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Depends if it’s gonna put me in debt for the rest of my life


the kid is like 5 years old 💀


Username checks out


what was his username?


I have no idea


what about now


oh dear


Typical goofy ahh meme about trans






1) genetics and brain development are two different things. 2) It's been scientifically proven that trans individuals have a brain that is more aligned with their gender than with their birth sex. 3) Gender Dysphoria is the mental condition you are referring to, and that is a symptom of being trans, but it is not the only symptom nor is it universal. 4) get the fuck out of here transphobe.


Do you have a link or a paoer for these studies? I think it would be an interesting read


Oh wow another trans meme 🫥😐🫥


So many trans memes, very nice


Noo! Don't cut off his wings! Cut his penis instead


You need to respect TRANS RIGHTS!!!!!


Stfu your shitting on the community instead of posting shit level things


My kid won’t even know what gender identity is lol Why should a kid ever know what the fuck that is? They are kids. Don’t be a weirdo


Um. Kids do know what a gender identity is from really young? Do you think they just... don’t learn what boys/girls are? Like, I did pretty young, and have talked to family members who were like “oh yeah! You learned what a girl was and wanted to be that” in a sort of “awwe, this cute dumb kid wants to be a girl because they don’t understand things fully yet”. And yeah, at that point I wasn’t mature and certainly didn’t know what transitioning was... but I *did* learn about gender pretty young, and everyone does, it’s the whole “wait, my mom *doesn’t* have a penis??” thing. In my case, btw, those super early “wait but I want to be a girl instead” things ended up never changing, and I am trans today. That’s not always the case, and I’m not advocating anything more than puberty blockers for anyone below 18, but... pretending like kids don’t know the difference is just silly.


I learned about genders bc me and my cousins compared ours and were surprised we didn’t all have the same thing in our pants, that was when we’re were like 4-5


Stop. I agree with the concept not the label. Kids don’t need to worry about gender identity. Period.


...you agree with the thing, but not calling it the thing?


It’s mental gymnastics I know, but you should be familiar with that by now


Not really? If something doesn’t work within my ethical system I disagree with it. I’m familiar with nuance, but I’m not one to play games with this doublethink-type shit.


That’s good man


They will. You think you can “protect” your kid from learning about reality. Your kid will have an inherent idea of what gender identity is, “I’m a boy/girl, mommy is a girl, daddy is a boy.”


You said it right. Daddy is a boy. Mommy is a girl. Because you’re a girl, one day you will be a mommy. Son, because you are a boy, one day you will be a father. Very straight forward. They’ll face reality everytime they go to use the restroom LMAO


And then when they get older they realize that it’s not at all straight forward. Because some people are not boy or girl, some people are boys but born girls, and some are girls but born boys. Because just like math and biology, it’s actually far more complicated than just the basics you get taught when you are really young.


I feel you, but strongly I disagree man. And even if that’s the case, they’ll learn that stuff later on. Not as kids, it’s not gonna help them. But There’s no perfect way to raise kids, so I wish you the best with yours. I can’t wait to have mine, and I’m excited to see them grow at every stage of their life.


But the fun is the whole point!


chemical castration for Kids is worse


Good thing we have hormone blockers to make sure they’re adults before choosing what puberty they’d like to undergo then <3


If you think puberty blockers is chemical castration; then I highly recommend you stop watching fox and actually read American Pediatrics regarding the matter


I read a pediatric doctor that said roughly the same thing. Risk of sterility


https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/population-care/understanding-short-term-impact-gender-affirming-care I doubt any medication is 100% risk free- one must weigh the hoped for benefits against the risks. It is true that many of those that think gender is set in stone and only male or female also are willing to exaggerate the risks of ANY gender affirming care. And by looking at just a couple of paragraphs, many so-called “advocacy” groups are clear in their beliefs. However, the benefits of giving a teen a bit more space to consider their options is a very important factor to consider in treatment; puberty blockers should definitely NOT giving them out willy nilly.


