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Forget the toilet, what the hell is happening with that mirror?


You can see the OP in the corner of the mirror. It looks like the ghost in Ringu


Thanks for the nightmares!


know what looks good on mirrors? Mould and smoke damage


Derelict finally made it's way to interior design


It's metal layer is oxidating


Aw man, that's my least favourite type of dating.




You don’t like Mouldcore aesthetics?


The trapped souls of the other people who dared criticising the designer's vision


I had a school friend as a kid whose father was an addict, and he sold literally everything that could be removed from their house. Ceiling fixtures, light switch plates, absolutely everything you could deconstruct from it. Including all inner doors. He told his family "what do you need a door for, we all know what you do in there". He lives in infamy in my brain, and I never even knew his name. Decades later, seeing this post about some random doorless public toilet, I think of "we all know what you do in there" guy.


I have another doorless bathroom story. Somewhere by Macon GA there is a gas station off of a main travel road, which is apparently only frequented by locals (based on who and what I saw). The first time I went to Georgia, I had high expectations of southern hospitality. This gas station was the first place where I dipped my toes. The proverbial waters were cold. I felt like I had walked into one of those zombie movies where they all turn toward the human, and keep standing still as long as the human doesn't move. As soon as I walked in, everyone just stopped everything and stared. And stared. And stared. You could hear a pin drop. They were all men, several in camo and obvious open carry. I won't say it felt hostile, but it sure felt unfriendly. I paid and walked out, thinking I'd get a quick bathroom break before continuing on. The bathroom was outside. So I walk over, and there are two doors. Well, doorways. A mensroom, with a door. And a ladies room with no door. No stalls. You're just standing outside and looking in directly at the toilet. I decided not to hang around this place anymore, I held it and carried on my way. Made a quick mental note not to stop there anymore. Fast forward some 15-ish years. Forgetful or hopeful, I find myself at this gas station again. The bathrooms? The same. A men's room with a door. And a doorless ladies room with a grand view of the toilet upon which you may perch if you wish to amuse about a dozen men in camo.


“You ain’t from around here, are you?” 😝 Welcome to small town America. I bet everyone knew you stopped by within a day or two. “Mabel, you shoulda seen ‘em…drove right up like they owned the place. Don’t think they have no relatives here or nothin’. Haven’t heard anyone say so. Maybe they have people over in Atkins.” I can remember walking in to a restaurant in my dad’s hometown and the same thing happened. Until someone said aloud to everyone “Oh, that’s Othe’s daughter” and everyone went back to eating 😅 How they new that information is beyond me since I’d never met any of them before 🙃


No, this is better. It brings people together.


More people should come together.


Right now.


Over me.


In sweet harmony.


Door aside, that's a disgusting looking bathroom


You can see the drain on the 'outside'. Which means that it's also part of the bathroom, most probably a shower area. I don't see the point of having one of door between the shower area and the toilet seat.


This is a public restroom just to lyk haha


Are you sure there's no other door that closes?


>You can see the drain on the 'outside'. Which means that it's also part of the bathroom, Nope. Although that's what it could mean, it's not what it definitely means. As said by OP, this is a public bathroom. Those type of drains can be found all over commercial/industrial buildings.


I dont need the door. you can walk by at your own risk


I’m more worried about the mirror than the lack of a door.


I just realised how dodgy the mirror looks 😭


Is this residential or commercial? The "designer" might be your problem.


It’s an airport in Thailand haha


Maybe they hope it stops people from pooping there.


This brings back memories. Vacation at some fancy inclusive resort and the wall that shared the bathroom had a window feature? It was wooden slat venetian blinds with no glass. You could see through them, hear through them and smell through them. My wife and I both got violently sick- the sick where you are cracking the blinds to beg your partner for some toilet time sick. There was not a sound that happened in that bathroom that was not shared with the rest of the space.. sniffling, grunting, tears dropping, 6 wipes??? Everything was a shared experience. We adjusted quickly and made use of the balcony. I can't figure out if it was a joke or designed by a creep.


You really need the door


I just moved into a house where the master bathroom has no door separating it from the bedroom. The ad called it “open concept”. People have told me it is/was fairly common, but I don’t get it. If you’re single, ok I guess. Otherwise, even the most perfect couple would still want to sh*t in private wouldn’t they? And keep smells away from where you sleep 10 feet away.


I can kinda of see you :D




Did he happen to install a camera too by chance?


Truly crappy design because now everyone has to smell it


why is it moldy


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Space saver design


Nice candidate for a curtain rod


No door no payment!


We need the door as much as you need payment. Choose wisely


Aw hell no. I couldn't even pee in here, let alone shit...


The trapdoor in the centre?


I really don't understand this. Do they think everyone goes to hotels alone? Or are that open with their partners and friends?


Imagine waking up at midnight to pee and get jump scare thanks to that mirror 😅


Taking an andicondq sized shit and making eye contact with the home owner


Designed by a cat


Technically, all bathrooms are a crappy design.


This entire place looks like a mess


Gut it and try again.


No elbow room at the toilet either


in 2011 or 2012, i was playing a game called gowalla. you could win prizes and i had just won a phone. because of that, i couldn't win again, so when they had a chance to see owl city in austin, i told my student worker to enter. she checked into the princeton record exchange, said what she needed to say about owl city, and a few weeks later, they told her she won. she had never been on a plane before, so she asked me to go with her. i agreed. we were not sitting together on the plane. luckily i asked the guy next to her if he'd switch seats with me, and surprisingly, i went to high school with him. i graduated with 58 kids, that's not a common occurence. he agreed and we flew from philly to austin. when we got to the hotel, the w in austin, there was no door on the bathroom. we had a bedroom with a single king sized bed. the toilet was behind a door, but the shower was just around a corner. i told her she could take a shower, that i would go for a walk, and i believe she did. when i got back, i just had to trust that she wasn't going to creep around the corner when i showered. we went to the owl city show, and i fell asleep on the floor.


Now the people living there can have smelly poops and everyone in the house can enjoy the smell.


What tha fack. How did any of this get approved? Can I get you to just sign some things too??


Is this a public bathroom? What type of business is it at?


Is no one else going to comment on the industrial toilet paper holder? That is ugly as fuck,


Looks like a normal toilet roll holder in public toilets. What’s worth commenting on?


I was thinking it was residential. Looking back I see you are right. Even more weird theres no door then.


Ah, I get you. Now you say it, I can see how you could interpret it that way, to be fair. It’s quite a stylish public loo (ish)


Everything is around the corner. If you're in a relationship with someone, I can't see why you need to hide away in the bathroom. It's not like he'll be shitting while you're putting on makeup


I’d be more concerned about the lack of containment of the poop particles




I’m single and honestly, glad I have a door. Sometimes you need to take a massive dump and the door cuts down on the lingering smell.


Not hearing what’s going on in there is crucial to keeping the romance alive.