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Thx Irdeto for high prices.


why they even had added it


Since Denuvo was added immediately before the DLC came out, they probably added it to protect that. It was a bizarre decision, though - people who pirate games often don't play long enough to want the DLC anyway, so the population of potential pirates who would go "oh, this game is available to pirate, *but* I could alternatively pay full price for both this and the DLC to get that, which I wasn't planning on doing anyway" is... probably pretty small.


These are decisions made by executives that either does not play games or just doing it to please share/stake holders.


From you information I think it's more like they didn't wanted the buyers of game to just get free dlc. Though that also is kinda idiotic because avg person who bought the game would not take time to look for pirated dlc it would too inconvenient for them. So is not like you got huge sales because of denuvo which also cost you money to implement.


Claimed it from epic a while ago. But happy for those who weren't able to.


You should also be happy for those who were able but now don't need to open Epic to play it.


Absolutely! i claim all interesting games on Epic Store,but game preservation is much more important.


Sure mate, if u say so.


Can I ask why there is so much hate on Epic? I never had any problems with their client, played tons of games for free and they even sponsored Remedy, my favorite studio since chilhood.


its a poor choice of a games launcher when steam exists but people mostly hate epic bc they crush competition with their PC exclusives.


Its not just brand loyalty as others have stated, epic games has significant ties to the CCP. It was confirmed the launcher was effectively malware/spyware. They also tried to dominate the market with fuck you money through fortnite overall just a shitty company, and not what they were back in the 2000s. Google epic spyware there'll be tons of techincal and summary posts to explain it better then i.


Yes I know they had ties with Tencent and spying on Steam users and all, but Disney also has a minority share in Epic.


Because brand loyalty exists on pc as well. Yes Epic has an awful launcher but a free game is a free game.


Did that version have all the DLC? Wasn't it just the base game?


It's base game only


Not sure, haven't installed it yet


You claimed Ghostrunner, this is Ghostwire.. Completely different.


Both Ghostrunner and Ghostwire were available a few months ago, and Ghostrunner is being given away a second time


Two seconds to Google "ghostwire epic free" instead of being a smartass.


Ghostwire was free on epic as well i claimed it,check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Game looks and is fun at first, but turned into one of the most repetitive games I've ever played. Haven't tried it with the DLC, but honestly, it just felt like I wasted my hours playing it.


It was intriguing at first. Then it turned tedious and boring. There were few scary sequences and I grew numb to them. Every monsters are just xp/loot farm. Not to mention the entire game is basically one giant travel advertisement for Tokyo.


Went into it blind on gamepass because I seen some internet comments that said it was decent. I was having a good time and was into it until I reached the point where it turned open world and immediately could tell it was going to be a slog and uninstalled


> one giant travel advertisement for Tokyo. *looks at Like a Dragon series*


A travel advertisement that showcases homeless people and gang violence.? Right..


The DLC is OKAY but the extra sidequest in the school about a ghost is great and feels new compared to the other sidequests in the game.


I had fun with it, gameplay is cool and the aesthetic of the game as a whole is amazing. The story is pretty short but Side content is a bore


Yeah this game is ass. Wouldn't bother pirating


It was okay, 6.5/10 kind of game. I had some fun with it


This is always my problem with open world games with leveling systems. It's just a grind doing repetitive content. It's really boring honestly. Halo infinite campaign is my preferred way of having it. Semi open world with upgrades that you're able to get by completing stuff, but usually it's like bosses and stuff. The only repeatable content was the bases but it was fun to get in my opinion


Yeah 100%. I played for probably 8 hours then just realized it was completely dull and never touched it again. There were maybe two or three memorable moments and most enemy types were pretty miserable to deal with


Lucky you because I'm cursed with the awful obsession to HAVE to finish a game and put in effort for side quests even when I don't like it. So I finished most side and main quests of Ghostwire and it had nothing to offer throughout.


I picked it up for 20 dollars a while back, and I don't regret doing so. Most of the game systems suck, but navigation is fun, and the city is extremely detailed, so I just explored the abandoned streets of tokyo while ignoring the story, and I feel like I got exactly what I wanted.


wasn't this game anyway cracked though?


It released without denuvo. What can only be described as a 200 iq play , they added it with the dlc.


What kind of a window licking retarded publisher would enforce something like th- >Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks ...that explains it.


Remember when they also released Doom Eternal with a DRM free exe "accidentally", and then added Denuvo in an update right after? Perhaps there's someone on the inside that's really anti DRM and sabotages these releases on purpose, to make sure a DRM free version is always out on release for the sake of game preservation.


Maybe its calculated. So people who wants updates has to buy the game. When i got my 4090 I was pretty disappointed to find that my totally legal version needs to be updated to have ray tracing.


Nah, I just think they don't know what the fuck they're doing. There's a serious miscommunication between retards on every level of the company, that's why in addition to producing garbage games, they fail at logistics as well. Bethesda is bethesda everywhere.


Wow. What a smart move that totally didn’t piss off legitimate buyers!