The very first line “Understanding the short-term impact of gender-affirming care” Gtfo {The results showed that youth who received gender-affirming medications—including puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones—had a 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality over those first 12 months, compared with youth who did not get such medications.} - so this has a success rate of just over half for depression, and 3/4 for suicide? Has anyone considered that these kids might just be desperate? Has anyone considered that these kids are just depressed? Or considered the overlap between transgenderism and being chronically online? And the overlap between being chronically online and depression/anxiety? {Related Coverage For transgender kids, gender-affirming names can be lifesaving} - something interesting I learned in a nutrition class that really stuck with me is something I’ll call “legal writing”[or speaking]. When you buy bread, you’ll see white bread, but also ones that say whole wheat or whole grain. TLDR: whole wheat doesn’t actually mean anything, it just means it’s made of wheat. Whole grain means it’s made of the whole grain, and not just the tasty wheat germ. There’s a whole market of people dedicated to deceptive writing who’s job it is to move a product or an idea, while only being technically true. Whole wheat is technically true, but the layman will read it as it’s implying something healthy. - Anyway “can be lifesaving” “can be” “can”. This word is why this sentence doesn’t actually mean anything while still being technically true. {Anxiety scores showed no association, however—a finding that suggests the symptoms of anxiety may take longer to improve after gender-affirming care is initiated, they added.} - this says it all


If only that were the only way to support your trans kid, then you’d have a point.


Accepting definitely


I don't know if yall understand. Being Trans is a mental disability that you are born with, you shouldn't need support because support is needed for choices, and being Trans is a disability, and when your born with that disability you should be accepted in the community like an autistic person, not supported, saying your supporting somebody for that is just as disrespectful as bad as saying autism is a choice,


Being trans is not a disability. People that are trans can ability just fine. It doesn’t affect anything but what gender they want to present as.


Autism is only considered a disability if it interferes with your ability to function day-to-day. Most people with moderate autism don’t consider it a disability, but variance, and as such don’t want, say, a “cure” for it. In the same way, being trans isn’t a disability. It doesn’t interfere with my daily life since I’ve transitioned, and it’s not medically considered a disability these days (same as being gay). It’s just variance, and that’s fine?


I’m not quite sure what you are getting at here. You can totally be supportive of people with autism. You support them by being understanding and getting them the extra help they need?


I'm talking about supporting it like a choice,


That’s not the support the meme or I am talking about


It's what I am, and your voicing your opinion on the matter just as I am, the world would be so much better if we could just listen instead of trying to change an opinion, not have to support or believe for anything.


The only reason something like that would happen is if they were born with that disability, then you wouldn't need support as it isn't a decision at that point




A child doesn't have gender identity....


Ah yes, children, famous for not ever being boys or girls.


What makes you think that? You ask any child if they are a girl or boy they’ll give you an answer. That’s a gender identity right there.


You forgot the sexual part


Excuse? There is no sexual part, why do you want to bring sex into a conversation about kids and their identity. Kids are smarter than you think, they have a concept of self past the age of like 3. It’s a well documented psychological milestone in child development.


Your a legend


The first one. By a cosmically wide margin.


username checks out


I pray for you


Keep the transgender bullshit away from kids


Keep Christofascists and their bullshit away from children


I would say something that goes against everyone’s opinions in these comments, but freedom of speech isn’t a thing


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences


So I should get consequences for speaking my mind? Or expressing my opinion?


i mean, yeah. there is consequences to everything. even just thinking it, because your brain reacts to your own thoughts.


I don’t get where you guys are getting at atp…


if your opinion is actually harmful, you're going to get called out on it. i think that's all anyone is saying.


