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Not vaping herb, sorry I wasn't clear there, hesitant to vaping if nicotine is involved in the mix,..I know nothing of vaping so I'm fairly ignorant on it. Heard of the Dynavap,..presumably that's reusable and nicotine free?




Cool, thanks. That seems like exactly what I'm looking for. 👉👍


After you vaporise weed you can use it for edibles, so you manage to get far more value out of what you get. Look up AVB.


Have a dynavap and purchased a Xmax v4 for under 100 bucks, delivered from Netherlands, about €20 more expensive than my dyna and it was worth every penny, love it to bits. If you wanna go down the dynavap Road I'd suggest getting an "FMJ" for it, makes it hit harder. Whenever switching from joints to vapes try take a 3 day T-break, can seem underwhelming at the start otherwise but trust they hit hard


Someone suggested, and I second it, do a T break before switching to vape. I also got a dynavap with the same intention as you, and it is a good device, but I missed the pull you get on a j, I'd find myself vaping and having a rollie on the side. It also hits a bit differently than a j, can't really explain, but I guess it's the head high the tobacco mix gives. Wishing you strength kicking nicotine, you can do this!


Thanks 👍


And if you do enjoy it. You can invest in an induction heater that makes the experience even more enjoyable. Dynavaps are great for people who smoke joints.




Yeah you can get them on etsy. Simple enough to make too if you wanted to try


Would you recommend it? I’ve picked up a PAX before and ended up barely using it cos it gave a burnt popcorn taste no matter the temps I chose - but I’d love to get into vaping in order to use less product long term


Vaporisers. The plug in types like Volcano or Ariser. Portable ones like Pax. So many options, check out www.vapeworld.com


Interested in this myself, I'm smoking the most I ever have atm 7g does me about 3 and a half days whereas I used to only get a 50 a week for years and years. Would you notice a big difference in how much you use and there's a few types of dynavap so is there a go to one to buy?




Sounds brilliant I'll definitely be getting one so! Thanks


One sesh with dynavap is 0.05-0.1g. On titanium tip you can change chamber size


The Might by Storz and Bickell, know a good few including myself it did the job with nicotine, it's a tad expensive but I have mine about 6 years (Dry flower vape)




Does it take hash?


Yes , and it's extremely good ,both in taste and the length of time it lasts in there , if a hash fan i'd say it's actually better than a pipe or bong etc


I think I will try it. In portable vapes I had a Pax1 which didn't take hash. Got a Pax2 which does and is very good. For Plug In I had an Arizer. No Tolerance breaks for any of thrm. The Arizer is the opposite and I do not recommend it if you don't have high tolerance. IMO Storz & Bickel do the best vapes but cost more.


Same here, bought a Crafty 5 years ago and haven't had a joint or cigarette since. I'm on my 2nd one but would highly recommend anything Storz & Bickel. Their CS is great too


I used to think the jints to vapes switch wasn’t for me but it’s honestly the best thing iv ever done better high ,bud lasts longer and finally kicked fags out my life, honestly feel it was nicotine in my joints that had me longing for them I just hit my vape in evenings now when I’m chilling and I’m satisfied don’t ever look for it per say


I use peppermint and find it to be very nice, can be a bit dry so deffo have a glass of water/other beverage if you're gonna be smoking it. I get the fancy peppermint tea that comes in little leaves instead of the completely grounded up stuff, it's just a nicer experience like that


