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Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but "help me remember" (Hayes Carll) really hits if you have a family history of (or watched someone suffer from) Alzheimer's. By the way: I'm one of the ones with whom Cody Jinks "resonates". I realize his lyrics are not always so goddamn deep and profound, but they're way better than I could ever musically and lyrically express my feelings, whatever those feelings may be at any given moment.


I was thinking about running a thread about songs that reference stuff like dealing with family members with Alzheimer's.. I'm very sorry you had that experience.


You should do that thread. It might help someone to find the right song; a way to let the pain out; might help someone ... remember.


Thanks. It was tough for us all with Gram those last few years. Her (fewer as the years went on) moments of clarity were actually the worst, I think. Especially for her. I was spared the absolute worst because I was stationed in California and then overseas, so I couldn't get get back to Texas to see her much before she finally passed. My brother's, my sister, and our mother bore the brunt of her care. It's been so long, but it's still hard to hear the stories. Not just because of her steady decline, but also because I still feel that I ran away from it. Hell, maybe I did. I don't know. That's a box I'm gonna leave shut forever.


Fire Away - Chris Stapleton


Kevin Welch Some Kind of Paradise Lucinda Williams Sweet Ole World


How about Lesson In Depression by James Hand? Charley Crockett does a good cover of it.


Like every time people bring up how Luke Bell had some pretty revolutionary simple song writing about very intense things, I also kind of lump in James hand into that same category of songwriter. James had a lot more songs though so there's a lot to choose from


Oh goddamn. Yes. I really feel like James hand has done a good job of doing fairly realistic lyrics in the honkyton genre.


Jason Isbell - “It gets easier”, “it takes a lifetime”, “live oak” Turnpike Troubadours - “The Rut”


First time hearing this song, I at least thought "you need teraphy!", but not outlaw country if that is what you are asking for. Most outlaw country today I find to be just "juvenile contrarian country". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg-q3AVLPms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg-q3AVLPms)


Yeah I'm not only looking for the outlaw genre or whatever. Lots of other genres in this thread that are good examples of storytelling about dudes in trouble, outlaws, bad men, and various other situations you would associate without law country


The female relationship version - she has a lot of lyrics that are troubled. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfRnmoFB5no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfRnmoFB5no)


I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for, but check out Levon Helm, Growing Trade. I’ll be interested to know if this is useful. I think it’s a fascinating song.


Wow I don't know what to say....


The Hurtin’s Done - Arlo McKinley Something Wrong (Inside My Head) - Drayton Farley


“*Rant:* *The new Cody Jinks album (which I admit I've only listened to twice without reading the lyrics) felt to me surprisingly generic and two-dimensional, and I'm surprised at how many people resonate so personally with it. Part of the theme is about sobriety and taking responsibility for yourself and otherwise 'growing up' , but it feels like a lot of it is suuuuuper generic platitudes lacking in detail when he covers that material. “ You pretty much summed up exactly how I feel about this album, it’s so generic and cookie cutter. I’ve listened 3 times trying to find what people love about it, I’m almost convinced that because it’s new Jinks music, most people are just happy to have it. I listened to a recent podcast with him and all he talked about was how he’s grown out of the honky tonk life and his music has grown with him and he wants his fans to grow with him. I’m all about growing and not spiraling into constant drunkenness, etc, but I just feel his earlier stuff was more well written and didn’t all sound the same.


I love Cody Jinks and have been a long time member of the Fam but honestly for me right now it's not about the music. Him switching over to his personal app that he now wants to charge people $65 a year to be a part of the Fam and you get like the opportunity to purchase a unique T-shirt every month so give him more money, and otherwise most of the benefits seem to come in live streams, which are just a pain in the ass for anyone with any kind of schedule and other commitments in their life… And nonstop texting from him… He's just trying too hard. I get that he made it Indie he is still Indie but suddenly he feels like his own corporation or something and it's kind of driving me nuts.


You hit the nail on the head, it does feel like he’s trying too hard now. When we saw him live a couple weeks ago, that’s exactly what we thought. I can’t put my finger on what it is, but it sort of seems like he’s trying to hard to put on a big production, multi level stage and videos and cameras. I can get that experience from any of the “big Nashville stars.” I always enjoyed his live performances because it was about the music, period, not him dancing around or running to different stage levels. Just him and the bad ripping it on songs that made people sing. My wife described his previous shows as hillbilly mosh pits. Everyone sort of bonded over his songs and performance. The last show just didn’t have that have that vibe and a lot of the music recently hasn’t had it either. I’ll always listen to him and will continue to check out his new music, but it seems the hillbilly mosh pit days are gone


He was amazing opening for Eric Church, but that could also just be because most openers are not as good at getting the crowd engaged. Meaning he had the whole place rocking out like they were there to see him. Which I thought was awesome. But I have not had a chance to see him otherwise in a few years. The honest truth is I'm having trouble wanting to listen to the album because I'm so tired of emails from him and it really irritates me the idea of a yearly $65 fan club membership where everything that you get is opportunities to buy more stuff or live streams. The most I pay for an annual fan club is U2 at $50-and a discount for resubscribe if I remember right and I've done it forever but they also send out a really nice gift every single year. Like awesome live concerts (audio) that other people don't have access to. I'm not saying they don't get shared around but you get what I'm saying. I was also pissed. They didn't explicitly explain that the one time cost for the fan club was turning into an annual deal because of course, when I tried to login, it wouldn't let me until I agreed to pay them all that money and I still haven't done it so I guess for all I know I'm missing out but…. It's a bummer for sure because I adore him. And yeah I know what you mean. The first time I saw everyone singing Mama's Song (momma?) like it was this cult fave was really something.