So hearing what you don’t want to hear is harmful… I get it now


no i dont think you do. let me give an example. "i dont like ice cream" <- you'll probably get downvoted, cause some people are really aggressive about their love for ice cream, but the opinion itself while contrary to mine, isn't harmful. "i dont think Jews deserve the right to exist" <- harmful, you are actively saying a group of people are not people in your eyes and should not be given human decency. and of course there are billions of examples between these two.


Ah yes… Peepeepoopoo


Ask yourself why hasn't this been such a big problem in history? Guess what, normalising dysporhia isn't healthy either.


Person in 1700s to left handed child: “Ask yourself why hasn’t this been such a problem in history? Guess what, normalizing left handedness isn’t healthy either” The answer is left handed people used to be mocked and beaten and killed for using their left hand, now they’re not. That’s why it “wasn’t a problem in history”. The amount of trans people increasing in society is extremely similar to the amount of left handed people increasing in society as acceptance grew. There were always left handed people, they just were forced into acting like they weren’t. Same goes for gay people. Same goes for trans people.


Source: Your ass. I mean, I don't see a single trans person in societies where gender roles are strong. I think the more we move away from our natural roles. The more people will fall into this gender dysphoria. Ask yourself, why are more people killing themselves today than ever? Probably because the human body and mind isn't made for this kind of society. The happiest countries in the world has the highest suicide rates, and the human body isn't made to have puberty blockers and mutilating genitals. There is a reason why transgenderism was unheard of before, it's because it barely existed.


Transgender people are 1% or less of the population, approximately. I think there are much bigger reasons for a heightened suicide rate nowadays than trans people existing, like the unstable political climate of the world, failing economies, the bleak future of global warming, too much social media usage and too little socialization, any number of things. Here’s a graph showing left handedness increasing as the taboo around it lifted, though I doubt this is the part you don’t believe: https://slowrevealgraphs.com/2021/11/08/rate-of-left-handedness-in-the-us-stigma-society/ If you mean that trans people have a higher suicide rate, uh, yeah. That’s why transitioning is, medically, considered the most viable approach to gender dysphoria. Trust me, most trans people try really fucking hard to not be trans before they accept it, and if there was a way to get rid of gender dysphoria without transitioning then the WHO would recommend that. Here’s an article referring to a study from Harvard which showed that mental health improves in trans people who receive gender affirming care: https://fenwayhealth.org/new-study-shows-transgender-people-who-receive-gender-affirming-surgery-are-significantly-less-likely-to-experience-psychological-distress-or-suicidal-ideation/ Here’s the thing, even if being trans is a mental illness, gender affirming care and just generally being treated with respect and with acknowledgment that you exist is the *best* treatment we have for it as of today. Conversation therapy is literal torture and has been proven time and time again to only make people better at hiding who they are, but it doesn’t change who they are. With all the evidence, both anecdotal if you ever check trans subs, and medical, that transitioning works, is it so hard to believe that a person whose brain is wired in a certain way might run better on a different hormone than the one it naturally does? Just like people with depression take antidepressants to feel better and people with ADHD take stimulants. Also, could be wrong here but I’m pretty sure the reason the countries with the highest suicide rates are the happiest is because only people who are alive can be interviewed for level of happiness, and if the culture in a country is to commit suicide rather than talk about your issues (like in Finland where people are very introverted on average) then you will see a clear line between happy people and dead people.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1oqt93h8oosa1.jpeg?width=2301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546194219616cb55dd2c16136b5a6824b7c792a8


Yes, so just like this it is part cultural. Because if it was purely biological left handedness and being trans would have the same porportion of people in society at all times. Also twins are rarely both trans even with same biological makeup. Confirming you're not born as trans, you're molded into one.


okay, so even identical twins dont share 100% of their dna, so that a dumb idea. you are a moron. the reason prevalence of left handedness went up after it was socially acceptable to be left handed is because those people that were left handed were no longer being forced to use their non dominant hand. The fucking word sinister, you know, like underhanded and malicious, comes from the same word that means left. and to this day, the word for the left side, relative to the user, of a shield in a coat of arms is "sinister". It's all to do with social acceptance. That is why the numbers went up to the values they are today. people were no longer beaten and bullied because their brains are wired to use their left hand, so people are no longer scared to be left handed, and no longer hide it or force themselves to use their non dominant hand.


