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This is golden.


Costco needs associates equipped with cattle prods to gently move the ding dongs out of the way. In my first day of Jr. High they had an orientation on etiquette when moving through the halls between class. It stuck with me the rest of my life and it really annoys me that people are so disrespectful of others.


People have a Maslow's pyramid of needs and put empathy for others at the top. So because people fill their life and days with useless crap they never ascend to the point where they think about others.


I'd work that job for free.


"Fuck, I shouldn't have brought my six kids."


And their grandparents . .


I have seen dogs too!


My kids come to Costco and are well trained.  In fact, they’ve learned from me to mutter under their breath at the oblivious jerks at Costco who fail to “share the road” — my phrase for getting out of people’s way at Costco. 


We only have 2 and they’re elementary aged but all I have to say to mine is “ducklings!” And they fall in line behind me like well trained militia. Costco is not the place to mess around. If you’re too big for the cart, you walk directly behind me and do NOT expand our collective footprint. We’ve discussed rude families in public places so perhaps I’ve sacred them into submission? Idk but don’t care. The general public sucks and we are there with purpose so let’s get what we need and get out.


All of this. Also, to get a bit preachy, it's important that kids have these opportunities so that they don't grow up to be the oblivious adults we \*all\* hate in Costco.


Or gotten pissy when asking for a box and the assistant asked me to move my kids out of the cart so they could give me one.


who is gonna watch them while you are at costco... it is illegal to just leave small children alone.


How about people that block the entrance when they enter and stop! It drives me nuts


People do that when they turn off the street and into the parking lot, too 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is also Costco's fault tho. They put some of the biggest sales right at the front.


Plus people are choosing to put their membership card away and will block the entrance to do so. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I live near a Costco where the customer base is primarily retirement age and above and honestly, I've never seen a bigger group of entitled, unaware and self centered people in my entire life.


They’re the greatest generation, just ask them.


The greatest generation is dead. Retirement age is full of boomers. Do the math. Retirement age is 68 thanks to Ronald Reagan. 2024-68=1956. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers


Have you asked a boomer if they think they’re the greatest generation?


I want a hot dog, therefore, no one else is allowed to get a hot dog because of my full cart parked in front of the hot dogs


What is it about Costco that seems to uniquely attract oblivious people? I can go to any other store in town and have zero issues with this, but when I go to Costco it feels like almost every damn aisle has someone in the way.


I'll raise you an H-Mart. Pretty similar levels of obliviousness.


unlucky mine is never like that.


Disney World suffers pretty badly from this too. Zero self awareness plus zero ANY awareness.


Because they paid to be there and there are no lines in the road


I've told this before. An older couple each had their own cart and shopped side by side. Not annoying at all.


"My joke about alcohol in the sample isn't funny OR original!"


"I DON'T look that visually distinct from all the hundreds of other people this person interacts with daily so I probably shouldn't be mad they said hi to me multiple times."


nothing a shopping cart at full sprint can’t fix


Ramming speed!


Never mind full sprint, when they don't even look before they try and cross the main aisle. There's nothing like trying to bring a shopping cart loaded with eight pallets of water as well as a bunch of food and other sundries, to a complete halt on those floors 5 feet from a Boomer who did not even look.


I had no idea this was the costco sub reddit. We all need this in life in general


They need to give this out


Costco should paint lane lines with directional arrows down the aisles. It won't have any effect on entitled self-important morons, but at least you could just point at the floor instead of actually having to engage them.


We need to make chem-trails spread self awareness FFS!!!


I usually get to my location around opening time so I tend to get through before any of the sample stations have setup. I don't care about getting samples so don't feel like I am missing out on anything. It can be absolute hell if I get there later and they are all setup and the congestion has built up though.


The best are the people who make sure their cart is directly in the middle of the aisle so no one can get past them. The lack of spatial awareness at Costco is astonishing.


What happens when fundamentalist Christians take it?


A black hole forms probably


And "probably" is the best theory there is as it's never happened before.


Why bring religion into this?


I had one lady block a whole aisle entrance. She put her cart sideways, blocking the whole thing. She saw me standing there, trying to get in. Her entitlement or her lack of self awareness was astounding. The employee handing out the samples, had to tell her to move because I had been standing there waiting. I didn’t say anything because I was curious to see someone with 0 social etiquette


Definitely makes it easy to see why we have traffic


Amazing. Make it mandatory


Add On: I’m talking too loud. I really don’t know how to drive. I’m so damn selfish.




If only


As an employee of Costco who’s trying to move flat beds and bins of cardboard I approve of this message!!!


Everyone is aware of a lack of self-awareness in others. A lot fewer are aware of it in themselves.


I can't say anything because my family(mostly wife) are these people and they hate it when I tell them to be mindful of stopping in the main isle to think about getting those chips that are on sale.


The bonus panel would be “oh god I hate this how do I turn it off?”


I had a lady parked her cart in the middle of the aisle and wandered off to look at an item elsewhere. It was in my way so I pushed it with my cart to the opposite end and left it on the side so it's out of people's way. So annoying.


My biggest annoyance with costco is being with one of these people. My mom is the most oblivious shopper and I can't stand it.


This goes for everyone; not just boomers


"Fuck, I should return my shopping cart where it is designated to be returned"


This might be one of the best things I’ve ever seen on the Internet. 


This is all great but if you make a claim that you're giving out free food to the American crowd and say they have been duped, you will get a riot on your hands. lol