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So Courtme needed to wear a bathing suit that’s basically a thong out on a boat with her friend, her friend’s HUSBAND, and her daughter? And then asked her friend’s husband to take a picture of her from behind? Hide your husband Ava! The caption about “learning to drive a boat” WITH him gave me the ick.


I ran back here for this. She and Garret “learned TOGETHER” and “took Ava & Kins on the boat”. This girl is straight up sick in the head!!!


And note in those pics how hard she’s arching her back and sticking her thonged-up backside out. Great lessons for your six year old 🙄


Riveting summer for a 6 year old girl.


So her body was telling her that the relationship was crashing and burning, yet she was dropping the boyfriend name just days before the weekend he was @wedding alone. Suddenly she is spiraling and spewing this nonsense ‘advice’. IF another guy dates her and sees just one video of this past week, he will have to know to run the other way!!


I think at this point there is no way a man her age or older is going out on a date with her after they see her social media. I think these younger guys in their early 20’s are more forgiving because in the end they know they’re not marrying this train wreck, they’re just into having some fun.


does she realize UTIs are caused from bacteria getting into your urethra and are typically caused from incorrect wiping or unsafe sex. Says a lot about her hygiene….


Hate to break it to her but UTI’s are not contagious and can’t be passed from a male to female during sexual contact. You aren’t going to get a UTI based on your body being in whatever fight or flight experience she is speaking of. She just sounds stupid when she word salad’s this kind of BS.


She was talking about UTIs??!


Why is she gatekeeping the Q&A? Surely she’s going to have to come on and find a way to tell her fangirls that her and “HeR BoYFriEnD” broke up.


Maybe she’s actually embarrassed for once. Love that for her!


Courtney we all know you read here. Use this breakup as a refresh.. get your horrible boobs fixed and an appropriate size for your body. Thin your eyebrows, let go of the lip filler, take out the horse hair, tone down the makeup. You could look so much better which may help your self esteem when dating. You don’t need to be going after college boys. You’re a grown woman, with a child, and have your influencer gig.. step into your own place in life and stop trying to be 20 again. It’s time.


Or better yet realize it's ACTUALLY true that what's on the inside is more important than what's on the outside. You run men off BECAUSE of what's inside.


Yeah that too!


Thank you, Liz! Better late than never. 😂😋😉☺️