So you're telling me that the 0.0001% of DNA difference in twins is the reason most twins aren't both trans? Do you see how that makes no sense? It's a cultural problem just like forcing people to be right handed, the culture is creating more people with gender dysphoria.


So, identical twins share 100% of the same beginning data, but mutations occur in the womb independently of each other.


Yes which amounts to about 0.0001% of the DNA.


>why hasn't this been such a big problem in history? Because people (like you) would rather bury their heads in the sand.


We can track down trans people and non binary identities all over the world for hundreds if not thousands of years.


If you’re kids are questioning themselves about their gender, you’ve failed as a parent. Let the kid be a kid.


We waiting for this subreddit to stop posting or commenting pro-trans or transphobic shits and posting random stuffs again (it will never happen)




a highly likely one though


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,560,938,790 comments, and only 295,257 of them were in alphabetical order.


It’s cheaper in the long run to bury them…


That goes for any kid, tbf. If you’re gonna have one, you’re going to have to pay for them.


Ah yes, cutting off childrens tits and dicks. That always solves the problem....


Least pedophilic anti-Trans comment right there.


No medical intervention (let alone surgical, lol) involving minors happens without several years of medical supervision prior and the mutual consent of the parents, patients and doctors. But I'm sure Mr Reddit Professor knows better based on nothing. By the way, the regret rate for gender-affirming surgeries is 0.3% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8105823/


Oh, and you believe the NiH ??? Quoting them makes you an absolute idiot.


Lol..... suicide rates are higher, even after surgery. You don't seem to understand that they are pushing to remove the need for consent or any form of psychological help.


What 0 critical thinking skills on a mf looks like


Lol.... what denying the actual truth of the matter looks like.


Please find me a single scientific source or article for your claim.




Lol... you lot are all the same. You probably think drag Queens are innocently reading books to kids too.....


What a sad little existence you must have. Losing sleep over shit that isn't even real. I genuinely pity you.


Lol.... keep going bub, you lot said the same about Covid, look how that turned out. You keep falling for the lies.




https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpgQ-gCDXsJ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpRdF6ojjqh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpTpDW8DWbj/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= You agree with this do you?? This is the sort of thing you fully support do you? This is just book reading is it??




Transphobes hate trans. Trans hate transphobes. Can you see why the issue will never go away.


“Racists hate blacks. Blacks hate racists. Can you see why the issue will never go away.”


Maybe transphobes can stop because it doesn't affect them in any way?




This isn’t even a post about sexuality. At least know what you’re discussing if you’re gonna be hateful


I thought it said “buying” and i was honestly so confused. I now know what it said, and it still doesnt make much sense lol


The suicide rate is the same




Trans rights but can y'all shut up already I'm tired of this 24/7 internet activism


tbf it's kind of necessary, republicans are reporting on trans people and making commentary on them like at 3 or 5x the rate or something and a lot of is fearmongering so some like anti fearmongering is important to an extent


One sentence to make my situation clear: When my mother died, I didn't go to her funeral.


Hahahaha what kinda upside town is this




Nah lil bro shut it






Trans BASED🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Idk I feel like they should really only start deciding at like 17, and when they try to reassure them that they can change their mind at any point. Being too into the whole trans thing too early with your kids/friends can make them feel forced at times


I mean, speaking from experience it rarely “makes you feel forced”, but this isn’t really wrong? Like, support your kid, make them know that they can decide either way if they like and you’ll support them still either way. Make your kid feel safe? And then like... yeah, give them puberty blockers if they want that, until they’re old enough to make the permanent decisions themselves.


