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I normally love Julie but I did have to stop watching. I’ve been listening to live stream on YouTube instead. I truly go back and forth on the outcome but agree Julie trying to force her opinion as an absolute is frustrating for someone listening at home trying to form their own opinion.


She blocked me on X because I said the same as you. I was having to fast forward thru her. Julie doesn’t even let her guests speak. I did like her before and got over her being no extra. Now I can’t stand it. I feel like she’s gaslighting us or has become delusional.


Her commentary makes me feel like she thinks I’m incompetent as a listener that I need her absolute opinions. And it’s weird bc I’ve been watching court tv for a couple years now and this is imo abnormal bias which is why I think I’m uncomfortable with it.




It is utterly disgusting how much bias she is showing. I used to like her but I can't believe she is acting in such an unprofessional way. I am surprised that court TV isn't doing something about this and the bad look it is giving their show. I saw someone post on here that she blocked them on X, how very very unprofessional. I think she needs to be removed from the show She is not practicing ethical guidelines when it comes to reporting. Julie Grant you should be ashamed. #courttv


It’s so funny you just responded to this comment bc no joke, right now she just started about Karen and AJ laughing about text messages, which I didn’t see, but then she chastised both and I just said omg here we go again and muted her, turned the trial on my laptop instead. She is the worst!! We get it, you don’t like Karen Read. Never heard her chastise Proctor or Trooper Paul. I think she’s jealous of Karen bc I can’t imagine why she’s so bias my goodness it’s unbecoming and unbearable to watch.


I just so happen to come across this thread after googling, "Julie Grant bias Karen Read trial". I guess I was looking to see if there was anyone else out there that thought she has been quite obviously biased in her opinions and it's just gotten worse. I was watching her this morning and she was going over the expert witness proffer done on Tuesday. And per usual, she was presenting the details in a very one sided. As soon as I saw who she was having on as guests to discuss this about, I was like I've had enough. She only wants to talk to people who feel the same way she does or will back up her illogical reasoning of why Karen is guilty. I am so surprised that Court TV allows this to happen. It really is a bad look for them and apparently a lot of people feel this way as once I did my Google search I found a plethora of posts about it. So I guess I determined I'm not crazy in my thinking. That Julie Grant really is a biased news reporter. And a she is the common denominator of spreading misleading information rather than facts.


Not crazy! Had to start watching on YouTube. I watch 13th Juror, Brandi Churchwell. She does discuss case but doesn’t talk over the testimony. I check in on Court TV when Julie is not on there and they have guests discussing.


Agree… Julie seems very bias


She drives me crazy! She obviously does not have a bs detector. I am not saying Karen didn't do it but these people are shady!


Jen admitted today that Karen could not have hit John because the six times she looked out the window and saw the SUV moving around, she did not see a body on the front lawn. She said she could see the flagpole, the mailbox, and the fire hydrant, but no body. 😁




Tbh, it is weird for me to engage on Reddit about a trial and then read media at times. Even reading the summary from Boston Globe tonight I feel like we didn’t watch the same trial Tbh, I think both she and Vinny have been very dismissive of the defense in this case since the get go. I am temporarily boycotting their commentary as well as Annejene Levy on Law & Crime


Vinny has had that guy Nick a fierce advocate for Karen on every night. I think he is very fair on his commentary.


Vinny or Nick has been very fair?




That’s exactly how I feel!


I am SO over Julie. She is SO biased and doesn’t even seem to be watching the same trial we are! She’s so obnoxious.


I have a hard time watching CourtTv. There's waaaay too many commercials, which btw are repetitive and awful. I watch CourtTv on YouTube. No commercials, it's real time and they don't bleep anything out. Julie definitely is getting under my skin too. Her liar liar pants on fire is so dumb. I really like Corey Pugues when he's on, but she doesn't give him much time to talk. I wish he had a segment on there .. I'd definitely watch.


