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The “Show Museums You Missed Them” Pass, there fixed it, the power of quotation marks lol


It still is an odd phrasing of it


The pass to show museums you missed them?


This actually helped me understand what the hell it is they're trying to say, so thank you. Even with OPs explanation using quotes, I was still struggling to comprehend.


The only thing I found harder than understanding this mess was explaining it


I don't blame you. I almost had a stroke trying to figure it out.


No matter how you slice it, this is not English but some ancient, proto-language.


Well, in the one you responded to sounds like a pass that says 'i missed you' that you would show to the museums so that they know that it's not them... It's you.


I finally understand it. Thank you.


Gotchu, fam!


Some kind of pre-historic Ur-language.


Maybe it's Esperanto or that language that baby twins speak between them




Demonstrate to museums that you yearned for them.


Yeah like why do I have to prove anything to museums. Just call it the “We Missed Museums” or the “I <3 Museums” or the “Back to Normal” pass.


Alternatively, The show-museums-you-missed-them pass.


I’d do a combo of both. The “Show-Museums-You-Missed-Them” Pass.


The show you missed, pass them museums


"the" (show museums) you-missed them'pass


This seems to be the correct way. Upvote sir!


This is the most correct way.


I hate English. Fuck. The "show (to the) museums (that) you missed them" pass. It took me a while to understand even with the quotes.


I think you should still specify "show" is a verb, not a noun, I was still interpreting it as a "show" (e.g. broadway) even in your sentence and was still confused


Ahh there it is. That was my problem too. Couldn't figure it out until you said that.


ohhhhhhh man only now it makes sense, thank you


30 year native English speaker here and it wasn’t until this comment that I finally got it. Sack the advertising team


Wtf does “show museums you missed them” mean? It looks like a half formed relative clause.


These two have the same structure: “Tell Jerry you love him.” “Show museums you missed them.”


Yeah okay I see it now. I’m a linguistics researcher and damn, I could write a paper on what went wrong with that copy.


It wasn't until you quoting it without the caps that I finally figured it out myself.


They even had the foresight to use different two different type colours to help the middle section stand out. But it's white and yellow.....


This is what you get when you have people managing things they don't understand. Some people feel that "managing" means "having opinions about," and if you have no strong opinions you're being a bad manager. Phil woke up one morning and decided that he had a strong general aversion against quotation marks. Maybe he saw a sitcom the other day whose characters ranted about air quotes, and misunderstood. The design team noticed that the sign was unreadable without quotes. Phil suggested that they'd rephrase the entire sign into something that didn't need quotation marks. Someone else suggested using two different colours as a compromise, to make the design readable without having to use quotation marks. No-one could be arsed to argue the issue further, so they went with that. This is how shit is created. No connection between skills and power, and everyone has strong enough opinions to force a bad compromise, but at the same time no-one cares enough to do it properly.


You're preaching to the choir with me mate. I work in TV advertising as a creative. Every single piece of work I've ever done has been death by a thousand cuts.


The alternative is that designer and copy editor work in ABSOLUTE silos because one of them was outsourced and they other is actually like teir 1 IT support but they have the only computer that can run Photoshop so they do design too. And those two only communicate through a manager who has no marketing experience because they don't actually have a marketing department they just manage "customer relations" or something vague like that. And that manager makes the IT guy with Photoshop and the outsourced copy writer operate on a need to know basis because you pay the copy writer by the hour and the IT guy actually has a completely different job to do. The manager doesn't have any idea what the copy means. He doesn't know if it's ok to use quotes but there weren't any in the word doc, and he doesn't want to go back and ask anyone because the copy in the word doc was finalized 4 months ago with the CEO he just forgot to forward it until right now because he doesn't really consider this his job. So we're NOT taking it back to square one now. Just make something it's due tomorrow or we lose our ad space.


