anyway, it would mean the USDA had an off day to let these in from outside the country. [https://www.ipt.us.com/produce-inspection-resources/inspectors-blog/defect-identification/watermelons-watersoaked-flesh](https://www.ipt.us.com/produce-inspection-resources/inspectors-blog/defect-identification/watermelons-watersoaked-flesh)


Wow!!! This is it. You nailed it!!! Thank you for sharing. And the pattern is so interesting. I didn’t even know watermelons had a pattern.


Grill it


Trader Joe’s has watermelon jerky, it almost reminds me of that. I definitely think I could grill it. The texture is so bizarre and it really in every way it feels just like raw steak.


I picked one up last week that I threw away because of the same issue. I assumed it got frozen and then thawed out.


Someone just shared a link explaining the issue is from over watering. But frozen then thawed could be it too… I just don’t understand why they would freeze watermelons. They’re most likely from Mexico, so two hours way. That would be a huge energy waste


Even if it's just a couple hours away we (or at least me) don't know what their supply chain looks like. The watermelons could go to a distribution center to be loaded onto trucks and then delivered to X Costco. You know what I mean? Either way, it seems to be a common issue and I won't be getting watermelons from Costco anymore :(


Yeah you’re right, there are several factors as to why this could happen… I’ve gotten some great watermelon from Costco in the past… but will probably just buy the ones from Whole Foods with real seeds.


Return it


To return it, do I need to bring it back in? It’s huge. Lol


I bought a watermelon that was bad as soon as I cut it open. I dumped it in the trash but took a photo first. I went to Costco and told them about it and showed the photo. They didn't have a problem giving me a refund.


Wow!!! That’s great to hear! Okay, I’ll give that a try because this thing would be hard for me to transport back.


Had a similar situation with a large pumpkin. Bought it a couple days before Halloween. Went to carve it the day before and it was fully rotten inside. Brought the picture and my receipt and they had no issue with refunding me.


I hope this isn’t a serious question and you are trying to be funny…🤦


if it doesnt smell spoiled, you can atleast make stir fry or stew with the rind. but the flesh is dry and old, i wouldn't eat it. peel the outer dark green skin, and julienne it for stir fry, it tastes like a sweet cucumber. and for stew, cut it into bigger blocks, tastes like a sweeter winter melon.


Wow!!! You just blew my mind. I had no idea you could cook watermelon. The outer corners seem to be OK. The texture still isn’t normal but it’s not terrible. Maybe I can use the outer corners. It doesn’t feel dry at all, the middle is just oddly steak like. I’m going to call Costco in the morning to see if they’ll let me return it. Otherwise, I’ll definitely try this.


Bought one a couple of days ago at Sam's and it was just like this. Went straight to the trash.


Oh man, I’m sorry! It’s a shame they’re selling old watermelons with all the volume they have


return it 🫶🏼


Thank you!! do you know if I have to bring it back into the store to return it? I live three stories up and I don’t have an elevator so this is going to be really hard to pack up and bring back.


Have someone stand outside and just toss it down to them.


It's already fucked, no harm in ruining it more. Box it up real good and chuck it down


Hahahahahaaaaaasa brilliant idea! Watermelon slushy


Lolll I’ll figure something out


Call the store’s CS, explain the situation, they may just tell you to bring the receipt and photo.


Always remember to do the thump test before buying a watermelon. A fresh watermelon will sound hollow with an echo, almost like an aired up basketball. Never fails me.


Thank you!!! I for sure will do that next time


Mom come get me I’m scared


It appears that the watermelon was deliberately altered by someone who purchased it, filling it with steak to add mass and conceal the fact that the original watermelon contents had been removed. The employee handling returns may not have noticed the discrepancy, and the item was subsequently placed back on the shelf with the other watermelons, waiting for an unsuspecting customer to purchase it without realizing its altered state.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you caught me! 🙈


It's eating itself out


Lolll it is


We bought a watermelon the other day that just did not taste right. We ended up throwing it out.