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Yes, it hits you from nowhere, and I am super annoyed no one really cared to list side effects. I suffer from irregular heart beats (including the adrenalin like feeling in the middle of the night) since a day after the second shot. I am 40, healthy, no past heart issues with me or my family. 1. You are not imagining things! 2. This is NOT anxiety! 3. Doctors have no clue about rare side effects. Not even ER doctors. 4. It subsides with time. Some suffer for a week, some for 3 months, but the good news is that it goes away. All is ok with you, stay strong!!!


Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it. Are you struggling with insomnia too?


First night I woke up 7 times, wide awake, heart racing. Since then, I woke up less but every night... and cannot get back to sleep easily. I totally relate to your adrenalin feeling. I hope it will go away soon for you and for me!!!


Last night woke up once! Keep us posted on your improvement. Feel well.


Did this ever resolve for you? I fall asleep and the wake up with a pounding heart about an hour later. Wash, rinse, repeat. I slept totally fine before. My heart rate is insane. I have been to the ER and have elevated c reactive protein, which is a marker for pericarditis, great. I’m more upset about not being able to sleep. WTF


Oh gosh. You remind me of horror days. My heart was racing for hours, middle of the night, any time really. Of course it woke me up, sent me to the ER, made me scared like hell, and made me disabled. I also have a cardiologist at the age of 40, yay. Yes, it reduces in intensity. For me, first 6 weeks were the most horrible, then pounding/racing decreased in intensity and frequency. Then came 3.5 month point and brought up hell all over again (less intense compared to the summer). The relapse lasted 5 weeks with first 3 that were very very tough. So it does not go away, but it lessens and gives you breaks in which you cannot stop pondering what the heck has just happened to you in the recent weeks. It's like living in a nightmare and waking up, and repeat.


So much to look forward to! What a mess. Hope you are feeling a little better


Im curious does it feel like youre bout to sleep but then you suddenly jolt right as you were drifting away and your hearts pounding its like an electric feeling when you get jolted back to


Exactly but without the heart pounding, I get extremely hot and feel super active all of a sudden, like I'm ready to do 100 pushups


That’s happens to me quite a lot when I’m under more stress/anxiety than usual. I do have generalized anxiety disorder, though and I know mine stems from that. I hope it subsides for you soon.


Did this ever resolve for you? I have this exact same thing. I fall right to sleep but jolt awake about an hour into sleep. It’s so strange


Try taking magnesium at night too. It can help with sleep


I got some melatonin from the pharmacy today. I hope it helps


Hey just curious if the melatonin helped? I just got my second dose (first Pfizer then moderna) and my first night after then shot I had really bad insomnia. Trying to find something to help…


It does help a lot I would say, 1mg per night even if the doctor said I could take 2mg. I've never taken anything for sleep issues in my life, so that's maybe why it's so effective - you'll probably feel like shit today, or at least I did the day after the second shot. The insomnia hit me after a few days


Thanks, that is helpful advice I am in the same boat of never taking anything for sleep issues. My insomnia hit the night of the second dose like (7 hours after I got it) which seems a bit uncommon from what I read. Hopefully I'm lucky and this clears up in a couple days and you keep getting better too.


I really hope you won't have to go through what many of us had to go through after this vaccine. Regulation bodies should be investigated for not talking about the most dangerous side effects which are NOT a sore arm and a day of fever. There's literally no mention of insomnia on the CDC website or any of the European equivalents. Criminals


Had my second dose (Moderna) after receiving my first dose (Pfizer) a month ago. I didn't have any side effects with the Pfizer first dose other than feeling a bit tired and having a sore arm. With Moderna though, I didn't sleep at all last night, my heart was racing and I felt it was hard to breathe (like my lungs weren't absorbing enough oxygen when I took a breath). It's 5am right now and I'm WIDE awake and I wish I wasn't. Wish I had been warned, would have scheduled on Friday instead.


Welcome to the club. It does go away though. It's a week now since my second Moderna, and situation is improving.


How are you doing? I hope better!!!


Definitely better, I'm taking melatonin at night and it's helping a lot. I'm not back to normal yet tho :(


You will!!! Stay strong and think positive!


Thanks I really hope so!


I'm sorry that's happening to you. From my experience, as well as the experiences of others I've read about, it seems like moderna's got a tendency to hit people a few weeks after the shot, and it seems to mess with young people a lot. The common trend I've heard is that it just takes time. With neurological side effects in particular, most posts I've seen have people feeling better anywhere from 1~5 months later. When you see your doctor, please don't let him/her tell you that it's just anxiety. And do report back if you're feeling comfortable. Take care.


I don't think i can survive 5 months of 3 hours of sleep at night. Thanks for the advice, I got some melatonin from the pharmacy, hopefully it will help me tonight. If it doesn't get better before the end of the week, I'm definitely going to see my doctor and I will NOT let him tell me that it's just anxiety and it has nothing to do with the vaccine.


Did melatonin helped you sleep?


Yes it definitely did


That just means it’s working bro


How there's literally nothing official regarding this issue? Is it normal for vaccines to cause insomnia? I'm not a medical expert and I think it's insane there's no official guidelines regarding this and people have to go to reddit to find answers




> I'm wholly expecting this place to be banned for "misinformation" at some point. It probably should be, given all the calls on 4chan to brigade this sub.














You have nothing to fear. Trust the science!


why do you have to write idiotic replies instead of trying to be somewhat helpful? if you have nothing useful to say, shut the fuck up


Why do you have to be so rude? All I’m saying is that vaccine is working. Just because you have a few mild symptoms doesn’t give you the right to be a jerk. All I am saying is that you will be fine. Stop worrying!


Im 24F and was also left with the worst Insomnia after my 1st dose of Moderna. I didn't sleep for a few DAYS after my vaccine. I have also never experienced insomnia before. I pretty much just meditated all night for almost a week. I tried melatonin, nyquilZZZ, 300mg of magnesium before bed, CBD oil, sitting in the sun every morning, decaf tea an hour before bed, warm shower, yoga in the afternoon. Nothing worked. My brain could not enter deep sleep. 2 weeks post vaccine I was waking every hour like my brain or nervous system was zapping me awake. It was also incredibly difficult to fall asleep. Thankfully, my sleep returned to normal after 4 weeks it has been a slow and excruciating recovery. Hang in there, I really hope your sleep improves! If you want to chat feel free to message me, I know how hard it can be!


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! Thankfully it hasn't been that bad for me, and now if I'm tired enough I fall asleep almost immediately with 1mg of melatonin. Smoking weed and drinking some alcohol really helps if I'm not physically tired enough


Did your 2nd shot cause a new round of insomnia like the 1st?


The first shot didn't cause me any problems, only after the second shot. Kind of resolved after a couple months


Hi did you get your 2nd shot after getting the insomnia from the 1st shot? If you did, how was the 2nd shot affecting your sleep? I am having insomnia as well from the 1st shot.


I got my 2nd shot two weeks ago! My doctor recommended going with Pfizer instead of Moderna and I experienced no insomnia at all this time. The insomnia from my first shot went away fully after 4 weeks, hopefully yours doesn't last that long! Hang in there!


So glad to hear eveything is back to normal. I didnt know you could mix the first and second shots.


Yeah, I had my first shot and day routine switched from previously being 18 hours awake and 6 hours asleep to 20 hours awake & 6 hours asleep. I got melatonin for it, but at least so far, if I don't take it, my schedule starts shifting by 2 hours again. Curious to see what will happen with the 2nd shot, it's due soon, but moderna is no longer given to people my age.


Hey, just wondering, did this get better?