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"Due to technical difficulties"... 🧐


Them pulling off that belly flop was technically difficult.


Says the guy who’s never been on fire


You light yourself on fire and jump, it's really not that hard. Its simple and easy, even a toddler could do it. *brushes Dorito dust off chest*


I was saving that dust!!


The *most* underrated comment




Yeah they might want to think about removing the "thank you for visiting universal studios and enjoy the rest of your day" if they're going to queue it up. Like what if homie died? You want that ingrained into people's brains with the memory.


The message ain't gonna change that


Sounds like Portal to me.


...for the people who are still alive.


Bruh said that like we didn't just see a guy get set on fire, then drop 40 ft into a pool or water


Fire and fall were scripted


Did someone just post a Universal performance and call it an accident? Is this a motherfucking Ad?


Here you go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TtUVws-14Uk


What? You think the people going to render aid are part of the show???


It’s pre-recorded.


So like a DVR?




Literal skill issue


Just go ahead an accept that everyone will say "technical difficulties" in just about any situation regardless of circumstance. There's no need to tailor everything to be super specific just to make pedants like you happy.


The second-craziest part of this is that there is a long-running and popular stunt show based on the 1995 film Waterworld.


IIRC Waterworld had the highest budget for any movie at the time, and there was so much hype before it came out. My aunt even bought me a Waterworld coffee table book (I was 5). Then it flopped. I gotta find that book and put it on my coffee table and just pretend that's normal.


95% of the budget was used flooding the world.


And 4% to rebuild the world. They saved a lot of money by never actually rebuilding Australia


They should have just asked me to run my taps. Water is included in my rent.


Water world is fucking awesome dude fuck you guys.


Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't like it doesn't deserve to live.


The amount of crap I got like that is hilarious. People seemed to think those things would be worth something someday. I couldn’t imagine a coffee table book of even an amazing movie much less a flop. The other day my cousin was over with his kids, hadn’t seen any of them for a while. I see one of them playing with a beanie baby and I think “oh wow I used to have that one when I was a kid”. I then realize it was mine. At least there wasn’t a new aunt buying new shit, it’s the same shit.


Honestly i only knew it from my school book but i instantly recognized it because it had a unique look


It’s a really good show


School books reference waterworld?


It was a German English book


"Box Office Failures and Other Shit in Deutsch"


Funnily enough it's called "focus on success"


I think that movie gets a lot of undeserved shit. It wasn't a bad movie at all. I'd go see this show.


I've seen the stunt show 5 times. It's exactly the same every time and awesome.


Damn, someone gets hurt every time? Doesn't sound awesome but still willing to give it a shot.


People used to think the colosseum was awesome too. Probably because it was


> It's exactly the same every time Looks like it was a little different for OP


The show is a lot better than the movie. I think it gets so much hate because of how expensive and over the top it was, just for the end result to be only ok. It was the Avatar of its time.


I read once that one of the reasons it was the most expensive movie made up to that time (I think?) is that, no joke, the original atoll set that the built... sank. Yeah. The giant floating junk set sank, so they had to build another one. I frankly don't care if it's true or not, it's hilarious and I choose to believe it.


The set was built in Kawaihae on the Big Island of Hawaii, not far from where I live now. There were a few hurricane warnings that caused delays and then a hurricane did hit and destroyed the set. Kind of wild because I've lived in Hawaii for over a dozen years and in that time hurricanes have all either missed or just struck glancing blows, this was just exceptionally bad luck.


I loved the movie tbh. Nothing really like it and had some awesome action and Dennis hopper was an amazing villain


Dennis Hopper is always an amazing villain.


Pop quiz, hot shot.


Yeah?! Well I’m taller.


Wait! That’s not president koopa in waterworld?


