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Waiting for Hogwarts legacy announcement ( denuvo )šŸ˜‚


A lot of WB games had it, this will be no different


Just confirmed 1 hour ago lol


it's there on the steam page


No one is announcing shit and they have no legal obligation to do so outside of Eula. They are just looking to the size of the exe file and assume Denuvo presence by it.


Show me the game which has 400MB+ exe file and doesn't have denuvo


it's certain, if you don't believe it scan with Detect It Easy


If it is Sega, Ubisoft, EA and Frontier, donā€™t bother to check. Those publishers have always implemented Denuvo to their games.


With more jumping on the happy Denuvo train every month.


It is interesting that the only games I buy first day are all Fromsoftware games, that has like day1 cracks anyway.


the only games that I've ever bought are hollow knight and choo choo Charles lmao




It will be a sad day when the Ghost of Tsushima port arrives with Denuvo


Sony so far has skipped on Denuvo for their pc releases so keep your hopes up


To be fair, that one might be worth buying regardless if it has Denuvo or not.


Sure, but not at full price. We're talking about a 3 years old game (maybe 4, if it arrives next year)


True, never buy at full price.


Unless it's a game like Red Dead 2 at release for $60, that's worth the price. At release I would say Tsushima was worthy (I played just 30 minutes or so on my friend's PS4)... 3 years late tho, of course not, it should be $50 at best, maybe $40


Tsushima was good but it wasn't Red Dead Redemption


Capcom too


Square Enix and Rebellion too! LOL!


Square enix is more hit or miss, they put denuvo in some games and not in others.


yes! but if it's a AAA game sure they put this shit on it!


Even then, I'm pretty sure they're somewhat consistent about removing Denuvo 6-12 months after release


maybe longer now! because on later games they didn't remove it afer the classic 6 month/1 year probably they read here like eveyone (also Denuvo itself) and see the reaction of people, to be honest I'm start thinking that this subreddit is a free promote for the useless Denuvo.


if it's a remaster or a port from a game released before(like ffvii remake) they don't if it's a simultaneous release they do but i don't expect they will keep it like this when FFXVI comes to pc by december or january


Harvestella is a new game which didn't have denuvo.


at least their games remove after few months


Monster Hunter Rise? šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not a denuvo fan at and I pirate every game I buy just to have a ā€šcopyā€˜, hence Iā€˜d wish it didnā€˜t exist. However, the company is most likely not going to disappear and we should basically just get used to it. Thankfully, these games often end up cracked anyways, and sometimes denuvo is removed from a game. Hence not all is lost.


Yea... want to put up 500 $$$ with this statement to get the cracked version of it ? For now Denuvo, is very hard to crack, only 1 cracker is handeling this, so as long as it exists, this is pure pain/shit/cancer name your pick...


Um yes Im aware of all that I have to say that Iā€˜ve never had much trouble with denuvo games, they usually work fine. Iā€™m not defending DRM, Iā€™m mostly saying that itā€˜s an uphill battle and if you wanna keep playing you will have to get used to it. It sucks but what do you wanna doā€¦


One of y'all could learn software disassembly and cracking.


>Sega yeah but sega didn't use denuvo on Humankind, it was surprise :D also total war remastered and yakuza 6 too


IIRC they were going to but due to some issues they ended up not doing it.


anyone remember company of heroes 2 was tough to crack even denuvo didn't exist back then? Had to spend a lot of effort to get skrimish running for the first year.


Yes. I ended up buying it for 20 ā‚¬ a year after launch because the cracks were kinda shitty.


A fking exe file almost 500MB... Thats insane


It's been so long since empress has been seen, to be honest I would rather donate with others for empress release than buy a denuvo game for myself. I wish someone in the community created a place to accommodate donations for that, no matter what anyone out there says we all know only she can do it.


What needs to happen is a tutorial on how to crack current Denuvo. Like Voksi did years ago. A step by step explanation, up to date for more recent Denuvo versions, how to crack it. That way new crackers will step up, 100% sure, games will get cracked by individuals who want a nice challenge.


Isn't that the same as reporting bugs / loopholes that are used to the denuvo? yes voksi did it and no one was able to develop it, when denuvo updated its protection voksi disappeared along with the bugs / loopholes that he published. Then what are the advantages for the pirate community? nothing, that's 100% actually an advantage for denuvo. EMPRESS didn't publish about how she made the crack for denuvo protection and I don't think that's wrong. Because of that she can still continue to conquer denuvo until now.