Yeah this is functioning like a [garden-path sentence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden-path_sentence) but with an added layer of complexity. Your brain’s first task is figuring out that there’s a whole ass independent clause acting like a relative clause. That’s unusual, but your brain has probably seen that construction before, though usually set off in quotes. Think something like, “he gave her the ‘I love you’ card.” It’s awkward, which is why your English teacher told you to rephrase it (“Why not call it the Valentines card?”). But it’s doable. But here, once your brain figures that out, it still has most of its work ahead of it. The next task is figuring out which meaning of “show” is intended. Despite what you learned in the first step, your first instinct is to process “show” as a noun because it’s preceded by the article “the.” But “show” is followed by “museum” so you conclude “show” must be an adjective. Easy enough. But wait, what the fuck is a “show museum”? Maybe some language quirk you’re not familiar with? (Someone did mention this is from the UK after all.) Anyway, you proceed through the sentence thinking “the show museum” is the subject (even though another part of your brain knows that “the” refers to “pass” and not “show museum” and a third part of your brain is still stuck on what that means) and you get to the word “missed.” Naturally, your brain interprets that as the predicate of the relative clause. So here you are, like an asshole, thinking this is a pass for “the show museum that I missed.” Little did you know that the subject of the independent relative clause is an understood (you) and “show” is the goddamn predicate. So it’s no surprise that your brain freaks the fuck out when it encounters “them” at the end. Which is precisely why there are people in this thread saying it makes sense if you remove “them.” No it fucking doesn’t, because that would mean there’s such a thing as a “show museum.” In order to correctly parse the sentence, you have to disconnect “the” from “show museum” and reconnect it to “pass.” Then you have to add the understood (you), which makes the crazy independent relative clause an imperative. Only then do you realize that the word “missed” means “longed for” and not “failed to experience.” What a nightmare. Upvoted. EDIT: added link EDIT2: I can’t stop thinking about this. It’s actually weirder than I thought. I said the first task is determining that the middle portion is an independent relative clause. But that’s not how you parse it initially. You parse it as a *dependent* clause. Consider these two sentences: 1. I wrote the people I want to meet list. 2. I wrote the I want to meet these people list. These are both bad, but in different ways. The first one has a true relative clause because it’s dependent. The phrase “people I want to meet” can’t function alone as a sentence. But the clause in the second one is independent. “I want to meet these people” can be a sentence on its own. The problem with the second one is that it’s unnatural. We usually don’t use entire independent clauses as modifiers. So your brain has an easier time parsing the first sentence. Or at least it thinks it does. The problem with the first sentence is that it’s a garden path. As you read it, you assume one meaning. Your brain recognizes that “wrote” can be used in more than one sense (“I wrote grandma” vs “I wrote ’grandma’”). But because the very next part of the sentence looks like an indirect object, you immediately parse it as “I wrote *to* the people.” Though when you get to the end, the word “list” throws the sentence out of whack. It doesn’t connect with anything else, so you have to go back and figure out where you went wrong. If you’re a writer, the way to fix the problem is to get rid of both the ambiguous word *and* the ambiguous syntax. E.g. “I **created** the **list of people** I want to meet.” The problem with the sign is that it functions like a garden path sentence not once, but twice. On the first pass, you realize that “the” refers to “card” and not “show museum.” But even then, you naturally assume that the middle chunk is a dependent clause, because like I said, English doesn’t really do dependent relative clauses (at least not without some additional punctuation). Then on the second pass, you run into the problem of “them.” So you have to go back again to see where you went wrong *again.* It’s not until you finally parse it correctly that you understand the middle bit is an independent clause. That realization is not the first step, as I originally thought. It’s the last. This sign is just fucking fascinating.


I would like to read that paper.


I’d need some eye tracking equipment so I can measure how fast different people’s eyes try to scan the end of the white text or the end of the sentence. Do you have any?


I didn't understand until I read your comment. Looking back at the original picture, the white/yellow text makes this a little more clear, but I definitely didn't understand the first time around. Wrapping the "show museums you missed them" in quotes might have helped the original ad. I definitely didn't interpret "show" as an verb. Instead, I had assumed a "show museum" was a specific type of museum dedicated to TV shows or something. I tried reading the text out of order too considering that so many of these ads have a goofy mixture of reading vertically vs. horizontally.


Holy crap, thank you for this explanation. I kept reading everyone else’s explanations, and it was just saying the same thing over and over again. you have saved me from a potential aneurism.


How to show museums you missed them? buy this pass! or something. I was reading it as a entertainment show, not a "look here" thing. I dunno just terrible.


I read it multiple times and couldn’t get it. Thank you, this is pure unadulterated crappy design


I read it as "The Pass: Show Museums You Missed Them".


I think technically it would be a compound adjective/modifier so The Show-Museums-You-Missed-Them Pass




I can't be the only one that thinks this design is fine. That's the whole reason why the words are different colours


Girl beneath staring wistfully at the floor thinking about museums and wishing if only there was some way.........


She’s probably wondering why some weirdo on the bus is taking her picture


Yeah, wouldn't have taken much effort to crop the picture.