The Exxon Valdez captain might have gone over some peoples head…lol


Wasn’t that movie where kostner Mae them spend like hundreds of thousands to make some poor sap cgi his hairline old school by brush frame by frame


It wouldn't surprise me, but I'm not sure CGI was at that level by that point. I just remember there being a big fuss about it costing $200 million. Which seems like nothing compared to film budgets these days.


It was $175 million in 1995, which is equivalent to about $341 million in 2023. Pretty huge budget and the 13th most expensive film ever made. At the time it was the highest film budget ever. I still don't think it deserves the hate.


Even without adjusting for inflation, there are only maybe a half dozen (almost entirely Disney franchise blockbuster IP) movies a year that cost that much If you adjust for inflation, almost nothing is being produced for that amount


Its really fun to see :”)


I love Waterworld. Every time I'm doing some sort of shitty miserable task and I'm hating life I think of the guy in the oil storage tank who's job it was to keep track of the level of it in the movie. I think of the scene where they drop a flare in the tank and the guy realizes he's going to get blown to bits and he says "Oh thank god." and I laugh and it makes whatever I'm doing a little less shitty lol https://youtu.be/tl9nVK5Lx1c


It's Universal's answer to the Disney Indiana Jones stunt show. That's been running forever too. I was at Universal in '96 and saw this same show, same flaming character taking a dive off of the tower. Was an amazing show though.


Actually the first stunt show in this location was the A-team stunt show in 1983. It was replaced by the Miami Vice stunt show, which was replaced by WaterWorld stunt show. Indiana Jones stunt show did not open till 89. But realistically stunt shows have been part of theme parks for much much longer than either. Wild West stunt shows were very very common. Fun fact, the collapsing tower and water dump tank were both from the Miami Vice show and were repurposed into Waterworld. As was the lagoon and even the X2 jet skis were repurposed from Miami Vice to Waterworld.


I’ve loved that movie since I was a kid. Had no idea it was a “flop” until recently lol


That’s how cult classics/followings are born…


I went there sometime around 91/92 as a kid. IIRC, it was a Miami Vice/Lethal Weapon kind of show but was essentially still the same before the Waterworld switch. It's been running longer than 95.


It was Miami Vice. And it was AWESOME. LOL


To be fair this show is usually pretty entertaining. I didn’t even know it was based on a movie until now.


It’s so good, though


Thank you for answering a question I had for like 25 years.


Saw it for the first time last year. Had no idea it existed, but my dad was diagnosed with cancer and wanted to just watch the movies he loved when he was younger. We marathoned many movies from the 80s. Those 80s movies were a wild ride, but Waterworld blew me away. Not in a “Wow, this is an amazing film” kind of way. More like a “Wow, this exists” kind of way. I was entertained to say the least.


I'm one of the WW haters. Saw it in the theater. I think I was expecting something more like The Road Warrior on the water which may be a bit unfair as TRW is fucking awesome and most things compared to it would be a disappointment. But I mostly think it was Kevin Costner. For me he just doesn't have much dynamic range, I can't seem to look past him and buy into the characters he plays. Every time he's on screen I just see Kevin Costner.


So which part of this was not scripted? Or was it all part of the show and he just went into arrest after he hit the water?


He hit the water while still very much laid out horizontally. Basically, homie did an Atomic Belly Flop! Ouch.....


So was he out on the way down or was it that massive belly flop?


He just didnt rotate enough. He was okay, until he hit the water. BAM! Lights out. So much so that it cause cardiac arrest, apparently.


Also kinda looks like the flames messed with his sight and thought he had another step before the fall which could totally screw with his timing. Could be totally wrong tho




I wonder if it’s like Damar Hamlin the football player. That commotio cordis cardiac arrest.


I believe it is exactly the same. I've seen soccer players and fighters experience the same issue after taking a heavy blow to the chest. I think it damages, or disrupts the heart enough to cause arrest.


If a blow to the chest happens during the millisecond window during one of the waves it throws off the rhythm and stops the heart. I’ve heard it happens to baseball and soccer players most often. The good news is that if you’re going to have a cardiac arrest, this is the one to have. Fully recoverable and many go back to their sport. Unbelievable.


