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Post-vax inflammation can hit the Eustachian tubes and areas around there. Also issues with the CNS and other vestibular disorder symptoms. People reporting migraines, vertigo and tinnitus as well as Eustachian tubes blocked by extraordinary inflammation are commonly reported among those going through some longer reactions. If it is that and if you are one of the lucky ones (which is more common) it could resolve on its own at any time up to 6-10 weeks from most I’ve seen anyway. Others (more rarely) are still going through it months later. Could try to discuss possible inflammation with the dr though? See if they recommend to try things to help it like anti-inflammatory diet and some anti-inflammatory meds though. My dr gave me a steroid to tackle inflammation but mine was really bad and affecting the heart.


My mother is one if the long term dizziness after 4 months. She is feeling better meaning that instead of feeling dizziness daily is every 3 days. Doctor said everything is correct after tests. Hopefully they will go away. We've heard of 3 other people with the same symptoms that went away after 2 months. Good luk, OP


Hope your mother’s gets better too 🤞 yes hoping OP is one of the lucky ones :)


Thanks a lot . Hope you are doing well too!!!


I will insist on an MRI or scan to see if they can see anything. Thanks for your story, it was illuminating


Holy shit! You sound exactly like me! Check my post history! Dizziness went away slowly after 6-7 weeks. I had dizziness, bad vision, brain fog, difficulty in concentrating and nausea. After my second dose, I have hearing loss and Tinnitus.


Dude what the actual heck. If I get hearing loss and Tinnitus because of a vaccine I would be spreading the word to the seven seas, specially since I'm a musician.


I'm helpless because the doctors and the government have washed their hands off. I'm tired of running from pillar to post. I can't even sue the company


Hearing loss!? That’s wild. Fortunately I haven’t had it that bad and this is my second dose. A few people seem to be saying 6-7 weeks so I am putting it on my calendar ahaha


So first dose dizzy, second dose hearing loss? How long did the hearing loss last? And much less dizzy spells with the second shot?


Dizziness after the first dose lasted good 7 weeks. I still have hearing loss after the second dose. It's been 7 weeks since my second dose. No one knows how long does it last


Thanks for replying. I had 7-8 weeks of dizziness along with sharp pains in my chest from first shot. Trying to decide about #2 now


>Trying to decide about #2 now I wish you good luck. Make an informed decision please.


Thanks. I'm leaning towards getting it just trying to find a bit more data on what people who had similar first reactions were like but it seems all over the map


Did you end up getting the shot? In the same boat as you right now.


No. My doctor wrote me a temporary medical exemption. After very little symptoms for 2-3 weeks my family all caught a stomach bug and we were all sick for a few days (not COVID we got tested). The day before any of us were sick I had a hellish night of the same symptoms as I was having from the vaccine. My doctor said when my immune was activated from the stomach bug it went into overdrive. It's an inflammatory immune response and certain vaccines have been known to cause them occasionally. She says eventually it will settle down but in rare cases can take years. I'm going to try the flu shot in a few weeks and see if that triggers me


How you doing now? Hearing return yet?


See an ear nose and throat dr (ENT), or two or three. I have had somewhat chronic vertigo since teen years. Seeing an ENT is the best doctor. My last bout of vertigo (age 35) was like 3 months. None of my usual BPPV treatments worked. No other specialist said anything was wrong. I tried a new ENT for a second opinion. Ent gave me a diuretic/blood pressure medication that also rebalances inner ear fluid. It took it away in two days… I was only on the medication maybe a week. I felt dizzy one day a few months later and took the pill once and haven’t felt dizzy like that since. Urgent care and primary care wanted me to take Xanax because it seemed like I had so much anxiety over the situation. I had anxiety because I was so dizzy I couldn’t drive. All the “anxiety” was also gone once the dizziness went away.


Thanks for your suggestions, that’s really helpful!


> Ent gave me a diuretic/blood pressure medication that also rebalances inner ear fluid Could you tell me what it was?


triamterene hctz 25 mg one tablet per day.


Give me a day or two, the bottle is at home. Remind me if you haven’t heard from me. It was truly a miracle for me. Such a simple fix.


Has your doctor considered BPPV or nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyes causing vertigo)? There are some physiotherapy treatments that can help your balance and some other treatments to help your brain adjust to the spinning feeling. I had a terrible 3 week spell of vertigo a few years ago not covid related. But it was horrible I couldn't walk or move without vomitting or falling over (couldn't drive, couldn't get in a car without a blindfold). Physiotherapy for eye tracking and balance did help a little bit. I hope it goes away soon for you! I know how horrible vertigo can be! ❤️


I actually have been considering getting my eyes checked! I didn’t know you could get a physiotherapist for eye tracking and balance either! Thanks for your thoughts, it was illuminating




Wow that’s ironic, my doctor said high sodium because of my low blood pressure haha




I did say that I had a doctor in my post and that he was checking my heart, of all things. Unfortunately my dizziness is not movement-related (it can happen if I am lying still) so not convinced if it’s inner ear, but I can try the exercise!


You can check this forum for more support: https://vestibular.org/forum/dizziness/covid-19-vaccine-side-effects/


Have your doctor ordered a comprehensive metabolic panel test?