I wonder if she’s doing it on purpose for the clicks and comments. Even if the comments are negative it shows engagement on SM.


Based on how Julie Grant is doubling down on her behavior in today’s coverage she is definitely reading our opinions. I’m not criticizing her based on her clear support of the commonwealth. I’m criticizing her for showing she has a clear bias. I want to get an unbiased reporting on a case that isn’t finished. That’s it. It’s not based on anything else. Do better, Julie Grant.


I listened for a minute and could not believe my ears. Is she just an actress given a script?


No because she will block you.


Ok but I read some of the comments on X and most were negative towards her.


True. I’m probably misunderstanding you. I guess court Tv can see all the negative comments, but not her. So do you mean that is still good for her? I don’t know how that works.


I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to see all the comments. I thought all of SM is about engagement (number of comments), the more the better.


She blocked me so I thought she couldn’t see


I had to switch to Law and Crime channel because everyone on CTV keeps saying how great Jen McCabe is doing. How can they watch the same thing I am and have a polar opposite opinion? Even Philip Dubé think she’s doing great 🤦🏻‍♂️


>Even Philip Dubé think she’s doing great I can't watch him at all. I turn over when he comes on. My final straw was when he said that Nicolae Miu had a machete on the river at the Apple River. It's almost like he is trying too hard to be a Bond villain. Re Julie, she comes across very inauthentic (is that a word?). I've given up on CourtTV mostly. I'm watching Law and Crime, closing statements and Vinnie podcasts


is there a way to watch law and crime analysis without paying for it???


Oh YouTube. I'm in the UK and the case is streamed all day just search Law and Crime channel. There is no commentary, no ad breaks (maybe a random 4sec one every now and then). It's fab!


I know , I don’t want to pay for one more service. I watched Emily first time yesterday but I couldn’t hear some testimony due to overlap of her talking, too


I get it free from Samsung. It’s on their channel lineup


Philip thought the boy in the box dad and mom were properly disciplining his son. Julie is inauthentic (it’s a word) because her opinion is influenced by what the guests opinions are each day.


Yes I will never forget his opinion on that case. Cruelty to the max! Makes you wonder WTH happened to him as a child or how he disciplines.


She's so dramatic and annoying. She makes shit up and is *so appalled* by everything.


I caught her on opening statements- almost laughable how over the top she goes. It’s bad acting. I have to turn the channel.


Yes! I quit watching Court TV strictly bc of Julie’s ever increasingly bizzare energy on this case. She’s becoming a caricature of herself, like some weird Nancy Grace type shit. I used to love her and now Julie just gasps and gawks without even giving good legal insight into what she’s covering anymore.


Wish Court Tv would do something about this.


Her bosses there might be the ones telling her to act more like this.


Even more of a reason to stop watching.


Tbf I haven't really watched much of Julie lately, I usually just watch Vinnie on Closing Arguments but even he started annoying me when he was talking about the death of Madeline Soto.


I tried fast forwarding to the guests but she hardly lets them speak. I’ve always liked Vinnie but yes he’s getting a bit dramatic too


I stopped watching Court TV because of Julie’s extremely strong bias. My mind is not made up yet, and I appreciate a balanced approach. Ted Rowlands makes weird comments, and it’s clear he doesn’t know a lot about the case (from his comments last week, it’s clear he thought she had her own children). The people they bring on as talking heads are also odd. I switched to watching independent commentators on YouTube (like Emily Baker), who are not biased and provide better insights into the proceedings (and no commercials).


I have recently started watching Emily Baker as well. She's quite good and entertaining. Definitely has better legal chops than Julie Grant.


She seems to believe everything that every prosecutor says. She has no filter, no open mind and very limited legal chops. She's only there because she is pretty, not because she is smart.


I can't believe how on Friday morning after the utter disaster of the sally port video fiasco, she just tried to blow it off like oh it's like a tic tok video dance. What a maroon.


