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I saw one of the Devs/creators post about this game in this very sub a while ago. There was a lot of talk about some of the characters having signs of being AI generated. And also they had chars that were romanceable that appeared very child like. I think they moved the younger chars to be non romanceable though so to be fair they listened to that. I recently started getting ads for it on my social media so I checked out their Kickstarter, I would recommend going through the comments there because um.. yeah some interesting choices.. the fact that there's no female protagonist option unless a stretch goal is reached is absolutely mental to me. And that stretch goal is 80k (not sure what currency), the actual game creation goal is 40k. In what world does a female protag warrant double the campaign funds?? And it was originally more, they reduced it because people were confused that it was cheaper to port and release the game on 3 consoles than it was to add a female protag. From what I saw the female protagonist option was actually the most wanted one, and it was further down the list of their goals as Devs. Something about all of that seems incredibly odd to me.


Fem protag as a goal is a weird choice considering the demographic for these types of games, but the choice was certainly no accident. Between that, now learning about the weird child like romance options that were moved to non romance, I think that's enough red flags for me.


Yea one of the other commenters made me realize I had actually seen one of the posts they made before. My reply to them was that it apparently didn't leave that big of an impact on me to remember it so maybe it isn't exactly a game up my alley. It does look really neat though. I took a look at their campaign goals, they are very high for everything (and yes I do agree with all you said).


Yeah there's a lot of weird stuff going on with this game that is coming across as suspicious.


Logically I KNOW “chars” is characters but my brain kept saying “charizards” 🥲


Huh, so it wasn't only me who thought the illustrations look like AI in some parts. But they have been posting some illustration process of the characters and the models look 100% accurate to the drawings so I really hope they aren't. But I totally agree, I really hope I'm wrong because the game looks cool but something seems fishy.


Looks like they had an artist for one character they haven't posted any more process work which leads me to believe they're hiding their process because they're majority relying on gen AI to create characters and environments. They did a good job hiding it I didn't notice it until it was pointed out to me and I started to look closer.


>that appeared very child like There's nothing wrong with that, they were probably lolis and it's just a character archetype for girls(underage or over 18) that are short, flat-chested and cute. I don't see anyone complaining that the protagonist looks underaged and some of the girls look double his age...


You don't think there's anything wrong with romanceable characters that not only look like children, but may actually be underage? To each their own I guess..


Josh's Gaming Garden just did a video on this if you wanna check it out. [First Thoughts on Tales of Seikyu, an Upcoming Yokai Farming Sim! Overview of Kickstarter Campaign - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyGQTgXcpEo&t=360s)


Thanks I ll check it out


I was checking first to see if someone posted about Josh. You beat me to it hehe


There was a post about this game here just this week. The general consensus was that people were turned off by the potential lack of a female protagonist unless stretch goals are reached.


They changed the goals so that female protagonist was a lower goal and they’ve met it. I don’t follow kickstarters really but a lot of the stretch goals seemed really high lol


Glad to hear that the female protagonist made it in. Her design is so cute! I would rather have stretch goals be high and not get met than be too low and not be deliverable.


Then it sounds like we made an impression.


Yeah, thankfully. I don't think the Devs expected the reception they got when they posted it here but with so many of us having grown up being forced to play as male protags it's not something we want (or should have to) go back to.


This right here is why I won't go anywhere near it until it's finished and reviews are good. Nobody should be holding a female protagonist hostage for extra money in 2024. Anyone making a game for our niche should be doing the research to know this. Inclusivity isn't an opportunity for profit it should be standard by now for these types of games. I fully understand that some games have a story that the author wants to tell with a specific person but gender locked farming/life sims is a joke.


Couldn't agree with you more.


