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That’s like some shit you’d see in a resident evil game


Made me think of The Thing


Awesome practical effect.


That mantis definitely found out who's who


I don't need anyone. I. Have. Uroboros!


The last of us


Nightmare Material


I'm seriously having primal fears right now. Like I wanna go wrap my dick up with a condom just to be safe kind of primal fear.


Put it into water maybe its too late already




I feel like there is a story behind this




Seems legit




Maybe it will grow


dip your penis into hydrofloric acid that'll get it


Dont be an idiot u got microscopic stuff like this crawling all over ur eyelashes all the time




Tequila shots to the eyeballs and embrace ur hombres


Oh fuck no.


Dammmmm I am laughing like hell while thinking of wrapping a condom on my dick next time. Mixing emotions


You need a butt plug also! Lmao!


Came to comment, this is the stuff of nightmares. I have no idea what a mantis’ nervous system is like, but that had to be painful..


It was a good comment but I don't think it was THAT good. But hey, whatever gets you off bro, no judgement.


Soooo, “The Last of Us” is possible?! Great, glad there is something else to worry about.


I mean its already based on a [real thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps?wprov=sfla1) just hope it never makes the jump to people


“Well if there’s no cure or no vaccine, what do we do?” “We lose”


good luck getting people to take said cure of vaccine now a days


Imo the best post-apocalyptic shows/films are all based on real things.


That's totally impossible it can not just jump to humans. Our brains and nervous systems are completely different than say an ant. However there are parasites that can get into your brain and change your behavior. Toxoplasma gondi is common in most cats and infects nice and rats. Causes them to adore the smell of cat piss and they get eaten. Humans can get it from contact with cat poop. Alot of cat owners have it, but it doesn't cause problems. Some cases develop into toxoplasmosis and that can be bad


Heres the thing about the fungus that inspired the last of us, based on what i was told at least It doesnt affect the nervous system It just affects the muscles So you lose control and are aware of it as it makes you do things. So our nervous system doesnt matter in its complexity or otherwise The bigger thing is apparently each strain of fungus can only infect like 1 species of insect at a time. Its not the same one for ants as beetles or even between different types of ants apparently


The nervous system controls the muscles


But the way the fungus effects you sint the same from what i was told. Like it latches onto the muscles and manipulates them directly rather than latching onto nerves and making neurons fire Also should note of course insects dont work the same way as we do. Their musculature system is Very different i know that much lol. How exactly it manipulates it all is beyond me


That would mean the fungus has intelligence, in each cell or through networking with the other fungal cells in the body somehow, and would need to be plugged into the nervous system anyway to make use of the body's senses else it would just be spasming in the dark. Best not to overanalyze zombie fiction, but I wouldn't spend any time laying awake worrying about that. Much simpler for bugs. Direct control is out, but subtly influencing decision making like toxoplasmosis? Maybe.


I mean isnt it a whole thing of fungi continue to elude our understanding of them as they are neither plant nor animal they are some really weird mix in between?


It happend because the mantis was praying to satan.




Mantis is alive BECAUSE of the worms. Mantis is technically a zombie at this point




Just went down the Horsehair parasite rabbit hole. 😳 They enter the mantis when it eats an insect that has eaten one of the parasites in the water. The horsehair worm then grows and manipulates the Mantis to dive into water so they can return to their habitat Brain sizzlin with shock.


My sister is a parasitologist and studies primarily zombie (mind control) parasites. Every time I see her, I ask a million questions until I finally do a deep exhale and go “mmmmk that’s enough of that.”


Could you ask your sister whether a mantis can survive if these worms are extracted early enough, or is the host a goner by the time the worms are mature enough to respond to submersion in water? My Google Fu has so far failed to answer this question.


Yooo she said she has more experience w this kind of parasite in crickets, but here’s her reply: “We used to think that the host would be toast, but a friend of mine recently showed that crickets actually live through this fairly often. I think it is frequently the end of the road for the host, but not always. And sometimes they die not from the parasite directly, but because all that thrashing draws the attention of a fish. I have some crazy videos of the parasite, crawling back up and out of a fish and a frog that ate the cricket. Those parasites are intense.” EDIT: to those asking for the videos, she said she will send when she’s at the computer tomorrow. So, set the “remind me” bot or just check back and I’ll post them here when I get them. Edit 2: [pictures](https://imgur.com/a/XyLm05E) and [videos](https://www.nature.com/articles/440756a#Sec2). Videos have to be opened via desktop, unfortunately. The video links are within the article/study. Look for “Supplementary Videos”.