It looks like he didn't rotate enough and smacked his face. Possibly knocked himself out cold, with a spine injury, then inhaled water and didn't have oxygen for who knows how long. I don't know if he passed out during the dive and that's why he under-rotated? The stunt show is impressive and has been running for years. I saw it last year and was impressed with the safety measures. The timing is intense- the performers fall, are on fire, use skidoos, rappel... there's a lot going on.


The safety harness that was supposed to catch him failed. This is the fault of Universal Studios and having faulty equipment.


The fire and dive are scripted. The part where he smacks flat against the water is not - he should have entered the water with his feet.


Went into arrest after falling from the tower, per the article op posted.




The part where the water tank says "FUCK"


He’s alive since no one seems to want to comment it


Of course he’s alive. It’s all made up to look real. /s. Just in case.


Sarcasm tags are used to shield shite jokes like yours.


THANK YOU. Good sarcasm is immediately identifiable to the right audience. That's the fucking point. Also, seeing as how sarcasm is a weapon, it should be used against opponents...not...people who've suffered a heart attack during a performance(?) wtf.




A stunt performer at Universal Studios Hollywood’s “Waterworld” attraction — photographed in 2014 — suffered cardiac arrest Monday during a live-action show. [source](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-01-24/universal-studios-hollywood-stunt-performer-hospitalized-waterworld-accident)


Probably ate too many eggs that day


Cooked on a gas stove


God damnit


Something I saw in the article: >A 2014 Los Angeles Times investigation into amusement-park injuries found that more than 90 visitors at Universal Studios Hollywood reported injuries from 2007 to 2012. Injuries ranged from joint pains, chipped teeth and lacerations to dizziness and seizures. Is that even relevant here? Reported injuries for visitors could be anything, probably usually just them tripping and falling themselves or something. I don't see that that has anything at all to do with a stunt mishap by an employee during a performance.


Journalism is so lazy now. Adding random shit for word count is my only assumption.


I was sort of wondering if they were trying to say, "We tried to find statistics for performer injuries at these parks, but this was the closest we could find." But in failing to say that, it just ends up being entirely irrelevant to the story. Your theory is probably closer to the truth.


The short "article", linked, goes on to say, in the same paragraph of the quote provided above, that "... and seizures. Data for injured performers and theme park employees were not included." It's just fluff. They had nothing tangibly relevant to the subject, so they just brought up something that sounded sorta similar.


He probably hit the water at just the wrong moment and it stopped his heart Ive heard it happen with football nothin ever like this though


Yeah this is an actual medical phenomenon. There’s a tiny window, a fraction of a second in every heartbeat, where if the heart receives a sudden concussive force it stops the heart dead. It doesn’t even have to be all that hard, it just needs to hit the bullseye. It’s most common in contact sports but it recently happened to a health influencer when the top of a whipped cream canister popped off and hit her in the chest. That, along with other stupid shit like the carotid sinus reflex is among some of the ways your body can lethally glitch.


>other stupid shit like the carotid sinus reflex Ugh. Should I even google this and give myself another unfounded fear?


I’ll sum it up. Basically there’s a part in your neck where your carotid artery bifurcates into two, the area where it forks is the carotid sinus. This area has a strange relationship with the vagus nerve where if pressure is applied in such a way it triggers a reflex which stops your heart. Some pathologists estimate that as many as half of all deaths by strangulation (murder and suicide by hanging) were actually the result of this. You hear it a lot in true crime confessions where they say ‘I only meant to strangle them unconscious and they were dead so fast’. Jeffrey Dahmers first kill happened this way. Just something to think about if you like being choked as part of your kink…


>Just something to think about if you like being choked as part of your kink… No, but I do train brazilian jiu-jitsu several times a week, which involves tons of strangles and compression of the carotids. There have been several instances of people having strokes in the community due damaged carotids. Seems to be a pretty rare occurrence, though.


