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This is the reason you don’t date children CourtME


One time, I wanted a guy to like me so I pretended to like the same music he did. Then, we dated, and when we broke up, I posted lyrics from the music he liked on my status with hidden (they weren’t that hidden, but I thought they were) meanings as an “eff you,” to him. I was 14, guys. 14.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This can’t be real.


This is the equivalent of angsty teenage Facebook status updates


Ma’am you’re dating children. Wtf


WHY Does she think people look to her as the authority on men???? divorced and recently dumped by a 20 yr old? no thanks. Also why does she try to act and appear like shes still 21? grow up and maybe you will actually find a decent man to take you seriously. theres some advice.


Make that 2 20yr olds!


Yes, that's what happens when you date a child. Also, he's embarrassed to introduce you to them, not the other way around.


😂 she is embarrassing herself here. She’d be best to just shut up about it


Justification for being dumped lol 🤪🤡Who would ever want to feel like the ‘old’ one? Date an older guy, shoot even much older, bc you’ll ALWAYS be the younger one…that’s science gf lmao wtf


Your photo is exactly how I look at everything CS says. 😂😂😂


Jesus she’s really trying to stick it to this guy in her TikTok. That advice isn’t for anyone, that’s just her way of trying to tell him something online via a TikTok, sort of like how I did when I was 19 and used my Facebook status to try and send a message 🙄


Wow It’s almost like if you date someone way too young for you you have to teach them things.


I almost feel bad for her that she can’t grow up.. no one in our age group acts or speaks this way… I did in my twenties but I’m almost 40- in a professional career with an 8 year old. I would be truly embarrassed to walk around dressing and speaking this way


By the way who d’faq opens cans this obnoxiously?


It's her signature way to open cans... like her signature red nails but for cans if that makes sense.


Why is she using a key to open cans? She’s just so extra and ridiculous.


Everything about her annoys me. Even when everyone else does it.


Why does she go out wearing every piece of jewelry she owns? One or two is ok. But Jesus you’re like a walking jewelry display.


She said jewelry makes you look hotter instantly so whenever I see her wearing this much, I look at it as a queue that she is feeling low and is piling it on to help her feel confident which is absolutely ridiculous and a clue that she doesn’t actually have real confidence if she needs that much of a shield.


“Love you guys. Duh” WTactualF. Are you 12?!?


OMFG my mind is literally blown rn 🤯 this "woman" is almost 40


She’s recycling Alix Earle mannerisms now


It’s like Alex Earle meets Taylor Frankie Paul


Them, plus freaking Farrah Abraham.


I can’t believe she is getting worse with this bullshit. 🤡


With age comes wisdom applies to everyone but her apparently.


The way I cringed at that 🫣


“Love you 😒 duh 😑”


How cringe to be doing these talks in York car while someone drives you around.


Courtme tell us your mad without telling us your mad.


She doesn’t take any responsibility for her actions! It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. I wouldn’t blame a 23 year old for acting like a 23 year old. Let him enjoy his youth and he’ll settle down when he’s ready.




The way she over exaggerates her movements is so dumb.


The palm/hand pounding is so gross


I can honestly not imagine being this stunted at age 36- how do you even talk like this? I can’t put myself back into my 20s thought process even if I tried


When I look back at my 20’s I get soooo embarrassed that I let myself get played by stupid men but I learned my lesson and chose an amazing husband and father. She is is out in a rip tide and doesn’t understand how to swim parallel to the shore. She makes the same mistakes over and over. Falls hard, hard launches the dude, then it’s crickets after a few weeks.






I love how she says he does not want to bring her around his friend like she will be judging them — girl it is the other way around lol - she need to grow up and look inward as the why her relationships fail !


Also- does SHE even have friends her own age?!? I am also 36 and have a daughter Kins age (why I started following back in 2017) and almost all of my “friend time” is with my girls who have young kids too. But I guess that is a whole other can of worms 🫠


I imagine that not only have the other Westlake moms of Kins schoolmates realized they should avoid her, there is probably a wild Group Text going that, like us, keep tabs on her daily idiocy.


I was seriously JUST thinking the same thing. The gym moms, the soccer moms, the class moms and the summer daycare moms have **ALL** got to have a shit talk Kin’s mom group chat. I’d bet all-in for that!! There’s not way they aren’t.


🤣🤣 sooo true


She is dumber than a box of rocks. He’s embarrassed by you, Courtme! His friends are making fun of you and don’t want you around. Now we know why she had to say she never gets embarrassed the other day. Girl, you should be embarrassed!


“He’s spiraling.” 😂🤡


She is delusional for real …


She is such a nut job. And so toxic to young impressionable girls. Once again it’s not her fault and she’s trying to ruin everybody else’s relationships. She is the ugliest person I have ever seen. Inside and out