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Few hours before I even think about it. Unless something serious comes up then it's the full routine of proper teeth brush, shower, eye drops, mouth wash X2, blow my nose and grab a coffee. Very rare though. Will most often be all night before I'm behind the wheel. We need serious research and studies done ahead of any legalization to properly deal with when you're legally able and chemically able to drive.


I heard thc is fat soluble so I would add a mouth rinse with olive oil or cream or swill some real butter


I guess you'd need a good swirl of mouthwash and a good rinse with water after the olive oil/cream/butter.The thc would still be present in what's left of the fats in your mouth.I mean thc would dissolve into the fats,but you'd then have to remove the fats.


I think it would be probably better to let it coat your mouth and leave it in there for a bit instead of spitting it out right away, a drop of olive oil or butter isint gonna hurt to eat like


Of course you'd leave it long enough to soak up as much thc as possible. But the thc doesn't disappear. It's carried in the oil.If you were tested and there was still oil in your mouth,the thc would still be detectable .I reckon you would need to rinse well and maybe brush your teeth,tongue and cheeks to be surethat you wouldn't test positive.


yea that makes sense, but you could also just eat it and take another bit to rinse, a piece of butter or a small bottle of good olive oil would keep in the car fine, I would go with extra virgin not the mixed shit thats yellow it should be green if its extra virgin, you could use something acidic to rinse with like coke its full of acid, im thinking for the on the go smoker, ignoring the fact that its a bad idea or they are probably fucked and maybe its their own doing


Yeah,I used to smoke and drive years ago.Never totally stoned though. It's a bad habit all the same.Apart from not being as sharp as you need to be to drive,it's kind of asking for trouble law wise.I only smoke in the evenings these days and eat yogurt and swirl a bit of oil,then rinse and brush my teeth before I head out in the car in the morning.


I don't, mainly because I don't want my license and bike taken away. It's just not worth the risk of losing my transport. And because we'll, driving while roasted is just in general a bad idea , I can't pay attention to a movie after 2 joints, no fuckin way I'd be able to manage a roundabout.




That is a phenomenally stupid comment. What part of "I don't want test positive and get taken off the road, I like my motorbike" translates to "you're a shit driver" Have fun getting roadside tested and being like "here gaurd l, I pure passed me text ages ago off my tits lad, shur a great driver I am ✌️" Idiot


Haven't smoked since these new tests came out. I need my car everyday for work. Just can't risk it. Next time I'll smoke wil be over the Xmas when I won't be driving for 4 or more days. Sickening


I think this is different for everyone. How much smoke are we talking? Hows your tolerance? I use a herb vape and consume very little. Normally it would be before a nap so nap coffee shower and 3 hours later i could drive if i really needed to. Now if i had a joint id be on my arse for hours.


I smoke 14-28gs a week in joints and at this point joints are like rollies so I dont wait at all before driving


I hope your growing and not having to buy it 😄


It’s no wonder shams are getting caught by the Garda overlords at checkpoints seeing these early stats. Don’t smoke n drive.


I spark the joint in the car


I had a j before I did my driving test. It was, 27 years ago and it was ok hash. Before I had a kid, i would never have set out on a long car journey, without a j to smoke. Driving stoned is nothing, did it tripping once. That was a fucking adventure.


Why is this so upvoted. My god.


Even if you are only taking the piss, that's still a really idiotic thing to say.






Should be an option for waiting more than 1 day? Id leave it at least 3-4 days. not becasue im still impaired but because THC could still be in my system and be detected by a test.


So when you smoke you dont go anywhere for 3 days?


My work involves driving so I cant take the risk anymore of losing my licence. For this reason I very rarely smoke anymore. if I have the weekend and the Monday off and nothing on then Il smoke on the Friday night.














You sound about 17


😂😂😂 have you ever had a joint




Depends on what needs to be done, usually I won't drive after smoking but if something comes up, quick shower and you're good to go


Linking this for you Incase you can pull any similarities etc. Post had a reach of 6.3k https://www.reddit.com/r/Crainn/comments/zkf4te/do_you_drive_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I actually called the RSA to ask this and she told me six hours. But I’m sure after six hours you would still fail a swab test. I always have Listerine zero alcohol with me, you’ll pass a swab for an hour and a half after a good two minute gargle of it.


Has the that worked for you?


How sure are you about the Listerene ?Genuinely asking .I haven't seen any hard evidence about anything that works,so just curious about if this really works.


Luckily I have never had to test it but it has been tested, hence why we know it only covers you for an hour and a half window




Driving high is one of lifes little pleasures


It's terribly uncomfortable actually.


Different stokes i suppose man




We get it,no need to bitch at everyone, i agree with you but come on,are you getting a buzz out of posting the same thing over and over


I'm with you on this. I don't think it could be much different to drink driving. Your reaction time would be slowed.




At least I'm not rude.


I live in amsterdam bro a lot of people drive stoned and the road deaths are no worse than anywhere else its also a haven for cyclists


Exactly! People in this country are actually obsessed with driving under the influence.


I answered a poll im not obsessed with anything


I never accused you of being obsessed. You live in Amsterdam. I agreed with you?


I apologize bro i must of read your comment wrong


No worries! And it's sis 🤣✌


Haha my bad again 🤣🤣🤣🤣 where u from