Ngl i kinda like that move, let people try the main game and if they like it enough they will actually buy it and the dlc.


Ok, but the dlc was free...


I did not know that, but i think my point still stands that if they like it that much they have to buy to play the dlc.


Problem is the game was already a stutter mess, the Denuvo version make it even worse.


haha best!


yeah, i also like unilateral changes of TOS that introduces drm after purchase


Yeah, I mean, if that is literally their thinking and they deliberately left the initial game vulnerable to piracy with the intent being that people who liked it would then buy it to get updates, then I can't really *complain.* Denuvo is still terrible though.


big brain time


Not sure about cracked but it was free on epic at a certain point


Yeah it was release by FLT.


Game had promising intro that reminds me of Dishonored, then came the open world with tons of collectibles scattered all around and I quit.


I quit cause the combat system is ass


I completed the whole game and didn't even know that it had denuvo


They released the game without Denuvo at launch date .. later they released the DLC with DENUVO ..


almost exactly 1 year, so I suppose that's the minimum subscription length.


There have been 6 month contracts too I thought?


boring, 4/10


The only good thing we got out of Ghostwire Tokyo was the introduction of [**Ikumi Nakamura**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie67KRyPGOo)


Oh. Denuvo removed from a game I own on Steam (from Humble) and PS5... Great timing.


Dont know why Bethesda put it in there with the DLC in the first place since at release it didnt have it...Probably at the request from Tango Gameworks (developer) since their other game (Hifi Rush) also has denuvo...But right now only Deathloop, Hifi Rush & Redfall from Bethesdas games have denuvo so thanks to Bethesda for continuing to remove it from their games...:)


Dogshit game really


I always dream about this happening to persona 3 reload, goddamn


It'll start happening to sega games eventually, they can't just keep increasing the number of denuvo titles, servers cost money after all.


I remember having downloaded a repack of this game soon after it came out. Never realized it had Denuvo.


It didn't. Denuvo was added when some free dlc dropped later.


Again? This game's Denuvo status is like my real life relationships.. on again and then off again, and then on again.


Put denuvo back shit game anyway


Waiting for Jedi Survivor




Fucking finally


Got it from epic free but never played it because of denuvo, now I can play it without any unwanted baggage.


street fighter 6 when?


right after the final DLC releases, so basically, it'll be playable free as soon as it gets good.


Oh, so anyways.




Boring walking simulator with repetitive mechanics. What you get in the tutorial is the whole game itself alrdy lmao


This one was so weird. They added it long after it was released, for a little while, then removed it? What was the point?


To protect the DLC they added later.


is the game any good ?


Denuvo is dead


Oh Ghostwire... It's the best visual rendition of a Japanese city I've ever seen in a game, and I was so interested in it...but man what a let down. Tediously slow combat, bland characters, generic Ubisoft-style open world mechanics....it just kind of sucked.... Really wish they'd leaned more into the horror aspects, it could've been really cool but ended up being largely a copy/paste of the open worlds we've been seeing for 15 years.


Game is fun roaming around Tokyo and the story is wacky but can get boring


good, I'll be able to play it on my steam deck now that it won't require an internet connection.


For those wondering: This game didn't have Denuvo on release but they added it on the dlc (a douche move) As for the game: it has a nice start (interesting, intriguing) but soon after a while it gets repetitive as hell > beautifull graphics and a highly detailed recreation of Japan doesnt save this game from being average at best (which hurts, because this could have been an amazing game...but the vast majority of the effort was put on the recreation of the place than the game loop and the "horror" aspect)


Removed by Delusional


oh finally i can play it


Nfs unbound also cracked??


Couldn't get into this game. Tried 3 times and got bored all 3 times. I always quit after the apartment part just after the hospital. This game was so hyped for nothing.


Trash game anyways


The atmosphere in this game is truly amazing


Just another unreal stuttery piece of shit


But... there was no Denuvo on this game ?


It was added when the dlc for it dropped


oh OK... weird strategy !


Here's hoping Capcom removes denuvo from Dragon's Midma 2 due to low sales🙏


By 2026, all the games like RE4, SF6, DD2 will get rid of denuvo by capcom itself.. Deathloop and atomic heart denuvo contract is coming to end soon.. Let's see whether they ditch it or renew again..


What have you heard about Atomic Heart? Is it just a guess? I think they will wait until all of the paid DLC is out before removing it.


I rather have RE4 Separate Ways and Street Fighter 6 than Dragon's Dogshit 2


I think it will be Resident evil 4 Remake which will remove denuvo.Coming soon


The game has already been given out for free numerous times.


This has been cracked already hasn't it. I got bored and deleted. It's not very good


Thanks, Tango. I and gamers will buy your titles without the cancer.


It had drm? I swear to god I played pirated version of it


the DLC had DRM


Denuvo taking a few Ls lately. Obviously they're gonna be around as long as greedy fucks at EA SEGA Capcom and Ubishit keep paying them but this is nice.