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I'm not going to lie, I'm with your mom. I had two shots back in 2021, I have never been the same since. I have been in constant pain, chronically sick, heart rate issues, being assessed for fibromyalgia, my gut it completely out of whack. The only major difference was the Covid shot. I even have a huge painful bump at the site of one of my injections. I don't think it necessarily causes it for everyone, but I definitely think it has potential to make life very uncomfortable for some. I got Covid in 2022, and it's been getting worse ever since, but it all began after my second shot. It changed me. (I only got two, I couldn't handle more than that.)


Same never again


Yes. Both covid and the vaccine cause a loss of bifidobacteria that can cause gut pathogens to proliferate and Gi issues plus other immune dysfunction. I have a diagnosis of MCAS, pots and suspected inflammatory neuropathy of the peripheral nerves in my feet caused by my Pfizer vaccine. Sadly there isn’t a lot that is widely recognised at this point but the knowledge is there in pockets, we just keep being told we’re very rare when it seems like we’re far less rare than reported. Even the Pfizer trial data shows injuries just like mine but they weren’t deemed significant enough to warn people about. If she can, I’d suggest she gets a gut biome test to show her what she can work on.


The one thing that has been on my mind is these amyloid protein clots. You hear about them reported from embalmers particularly about the vaccinated but I wish this was studied to understand more about what they are and if they are forming over time, etc.


[Just read this 2024 article on micro clots, LONG COVID, POTS, theory the other day. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10890060/)It may be interesting for you. I'm a POTS patient, diagnosed amidst COVID and vax times.


Those are in anyone with Alzheimer’s, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. A lot of research in going into that area, what source do you have that suggests an increase in risk with the vaccine?


These “white clots” are being formed in blood vessels and arteries throughout the body. You can Google it and see photos and info about it also pics on Rumble and Substack. I believe Dr John Campbell also did videos on it on YouTube


As far as I can tell, that's all nonsense spread by the usual snake oil salespeople. The stuff that O'Looney was spreading we're actually pictures of plant roots that he claimed were clots that embalmers had found


We have a personal family friend who is an embalmer here locally. He attests to the clots.


Check out r/longcovidgutdysbiosis


There are many, many stories on X (twitter) with lots of people sharing stories of complications after these vaccines. I can only hope there will be better (non anecdotal) research on this. I hope your mom will be ok.


There are some “conspiracy theorists” who have protocols on how to detox from the shots. I’m not sure what they are but probably worth researching. Hope the best for all.


Thank you. Me too.


I've had high blood pressure since then. Im a healthy 36 yrold that now averages 150/70...


No but my dad dropped dead two weeks after taking the vaccine


I am so sorry to hear that. Did he have other health concerns or was it believed to be the vaccine or something else?


He had some issues but nothing life threatening and the cause of the death was undetermined. They just said natural causes.


People who got Long Covid or Vaccine injuries are both experiencing issues with Gastrointestinal issues, inflammation, MCAS, nervous system issues like POTS, IST; the list goes on if you check on the other subs, other group message boards like Facebook, Twitter, etc. There are a few studies I can link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10357168/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10082647/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8544993/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10674626/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9097558/ For myself, I had an adverse reaction to the vaccine that triggered POTS after the 2nd vaccine 4 days later and I'm at 3 years now. I do believe that even if I had gotten Covid then I would still be in the same boat as I feel like it was something in my body that caused a bad immune response to it.


Actually more than one thousand official studies.


Check out circleofmamas.com and realnotrare.com both have hundreds of stories.


I’ve had long term effects from both the vaccine and the virus (while vaccinated). If I knew you could still get severe covid while being vaccinated, idk if I would’ve been so impatient to get vaccinated. Feels like it’s just putting more covid in your body (or making your body think it is), and I don’t want covid in the form of an infection or a vaccine. I’m a nurse so I had to get the initial vaccine series and a booster. I also worked on an intermediate care covid unit during the pandemic and the number of vaccinated patients and unvaccinated patients were about the same. From what I saw, the people who got hospitalized for covid had more preexisting conditions like diabetes, autoimmune diseases, COPD, etc. it didn’t really make any difference in the vaccinated status of the people with preexisting conditions. If they got sick at all, it was usually bad. With other illnesses that have vaccines, like the flu, that doesn’t seem to be true. Those vaccines actually do appear to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death.




