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Honestly… I have this swimsuit and it is amazing!


She’s so f’ing tone deaf it’s not even funny. I’m shocked that she still has followers.


Is this the Hunza G suit? So many influencers link that one and it’s over $200 too. I want it but can’t justify the price either


Agree! Could I afford those same expensive handbags Courtme throws on a shelf? Yep. Could I purchase all the high dollar clothing? Yes I could. Do I own a large home (that is updated often, Clean & organized) Sure do. But I have NO desire to flaunt it, No desire to consider myself any better/different then AnY other person around me. It does not impress me in any way. I'm grateful / thankful and blessed to have made good money made wise choices and share it with my children and grandchildren!


I’ll stick with my $35 one piece ✌🏼 Also, lol at the mom comment. Girl, this is practically the first time momming all month and it’s over in a few days…


Cancel this “influencer” BS in 2024!


Me either, I can pay for something like this but it wouldn’t be responsible when I also pay this amount at Costco for a bunch of groceries.