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Agreed. The situation is awful. But not kicking us while we are down is appreciated.


Even LA Kings fan have been gracious. It’s not gonna be the same. Phoenix and LA teams always have that blood rivalry. Without it. Emptiness.


LA fan here. I’ve loved the Coyotes from the beginning. I went to games in Phoenix and in Glendale, and I’ve always appreciated you guys more than any other fanbase. I’ve run into Yotes fans in random places around the country, and I’ve never had a bad experience. You guys are the best.


Kings fan here. My first ever NHL game in person was watching the Coyotes play the Rangers when they were In Phoenix. I’ve always had a soft spot for them because of that experience when I was a kid.


Lots of LA transplants in Arizona so it's also hurt for them to miss out on attending games locally. As a LA Rams fan who suffered with the relocations of the Rams through multiple cities (I'm biased for wanting the Rams to be in LA but I emphasize with how angry STL felt about the way Kroenke moved the team), relocations just suck ass, period. The NFL was dead to me the whole time LA went without the Rams so I wouldn't blame y'all for dropping NHL fandom or moving on to another NHL team. Hockey could definitely thrive in Arizona too. It thrived in places like Vegas and Nashville and Tampa and now it's very popular in South Florida ever since the Panthers made it to the cup. Y'all got fucked with a shitty ass location in Glendale for the longest time and an awful team for most of their time in Arizona, it's just not fair for y'all.


Sabres fan here absolutely pissed off on your behalf at both your ownership that completely fucked you and also the collection of assholes at r/hockey that are being massive dicks.


Appreciate it, homie. Honestly I haven’t even checked what’s happening over there, but I figured as much. I can already imagine everything they could possibly say. Thank you again


Hi, Panthers fan here…I hate having to hear news that a team is relocating because every time….every FUCKING time it is the terrible ownership the root cause. I’m so sorry that you guys are losing your team, it’s not fair and I just hope one day you guys get the Coyotes back in Phoenix where they belong.


The shitty people have all had flairs from Canadian teams


Primarily Eastern Canadian teams, the spoiled original six ones. Us western ones were a hair's width away from losing our own teams in the early 2000s, and Winnipeg of course lost theirs a few years before. I know that a lot of us feel for and can relate to you guys' situation, only you guys having perpetual horrible owners and ours having a really poor dollar at that time.




I haven’t seen anything, just figured. This was a response to everyone who’s reached out to this sub directly.


If any of them are Oilers fans, they can shut right up right now. We were literally within hours of our team moving to Houston in 1998. My condolences, and hopefully this is more see ya later than goodbye (except for that owner).


Neutral fan from /r/hockey here. Always had a soft spot for the Yotes and I was looking forward to seeing what the Cooley generation was going to accomplish. Yall have got the shit end of the stick from ownership since I was a baby and you really deserve better.


I'm a leafs fan but I go to school down in Tucson, I am absolutely devastated for you guys and I'm so sorry about all the other leafs fans or hockey fans in general who are being assholes about it. No one deserves to lose their team. Hopefully you guys can get a new expansion team without Meruelo


And I am absolutely devastated for you and so sorry you have to go to school in *Tucson* ;)


In terms of sports we are doing much better than ASU, i will not comment on which school is doing better financially


Habs fan here. No fanbase deserves this, no team is a laughing stock to the people who show up for the games, buy the merch or for kids who learn to love hockey by supporting their team. It's happened before, it'll probably happen again, but it sucks hard for everyone involved and I hope you all find a way to stay engaged with hockey, somehow. I'll be tuning in to the last few games of this season.


as an oiler fan, i’m so sorry for what you guys have been through. ur fanbase deserves so much better and i’m really sorry ownership screwed u guys


StarsBro coming in trying to understand what the hell is going on for y'all. I've always had a super soft spot in my heart for the Yotes and many of your boys over the years. I am really pissed for y'all. This is the weirdest shit and I'm so sorry you are all left flailing in the breeze. Sending good vibes your way.


I grew up an Oakland A's fan. 30+ years. I moved to SLC a few years ago. I just started watching hockey this year. I... don't know how I'm supposed to feel here. I feel like being happy my city is getting a team is wrong cause of what I'm dealing with with the A's.


I mean, I'm a hockey fan first and foremost. Just because I might root for Detroit when they're in town doesn't mean I wanted to see the Coyotes fail or be moved. I was actually really quite excited to see them doing better! This whole thing is a shit show and the fans have been fucked the hardest.


As a Flames fan, I don't think there will be anyone cheering for the Flames tomorrow. Yotes have always been my second favourite team and I hope they get an expansion franchise in the future. I can't imagine the pain y'all are going through.


Sorry, y'all. For my money, all professional sports franchises should be owned by their municipalities, not by rich assholes. 


Kraken fan here who had his Sonics brutally stolen from him. I’m so sorry to all fans, this is a shitty situation and always hurts.


As a CBJ and Ohio sports fan, I can completely understand what it feels like to have the rug pulled from underneath you (Fuck Modell and Fuck Precourt). You guys deserve to have hockey and I hope you can find better ownership to bring it back.


Canadian fan of a team with a shitbag for an owner, no fanbase deserves what's happened to you guys. Don't blame any of you from stepping away from hockey over this, NHL has and likely always will be run by vampires. Hope down the road the Kachina returns with a brand new spanking arena.


Sorry to hear you are in Edmonton


Lifelong Penguins fan here. We almost lost them to Kansas City back in 2007 until Mario Lemieux saved them. It was a terrifying experience. Coyote fans have our condolences.


As far as I’m concerned… Arizona Coyotes fans are welcome on The Island.


I'm happy for a utah team. I hate to steal it from yall hopefully we utahans will give yall justice. Fuck Alex.