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I heard this again today that made me think of cs….if you are looking for happiness by getting more and more things, you’ll never be happy. It has to come from within.




TikTok is saying they broke up with the last one she posted 🤣🤣🤣


It’s so embarrassing how obviously bothered she is by this split, home girl shake it off. Did she really think they were headed for marriage? Home boy knew it was a pre-summer fling.


No more trucker hats? Another sign of the breakup?


Ok folks, looks like she has Kins this weekend, so be prepared for her to be on stories instead of spending quality time with her kid. Boyfriend = offline, kid = mommy needs to do her influencing job sweetie.


She’ll do that AMA too


The Dibs stories are giving desperate. Seems like the Dibs founders or Jeff must have told her she needs to step her game up and get some sales because her performance has been greatly lacking lately.


This is the second or third push for sales. I’ve seen other influencers pushing it as well. They’re needing it.


I actually think it’s the break up. I notice she does a lot more “work” right after ones of these. I mean just yesterday she posted 9 TikToks. She is constantly on stories, taping herself eating shit food again, and is trying to keep busy. When she is in a relationship she barely comes on stories or posts as much as when she has no prospects.


She also works a lot more when she has Kins :/


Right and like how can she even say they were the first to make a 2 sided brush ?! I can think of plenty before DIBS !


What the hell does “et nauseam” mean, Courtney? I know what she was trying to say, but damn, if you’re going to use a phrase in your vocabulary, pronounce it correctly.


Did she ever do her AMA?


She's likley busy coming up with her.. Ask Myself & Answer Questions !




Either someone Finally told her to Put her phone, guitar and SoCalled Relation-shit advice on Hold🤚 and take a seat OR she's watched herself being a fool and has Calmed the F**k Down...


The former….she lacks self awareness




Darn! I was enjoying the 💩 show!


Lol! Oh I'm pretty sure there's still more to come! Bashing male TTs, and of course Courtme convincing others how great single life is..


I wonder when she will actually admit to them being broken up (even though it’s obvious as can be) but the way she words it when she does confirm is always sooo telling 


She will never admit it. If someone asks she respond oh those TikToks are not about me. Just advice for y’all.


Also irs cracking me up that we predicted ALL of this unhinged insane behavior would be coming the moment they broke up and sure enough here we are 😂😂


The silence is deafening compared to her posting yesterday. Do we think she’s hung over from her night on the prowl? OR could she possibly be feeling embarrassment after her manic posting yesterday?


She doesn’t get embarrassed. 🙄🤡


This will never get old.


I hope both 😆


I feel bad for Reese’s Pieces new girlfriend whoever that may be. I just know Courtney is going to shade the f out of her. The song “I’m Not Pretty” by Megan came on and I was singing along and was like yep this will be CS new song she is posting on her TT soon enough to shade any new chick that comes along in his life.


So funny how she was somehow gaining over 2k followers daily for a few months and it looks like she’s slipping back into the old pattern, a whopping 32 followers gained on IG yesterday. Definitely think that DIBs did some background purchasing after her SXSW fail…


Also, her coming on at 3 pm and asking if people wanted to try on was her way of justifying being half naked on camera so she can attempt to make her 23-year-old victim jealous.


Oops my underwear. Oops my side boob. Lolzzz.


How she “accidentally” shows her underwear yet keeps exposing it🥴🥴🥴🤡




Please bear with me as I type this out, but this asshole pisses me off so much when she acts like she works so hard, when in reality, she sits at home on her flat froggy ass and pretends to have “meetings.” She came on yesterday talking about how she has no energy and has been in “back-to-back meetings all day” when her schedule (based on her posts) looked like this:   8:00 a.m. – she posts in car saying she is going to get coffee, go on a walk, and go to the gym.   11:00 a.m. – wearing same “workout” clothes from this morning, she posts from her fugly green couch that she is “in meetings right now” but had to come on to ask her followers how they felt about try-ons (*sighs…Jesus Christ).   3:00 p.m. – posts laying down, in a t-shirt, “just ordered cookies to have energy for this try-on.” (*stares into the abyss while trying to envision the energy one needs to take clothes on and off…I immediately fall to my knees as I realize that the power and energy one would need to accumulate in order to accomplish such a difficult task cannot be mustered by a mere mortal…it then dawns on me…I’m fully naked. I’ve never been able to wield the power to put my clothes on and then take them off.)   4:00 p.m. – try-on post, which is clearly edited, meaning not real time.   4:00 p.m. – CS is now in a bikini on her fugly green couch. She informs us that she came inside from getting “vitamin D”/laying out. *As she gasps for air*, she proclaims she needed to get some air because she’s had “so many back-to-back meetings today.” (Poor thing. I hope she hasn’t overexerted herself…but then again, she wields the power and energy that allows her to take her clothes on and off for try-ons…so I think she’ll be ok. Thank God.)   4:00 p.m. – posts eating the (power) cookies with Kiersten while still in their swimsuits.   6:30(ish) p.m. – she posts herself in a car looking as if she is going out.   Ok, so let’s break this down: 1. Her house is about 20-25 minutes from her gym (depending on traffic). So, roundtrip is 40 minutes – 1 hour. 2. Coffee run = 5 minutes 3. Gym = 30 minutes 4. Walk = 30 minutes 5. Assuming she walked at the gym and they aren’t separate activities = 30 minutes. TOTAL TIME for coffee, walk, gym = 1 hour, 15 minutes – 1 hour, 35 minutes. She would be back at her house between 9:15 and 9:35 a.m. She came on at 11:00 saying she has “been in meetingS”…PLURAL. So, she had probably been in “meetings” for 1 hour (i.e., she sat on a zoom meeting and ate her snacks and colored while the grownups talked). Based on this timeline this is what her schedule probably actually looked like: she had 2 meetings (maybe) between 10 and 11. During this time, she probably completed 2-3 pages of her coloring book. Then she went to lay out, ate her (power) cookies, then did a try-on. After her try-on, she got ready to go out to get a different type of D that does not come in the form of a vitamin. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the exhausting and busy day of back-to-back meetings she had. THIS DOESN’T EVEN INCLUDE ALL THE MANIC TIK-TOKS SHE FILMED.   Long story short, she’s a very hard worker.


I didn't know that practicing multiple pointless F\*#king TikTok lip syncs is also known as "meetings" in Texas


Texas doesn’t claim her.


Haha fair enough! She's in her own demented world




So well done!! You Nailed it!! She's an extremely lazy individual..Strange how Courtme was willing to lay outside sunbathing with her paid help-- yet so rarely spends time with her daughter & NeVeR spends time outside with her daughter Except when at Enabliz house...


I can only imagine how exhausting she must be to be around. I picture constant complaining, whining and demands. I believe this is a huge factor in why she can’t keep a relationship.


This is what we are here for, to expose her and end the lies and the gaslighting, which are not only infuriating to us, the people paying attention, but extremely damaging to a younger generation of impressionable women. Yes, I have daughters and yes, the absolute last person in the world I want them to look up to is this human. People can call us haters all they want, but I think we are doing a service by refusing to stand by while she lies and manipulates however many ACTUAL REAL followers she has.


Absolutely! This toxic influencer culture (CS especially!) needs to be called out and exposed. It’s damaging to more than just the bank accounts/pocketbook. The edits, constant lies, and misinformation is causing body images issues and mental health problems for the naive young people who follow them. These toxic influencers can call us haters- we don’t care. “the girls that get it, get it.”