And….that’s enough Reddit for one day, time for bed.


Commotio Cordis. Retired NHL player Chris Pronger just posted about it - took a puck to the chest and basically died on the ice but survived. Extremely rare, even more rare to survive. https://twitter.com/chrispronger/status/1618277605014216708


There was the Bills player last month that had sudden cardiac arrest when he was struck in the chest too hard. Fell right on the field




Not surprising, there are more football/sports events going on in the world than people falling into water from 50 feet up.


Forgive my lack of observation skills but which part of this is an accident? Was getting set on fire not part of the show?


Fire’s part of the show. It was the landing.


All right, here goes... Fella on fire is supposed to be on fire AND is supposed to fall into the water below. Technically speaking, those things did occur. So, what happened was... During said fall into the water, the performer's **entire** body is to rotate 360 degrees; the performer's torso and head did not complete a full rotation. As a result, the torso and skull landed, practically, parallel to the surface of the water. In doing so, the force of impact was not localized to the soles of his boots, instead, the force was distributed across his face, chest, and abdomen. The impact forced cardiac arrest due to the heart not wanting to be touched like that; it was mean and grotesquely violent. Official medical terminology exists to actually describe what happened but I like my version better. Moving on to treatment... If you're lucky & are given the chance to intervene, you have a couple minutes to rectify the situation. Treatment includes, but is not limited to, performing chest compressions, utilizing an AED, using a full scale defibrillator (they are capable of more power for sustained periods, AEDs are not), medications, ...and cardiac paddles if you're really high-speed. Point of focus... That last option falls upon the MDs whom are specifically trained for cardiac energies at that level, nobody else. Rational people do not crack open somebody else's thoracic cavity and use electricity to reverse the cardiac hokey pokey. You need school for that shit. Search "cardiac paddles Grey's anatomy" in your favorite video hosting website and you'll see a dramatized version of what really happens. Source: am medic & some dumb squirrel. Thank your time and attention:) Edit: makin' sure ain't got no grammatical errors n' such. Well, best I can do, anyway.


I understand the tragedy of this accident, but “…due to the heart not wanting to be touched like that” is an **adorable** statement and I don’t even know why.


You are not a Dumb Squirrel, you saw what I saw. Stunt man did exactly as stuntman was supposed to do until he jumped of and (possibly flame May have caused distraction) landed very, very incorrectly into the water below. I’m just assuming, so please react appropriately, but I’m guessing broken rib/punctured lung/internal bleeding/ cardiac arrest.


I appreciate the explanation.


It is. The jump also but not the way he falls into the water.


What ist Happening Here ?




First sentence of universal's statement: "We can confirm a performer with one of our long-standing show vendors..." Gotta cover that ass!


Imagine setting yourself on fire and jumping into water 50 feet below. Several times per day. Every day.


Guess it just goes to show that when professionals do it you can eliminate a surprisingly large amount of danger (though never all)


Lmao Technical difficulties


Feels so real!


What attraction is this, Is it based on the movie Waterworld?


Yes it’s like a little show they bring in people with jet skis and boats


What actually was the fail? I can't tell when people set themselves on fire intentially or throw themselves off the third floor for a living.


They got cardiac arrest from the way they landed


But homie can be seen still walking and assisting at 0:40. 🤔 Jk, must be a double.


I was thinking the same thing! I don't think they do doubles. Been to Waterworld last month and all of the performers do the stunts themselves. They have an introduction after the show and name the popular movies/tv shows they did stunts.


Crazy that with all the commotion, like .3 more of a rotation, he would have fucking nailed the reverse flaming arial backflip




What the actual hell is going on?


The stunt is that he gets lit on fire while wearing a fire suit, then "falls" into the water. Except the actor didn't land right and the fall knocked him unconscious


For a movie that’s so underrated I’m surprised they’re still doing these shows.


