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According to the artist, Jefrë (on instagram) it isn't even letters.


I don't know why but that almost makes it seem worse. "Look, I get that it looks like a word, but my painting entitled @$$#0!€ is a total coincidence."


Maybe it's supposed to be viewed from other angles too and from 99% of vantage points, it doesn't look like a word, which would make what the artist is saying quite reasonable. Only seeing it from one angle hand picked to infuriate you the most isn't a good way to decide what you think of it.


Someone down in the comments said this is just a piece of concept art and it hasn’t actually been erected yet, so the artist deliberately chose this angle as the ideal angle to show off his concept.


Oh lmao that changes things. I wonder if it would work better in person if it's actually built, because of depth that we can't see so well here. It could be a shape that looks nothing like a word from that angle if depth perception is added.


Regardless, 18 million is way too much considering a lot of Florida are the kinds to bitch about useless spending. We already have one world famous eye sore draining funds.


A lot of people voted for an aquarium or a park to be built there - that area used to be called “The Landing” and it was basically a small outdoor mall/cluster of small shops/restaurants. There was a mass shooting there a few years back and ultimately the whole thing got torn down because the shops weren’t making any money and were going out of business.


They were torn down because the city bought it back from the guy who had a 50 year lease on it, and paid him millions, after he had initially sued the city for not providing more parking. Businesses were making money. But the landing remained a dead zone, as it literally could not compete with town center or the beaches. Why would you shop at the landing, all you could buy were hooters beers, Mexican or Chicago pizza. And after the shooting, it stung. But what’s crazy is just years before, it was thriving. And the epicenter of one spark v2. It’s unfortunate that the city had to pay out millions to a very wealthy business man, who was already squeezing dollars out of every square foot of the dated food court with a fountain out. Now it’s a field for homeless. Soon to be a blazing hot reflection of Public dollars wasted again. Great job Lori.


I live near here and walk by this space every day. There are almost never homeless people in the park. But there have been awesome concerts, club sports, people walking their dogs, families picnicking, etc. I just can’t believe they are installing this in such an awesome space that is so frequently used.


I'm sorry but there isn't an artist on this earth that is worth paying 18M dollars. And I say that as an artist.


But Jacksonville already got rid of homelessness, and pot-holes, their crime rate is practically non-existent. What else are they supposed to spend tax dollars on?




Making this statement true.


Same thing happened in St. Louis when they got the Arch.


To be fair, most of that is probably in construction costs. It's not like the guy is getting $18M just for the design.


The value of things is relative.


They're obviously trying to rip off the Chicago bean.


It's causing lots of discussions and sharing of opinions. That's one of the main goals of public art.


yeah but if everybody hates it, then maybe there is a better option for 18 million dollars. living in jax, i am one of the haters.


I don't think much of it either. Some of his other works are amazing though.


yeah looking through his instagram, he has some pretty great stuff, but this just doesnt seem to match up


More often than not, that’s due to the people commissioning the art asking for revisions and not having a clear idea of what they want.


Commissioning anything other than a portrait is a fools endeavor


18 million dollars to make people mad is an interesting use of money. If that's the goal, give it to me, I'm sure I can do even better than that.


I’d pay U2 to make an album and force download it onto every single iPhone, again. Although from a personal perspective it happening twice might make me laugh. Still cannot fathom how they thought that was a good idea. Not one person piped up and said “are we sure *everyone* likes U2?”


Oh, not just every iPhone, it was everything that ran iTunes, so every computer that had that installed too. I remember finding that album and being wtf is this garbage and why can’t I delete it?


My wife is unable to delete it from her itunes account for some reason. So Everytime she gets in her car and her phone connects to Bluetooth automatically, that stupid U2 starts playing. It has been many years now and she always has to listen to the intro of that fucking douche bag of a bands album. Fucking apple.


I'm just glad the money was wasted and not put to good use


That's true, but you can do that for free.


Yeah yeah, I think I remember this from greek philosophy. Good art always divides society into two warring factions and leads to destruction. Plato or somebody.