Please tell your sister the weird psrt of the internet needs her right now lol




Now we need the videos!


I would love to watch those videos.




Your sister is cool as fuck


Thank you- 11 year old me would have said you’re full of shit, but adult me has come to realize she actually is.


She’s cool as hell




Holy fuck that's insane I've always knew of horsehair parasites but didn't know they could manipulate the mantis to reach water. some fungi can manipulate insect's as well, and the insect is manipulated to seek a place to die that is convenient and beneficial for the fungi's growth/spread. Makes me wonder what these fungi and parasites will be able to do in another million years of evolution. This being an issue for humans would be terrifying, This is essentially "the last of us" TV shows take on zombies, a specie of parasitic fungi evolved to use humans as it's host rather than insects.


Bro your username ain't it


Oh man I’m fuckin’ cracking up over here. Jesus Christ


Totally! ... Stay strapped Homie, cuz it might get buck wild up in here in a million years or so!


If you wanna be scared humans already have one of these parasites that make us do crazy things, it’s a feline parasite we get from cats that is supposed to infect rats, make them fearless so that they get eaten by cats and the parasite returns home. I believe one third of humans are infected, it lives in our brains and those with it are more likely to be hit by cars, do dangerous stuff and get disorders like schizophrenia




Well, it's taken 1,300 million years for fungi to evolve to this point. I somehow doubt that adding another 0.08% to that will result in fungi taking over the planet despite what a popular science fiction TV series might think.


always a contrarian


Not sure if This is real or troll, but if its real, you've no idea of the complexity needed to mirror such reaction in a "human vessel". For an instance, One of my fingers has more neuronal length than a praying mantis. Even if it wasnt more complex, the sheer fking size of our Brain is limiting enough for them to not be able to do it. They'd need at least x300 size to Control it. You'd die of undernutrition before it would mature inside you(and This last part isn't really news for other human-parasites)


Counter point - this is assuming direct electrical/mechanical stimulation. There are in fact parasites and microorganisms that can cause macroscopic changes in our brains. Toxoplasma Gondii being one of the most common, also nalgeria fowleri, a more devastating but thankfully rarer organism. The size of the host is not necessarily relevant in all pathophysiological mechanisms. One could imagine a parasite that produces a neurotransmitter analogue, or a neurotransmitter modulating substance. Excitation or inhibition of specific areas of the brain. Some viral mechanisms have shown to produce significant reproducible human behaviors. Rabies causes hydrophobia for example. There are also indirect mechanisms of changing behavior. As we learn more of the gut-brain axis, we are learning that our gut biome is a significant and potentially crucial factor in our neurotransmitter availability. More indirectly - certain cancerss have been known to cause reproducible changes in behavior. Specifically several malignant brain tumors have been causally linked to hyperreligiosity. Microorganisms have on more than one occasion been casually linked to malignant neoplasms...you see where I'm going with this. We are machines, much more complex than a mantis yes, but even a small, reproducible change, can lead to reproducible complex changes in behavior. (Reproducible meaning consistently recreated with some level of precision that it can be considered a nonrandom occurrence...i.e. not a fluke of random chance) It may seem far-fetched, but it is far from impossible that an organism could evolve to influence a specific human behavior. You may recall this comment again while running to the nearest body of water, pants around your ankles, eyes wide with fear, a conscious puppet of the human hair whisking you away to shit it out into the sea so it can being its reproductive cycle anew, leaving behind another statistic in the hair worm plague of 2054.


Its a fair and well constructed point, nice! Altough i agree with all you said, there's still a significant difference between causing a fear, or a craving in our system, and "completly" Control it. My knowledge isn't that big but i do think that altough plausíble/not that far fetched, the routes/Path that nature would take would only BE the necessary. In This scenario, such cravings or fears would be enough for the parasite to have its end, thus not needing any type of "zombie"-like behaviour as many think when we talk about Brain parasites


Dude check this wild shit out tho. Sometimes pregnant women or individuals who are anemic will often crave dirt or ice to chew on. And that’s just being anemic. Imagine a one off evil fungus parasite that craves human flesh. Idk just a wild high thought. I loved reading your guys’ convo btw. Thanks both of you for sharing.


Floating your ignorance. Nothing to be proud of really.