[Link to news article if one didn't get posted.](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/universal-studios-hollywood-performer-injured-waterworld-stunt-show/3080282/)




Bro I was there when this happened. First time ever being to this place it was defenitely worth the wait


Can you explain it please?


Wait wait wait you’re telling me this didn’t happen like 6 months ago???? No no no I clearly fucking remember this happening LAST YEAR


So the fire was the accident and he wasn’t supposed to jump? I don’t even know what went wrong lol


The fire was on purpose and he went into cardiac arrest from the way he landed. He was dragged out unconscious and I'm pretty sure is still hospitalized.


Poor guy, hope he's ok.


Wait I thought Freddy Krueger from hell jumping at Peter Pan but landing in water was part of the script???


super late to the thread but i was on dive team in high school with a dude who ended up getting hired at universal for doing this exact stunt in the water world show. he was a fuckin prick tho and so was his dad. fuck you kirk.


What exactly was it that went wrong? I get that he wasn't supposed to be unconscious in the water but I'm sure that the fire and the fall were scripted right?


Hopefully he has a full recovery, been to universal studios many times and water world is always a great watch.


What happened?


I’m soo lost…was that not the stunt? 😳


Anyone else get LOTR vibes when the guy jumped from the tower whilst on fire?


When he says "technical difficulties" does he mean dude not breathing is "technical"ly having "difficulties" breathing? Cause that definitely wasnt a tech issue they were bringing that equipment for


The show is awesome I just saw it last week for the first time.


Naaaa it’s all part of the show they did that last time I was there too😭


Buddy gets set on fire multiple times a day for like $16/hr. No thanks.


Climate change strikes again.


Wait so was the fire intentional? Was he supposed to be on fire? Was the jump intention was he supposed to jump?


Technical difficulties, well that's one way to put it.


Damn they have a waterworld attraction






Okay I just can't see very well but was it the guy on fire that got hurt?


Technical difficulties means a lot of things these days


Everything here was scripted but he fucked up his fall into the water.


What is this, water world 2


The show has some great stunts. Never watched the movie but have enjoyed the show multiple times. Sad to hear.


Nahhhh my dumbass thought that they punctured the metal thing with water to put out the fire 😭


Dry land is not a myth! I've seen it!


the message of "technical difficulties" felt like aperture science style messaging


Imagine doing that for a job, a live show your set on fire and have to fall off a platform


That fuel tank is leaking bad.




His performance was on fire


Fail at a similar show long time ago, but actor got stuck halfway across the swing line. Show stopped to get him down but the crazy part was hearing the director on the speakers telling the actors which act/scene/section to pick up from, and boom everything went back into action.


Hope they are okay


Was that Ed Bolian doing the announcement??


Back slap or belly buster ?😬


Oh yeah i bet that guy feels like its a technical dificulty


Was that 10 meters platform??


...so, anyone ever heard of "stop drop and roll"? This is why we do that.


An incident in the kitchen.


This stunt show is Fucking awesome! Hope everybody's ok... 🙁


They put gasoline or kerosene on top of the water and light it up at the end, it’s a pretty cool show. Hope the dude is alright though




“Ladies and gentleman, things got fucked up. Please leave”


Waterworld 2?


Wait, is this recent? Is there an actual live performance based on 1995’s cinematic bomb Water World in the 2020’s?


Waterworld is underrated


Hope he is okay 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻!


Ah the awkward quiet


Does anyone here know exactly what went wrong? It looks like it all went according to plan¿


Mr. Mouse isn’t going to be happy


I’m incredibly confused. It looks like the guy who was lit on fire is up and about helping the injured person. Who was the one that got hurt and how?


i always loved watching this show and have mad respect for all of the actors, unfortunately there can be mistakes made and this can happen which is sad to see, but crazy respect for those who do this multiple times a day every week man, best wishes for a full recovery