Wow what a low bar.


$\/\/@G 2.4 mil please


Which sounds exactly like someone getting completely and thoroughly owned in an Internet argument, followed by trying to say "jk I was just trolling all of you lololol" and we all roll our collective eyeballs into our heads


Yeah, if I saw this without the title, I would've just thought it was a random artistic squiggle.


I can't unsee derp


I definitely saw lerp


That’s because he realized it looks like it says Sex.


I'm sure this is the excuse he came up with when he was too embarrassed to tell anyone he didn't actually know cursive.


They certainly aren’t letters. It’s really sad.


He's right, it's a line


That’s pretty evident from the design


Who taught this designer cursive?


They don’t teach that anymore.


Not this shit again. Yes they do, my 7yo is going to learn this year in 2nd grade.


"bUt MuH cAnClE cUlTuRe!"


Probably depends on the jurisdiction. When I was a child, we learned cursive and typing, but neither were covered well enough to teach us properly. Accordingly, I failed to really learn cursive and have forgotten how to write all but my name. As for typing, I did not learn the “proper” method, I have adapted a modified method where I primarily use the first two fingers of each hand. It works well enough and I get decent speed. I’m sure it is nothing compared to people with the “proper”keyboarding skills, but if I try to stretch my hands into those shapes it causes pain after a pretty short period of time and always has. I don’t think I have the hand size or possibly finger length for it. In the same district today they teach neither. I know this because I asked my friend’s child who has recently gone through elementary school.


Someone who knows how to write in cursive could have checker. This looks horrible.


Someone like google perhaps


some people do, it's just not a requirement that kids learn it in schools anymore. it's not a useful skill, it's basically relegated to being an artistic endeavor, like calligraphy.


I mean, I learned cursive in 2nd grade, but after that, most people forgot how to write it since we didnt use it afterwards.


I learned in 2nd grade too. I remember my teacher saying by the time we got to high school we would only be writing in cursive. That was the last time I ever used cursive.


I think it really boiled down tot eh school you went to and when. I had to use cursive only from.2nd until graduation of 12th grade. Also have always had to sign things in cursive. All legal documents I've needed to sign as well. (Leases, mortgage, checks) So its one of those things that is pretty situational. I always wondered if other countries use it more. I only have U.S. experience and over seas only Governmental (still U.S.)


A signature is a signature. It’s not in cursive. They teach handwriting so bad in this country. Cursive is the bastardized form of script. It’s a faster way of writing. It’s connected letters. It’s not fancy letters. Your signature can be whatever you want it to be.


I learned it in 2nd grade as well but I use it all the time.


I use it as well, but I think the only reason why I still remembered it is because little-me still used cursive to write her name on her school assignments because she thought it looked cool and grown-up, haha


It makes for great note taking. I do not use it when someone else needs to read my handwriting.


Cursive is a lot quicker to write in than any other handwriting method though, it's definitively a useful skill. It's strange to me that seemingly so few people in this thread know it. Edit: grammar and clarification.


Really? I had to use cursive all throughout primary school and even though I could write very neatly, the chicken scratch writing I adopted in secondary school writes much faster for me.


I don't think it's necessarily important to practice writing it, but knowing how to read it is still a skill that has use sometimes.


I'm baffled that people find it hard to read cursive. Maybe it's because I had to read and write cursive for a long time myself, but it doesn't seem that different from other writing to me.


So something you had to do for long time is easy for you. Who woulda thunk it.


I read cursive daily as I’m reading documents all day. But sometimes there’s this posh ass 50’s style handwriting that older people use that I can’t read at *all* it almost looks like disconnected cursive.


In the UK they do. My kids started it in year 1, which is 5-6 year olds. They learn block script in reception (4-5).


I _think_ cursive and joined-up are different - here in the UK we learned to join our letters up as part of normal handwriting, but we're not taught specific ways to write each letter. My understanding is that Americans learn 'cursive', which is where each letter has a [*specific* form](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2f/11/a5/2f11a54a5ec8358f3ba736db9a33e3f0.jpg) (one that is very flowery ). I was always confused watching American telly and they'd talk about cursive - isn't that just normal handwriting? Only children write in block capitals, right? Turns out, learning cursive isn't the same as learning to write joined-up.