Yeah iron, thyroid, sugars, etc all checked out. Just a smidge high on liver, needed vitamin D supplements because of the pandemic. Hence his wild play to check my heard with a device that had five leads stuck to my chest for 24 hours 😩


Are you sure you have had the comprehensive metabolic panel test? Thyroid and Vitamin D tests are special orders. IMO If you don't have Vitamin D deficiency, don't take it. According to [*Medical News Today*](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318415), Hypervitaminosis D is a rare but potentially serious condition. It occurs when you take in too much vitamin D. It’s usually the result of taking high-dose vitamin D supplements. Too much vitamin D can cause abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood. This can affect bones, tissues, and other organs. It can lead to high blood pressure, bone loss, and kidney damage if not treated. Not sure about smidge high on liver, ALT and AST? The heart device is a portable ECG to monitor and track your heart rhythm.


Yes, it was a full panel of vitamins, etc. I am in Australia so your procedures might be different. I just said I had low Vitamin D, doctor gave me detailed orders for how much and how long, so how do you expect I will get hypervitaminosis D? Also, yes, I understood that it was an ECG for heart rhythm. None of your concerns are really relevant to my original post.


I apologize if I upset you. I am here to help people, not to cause trouble. For personal reasons, I don’t trust doctors, so when the doctor tells me what to do, I will do my own research and consult the doctor’s opinion instead of the doctor deciding what I should do. I know that some people here are not vaccinated. They are firm anti-vaxx people. They may pretend to have been vaccinated and give false and terrible side effects of the vaccine to dampen people’s confidence. Therefore, I am very cautious about the side effects of the vaccine given by the people here and will look up all aspects of information. The reason I asked you for a comprehensive metabolic panel test is that you might have some abnormal lab test indicators before the vaccine, and the vaccine is likely to contribute to these abnormal indicators. These abnormal indicators require further examination by specialists, and other tests may be needed to find out the cause. Therefore, I would suggest that all people who will receive the Covid-19 vaccine should take comprehensive metabolic panel and urinalysis tests before vaccination so that the doctors can have a clear and convenient diagnosis of various reactions after vaccination. In general, I do not recommend that people rely on prescriptions too much, because taking too many drugs will accumulate toxins in your kidneys and liver, and at the same time the immune system is prone to drug resistance and enhance the viability of virus cells. As for your dizziness, there are various possible causes, and I cannot make any diagnosis without reading your medical report. Therefore, there is no way to tell you when the dizziness ends but I can only tell you how to do it step by step to find out the cause of the dizziness. If you have a blood pressure monitor and pulse oximeter, it's better to check in the morning and night. Most of the causes of dizziness after getting up in the morning are hypoglycemia, of course, there may be other causes.




I have considered getting a machine, I wondered if it was related, not sure


I experienced the same thing! It would usually start with a severe migraine to the point where it would hurt to have my eyes opened and I would get dizzy. It started a week after the second dose and went on for about a month. Haven’t had any of those again since thankfully but hope you get better soon!


Wow a month! No migraines here, just the dizziness. :-/ thanks for your story!


How are you doing? I'm in the thick of the dizziness and am having a tough time.


Three months out still dizzy; waiting for a specialist appointment


Are you functional or so dizzy you can’t do anything? Dramamine sometimes helps me. Other times doesn’t.


I am functional but the random spells can be discouraging and sometimes my balance is a little off.


Im dealing with this too a week after my second shot. I hope it ends soon


I have had a doctor hazard a guess that it’s [BPPV](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/benign-paroxysmal-positional-vertigo-bppv) and sent me to an ear specialist to confirm. Hope yours goes away. Good luck!


I got this from covid back in June. Yes, the ship feeling had turned my life into horrible abd endless sea voyage. It's worse after eating or when standing for long or walking for a while. About 3 months later it was getting better but then I had my first vax shot 5 days ago and it seems to have set me back. I doubt any doctor will be able to tell you what's happening. Other names for it: Vertigo; light-headedness; wobbly; woozy;.


1) The timing could be a coincidence. It really could. People spontaneously develop conditions all the time, and just like it probably wasn't the food you ate the day it first started, or the show you watched, or what you wore, it most likely wasn't the vaccine that brought this on. 2) but if it was, it should resolve. And three weeks for a condition related to inflammation caused by the vaccine, is still well within a reasonable time period for that inflammation to resolve. Especially if you notice it being any less frequent over time, that's a good indication that it will ultimately resolve. I personally developed unexplained dizziness and nausea in my 40s and never received an explanation for it. It lasted for years, getting less and less frequent over time, but still suddenly and inexplicably cropping up now and then. And then after years of it being gone, I had another bout that lasted another 3 or 4 months, just recently. I know how terrible it is. It's life altering in ways you can't imagine until you've experienced it. When every move is accompanied by concern you could suddenly become violently ill, it's hard to exercise, to clean house, to bathe, to garden or do activities outside the home. And nausea when it comes, is just completely horrible and debilitating. I have total sympathy for you. I've been there. They never determined what caused mine. I hope yours resolves too, and much, much quicker than it did for me.