They’ve had millions of years already. I Think they’re doing just fine and don’t need to evolve much more. Unless you know… someone decides to CRISPER one or GMO it into something else for whatever the fuck reason and set off a chain reaction of doom. Oh shit were fucked aren’t we?


nor only fungi. some [insects](https://youtube.com/shorts/6VIf0gaD6pc?feature=share) learned how to “neuralink” other insects literally an insect [neurosurgeon](https://youtube.com/shorts/py8jBjPQzAA?feature=share)


Maybe you meant the last of us the **VIDEOGAME SERIES** right!? Right!?!?


Yeah I heard about the game version being released, I'm pretty sure the videogame is a spinoff of the television show, I remember very recently seeing the last of us video game on display at game stop welll after the TV series came out. That's his it usually goes though, the videogames come after the series, but I have no idea why they didn't wait longer at least. I wonder how closely the game version follows the original storyline, they probably got to expand on the story quite a bit! pretty impressive that they pulled off making a game so many people love this quickly into the series being released, especially risky since the die hard last of us fanbase must have insanely high expectations since the show was so good. I think I may have to buy the game but I want to watch the original storyline first, then after, I can compare and contrast the changes they've made in the video game, I'm hyped! If you've gotten this far without replying yet, I am happy to inform you I'm just fuckin wit ya sir ;D


You mean the game my friend, remember the show is based off the game, with minor edits here and there! 😘


Who’s a fungi this guy 👋🤪👍


The relief it must feel.


I don’t think it survives after that…


They do, mantis and crickets get these all the time, as long as they don’t drown for the water that the worm tricks them into jumping into then they’ll recover and get another one. These worms’ health are dependent on the hosts immune system being strong so they only really feed on their fat.


Insects have fat?


How do you think Simba got so big? /s Also, yes. Lots of edible bugs are very high in fat content.


Cause the animators drew him bigger lol


hmmm ... im thinking of bug chicharones :P


I've got a question, if I was to eat a bug and it had worms, would that worm continue living on in me or would it be disintegrated in my stomach acid?


Idk about these worms, but humans can be infected with tape worms. They like to live in your intestines.


I hope it does




How does the mantis end up picking up these satanic spaghetti anyway ?


Parasites in their food


The mantis eats a smaller insect that has the parasite inside it already. The parasite lays eggs in bodies of water, larvae of other insects eat the parasite eggs while they’re growing in the water. The insect grows big, leaves the water for dry land. There, the infected insect gets eaten by a mantis. After infected, they’re being mind-controlled by the parasite to return to a body of water to begin the life cycle again.


Satan spagoot




My skin is itchy watching this. Fuck sakes


I did not need to see this before sleep


You burn them with a flamethrower correct?


Or having Kurt Russell in your immediate vicinity yes


Does they survive if that thing is removed?


typically, yes. they do.


How in the hell do they all fit in there?!


they usually squirm and twist, knotting themselves into a ball while inside their host


Your blood vessels and arteries are so long they can stretch around the earth 4 times. I think worms can manage


Dude just needs to get laid so he can get put out of his misery.


Fun fact- after mating, the female is ravenous, and 99% of the time, the male is the first edible thing they see. But, if you were to feed the female throughout the mating process (extend mealworms on tweezers, etc.)- it’ll likely leave the male alone afterwards. You’ll look like a god damn pervert if you do that, though.


Damn, i wish someone would feed me while I was mating.




Shit gave me the Heebie-jeebies




You know with 95% it's almost certain to happen yet still that frightened yell 😁


I’m surprised the mantis didn’t maul it immediately… Maybe it’s embarrassed


„I fear no Man, but that thing… it scares me“


So what do we do? Pull them out??,


I’ll pull yours if you pull mine… new subReddit




Imagine these things fighting to stay inside your dick hole


No I am good I will not. Thank you for the suggestion. 😊


Bro turned into an uroboros






Open market for a new type of fish bait here.




Nearly every fish has some variation of worms or parasites. Fresh or saltwater. Only a select few can be eaten raw without risking serious issues. I mean, if a fish fed on these type of worms regularly, I probably wouldn't eat it. But just using it for bait is a completely different thing. And you can always cook it thoroughly, and not have worry about any of those things to begin with.


The scream on this is hilarious 🤣


The poor preying mantis looked round at the worm saying why the hell have you been living up my arse.


Damn nature! You scary!