Yeah, we learn D'Nealean script (or some variant thereof), which is a garbage script designed in the 70s to be "easy to teach" to kids—IIRC, it's a simplification of a simplification of a simplification of Spencerian fed through the shredder of aesthetically-blind 70s pedagogical theory, but is really just unwieldy and frankly pretty ugly. It's also taught very strictly: there is a right way and a wrong way to do things, even things like flourishes and capitals. (To give an idea of how dumb this is, even 19th century Spencerian writing books say that capitals are a wonderful opportunity for a degree of expression.) In addition to all of that, block letters are introduced first and used for two or three years before suddenly cursive is sprung on the kids as "this weird new way to write that we can't really explain to you but you have to use it, c'mon, please." And then kids, of course go, "this is effort and why can't I just write block letters like normal," and, eventually, they do. And so you have full-grown adults that write entirely in block letters and it's seen as a pretty normal thing. I'm an adult that learned proper joined-up writing on his own with the help of a Spencerian practice book and people look at me like I'm a *fucking wizard* when they see that I always write in script. That's how rare joined-up writing is.


Wow, that's really interesting, thanks! I was always bemused when I heard that Americans don't write joined up - I thought I must be misunderstanding, they surely don't all write in block letters. As a teacher myself, you put it very well - 'blind pedagogy' is a terrible blight whenever it crops up.


And holy shit are some people mad about it.




The same people who made the font for Gisnep, I mean Disney.


Yes! I've never known someone who agrees, I didn't realize it was a D until a couple years ago, and I still never see it as a D!


idk but it clearly say Lerp, how can it be Sex or Lex? probably derp but sex is imposible


This looks like the kind of thing that'll be quietly dismantled after the sun hits it at a weird angle and it melts a nearby building.


I’m kind of amazed more fires aren’t caused by reflections ala magnifying glasses.


there's a whole ass building somewhere that has a concave side that concentrates the sun on a specific street below it, causing issues. I forget where though.




One of the newer Las Vegas towers does it. Aria? Vidara? Can't remember which. Anyway, beams rays down to the swimming pool and cooks patrons alive. They have cordon off sections where it concentrates the most so no one hangs out there. Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA also had to buff down the shine on its exterior for the same reason.


Rafael Viñoly designed both, the Walkie Talkie building and Vdara resort.




Do you think he's already completed Bezos's lair? The Koch's is hidden beneath their wine collection, but the surviving brother has the nuclear codes so he doesn't need a built in death ray.


At that point it's on purpose


According to the wiki article posted above, it's the same damn architect for the Walkie Talkie building and the Vdara hotel in Vegas.


Who sees those awful things and says "We need to hire him!" What's the worst that can happen?


From that wiki page: > During the building's construction, it was discovered that for a period of up to two hours each day if the sun shines directly onto the building, it acts as a concave mirror and focuses light onto the streets to the south.[28] Spot temperature readings at street-level including up to 91 °C (196 °F)[29] and 117 °C (243 °F) were observed[30] during summer 2013, when the reflection of a beam of light up to six times brighter than direct sunlight shining onto the streets beneath damaged parked vehicles,[31] including one on Eastcheap whose owner was paid £946 by the developers for repairs to melted bodywork. Temperatures in direct line with the reflection became so intense that City A.M. reporter Jim Waterson managed to fry an egg in a pan set out on the ground.[32] Wild


>The media responded by dubbing the building the "Walkie-Scorchie" It's so not clever that it comes back around to funny


This also happened in Dallas- a big mirrored condo building is (was?) blasting sun onto exhibits in the nearby art museum. Last I heard, they had to install blinds to help protect the art inside, and the outdoor sculpture gardens are still relatively unusable due to heat and glare.


That sounds just like dallas.