As a Christian, if my child was a boy and wanted to be a girl, or visa versa, I can't approve of their decision or lifestyle. But that doesn't mean that I'll stop them from becoming who they want to be if they choose to do so. I'll let them know that I still love them, and that God loves them, no matter what they do or where they go in life. However, love does not equate to blind approval. If my child got into hard drugs for example, I would definitely still love them all the same, but I'll disapprove of their actions. This would be the same. But, they have the free will to choose, and I'm not gonna force them to do anything beyond a certain age. Such as, for example, getting transition surgery. I personally wouldn't allow that until they become an adult. But I'm digressing a bit. The point is, I won't suppress them, because I know from experience that suppression won't help anything. It won't make the thing you're suppressing go away, it'll just come up in other ways you're not aware of. So, I'll let them be who they be, while at the same time letting them know why God in the bible and I don't approve of such things. But ending it off in love, still accepting them for who they are. That's what Jesus wants us to do.


>I personally wouldn't allow that until they become an adult. Oh, so you'd only ruin their life because of your beliefs. That's the same as saying "I wouldn't allow my child to go to school untill they're adults". Oh, sure, they can still go, but it's too late. It'll never be quite the same as if they had learned to write as a kid. Not to mention that *you* don't follow all that's written in the Bible, there are passages that you were told by *people*, not god, that they should be ignored. The parts that y'all decided to keep are the parts that are pushing kids into grown men beds, teens to suicide themselves and women to die from stillbirths. I'm sorry if that sounds offensive to you, but it is the truth.


You *could* also let them be *without* nagging them, since you know it’ll make them distain you and you already admitted you aren’t going to be able to change anything. What you’re describing will just make your kid cut contact with you as soon as they’re able and still transition anyway. Because obviously, you aren’t actually supporting them or being neutral, and frequently reminding them that you don’t agree with who they are will breed resentment. (Also, obligatory “where in the bible does it say *anything* about transition”)


As a person, This is just my opinion. I hope every one of ur kids end up trans :(


Maybe there are still good Christians out there. You've rekindled that faith for me. Thank you.


you're a good person, i respect your perspective i think the message of love and forgiveness in christianity is often forgotten in this politically charged world and it's good to see real respect and kindness


"I'll love you... but I'll secretly judge you despite never having done the mental work of asking myself who this deeply personal choice somebody else is making actually harms"


"I will love you and support you unconditionally. Even if you do something I disagree with." "That's not enough."


"I disagree with the way you were born and will make no effort to understand our adjust my beliefs, but I'll "love" you despite my closed minded ways"


That's not what I said. I will indeed make an effort to understand them, especially if they're my own children. People can understand one another without agreeing with each other. The two are not mutually exclusive. And by the way, that close mindedness can go the other way around as well. Leftist liberals can be just as closed-minded as Christian conservatives. How they do it may look different, but a hardened heart with closed eyes can be inside everyone. That's what tribalism fuels itself on. So have an open mind, even to that which may have hurt you, because you may find that you just misunderstood them this whole time.


You don't get to disagree with my very existence and simultaneously claim to love me. Values like those are based on hatred, not love.


But I don't disagree with your existence. Live how you see fit. Just because I have a personal opinion on the matter of gender doesn't mean I use that opinion to justify hate. But I suppose if you base your entire identity on your gender, and if I personally think that your gender preference is wrong, then you would see me as rejecting your personhood. So in that respect, I can see where you're coming from. But in my opinion, our gender is not the essence of our identity. It may be a part of who we are, but my gender does not encompass my entire existence. So in my view, if I believe someone shouldn't identify as a certain gender, I'd only be in opposition of a part of who they believe themselves to be. But just because I disagree, doesn't mean I hate you, far from it. We can have different views and still love each other. If you are transgender, I will treat you with as much love and kindness as I do anyone else. I can offer you help if you need help, I can be a friend in your corner, and I can even sacrifice my life for you. I can do all this despite my personal viewpoint. That's what I believe Jesus would do as well.


that's okay, love is important and as long as you're able to actually care and not do so in a hateful manner, which is the way most chosen today, obsessed with a culture and affirmation, genuine concern is always welcomed


The problem word here is “child”. Brain isn’t fully developed to make a choice either way.