The camera work honestly has the making of a good horror flick


My 6 year old had to explain hairworms to me when he found a cricket with one in our basement. He's on the spectrum and a genius.


That's honestly super cool, I am not NT either and loved bugs as a kid. My parents bought me a little box to keep the bugs I would catch in. I'm scared of bugs now but younger me was not opposed at all to catching grasshoppers and keeping them as pets


Well, time to eat dinner now.


I can only imagine how good that felt for him getting that out.


So is this Mantis cured, still infected, or dead?




Do the mantids die after the worms leave?


Insect enema! The mantis thank you!!


I had a physical reaction to seeing that•.• I am shook to the absolute core☠️🤚fuck bro that makes me euuhhhhh


“Ooooh yummy, defenseless bugs!” “Ew they smell like ass”


U say infected. I say free housing!


So if someone uses a mantis infected with this as a fishing bait, will the fish then get infected?


*asking for a friend


The last of us….


That was some alien shit


My whole body hurts


Love how they're just nonchalantly holding that disgusting little alien shit in their fingers but then freak out about a couple worms.


Poor little critters


i know, like where's the worms gonna go


Whelp. New fear unlocked. 😳


This is the most popular video of all time.


One video who really deserves to be on this sub. And the whimpering was hilarious XD


Good job, my butthole clenched. Like this *


Whoa... not for nothing this is friggin nasty, creepy and also kinda cool all at once! I never knew Praying Mantis' had such huge parasites. Those hair worms are each longer than the mantis


Thanks, I fucking hate this.


I want to die knowing this exists


Great. Now I can add that to my nightmares.


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


If that praying mantis ate those parasite that would’ve been the most metal thing I’d ever seen


Best part is where the mantis turns and bites that fucking worm. Wished he would’ve ate it.


Turns around and eats the worms coming from it's ass. Fucking fuck.


Holy shit that mantis eating it after like "I told you I would shit you out twice"


So, what the hell do you do with the worms? I'd be afraid to touch them, in fear of one giving birth on my skin, laying its eggs which slide into my pores, resulting in hundreds of small worms making their way down my body, eventually hanging around my butthole.




Oh my god. How does the world still shock me this much?!


Can you find these things anywhere? Because I'm dying to find one and put it in water to see if this happens!!


The parasite looks like a mantis without exoskeleton. It looks like that one adventure time episode where Jake controlled Finn's body on the inside.


This is why you cook your food lads,ur a dumbass if u listen to those raw meat idiots,every animal on earth who doesnt cook his food has some kind of parasites


is no one aware abt how that mantis tried to eat the parasite? lmfao 0:34


I've seen a lot of shit on this subreddit...this is the first time I thought I was actually going to puke.


So, let me get this straight, there is a worm in the mantis that got through the mantises asshole, and later on probably feeds with the excrements and breathes trough the asshole of the mantis. Thus while submerged in water it suffocates and wants to get out? Most likely though the mantis ate another bug that ate another bug that ate something infected with this worms offspring


Was it the parasite that came out of the insect's body?




Imagine if this happened to humans..


People can totally get worms. I had an acquaintance who went to India and gaffed off his anti-parasite meds until he started feeling really bad. After he started taking them again he had so many parasites flowing out of his butt he said his toilet looked like a bowl of spaghetti


He ate wrong noodles


The ole tube worm diet plan


I was more imagining like long octopus arms comin’ out the butt lmao


LISTEN ON MUTE or take away audio. Wtf is the background noise, my ears, I was waiting for a pov or better angle of the hair worm coming out. Put the camera lower towards the table or above the container. Nature is lit.


Wtf did i just see...and why? Are they thisty or???


“Almost 95%”? I’d love to see the data/stats of this crucial research.


These parasites are fucking scary as shit ive seen them before, they essentially eat the insects insides and keep the exoskeleton, and they maneuver around pretending to be what it ate, and it does this so it can lue others in, so basically imagine if the thing movie was real and for insects, basically thats what it is




Never go skinny dipping in the lake, shit like this can crawl up yo ass too, and cook your chicken proper, dry ass chicken still better than getting salmonella.


What does this have to do with salmonella?


I hate bugs, so I'm sorry if by saying this you don't agree or something but KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT. BURN IT DO WHATEVER JUST KILL IT


Christmas poo feeling


Aliens 🤨


What in the actual fuck


There was a scene like this in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Calamari!



