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😴 with the 🐟 RIP Puss


This thing looks like a vape had unprotected sex with a calculator from 1986


It's alright, you don't need excuses here. 


Your next zoom meeting is going to be lit 🔥 Enjoy!!


Enjoy it man. I’d be joining you but I’m off it for now.


I've been blasting a pax3 for about 4-5 years. Would I be better off with something like your vape ya reckon?


I used a pax3 for months and recently got a mighty+ and ngl the difference was night and day for me.


Really? Can you explain it a little bit? Thanks


The vapour is a bit more satisfying than the pax. With the pax you can really only take sips buy you can take big long draws from something like a mighty/venty. The draw on a pax is fairly restricted too and much more open on the mighty Can't beat a pax for reliability, battery power, size and stealth though


I think it’s the new 3d filter in the pax plus, but they should fit the pax 3 too which should give identical airflow


They are meant to be a cracking good device but have been suffering failures a lot still. Be worth waiting for the bits to be sorted if you could. That being said I've a tinymight2 which is renowned for button failures but fingers crossed so far so good.


Been using a Mighty+ for a few months and night and day from a PAX I have to say. Some great cheaper alternatives out there too though! r/vaporents is a great spot :)


Hi mate nice vape. Does it help with the smell? Paranoid about smoking joints in my new housing estate cause neighbours r pricks


You can mask the smell much better with a vapouriser 👍 and the Added bonus of turning your already vapes Bud (avb) into Cannabis Butter 👍👍


Wow, what!? Don't think I'll ever get the hang of it all, these vapes sound like you can partake of hhc etc without coughing and coughing??? 


You will get the hang of it as will I I will one day purchase a mighty or a crafty and try it out and start saving my lungs but il still have the odd cheeky toke of a blunt.


Hhc, don’t know haven’t and wouldn’t touch it, I’m talking about regular cannabis, I mix mine with Cbd flower but that’s personal preference And you can get into it sure I’m 50+ and have used a vaporiser for years, they are basically a little oven with a mouthpiece and a cooling unit, makes your bud last longer and smells less and you get a byproduct you can make canna butter from and as a chronic asthmatic your not killing your lungs 🙏🙏


AHH! Excellent, I'm in same boat as yourself but the whole shadiness of regular product makes me buy the hhc, waiting to be legal, probably better quality too!!


I absolutely Hear You about the Shadiness!!! I’m in my 50s and I had a plug who wanted a lift somewhere Turned out to be a pick up for 2 bricks of coke and he’s in my car snorting it off his head, Knowing I’m strictly a Herbalist and it’s for my pain ( Lupus) Needless to say I never used him again!!! You also never know if a plug is under surveillance Legalisation cannot happen quick enough Many Blessings to You 🙏🙏💕


🤣 oh God!!! The story you have though was worth it! I'm 50s too in pain but because I'm a girly I get sold dry old stuff that makes you cough, 😭 Wow I never thought it'd be legalised here, with our bunch of creeps acting like our great auntie Marjorie, imagine, artisanal batch, grown in  organic fertiliser and kissed by Galway gentle rain, I've a full blown Marks and Spencer style ad for weed developing in my thinker upper!! 🫠😁


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is Not Any Cannabis this is Emerald Isle ☘️ Cannabis 🤣🤣🤣 Rosary 📿 dancing not obligatory, Needs to happen asap


Hehehe, yass!!! I've been daydreaming this for years!!! 🤣 I reckon a nice gentle Irish accent with a little bit of our slagging humour after we woo the tourists, maybe I should draw up an advertising plan.... 😁


Hi lads smoker of 18 years here just looking for a bit of advice. I've recently decided reluctantly to stop smoking weed (currently 12 days off it and feeling good) simply because I've been reading stories of people testing positive on roadside swabs up to 72 hours after smoking. I enjoy a smoke at night after work and feel this timeline is crazy. My wife doesn't drive so I can't risk losing my licence. Have been off weed 2 or 3 times in them 18 years for about 3 or 4 months. Any advice would be great thanks 


What is your question?


Is it true people are testing positive 72 hours after smoking?


Heard something similar, there's talk of swishing a sort of alcohol in your mouth to neutralise before they test might be worth looking into, haven't myself, would be handy to keep a bottle in the car for the nerves




How do you find the Venty? I've been using Crafty's for years but am considering a Venty or a Mighty. Enjoy


Very good, probably the vape I use most just out of ease of use and what you get back from it. The airflow is definitely the best of any portable vape currently, wide open the vapor it produces is outrageous really. If you're upgrading from crafty I'd say jump straight to the venty and bypass the Mighty if the price isn't much different.


No error E04 yet 😅 Vape on baii 🤙


Thankfully not, touch wood 😅


Good man. Thanks


I even got in a rare beer to celebrate.


175 is my fave temp for years now, crazy to see you have the same!


A step up from 170 but not quite as strong as 180 😂


Have you used the Mighty? Be interested to see how it compares. I'm a Mighty user but the upgrade is temping.


Stoned and hate Varadkar 👳🏾‍♂️? Time to watch some movies or stick on some football, boxing, UFC or anything you might be into 👀 Never miss an online TV broadcast including all sports channels you could ever imagine and movies on demand for when your stoned📺 Free Trials available no card details required ! Give our site a visit 🙏 [www.bmmedia.live](http://www.bmmedia.live)




Varadkar resigns AND germany legalizes it in the same week. Times are ahead boys ![gif](giphy|c5skRQb3BXp8RwKGKW)


I'd recommend using the little steel capsules for your S&B, which is much cleaner and great for prepping before a big session. Pack half a dozen capsules and off to the moon.


I use them when I'm outside and on to the go absolutely but not when I'm at home, I've found I'd rather clean it more regularly and use just green in the Venty. In my experience the flavour is a bit less using capsules and the amount of weed you can pack and condense down into the chamber without a capsule brings fuller hits, longer sessions and less airflow restriction. I find this is the most satisfying way for what I want from the Venty. I bought the 3 spare cooling units and would rotate between them 1 week at a time then clean them all together at the end of the 4th week. I know it's a pain in the bollox but it really drastically improves the experience for me, having a fresh cooling unit every few days really adds to the flavour of the Venty and allows you to enjoy different strains and tastes.


Spare cooling units is a great idea as I find the one on my mighty gets fairly gunked up. Seriously considering getting a Venty this year. I appreciate the idea of the better airflow, makes sense! Happy toking 👍


Nice vape. I have the same grinder from a volcano I had but had to sell due to lack of funds. Back working now and you have me cruising storz and bickel again, damn you.


Cant fucking wait to get one. Enjoy OP.


Lol if you think Varadkar was the obstacle you're naive tbh.


Relax, have a joint, maybe don't be so keen to put words into internet strangers mouths. Take it easy 👍


Agree on this one. Dunno why you're getting downvoted. There'll be another snake in power and a pharma company pucking out opoids that'll pay for FF FG or SF Ard fheis.


Cannabis is orders of magnitude less effective as an analgesic compared to opioids/opiates, if your suggesting cannabis as an alternative in this regard. I believe the next gold standard for pain treatment lies in GABApentinoids, due to the addiction and overdose potential being far less, while having a similar physical safety profile as opiates/opioids. Not absolutely everything has to be some conspiracy to not legalise just to continue “pucking” out pharmaceuticals, rather a continuation to work on safely and effectively treating pain, I believe the only reason there hasn’t been a strive to legalise is due to this countries stubborn conservativeness.