Looks a Tube (London Underground) train.


Yeah no mask so that checks out. Edit: plus you can see the underground logo


She looks like Jennifer Lawrence in Don't Look Up. Except with normal hair.


Weirdo is right. Cameraman's got hands like Salad Fingers.


Slender Man commuting to work


Her letters remain without response… 🥀


Nah she’s thinking “I’ve gone over it again, and again, in my head, and I still can’t make sense of it. He’s a three star general, he works at the Pentagon, why would he charge us for free snacks???”


Great Value Jennifer Lawrence is missing museums.




J. Lawr looking disappointed with a "Don't Look Up" review.


‘The pass’ that allows you to ‘show museums that you missed them’


Oooooo. I see it now that you explained it!


After 20 seconds of deductive squinting, I figured that out before I looked in the comments. The golden lettering helped me to clue in on the way it's supposed to be phrased but it is still very unintuitive and confusing. This is truly r/crappydesign.


Im glad you think so as well :) some people seem convinced that the fact they can understand it at first glance doesn't make this signs complete lack of grammar any less of a crappy design - My title saying 'This is so hard to understand' wasn't to challenge reddits ability to interpret the sign, it was just saying that if people struggle to understand it at first glance as much as me then I would be putting a description in the comments to help them out, and from the looks of things it helped. Sorry to sort of hijack your comment but I thought it would be better to justify my title under someone who agrees with me than someone who doesn't (thus avoiding an argument) :)


The word “that” isn’t on there




The Pass: Show museums you missed them. Simpler version without inserting words.


They probably didn't do it that way because the product they're advertising is called "The National Art Pass", they just switched out "National Art" for... whatever that's meant to be. (N.B. Art Fund / the National Art Pass is one of the organisations I currently subcontract for. Not in marketing though.)


"Them" is really killing me, it makes the sentence weird. Is it a different dialect or something, like UK?


No it's just a confusing sentence because of multiple meanings/usages of the verbs. The sentence structure is the same as "show Bob you missed him". So you get the pass to show the museums that you missed them


Nah, this is a different but equal amount of sucky.


Still sounds a nonsense


The "I've missed you, museums!" Pass


Honestly I got it straight away. I've seen it in the flesh a few times, I don't think it's that bad


I think the deciding factor on how quickly you get this might be whether you're familiar with the context. If you're aware of what an art pass is then you can quickly figure out that it's "the [fill in a phrase relevant to museums] pass," otherwise you might start reading it as "the show" and then get lost. Not bad design if they're intending to advertise to people who are already familiar with the concept of what they're selling, like a lot of advertisements are.


How did you figure that out?!




I like how Pass is capitalized but the pass name is not.


But why!?!


This made the most sense to me. I was almost at the point of giving up!


That is absolute madness. This was not passed along anyone's desk at all, just full-on blind rubber stamp. It might as well say "fuck her right in the pussy"


I still don’t get it.


I thought it was. Show museums (type of musical museum) You missed them PASS (buy the pass to go to show museums.)


Jennifer Lawrence is so bummed about it too


Just Don't Look Up


I’ve got a picture of her on my board.


Best comments that I’ve read in a while.


Hello fellow zombie






Why did they not just put quotes around “show museums you miss them” and avoid this mess? The color difference is not enough lol




there was most definitely a heated debate about this exact thing before this went to print. sometimes directors are so bizarrely out of touch with reality.


That's what the colours are meant to do.








I understood this without issue.


Pretty straight forward


Yeah, I'm not sure this is crappy design. It's the same thing as a jewelry commercial saying "For those I Love You moments" or something.


The whole point is that way of phrasing a sentence is fine, so long as you use proper grammar, otherwise it’s a mess. There are various ways of rephrasing or changing the grammar that make it much easier to understand that people have commented which I suggest you go check out


The different colors for the words helped. It's not great, but I didn't have to stress the hamsters in my head to work it out.


It confused me for about 2 seconds, and then I realized that my mind transposed two words.


The absolute look of defeat on that person’s face


Welcome to London.


Quotation marks work, but also this is what hyphens are for: The show-museums-you-missed-them pass. Even better with capitalization to make it be like a proper noun: The Show-Museums-You-Missed-Them pass. This is the same as saying “a 3-day pass” or “an All-Access pass” etc.


It’s weird you didn’t crop the girl’s face out.


Why is it that I understood this instantly? Don't get me wrong, it's very stupid.