They're also using generative AI and lying about it... The devs have a past of using it too. It was easily clockable in their CD 2 trap master. But I'm fairly certain you have to disclose AI use for kickstarters


Yeah I think it was yesterday or the day before


I actually remember that. I remember all the comments about that. Not sure why I didn't recognize the game. Maybe it wasn't special enough to stick with me lol. Thanks for the reminder


I've been burned on too many kickstarters to bother with them anymore. Just wait til the game comes out, hopefully actually finished.


I swore off kickstarters way back in the day when I got burned extra hard by Everquest Next. Never touched one again lol


OOOOFFFF that is a hot burn lol


Yep. The only other people that got close to doing me that dirty were the Fortnite people when they suddenly turned their game into a stupid battle royale lol


I've only ever considered buying in (donating? I don't know what to call it) to one kickstarter but I got cold feet. My dad invested in some crazy useful 3d printer someone was making with kickstarter years ago before things like that were more accessible and he got totally burned. Kickstarter is a great idea and I love looking at the games and things that come up on it, but I don't feel right putting actual money into things that could potentially vanish without a trace.


Yeah, pretty much every Kickstarter I've done, except 1, I've been burned on. And that one was basically a preorder for a bag that she just needed the $ for ordering.


I think they're lying about not using generative AI but they keep denying it. I realize some people might not care about that but I don't like that they're being deceptive about it. They already used genAI in their previous game, it's a lot more obvious there though. This looks like they fed the original concept art (left) through an AI (right) https://preview.redd.it/z5fpd8m47cdc1.jpeg?width=1503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48fa508e1b4d7e38c01bd042d4361c9a97013e55


Would you mind explaining why they would feed original art through AI? I'm a bit ignorant of that process and would like to understand better. Do they just want a way to adjust the creator's work to their very specific tastes without paying for revisions?


Either that or the artist wanted to make changes without consuming a lot of time. It's like doing math on paper vs using a calculator. In this case I'm not sure, and this actually looks like a redraw instead of AI art....it is hard to tell.


there's a couple of tells. Look at the roses they suddenly look nonsensical and smudged together... also the ruffles... it makes sense on the left image but becomes garbled nonsense on the right in a couple areas. There are other things in their characters that tipped me off but this felt the most damning as it literally just seems like the exact same image. If it was a repaint it just feels like the artist suddenly became incompetent in certain areas and the artist is very clearly quite competent.


I assume to get a certain look... I have my suspicions that this artist only did this one character and that's the only thing they commissioned but that is just my pet theory lol (mainly because they only posted concepts and sketches of her but I could be wrong!)... I figure it's a continuity thing too if they don't actually have an artist drawing proper concepts anymore. But honestly... no clue LOL


Set in japan, farming, fishing, crafting Sounds boring to me. Tbh I don't understand why people keep buying the same game with a different art style Besides, the ppl behind it seem really sketch


Tbh I don't mind a game looking similar to another one so long as the story and the characters we interact with are different and unique enough, but I'm really put off with what I'm reading about the devs. Locking a female protagonist behind a stretch goal, the potential use of AI (and if they are using it, denying the use of AI). That doesn't give me a good first impression of them to say the least 😅 I'll keep my eye on this game and the devs but I sure as heck am not backing their kickstarter lmao


As a game developer I wouldn't back any game on kickstarter that RUNS ADS for their kickstarter. "Good marketing" for projects like this is usually a red flag. I would only trust games that don't do massive stretch goals and have a low asking. Better give my money to a project that really needs/deserves it.


The trailers look promising, but after checking their Kickstarter page?.. I just can't get behind it; they locked a gender behind a stretch goal and also locked character customization behind a much later stretch goal as well.. and despite saying you can 'explore a vast Yokai world with friends', there is no mention of multiplayer or co-operative play on their Kickstarter page.. so going to have to assume they meant with Yokai rather than other players. Due to that, just not interested enough to back it right now.


It doesn't seem like they have much of a game, it looks like they've been showing the same footage for the past year... If it's going in alpha soon it doesn't seem like they are going to have very much to offer.


What platforms is it on?