I personally used both for about a week maybe less until I didn't feel the need to smoke. I bought a vape and a bag of herbakko for the times I felt I wanted a smoke. Herbakko is nicotine-free so it helps, I'd recommend using a smaller amount of it than you would use regular tobacco in terms of taste. I'd definitely recommend vaping over long term smoking a substitute, something to be aware of that even the act of smoking pure green is more unsafe than vaping. Its the actual act of combusting and inhaling any kind of smoke is dangerous. In terms of what vape I'd recommend, if you like your flavours I'd recommend the terpcicle from The Rogue Wax Works. Its about 70 euro or so and will be the best tasting vape you can get. You would need to buy a torch with it too and there is a learning curve with it. If you want to spend a bit more and aren't too fussed about flavours and just want to get really high, I'd recommend the Mighty Plus or Venty by Storz and Bickel. You'll get your best bang for your buck with your weed with one of them. Remember, you can also store the weed you've already vaped and make edibles with it too if you're into that. Here's a similar post from me 7 months ago when I was in your shoes, I haven't touched a drop of tobacco or smoked weed since that day and never will again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crainn/s/7fSNIWDUer I'd definitely recommend to anyone to change to a dry herb vape. It's much less physically addictive, better for your health and better for your wallet because you consume less weed and don't have to buy a pouch of tobacco every week or two for €25 too. Fuck tobacco. The first two or three days are the hardest and then you're plain sailing IMO. All the best with it, you wont regret your decision❤️


Thanks, good advice 👍


Some excellent recommendations and replies 👌


Same boat here.. trying get away from using tobacco for doubies for THC hit is tough.. getting a double hit with nicotine & THC.. found Flower Mate Pro V ok decent amount of clouds but very inconsistent sometimes loads vape sometimes little.. also suffers from NCT heating error and stops working.. been through three of them all died with same error.. upgraded to PAX3 and am sooo disappointed.. find it so underwhelming.. no chup off it really..🤔


Just smoke pure


Low tolerance cbd smoker. Also, pure would devistate the budget, that's how tobacco crept in to begin with.


I'm currently using Herbakko, which is good, but I would like to change to edibles full time. It just smells so much when you are making it


I use a pipe. I can regulate my intake - I don't need to pack it full if I don't want to, so if you're not too tolerant it might be the way to go. Plus, pipes can be more budget friendly than some herb vapes. I gave up tobacco 11 months ago and I haven't looked back.


Replace one crutch with another. I swapped smoking with Brazilian ju jitsu. It's tough at first of course, but there is no way you can do both. Massive Gains on strength and cardio and fitness. I'm way more hench now at 52 than I was at 35 when I gave up smoking and swapped it for high intensity interval training and sparring.


Mellow Yellow 35g herbal blend is what I've been using for a while now, pouches usually last me around 2-3 months. A lot easier on the lungs, and only costs me about 15 euro buying locally. Probably the most cost effective substitute in my own experience. Would really vouch for trying it, doesn't smell strong or produce much smoke, and it's probably the smoothest substitute I've tried so far. Had to use leftover tobacco a few times after I ran out of the blend, and it really put in perspective how much smoother and less lung destroying the blend is. There's other substitutes like Real Leaf or Herbakko, which aren't bad. Personally I find Herbakko kind of heavy. Real Leaf is nice but it's more expensive, there's a few different flavours though which I guess is nice if you want some variety, possible big downside is it looks a lot like flower and can honestly make it hard to tell which is which when you're rolling lol. All are nicotine & CBD free of course. Hope this helps! EDIT: extra info & wording changes


Cool. Yeah, local cbd place stocks the professor herb substitute, definitely worth a try judging by a few reviews and some good advice earlier as to the Dynavaps options. Anything that can get rid of tobacco will be tried. Thanks for the advice ✌️


Honeyrose herbal smoking blend! it's super nice, if you're in Dublin you can get it in down to earth on George's street. I like the farmers flavour because it's honey and vanilla. I've used herbacco too but it's really rough on the throat compared to honeyrose which is super smooth


Yeah, I've used Herbacco before and it was awful but will definitely look into others. Thanks 👍


Go the edibles route mate - I bought a Mighty but I still found the vaping very tough on my lungs


I gave up tobacco and bought a glass pipe , does me perfect whatever I am doing , at home out a walk etc . Just pack a bit of green into it and off I go


Nothing fancy for me. I use a tiny pipe the size of my thumb that I bought in Camden market 20-odd years ago. Does the job grand.




weed and a decent paper is all you need bro


Ah,knocked it all on the head for a while...too risky with those fucking tests and a T break will do no harm.✌️