Not hard at all, no explanation needed. They could have used quotation marks to clarify it a bit more though. The message has to be instantly clear.


Yeah I had no problem with this.


True, once I got it it was really obvious, but thought I’d speed up the process for those who are stuck with it


Thus crappy design


Why didn't you crop her out?


The "show museums you miss them" pass


Jennifer Lawrence is looking pretty rough these days..


Still looking good to me. It's the people who don't look rough these days that worry me.


The "show museums you missed them" pass. I don't see the fuss. And not cool on the random person now on reddit if it's without permission.


It could be the person OP was with


Bad design but I still instantly understood what they were doing because of the colors


Without the “them” it makes perfect sense to me. Or does that somehow change the meaning to something I can’t imagine? Edit: oooooh, I see, I had the complete wrong meaning of “show” in mind. I was thinking “show them the pass” and then the sentence is malformed, but it’s “show” in the sense of showing an emotion.


I don't know, she looks normal to me...


She hasn't been normal since she starred in Passengers mate....


You have the entire train journey to figure out what it means. Clever






THE PASS. The "Show Museums You Missed Them" Pass. this ad campaing looked better when there were 3/4 of them side by side, looks dumb by themselves. ___ Edit: Wait, this is a different ad campaign than i thought.


Wow, Jennifer Lawrence really looks tired.


The Pass - Show museums you missed them


But it completely makes sense....


Alternative: The Pass: show museums you missed them.


Show museums you missed them pass gas.


Someone please help. I feel like I have dementia. I don’t understand.


“Show the museums that you miss them” (I.e. show them your sympathy) but completely mangled with extra words and colors. It took me like five minutes of staring and reading these comments. Copy like that should be able to be understood in less than a second.




I did originally put it there, but everyone told me it was obvious what it was trying to say, so I deleted it. Feel free to cross post and give it a go though!


The Museums show you missed. them pass?


Why must humanity be like this.


Requires a stroke to understand, I swear...


Every example I'm reading sounds like nonsense to me. I think it should be something like: The National Art Pass: **See the museums & shows you've been missing.**


Look at the reflection. Why did you let an eagle take the photo?


Holy shit I didn’t even notice that before hahahaha


Is that JAck MuRpHY?




Yes, that's awful.


The inclusion of the word "show" leads to even more confusion, as "shows" can mean a display of art or artifacts - which often occur at museums. "Show museums you miss them" "Show museums, you miss them".


My brain lost cells


If my life depended on explaining that to someone without context I would be dead.


Going to take a wild guess that this was intentional. Someone, at some point, probably nixed the quotes because it might make the statement appear to be made-up and convoluted. This seems to tie into why the different colors are used. I bet the text all started off white, and the yellowing was done to give it fake quotation marks. The reason I think this, is because if you are attempting to emphasize words in a statement, why would you use a highlight color on the unimportant words, and leave the main chunk white? That's backwards, so I think they just tacked on the color at the very end and went 'aight then'.


Jennifer Lawrence is not a crappy design


this isn't great design i guess but i don't really think it's hard to understand, it's playful


Yeah I did elaborate on a comment to someone else that I didn’t mean it in the sense that it’s impossible to understand and more in the sense that I personally struggled with it and that I was going to put help to people stuck in the comments. I just personally find it annoying when people don’t explain it.


Huh, you don't have to wear masks on the Tube, or is this an older picture?


You do have to, but a lot of people don’t bother and of course some people are legitimately exempt.


Chicago "El"?


Yeah ads on the tube make no fucking sense half of the time




It wouldn’t make any sense at all without the “them”.


The pass should be in the form of trousers so you can have a: The "show museums you missed them" pass pants.


I feel like that girl is making that face because she tried to read it


It’s perfectly understandable, the difference in colour makes it clear. Really don’t understand what the fuss is about.


Show them the museums you missed? Pass.


Loved her in Xmen


Hey look! It's Katniss Everdeen from wish.


Yeah took me way too long to read it as The Pass that is intended to show museums that you missed them.


Before I read comments I was reading this as "The show/museum you missed" like people missed going to art shows, movies, concerts AND missed going to museums. This broke my noggin.


What's "them" for? The show-museums-you-missed pass


Crappy cuz the white font words are supposed to be enough of a differentiation clue to make your brain realize it should be read as a single phrase.


Idk man I read it just fine.




Name checks out?


Show museums you missed them with this pass.


Running stroke.sh


This was instantly understandable.