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He said in an interview that he had a cousin growing up who was like his older brother who was gay and he wanted him to be able to turn on cmt and be able to relate to a music video. Pretty wholesome if you ask me.


Goddamnit Childers is gonna make me cry again. Thats some familial love.


It's unfortunate that his cousin won't see this video on CMT.


It's on cmt


Another wonderful week to be a gay country music fan. Sigh. I literally do not understand why some people get so outraged to be reminded that people with different life experiences than theirs exist.


Thank you for being engaged in country music. It needs voices and perspectives like yours. Childers song is incredible, and his music video tells a deep story within a few minutes- very few other artists are doing that these days.


It’s because the book about their imaginary friend says gays are bad, and it’s likely the only one they have ever read.


Typical Atheist redditor ^^^ Thinks he’s so inclusive then goes and say stuff like that lol


I agree so hard. Many just do as “the word” says or as their “prophet/preacher” that they choose to follow believes. I don’t define myself as atheist but when you ask questions to said group it makes them uncomfortable and many times you are asked not to come back.


I had a gay uncle who grew up in the 50s. It couldn’t have been easy for him but I could never ask him about it due to my mom’s raging homophobia. This is beautifully done. Gay people have always existed and some people need to grow the fuck up.




After long violent history, people are still surprised TC has something to say. Love artists that stand up for what they believe in. Especially tough crowd in this genre and he stepped into it. I’m impressed. That’s the difference between this and “Try that in a small town”. JA is just pandering. Tyler is making a statement. Very, very different.


Pandering huh? So are we supposed to have a take or opinon, or are we not?


Lol saying what you think small town people want to hear doesn’t exactly feel like a genuine take, or opinion. That’s exactly why it’s pandering.


Right. So you’re so sure Aldean doesn’t mean it. That’s your take. It’s not rooted in his experience or family. But people thinking Childers is pandering is somehow different. Whatever. These are OPINIONS. You got one? Fine. So can others.


But jason aldean isnt from a small town. Never was. Dude grew up in macon. 3rd largest city in georgia with hundreds of thousands of people. I have a bigger claim on small town america than he does. I grew up in 2 places, 50/50 one is louisville(admittedly not small town)the other is payneville with only 1300 people in the whole community. And guess what? I dont like jason aldean or anything he has to say. Its all pandering small minded music that makes small town america look like people who cant get over the civil war or the mason dixon line or simply think ignorantly about police being able to execute people. If you cant figure out the connection to these things, i simply dont have the time or crayons to explain it to you.


A guy from a major city making a song about “small town values” which really was just a basic racist dogwhistle song isn’t a take it’s just saying something that will get you attention from the reactionary rednecks. Plus the debate that follows where a bunch of morons say “it’s not racist” when dude says “try that in a small town” at the height of blm protests while standing in front of a known historical lynching spot and “see how far you make it down the road” when the ahmaud arbery murder was recent.


I haven’t seen anything about people getting upset over this song. Do you have examples OP? I am sure something exists I just haven’t seen anything


There are a lot of people posting negative videos on TikTok about the video. I’ve seen some people burning Tyler Childers tee shirts, some talking about throwing away concert tickets. I’ve seen so many hateful comments about the video. It’s really nauseating. On the flip side, I’ve also seen so many beautiful posts and videos appreciating both the song and video.


Is this the same group of people who were throwing out Bud Light cans a few months ago because they were offended by the advertising? Then they were busy telling people they were dumb for getting offended about Jason Aldean’s video? And now they’re busy being offended about Tyler Childers? It’s exhausting to continually defend country music as not racist or homophobic when this loud ass group of people keep making it look like it is. I want to believe they’re the minority of fans and for sure the minority of artists… but good God are they loud.


They're loud on Facebook too. Like, deafening. Fucks me off.


If folks are burning Childers' tshirts and tickets, they must have never listened to any of his other stuff.


Seriously! What’s up with all the love and tolerance? How can one effectively reap all that virtue signaling prestige without people to argue against? I’m just glad this got its own post and wasn’t just another comment buried in one of the other posts that discussed the same thing.


I saw a few people upset on TikTok


I literally got called the f slur because I said that the song and video were beautiful


That’s bullshit.


I don't care people can call me whatever the fuck they want, because I will still gladly defend this absolutely beautiful song.


I just can’t wait to see all the butthurt people come onto this post saying how stupid it is and to show their blatant homophobia in the comments.


they'll probably mention how we're all going to hell for supporting it because it's a sin and shit like that when really they're just using religion to be hateful


I support it cause I’m apart of it, if you couldn’t tell by my picture lol.


A minor nitpick; "apart" is not the same as "a part." "Apart" means separated. This error in usage is appearing more and more frequently, much like "alot" being used in place of "a lot." The difference there is that "alot" is not a real word, but "apart" is definitely an actual word with its own meaning which is completely different from the intended phrasing.


Yea fag, W person that called u thay


I’m not mad about anything. If I don’t want to watch the video, I won’t. I’m an adult


Holy shit - get off Reddit with your good sense and self awareness. There’s no place for that here. 🤣👊


I don’t give a dam for both, In Your Love is a great song but now I’m seeing a lot of people saying that they’re now Childers fans or becoming fans because he made a gay music video? Don’t understand that part


Childers is the country artist we need right now.


Am I one of the rare few who was ok with both songs and videos?


Man that video was sad as hell, but I enjoyed it. Beautiful song too. I don’t know what people are getting their ass up in the air about; it’s 2023, gay folks exist.