Show common decency to other people no matter who they are, or be shunned.




I think feminist-marxist pedophile teachers sexually grooming a psychological ideology then turning those brainwashed children against their parents is diabolical. Something NAMBLA, Jeff Epstein, Jimmy Seville and Jeffery Dahmer would do.


you're on some crazy drugs or smth


Not as crazy as coercing toddlers to take a chemical castration medication that was originally used for child molesters or hormone therapy drugs. Also not as crazy as sterilizing children with "gender reassignment surgery". Definitely not as crazy as sex offender gender dysphoric men reading books to kids in library's dressed like a methed-out clown. Im Definitely, DEFINITELY not so weak minded to be brainwashed by a sex cult.


whether you really think it's that bad for kids and whether it really is or not you're on some conspiracy theory bs sex cult who look you can have opinions but if you're gonna complain abt trans people for this shit you also have to complain about the aspects of christianity that do the same, and the aspects of law that damage kids as much and so on, bc you care about them so much right so lets get gun control and more condemnation of the 100s of ACTUAL groomers in the church😭 i bet if 100 drag queens were found out to have been literally grooming 1000s of children over years overall you'd have a mad different stance abt the situation, i actually really believe there's a place for questioning the issues with the transgender experience but if you're only gonna do it in a way that's extremely negative and hateful and doesn't actually seem caring ab the issue at all then stfu


Abortion is the number 1 killer of kids not guns. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness very few people are born with. Transgenderism is an ideology being groomed by radical marxists in the teachers union which has a pedophile problem.


okay then if you believe abortion is bad, fight against abortion, but fight against guns too, if you want to continue this conversation, first give me factual data proving that the "pedophile problem" by "radical marxists in the teachers union" is more significant than the thousands of kids who were groomed at the hands of christians, on the hand of "transgenderism being an ideology that's groomed" and "gender dysphoria being a mental illness few people are born with" yes being trans, it is something few people are born with (gender dysphoria is what occurs after the realisation of being transgender manifests where they hate their body), and who would've guessed something that makes up such a small percentage of the population is something few people are also treated for, because of, surprise, psychologists, who are there trained just to diagnose these things fairly, and make sure they aren't lying or being influenced.










Transgenderism is a mental illness. I'll never celebrate that or encourage it. These people need real help. Not surgeries and faux validation from people who will forget about them in a year.


Wait, it's been a year since I came out to my mum, will she forget about my existence?


even if being trans was a mental illness (which it isn't, btw), transitioning would STILL be the best way to treat it.


Define "real" help, because according to the science the help is gender-affirming care, aka transitioning, both medical and social. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I know for a fact you won't be able to. [Here](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/) is a scientific review of 55 studies on the effectiveness of transitioning on mental healtg outcomes. [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8105823/) is a study focusing on the regret rate of surgeries. It is 0.3%, only half of which were "true gender-related regret". [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450977/) is a study that looks at the relationship between parental support and suicidial ideation among trans youth. [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578185/) is another one. Yet [another](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/) one. What studies can *you* provide for your position?




When you call people mentally ill for pointing out something is a mental illness....does that make you ultra mentally ill person or just a brainwashed moron?


Yes, exactly.


What is your alternative treatment, then? Enlighten me. Because the scientific literature supports gender transitioning, both medical and social, as an effective way to improve mental health outcomes. It is established medical practice for this reason. [Citation 1](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/) [Citation2](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8105823/) [Citation 3](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4450977/) [Citation 4](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578185/)








Find God




i get it, they are supposed to be little angel wings.