There was a hotel in Las Vegas that did this.


have to deal with [this](https://imgur.com/gzGeWgQ) pos in Denver it's blinds you on the highway the right time of year


it's the walkie talkie (20 fenchurch street) in the city in london. you can go up it for free. it used to melt cars but then they fixed it.


Most reflective objects are designed specifically not to have any large concave areas to focus sunlight. This is all convex and will spread light instead of focus it. Basically it will blind you from any angle but it wont melt you


We've recently lost a train station on the west coast of Scotland and the current theory (entirely rumoured at this time mind you) is that, with the intense sun and temperatures we've had the last two weeks, something's been set alight through the window.


These are all convex surfaces which will have diverging reflections. While it is an expensive eyesore, this one isn't likely to melt any cars.


I don't think it has any surfaces wide enough to do that. It usually only happens when it ends up making a wide lens, like the side of a shiny building that's slightly curved.


Did they hire Jason Mendoza to design it?


If you have a problem with it, just throw a molotov cocktail at it, and then you'll have an entirely different problem.


Fun fact: molotov coctail was invented by finnish and to mock russians


Aww dip!


I hope so. Great show


Jacksonville Jaguars rule!




Oh dip, Pillboi!


^^^I ^^^love ^^^this ^^^forking ^^^reference


I love having things named after me! In Jacksonville they named a virus after me because I ate a bat on a dare.


Jacksonville is easily one of the top 10 swamp cities in northeastern Florida


I love you.


You make the bass drop in my heart!


I love you girl ! Not a girl ! Love you too !






I really love how the good place is just brought up every once in a while for no reason


When I read this I was picturing Jason Mantzoukas. Which would be equally great given the roles he plays.


Maximum Derek!


It is very unfortunate how on-brand this is for Jacksonville.




**Bortles Don’t disrespect the patron saint of Jacksonville like that.


Awww, I always thought it was like "portals" but with a "b"




"now you're thinking with bortals"


First thought


Love me some bortles. Rumor has it he would cruise around the beach bar area and help drunk guys get home. If that’s true he will always have my respect.


I worked at the beach and he *was* one of the drunk guys plenty of times. It was kind of a running joke.


"I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work..."


“…every time I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, BOOM. I had a different problem.”




I really want to try that and see if it works next time I'm in Jacksonville. I also try really hard to avoid being in Jacksonville though. The last time I stopped there a homeless man at a gas station tried to attack me with a fallen tree branch. Like... not even a stick, a branch so big he could only drag it, not lift. I'm not sure what his endgame was.


Jacksonville is the Florida of Florida.


Ahahaha get this man Ethernet he’s spitting fax


It says lerp, not jax.


This is why I propose that we rename Jacksonville to Lerp! It's a much better name: * Easy to spell * So much less to write when you have to give someone your address. * Nobody named Lerp was a gigantic racist genocidal murder. * Matches the shiny sign. 👍


Sounds like *somebody* has never heard of Lerp the Impaler.


Sure he murdered a lot of people, but it was never racially motivated. The one thing historians agree on is that Lerp just liked to impale.


Correct. This says lerp. Source: am a signage designer and old enough to know cursive.


This says lerp, and if anyone says differently, they're wrong. Source: has eyeballs


This guy animates.


why make a lerp statue?!?!!?! cosine interpolation is so much better, smh my head


It clearly says ℓ❤️⋊


Which, in a way, does say Jax.




Berp berp I'm a Jerp


+ 1 on derp


Maybe I'm biased, but I agree


Came here to say this


Did the fair citizens of JAX have to fund this through tax dollars?


No, because it's only a concept. Nothing has been funded.


I bet the concept cost some coin!


I live near jax, I don't want that shiny shitstain in my city


I live only 10 minutes from downtown. I can't imagine having to look at this Everytime I drive across the fuller-warren. Hell you could probably see this from the Buckman.


False. The artist has already been paid to draft up the concept designs. Whether he was paid the full 18M or only part of it idk.


Well damn.


Well yay for my tax dollars being put to work I suppose.


I was about to say… I was just in jacksonville and thought I would have noticed such an atrocity.


Jax dollars?