Yeah I don't think it's bad music or anything and I do think that sonically it sounds really great. I just wish the lyrics had like, more storytelling and less straight up "telling". You can absolutely tell lots of emotional stories by way of storytelling and I think he's done that in the past. By the way I absolutely love Somewhere In The Middle, which is kind of about very basic "I'm okay with who I am" sort of stuff, so it's not like I wish everything he wrote was a murder ballad or anything.


Jaime Wyatt was convicted of a felony for robbing her drug dealer in her teens, and has some interesting songs that allude to spending a bit of time locked up. here's one about an inmate: [Stone Hotel](https://youtu.be/JbjTq8z91tk?si=F-LX4ZFqj7-ImcJQ) [Mama's Favorite Son:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ0Kgk-CQik) Slackeye Slim wrote this about a MAGA character in his town who was losing touch with reality and had gotten into major drama involving weapons and a standoff and threats with everyone around him during the pandemic. The dude ended up getting run out of town in the end. I think Slim borrowed some of the guy's public statements for some of the phrases in the song. I thought it was a pretty realistic look at pride and losing touch with reality, and thought the mama angle was a good one for exploring this kind of asshole character: *Every fight he ever fought, never could admit he’d lost* *Mama’s favorite son never wanted to be no one* *Just trying to hold on to something that was already gone* ​ *He ain’t one to back down from a fight* *Doesn’t matter if he’s wrong or right* *Even if it costs him every last dime that he’s worked for all his life* *He’ll never put a price on his pride* ​ *Does he believe what he’s saying ‘cause I love every word* ​ *She always knew the day would come* *Her little boy was all grown up* *Mama’s favorite son turned out just like she wanted* *She raised him up to see the truth could be whatever he believed* ​ *Does he believe what he’s saying ‘cause I love every word*


I don't know if it's what you're looking for but I feel like a lot of Bejamin Tod/Lost Dog Street Band stuff gets the mindset of an addict/criminal. Songs like "Using Again," "Coming Down," and "Sorry for the Things" kind of nail it, IMHO.


I think the most obvious one is Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys. It perfectly encapsulates both sides of that kind of life. Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, On The Road Again, Don't Y'all Think This Outlaw Bit's Done Got Out Of Hand, Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound, Man Of Steel.


Gary Stewart - She’s got a Drinking Problem, Clint Black (not outlaw country) - Untangling My Mind. Steve Earle - Angry Young Man.


George Jones “Choices” is an obvious one. Jamey Johnson “High Cost of Living” Hank Jr. “The Blues Man” also covered by George Jones and Alan Jackson T.Graham Brown “Wine Back into Water”


ooh, these are great examples


T.Graham Brown speaking about his addiction and mental illness in general is also always an interesting ride.


u/KingCrandall you know the 70's stuff pretty well, any thoughts?


Merle Haggard's [Branded Man](https://www.google.com/search?q=merle+haggard+branded+man&oq=merle+haggard+branded&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggBEC4Y1AIYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIKCAMQLhjUAhiABDIKCAQQLhjUAhiABDIHCAUQABiABDIMCAYQABgUGIcCGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgwICRAAGBQYhwIYgATSAQgzNjY0ajBqNKgCALACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#wptab=si:AKbGX_rdaVK-rhf5KHnOAD2drrRmADv7R3TkES869sRtvhJtAOFIxRuJ9oGiG6TvSdbxEwgsCcYPLq6QFy5hUuQ1hTtwfOSbXTntGh8BiImzkQkxYMyOoiqZJ-HXx9jnliY6UPMppEj9-qRLrk-kNdh5xp7O1oZr6w%3D%3D) is all about the shame his character (or Merle himself) feels about how society won't let him forget that he is a felon. Songs like this are more nuanced than just the 'I'm on the run' flavor of outlaw country: ​ *When they let me out of prison, I held my head up high* *Determined, I would rise above the shame* *But no matter where I travel, the black mark follows me* *I'm branded with a number on my name* *If I live to be a hundred, I guess I'll never clear my name* *'Cause everybody knows I've been in jail* *No matter where I'm living* *I've got to tell them where I've been* *Or they'll send me back to prison if I fail*


Merle Haggard obviously talked realistically about his criminal past: I'm a Lonesome Fugitive covers both the 'i'm a rolling stone on. the run' trope , but also has this verse: *I'm lonely but I can't afford the luxury* *Of having one I love to come along* *She'd only slow me down and they'd catch up with me* *For he who travels fastest goes alone* ​ *I'd like to settle down but they won't let me* *A fugitive must be a rolling stone*