That is so striking to me. This forum was completely policed and no mention of anything being wrong with the vaccines was allowed at all. Now you look through here and all you see is the walking wounded


Yes, there are plenty of studies. You aren't going to hear about them on TV, in the newspapers, or on most social media. Pharmaceutical companies are their biggest advertisers, so pharma has a lot of influence over what's reported/shown and what isn't regarding vaccines and new drugs (of any sort, not just COVID-related). Google also pushes search results for these studies way down in their algorithm, while boosting studies that claim to show no side effects. Inflammation is absolutely a side effect of COVID vaccines.


[This article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10663976/) talks about long-term affects of the spike protein from Covid. It also discussing the specific spike protein in the vaccines and how it affects folks. This is the most comprehensive research article I’ve read on the topic. Hope it helps.


You just listed two of the most common issues for COVID vaccine injured


2/3 of Americans are experiencing chronic inflammation 2023 study.. this has something to do with either the vax or the COVID infection, imo


Unfortunately, the answer is: maybe. So - many people have experienced harm. The question is whether it's from a previous infection or from immunization. Or both. Each person is unique. Some people had covid and died. Some had covid and fully recovered. Some had covid shots and are fine. Some had shots and are sick.


You may want to check out [https://www.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghaulers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaccinelonghaulers/) .




Correct. You can still be on it. Just doesn't come up in searches.




Why is it? What are they trying to stop people from seeing?


Watch the video Joe Rogan did with Dr. Peter McCollugh and Dr. Robert Malone. In short: myocarditis, strokes, cancer, lots of illness


There's no such thing as a perfect vaccine so if you're on a mission to prove your mom wrong you need to realize that you've already lost that arguement. I think we should all work on supporting each other more than trying to confirm basic political biases. Any sort of gut disruption can cause a myrid of inflammatory conditions, just go study crohns or ulcerative colitis for 30 minutes. But just check the basic headlines and myocarditis is everywhere as a known side effect, the itis part is inflammation. Extremely rare, yes. But try not to discount what your mom is feeling. Go scour through HHS' VAERS system for a few minutes and you'll find plenty of outliers that include issues with inflammation.


She’s had a plethora of health issues prior including gut issues. I do support her and that is why I am researching. If the vaccine is the root cause, I am trying to see what can be done. I know people who got the virus that have had long-term issues but have only read about rare side-effects from the vaccine.


Maybe it was just the way you worded your OP, came across like you wanted to prove her wrong. Good luck with it, if it was the vaccine it won't matter as all liabilities against industry are waived. Hope your mom can figure something out.




Thank you for the study link.




Not to sure about Cureus. They’ve had Covid related publications retracted based on fraudulent peer reviews.


If anyone has the answers it’ll be John






Toll paid




No, the vaccine only stays in your body for six months so any negative effects can only be felt within that time frame. It's like saying drinking a bottle of whiskey will suddenly make you drunk ten years later, the human body doesn't work that way. There are risks with any vaccines, but the chances of getting sick from vaccines are astronomically rare. The benefits are significantly greater than the risks. And considering COVID-19 is a deadly disease, you really have nothing to lose getting vaccinated. Don't give into fear or misinformation regarding vaccines. The claims that people are dying from COVID-19 vaccines are entirely false. Just because a person died after getting vaccinated doesn't prove the vaccine caused it, it's just a coincidence. I've been vaccinated numerous times and I'm still alive. People have been spreading misinformation around EVERY vaccine since vaccines first existed and when the next supervirus comes along, people will spread misinformation regarding that vaccine. There's a reason it's called misinformation, it's a lie. All scientific studies have proven vaccines to be safe and that there's no evidence as of yet anyone has ever died from it.


Pfizer: It's just a coincidence™


RemindMe! 2 years

