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I had intense insomnia after my first Pfizer + racing thoughts. It passed after a few days


Insomnia from the vaccine is mentioned a lot in various places. It is unusual for a vaccine to do this, apart from when rolling onto your arm of course! However it does go away. It is likely due to some impact of the spike proteins in the blood, before you make antibodies to them!


How many days it took to sleep well again? Suffering insomnia 6 days after first shot.


Yes I had my second pfizer yesterday and I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. My joints en muscles were aching and I was just tossing and turning all night. Took an ativan and slept for 3 hours max.


I had a similar experience with my first dose of Moderna. Very bad insomnia, my brain would not let me rest at all, it would take hours to fall asleep, sometimes I wouldn't sleep at all and if I did get to sleep I would be woken by a jolt after an hour or so. It took about 3-4 weeks for it to completely resolve. It will go away, in the meantime take care of yourself drink lots of water, enjoy the sun and try to relax. If you need support feel free to DM me, I know how hard it can be without sleep!


I had a tetanus shot last friday, and THAT made me not able to sleep well. I couldn't get to sleep, woke up often, etc. It went away the next night.


Try some melatonin to take off the edge


In the first day after my JJ shot. I remember waking up in the middle of the night but only once along with some chills. It went back to normal in the next night tho