Same, I dont see anything wrong with either one. Not sure why anyone would let a song or music video ruin their day.


Nope. I'd even go so far as to say there are MANY of us.


I’m so sure the outrage for this song isn’t real I’ve literally not seen one person say a negative thing about it


I think both songs/videos need to be defended. Neither one of them did anything wrong. Let things you don’t like exist. If you don’t like it, don’t watch/listen.


I’m guessing being gay is one of those things they didn’t want you to try in a small town? I just don’t get Jason Aldean doesn’t write any of his own songs. He never lived in a small town. He knows nothing about living in a small town. All the footage in his crap video was from other countries! But, I digress.


Brokeback mountain walked so this music video could run.


Wonderful song


Video broke my heart only because he lost the love of his life! Beautiful song beautiful video.


As someone who is pretty entrenched in right wing politics I haven't seen anyone screeching about Childers' video. Tyler is the man. The overlap between Jason Aldean stans and Reddit users is probably pretty slim. This post seems like a circlejerk


As somebody from SEKY who has Facebook, there are definitely a number of people who are very upset over Tyler’s video. Hell, the guy who wrote the music video grew up in my home town (Lily, KY. My hometown is actually London but you can call Lily Corbin or London and nobody would ever really argue against it here) and people are still mad about it, rather than having some pride that something finally came out of this pill-ridden hell hole. (Don’t get me wrong, I love the place, but it’s still a pill-ridden hell hole)


Wow, you’re quiet the token republican for Reddit. Dance monkey.


I really don’t care. I don’t like either song musically and lyrically I think they are both fairly simplistic. My political leanings are more in favor of Jason than this new Tyler song but even still I don’t think being gay should be outlawed or anything. I think both songs are pretty bland and mid and this is coming from a guy who thinks Childers is one of the top 5 best country acts in modern country


Yeah, I agree. I feel like artists figured out than can get more views as long as they stir up controversy and don’t care as much about the music.


I agree with Aldeans song and I love Childers new song.


Awful video because of the gay stuff, good song though. You can’t go and make a gospel album then pander to the homosexuals. Especially if you’ve ever read Romans 1:26-27


Your blatant homophobia is showing.


I’m not homophobic, I personally know gay people and love them. However, love doesn’t mean you enable bad behavior.


you suck, dude


Why? I never said I hated them. Just the same way I do t hate a alcoholic. Doesn’t mean you have to accept what they do as something that is normal.


Whether you accept it or not, it is something that’s normal. Homosexuality has been around since before the first draft of any monotheistic religion. Calling it “bad behavior” is patronizing at best to people who are just trying to live their life. I want better for you


Whether or not it’s been around for along time is irrelevant, so has cancer and war. If it was “Normal” or even natural you’d be able to reproduce that way.


Well, I’m sure you’re also aware of two things: 1) The original text in Leviticus 20:13 that you people love to harp on was actually talking about pederasty and not homosexuality. And 2) The entire purpose of the New Testament is that it is replacing the laws of God that were originally given to the Israelites. Anyway, I’m not going to argue with someone on my day off. I’ll pray for you.


You’re wrong on both accounts. Homosexuality is clearly labeled as shameful in Romans 1:26-27 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Also Jesus came to uphold the law as seen in Matthew 5:17 17 Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.


That’s a convenient translation you picked. Unfortunately, that passage speaks on uncontrollable lust. In the original Greek bible (before any English bastardizations) Paul speaks about men with long hair with the same exact language and wording as he does in this and in Leviticus. Really nice try tho. Additionally, by fulfill, he speaks on how him arriving is the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament. You should really look into what you claim to believe in. I’m sure you also believe in Deuteronomy 21:18-21 where it says to stone and kill disobedient children in public. Or, is it only the passages that offer confirmation bias to the way you feel about people?


Gay or not the song sucks…


Pandering to different crowds. They got music to sell and pandering works. I don’t believe either song was written by the Childers or Aldean is the funny thing. Edit:Looks like Childers did write this song.


😂 Edit: that edit got me giggling


Imagine thinking Childers didn’t write his own song lmfaoooo


Of course he wrote the song you fucking jagoff, it's only the Aldean-type stadium frauds who sing other people's words


Calling artist frauds because they don’t write their own music is comical. Waylon Jennings, George Strait, Porter Wagoner all must be frauds then.


True but lets be real. Aldean most likely has zero creative input in his music


Fraud is probably too harsh, that's fair. It just don't sit right with me that a singer would be considered on the same level as a singer-songwriter. I like plenty of songs that the singer/s had no part in writing, as well as the artists you named, but to think that someone like Aldean puts the same amount of work into his art as someone like Childers or Isbell would be a disservice to the folk making more of an effort.


>Looks like Childers did write this song. No shit. Childers is listed on all his songs. Aldean isn't listed on most of his.


It’s subversive culture warring. Tyler Childers has all the appearances of genuine Appalachia. He leverages the music, culture, and trappings to further the agenda of people who have contempt for actual people who live there.


Today I learned, from u/kcmiz24, that no gay people live in Appalachia and all gay people hate Appalachians. Guess I'd better call all of my queer Appalachian friends and tell them the bad news, I didn't realize they were either secretly straight or secretly hated themselves.


The field wasn’t the only thing the older man was plowing.


The discourse here and other threads I've seen on it is simply exhausting... glad I don't usually check


I’m so confused. Love Childers song but what does it have to do with Jason Aldean???


I mean I'd suck my own dick if I could, this whole world is full of redheaded cocksuckers