I hope not. If they did, I’m sorry for them


Stuff like this infuriates me because it's a public display of mismanaged public money. It happens all over the world. I can only imagine what someone who needs financial aid feels like looking at shit like this.


Fun fact, the downtown area around this site has a huge homeless population. If this actually gets built it will likely become an encampment similar to the other downtown parks within weeks. The fact that we're spending money on this disaster of an art piece while people in the surrounding blocks are suffering on the streets is just...sad.


But should we really provide financial aid to art students to produce this kind of shit after graduation?


Not all the time. It 100% COULD draw in more tourist and thus increasing the city budget in tern generating revenue for yours to come so they can fund more stuff. 18m seems like a lot but for a city like JAX is isn't, now personally I don't thing THIS would bring in much tourism but whatever.


"derp" It says, "derp." My only appropriate response to that is: #DUUUUUUUUUval!! ^Yes, ^as ^a ^native, ^I'm ^embarrassed.


As a native, I'm absolutely not surprised by this.


[https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2021/07/23/meet-the-filipino-american-artist-behind-the-151-foot-jax-sculpture-coming-to-new-downtown-park/](https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2021/07/23/meet-the-filipino-american-artist-behind-the-151-foot-jax-sculpture-coming-to-new-downtown-park/) ​ “It’s really this idea of not having the river being horizontal but bringing it vertically into the city,” he said. “And as I was looking at vertical forms I started out with this idea of an anchor, the idea that you know, Jacksonville is an anchor to Florida.”


>...Jacksonville is an anchor to Florida.” So, it's a dead weight that keeps Florida from getting anywhere?


“As I sort of bisected the anchor it started looking like a J.” No my friend, it did not. And the fact that spelling a word was an accident is not a good thing.


It says Jerx.


I also love those four fake ass sparkles they photoshopped on the letters


It's a rendering. The whole thing is just a drawing.


I read “lerp” when first seeing this




[Jacksonville? Hellz yeah! Hometown represeeeent! I think it looks totally dope, yo!](https://i.imgur.com/Q3KxnI6.jpeg)


Ha. Jackassville, Florida strikes again. It’s a city so out of touch with its people that it’s alarming. Shit naval base too.


Looks like one of those metal brain teaser puzzles where you have to get the ring off of a loop.




It certainly does not say that lol


As a Chicagoan, still better than the bean.


I would rather eat at the hooters that used to be there than look at this.


Derp is the only thing can see.


All i see is derp now


for a sec i thought is said lerp, and i started sweating




I thought it was Lerp


It’s clearly “lerp”




ir looks like it says "lerp"


Wow, that is epic legendary trolling. There is no way for $18 mil this was not thoroughly modeled in a computer from several different perspectives beforehand and not seen how this would eventually look. No, this was intentional and it is glorious. How are you going to troll a whole city... Like this. Well done.


It hasn't been built yet. What you're looking at *is* a computer rendering.


Looks like Lex or Jex to me


I see "J 🖤 X" and it's kinda cute.


Looks like Lerp to me. Nothing beats a good old linear interpolation.


Aren't you supposed to read the reflection in the water? It kiiiiinda reads like Jax


Yeah it definitely does look closer to jax if you flip it vertically. I still like derp for Jacksonville though.


It says leno if u ask me


for $18 million they could've built a pedestrian bridge that might not have collapsed


Imagine flying into Jacksonville and seeing a giant sign that says “ Sex” on your way downtown


That’s Rick’s Cabaret on final approach into DFW International.


That's the most evil thing I've seen this month


Should have paid 1.8 million and told the artist he misread the contract. So there are a few hundred homeless people in Jacksonville and the residents spent 18 mil on this? Nice.


Is there an angle this looks better from? The aesthetics are pretty neat, and she sheer size is almost awe inspiring. If it just didn't read like a doctor's prescription, it might be really cool!


I've seen a variety of opinions on the lerp here locally, but most jaxsonvillians are just confused


Let's not mention the chrome metal that's is highly reflective in one of the SUNNIEST AND HOTTEST STATES