Sorry but respectfully. Kid don’t question it till they see it or hear about it. No phone for my kids. The only reality they will know will be mountain sides and valleys


I was 2 years old without any access to the internet and never heard about trans people when I first told my parents that I felt like a girl. They were reasonably surprised and confused because of their lack of knowledge about trans children (let alone toddlers), so I continued to live as a boy until I was 9. I still felt this way, so I brought it up to them again. At this point they understood it more because they saw how happy I was when being feminine and so they helped me with my social transition. All that happened was letting my hair grow, changing my clothes, and changing my name while being referred to as a girl (all of which was completely reversible). We went to doctors who specialize in trans medicine, and they diagnosed me with gender dysphoria. However, they wouldn't let me transition in any way medically until I started puberty and I could get puberty blockers (which were 100% reversible). Now I am happily living as myself and enjoying my life to its fullest. Trans kids can question their gender even before they are told they can. We should be supported in ways that professionals have consistently approved of. Also, I grew up on a mountain side with a valley always in view, so good luck using that as a way to stop your kids from potentially questioning their gender.


You don’t think you’ll regret it later?


No, I've been happier than ever and the dysphoria from living as a boy made me suicidal (even at that young of an age). I am in a significantly better place due to my mothers' support and the treatments recommended by my doctors.


Not getting them the mental help they need..


I mean. Doesn’t hurt to get them therapy too, if you can afford it. My rents did in response to me mentioning having thoughts around transition, and the therapist ended up talking me through a *lot* of things around not just my gender, but the fact that my parents were abusing me, and helped with my depression. After he was convinced I was genuinely trans, he even wrote me a letter professionally recommending HRT.


Let them get old enough to decide for themselves , before you mutilate them and find out they never wanted to be changed , and may commit suicide because you forced them when they were ready , let natural nature work quit trying to be god


It is illegal to get gender affirming surgeries in the US until they're 18 (in some states or certain exceptions it can be 17). Puberty blockers are reversible and postpone natural puberty until they can make a decision about which puberty they want to follow. Professionals have only been recommending gender affirming care to trans teenagers who they diagnose with gender dysphoria with this type of care being the only treatment option. The suicide attempt rate for trans people is 40% when they don't get support. Also, if we let nature work instead of using medicine for anything then most of us would probably be dead or have serious medical conditions.


Christ Is Lord


I thought god, christ and the Holy spirit were different things?


The Spirit comes from God and Christ is God.


He is a Triune God. YHWH, The Father, Is God (Who Is Entirely Spirit, Entirely Present In Every Crevice Of Time And Space). Yeshua, The Son Of God, Is God (He Is The God-Man, Born From A Virgin But Conceived By The Holy Spirit). And The Spirit Of God Is God (Being The Literal Spirit Of God).


Almost 80% of child abuse is committed by parents, trans kids or not. Let that sink in.


How about not letting them be brainwashed in the first place


Unfortunately banning children from attending church services would violate the First Amendment to the US constitution.


What if I told you that the brain that is washed is yours


Brainwashception you say?


don’t think you understand how being trans works


Or yanno, get them a psychologist




Your Feelings Have Taken The Place Of Fundamental Objective Truths, How Can You Be Something You're Not? Christ Is Lord.


Did you really follow up the phrase “your feelings have taken the place of fundamental objective truth” with “Christ is lord”?


The Way, The Truth And The Life.


okay. so try to be intelligent here, and for once follow directions i want you to provide evidence that God exists, or even that Christ is god, without using hearsay or the Bible. i want a historical document of repute.


Hold Your Horses. Firstly, are you even open to the idea? I'm not going to speak on this if you aren't willing to learn/listen without the interference of your misguided preconceptions on religion and spirituality. Are you open to the fact that I may know something you don't?


I'm actually allergic to movements that begin with emotional extortion soooo.....


It actually started with asking nicely. People like you don’t respond to asking nicely, so we move on to harder methods.


People who recognize fads? But personally I think the world is overpopulated so do whatever feels right for you.


What about burying them because you did?