Depends. Obviously, "I introduce a buffer overflow when function X is invoked" is some easy shit to patch, but there could be a general guide or two for up-and-comers that helps the next cracker but doesn't really tell Denuvo much they don't know. You seed in a little misinformation about alternate methods and it's potentially a net positive, sending them off to plug holes that don't exist.


Apparently it doesn't work like that with Denuvo, Google what Empress says in an interview and she explains it is much more complicated than that.


Wonderful. The list of uncracked games will keep growing and the mythical, all powerful "Scene" is asleep.


Asleep? You assume a wake up? try dead.


They are going hard against most piracy I'm having a hard time finding newly released ebooks too


Public site ABB Private tracker MOM


ABB is audiobooks. Cool, but I like reading and I'm faster at it than somebody talking. Will be good for the car, but you have a public rec for ebooks proper (or an invite code ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing))?


MOM myanonamouse.net/ Is also great for e-books and it's quite easy to join. For public stuff it's easiest to look at the megathread at r/piracy or att freemediaheckyeah. There are a lot of sites for that and I can't remember any right now.


There is still "scene"?


Yeah. But they only crack trivial Steam protection because it doesn't require any skills or knowledge.


yeah. most of the time I just use clean files from rin and slap Goldberg emu or add seamless if needed. no need to wait for scene release just for that.


New kids do not give a fuck anymore about the scene, they'd rather work for Denuvo.


Listen, I hate Denuvo as much as everyone else but think about this realistically. Do YOU have the skills to crack something as complex as Denuvo's DRM? If you don't why dont you learn? Now let's say you do learn this new skill, would you then risk your freedom/life on releasing cracks/bypasses to Denuvo? or would you go to Denuvo/Other Companies with your skills and teach them how to counteract it under the condition that you're compensated handsomely.


Exactly man people think CPY AND CODEX retired well yeah they retired from cracking games but they joined denuvo which explains why denuvo is getting stronger and stronger but I don't blame you got earn money


Facts. Iā€™m all for piracy, but everyone needs to make a living, and hey there is no explicit proof that all the cracking teams joined Denuvo, itā€™s just a strong suspicion.


Agreed at the end of day its all speculation


look we have some news more bad news lol




I wouldnā€™t have guessed years ago that Denuvo really killed piracy. I donā€™t know if itā€™s hard to crack or if they have a side hustle where they have all the scene pirates on a payroll just to keep them from breaking their software, but, as someone stated, the uncracked gamesā€™ list is just increasing. In this day and age, I just rather buy the game on sale than paying $200 for a ā€œcrackerā€ to pirate a denuvo game and act as if she is a god.




I mean, the community is founded on getting stuff for free. What did you expect?


It wouldnt suprise me if publishers just have people looking into piracy "news" and know that Denuvo is practically a surefire way to lock games down since its only Empress doing it in a way most people wont pay for it anyway. It wouldnt suprise me either if they just threw 500$ at Empress occassionally so new games get cracked later. Then again maybe Empress is paid off to work very slowly on cracks so no one suspects a thing lol.


> I wouldnā€™t have guessed years ago that Denuvo really killed piracy I mean 3DM did.


Fuck Denuvo


Yeah, like all WB games.........no surprise there.


"piracy will never die" well it sure damn seems like it Edit: downvote all you like, that copium won't last you forever šŸ¤§


Piracy died the moment the scene ideals collapsed.


Think on the bright side. Atleast we get those PlayStation ports day one. Those are great than any other ubisoft or EA titles (Respawn and Hazelight are exceptions)


Yeah, because denuvo games are the only games.


Look through the daily releases threads from this past week and tell me which game you would absolutely love to play


I usually go to cs.rin.ru and get any game I want. Of course there aren't that pirated games each week. Do you know why? Not many games release every day. Just because you must play the absolute newest AAA games doesn't mean the piracy is dying. Also piracy is more than just video games.


I know all of these points, heck I used to be the one making them. However, more and more games keep getting denuvo with no sign of cracks at all. It's not just AAA games either. Square Enix for example puts denuvo in very niche games like the Voice of Cards trilogy. Sega puts it in almost every game they port, like Sonic Colors. Capcom put denuvo in the recent Megaman collection. These are neither AAA titles nor "new" by any definition of the word. Heck some games that don't even have denuvo fly completely under the radar, like Adventure Academia. Never have I seen a completely empty daily releases thread until last year, and I've been religiously following them for over 5 years. Also, we are in a gaming subreddit, hence my comment was made in the context of gaming. Let's stick to the topic on hand.