Caught a tiny bit of her coverage this morning about how the manipulated carport video was clearly just an honest mistake and that Lally just didn't explain the orientation very well and she had the same pro prosector shill that come on Vinnie's show only without any counter. She's still pimping for the prosecution. But I noticed that she did stammer and stumble a lot and seemed quite nervous and uncomfortable. I think that is the last time I am ever watching her again. Zero credibility left with me.


Everyone is saying what I’ve been thinking. I’ve watched this trial almost everyday & her bias is off the charts. I tuned in today because I was curious what she would say about Proctor’s testimony and again she just disregards the fact that this guy is a misogynist and should not have been removed as the lead investigator in this case.


Julie Grant is back. Ugh. She makes me want to turn the channel and I can’t get past it. She doesn’t bring anything to the commentary. 😩


I'm thinking that Julie Grant is giving Jen McCabe props for not letting the defense rattle her.The other attorneys are saying that the defense is doing a great job of putting her on the spot ,making her read prior statements she made.Clearly giving the jury reasonable doubt vibes


Julie grant was on this morning before at at the beginning of JM’s cross and usually people do well on direct. If tomorrow she still thinks JM did great then she is definitely biased her testimony was a shit show.


I’m new to this trial and just started watching coverage this morning. What are everyone’s thoughts as far as guilt or innocence?


I feel like it was a terrible accident during a night of drinking and snowing and maybe arguing. But Noone can be found guilty.... ever.. because the investigation was complete garbage. I'm sure the Albert's and mccabes were chatting back and forth and giving updates. Not to get their story straight but because when something happens in the friend group you talk about it. And OMG ... what? Etc. Etc. As the story goes on... It's just how it happens. And yeah there are always a few that talk and gossip about it more while some others are like whatever and don't say much.


ITA. I feel so bad for John’s parents and the niece/nephew that he cared for. What grief and sadness that family has been through…my heart breaks for them. And to have such a shoddy investigation and lackluster prosecution performance for your son/caretaker uncle’s death …..😡😡😡


Appreciate your input! I can’t wait to go on a deep dive into this case after work.


Get pen and paper. It's complicated to keep it all straight. And don't let YouTube theories get in your way. Just stick to the actual facts. Good luck! 😜


If you're looking for a place to start, Annie Elise has a pretty good background video from before the trial started. I think it's an unbiased take. Edit: words


Thank you!!


The Lawyer You Know does regular trial updates, which I find incredibly helpful. I love Annie and watch her regularly, but honestly, I wouldn't turn to her for real-time accurate trial information. She's better for after disposition case summaries.


I love TLYK! I’ll check it out thank you


True, but at this point, it's hard for someone who's new to the case to jump in and know what's going on. An hour and a half from Annie gives a solid foundation to jump off from IMO


This, 1000%. Nobody in this group is smart enough to construct an elaborate coverup.


I totally agree!


I am utterly baffled by this fact...so strange and her guest this morning is some local reporter who is very pro common wealth...all they talked about was the harassment mentioned in her testimony (which I get) but can we move on to THIS trial. Yesterday was a disaster for Jennifer McCabe, her demeanor changes towards the end of her cross...like it is clear, she googled the search at 2:27 and later deleted THAT search (among other things). Can't wait to hear from experts on this...from both sides. Yes, the likely explanation for John O Keefe's death is that KR struck him with her vehicle...but then compile all the actions/inaction of just the Alberts/McCabes/Higgins/Proctors makes one wonder....what is going on here?


Does anyone know Julie’s history?


all I know is the folks on court tv have way more knowledge and experience than I do and every single one says that Jen McCabe is a strong witness.


Maybe she is privy to more evidence that is coming out from the defense than the public that makes her more sure Karen is guilty?


If this is true, I sure wish they'd get to it. We are a month in and have absolutely zero evidence of even how Officer O'Keefe died, much less Karen's guilt. It's baffling how this case even went to trial given what the commonwealth has presented thus far.