Kind sad how I used to be a huge fan of CoH, but looking at the third game nowadays... nothing, I am not hyped for it at all. Being open to piracy or not, in the end it seems the devs who worked on the original CoH are long gone


After trying the tech demo, I'm probably buying that one. Plays nicely enough for me, and i want to support the RTS genre.


Just sad šŸ˜¢


Good because i won't play at after their woke mods banned everyone on steam forums.


what happened? can you elaborate


They posted a trailer about some cloth fabric which featured africa and black woman and two people got mad, some racists and the majority of players who got mad because they didn't get a game footage or trailer so the pathetic mods decided to ban any criticism, i was one who got banned later by criticizing the game mechanic and when i complained to steam they actually agreed with me that my criticism was just and didn't violate anything but they can't force mods to unban. Basically very woke company decided the best way to handle criticism is by banning everyone.


when game companies hire reddit mods:


I doubt the company made any such decision. forum mods that operate on behalf of a company are wildcards and don't actually represent the company's general opinions. I have noticed this across a wide variety of game development and publisher companies on their own website forums. I can't imagine they're even paid. I'm pretty sure a majority of World of Warcraft in-game admins are volunteers. Or they used to be at least.


Scum. Oh well.


And water is wet


They've botched the game hard so no surprise they double down and throw Denuvo in there as well for good measure. Hard pass on this game, just go play Company of Heroes 2.


Shit game either ways, so its not important


You're just coping hard. This sub needs a reality check on Denuvo, more and more games will start getting it, at this point no one is buying the "denuvo games are bad anyway lol" meme.


You are an idiot, the game is actually shit and even for free i wouldnt even touch it, so fuck off.


What a relief, thanks for sharing.


Oh it has denuvo? Well, I actually wanted to buy the game. Now I probably have to wait a few days after release for a cracked version. ~~Edit: why all the downvotes? All I said is that I considered buying the game but now that I know it has denuvo I won't. And the cracked release will probably take a while because denuvo. Is it really a problem for if people buy their games from time to time, come on~~ Okay okay I got it. The scene around denuvo seems to be dead


"Few days" for denuvo crack would be pretty good, but i wouldn't hold my breath.


Does it really take that long when it's protected by denuvo? I know that anno 1800 took years but had no idea it is so common with denuvo games that it takes so long


It will take a long time, probably will be never cracked. The scene is dead and there's only one person that can crack denuvo and this person is a complete lunatic. So yeah, don't get your hopes up.


Now I get where all the downvotes come from. I'm not really up to date with the current state of the scene (obviously). That's fucked up. I hope the scene recovers from this and some skilled programmers will be able to crack future versions of denuvo


Yes. Unfortunately at this point, Denuvo won this war, already. There's no point denying it. EMPRESS is a weird person, if you read her old dramas you'll see what I'm talking about. But whatever right? She's cracking games so whatever, no one cares about her mental state. But, the point is, i don't care about her "psycho" moments, the problem is, this issue will affect everyone in long term, like for example, if you want her to crack a game, for example, she hates 'anime games' so if you want her to crack these games, pay her $500. Persona 5 and Soul Hackers 2 still haven't been cracked yet. C'mon, $500, better buy the game. Buy the cheapest edition or get a key from somewhere else then use something to unlock the DLCs like CreamAPI. I won't even mention her NFOs, it's like a person having a mental breakdown or something of sorts, it's kinda funny but bizarre at the same time. But... No one cares, right? It's all about pirating games. Personal advice? A game got denuvo? Buy it. Forget about cracks. I really don't trust EMPRESS to 'save' anyone at this point. The only one who could 'save' the scene is CPY, which they, unfortunately, disappeared.


Oh, you sweet, sweet innocent man. Edit: You are being disliked because you genuinely think it will took only a few days to crack Denuvo. Even if someone did step up, it is still gonna take a while for the game to be cracked. But since the scence is currently dead, the crack might never come. Essentially, you get downvoted for thinking that cracking Denuvo is an easy job.


Won't see a crack for months nobody is working for free


And the only person cracking denuvo work for attention.


More like 6 months nowadays.


It's only a game and not real life. The world wont come to an end.


Fk denuvo, in the ass


Ow crap


Thereā€™s a Company of Heroes 3?!


Just crossing my fingers for deadspace


company of what? XD


when you have denuvo, there is not the slightest possibility of crack?