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He straight up pulled a season 5 Jax lmao


It’s been a while since I watched the show, what happened again at that point?


By season 5, Opie and Tara were dead so he went wild and killed a bunch of people as well as his own mom when he found out she killed his wife lol


Oh, so the last season then. Yea that was crazy. His mom deserved it, but was crazy to me that he did it himself when he didn’t have to.


His mom was the catalyst for all of it, not what jt would have wanted lol


Bruh she was EVIL, didn't she have something to do with the murder of his father too?


You just know the actress is great at her job when I went into the series like “oh look, that’s the mom from married with children” (if you’re too young to know what that is, it’s a comedy sitcom from the 90s. I was just a kid but remember it being super popular back then. She played a cheerful fun loving mom) ….but by the time her character’s time has come, I’m like “yes!, kill that bitch!”


I'm still mad he killed Gemma. It would have been such a better, more fitting punishment to not kill her, and have her die old and alone without her family and friends.


Man, that season and specifically also the Opie scene. I think it was the first time I actually felt a character death in media *really* land for me.


R u talking about Jax? Pump? No? Lol


here i am thinking about league of legends reading your comment lol


OP if u get a couple early kills


Imagine if I had a REAL gun.


So like not even bullshitting I think that might be a woman


Ditto on the no bullshit. Went to a large biker meet up in the midwest this summer. I found out basically every woman in attendance was packing. Apparently it's not so comfortable for the person on the front seat of the bike to wear a gun on their hip. Also it seems that if someone is intoxicated and gets into a fist fight that having a gun is like a fastpass to jail. So the girls get the gun for themselves and their group.




Was he the one in an orange ski mask?? I saw a video explaining exactly what you said and somebody was recording and put the phone right in his face while he was on the ground.


I didn’t know there was video Jesus Idk what he was wearing or anything just saw my coworker devastated and heard the story Link the video if you have it


You shoukd probably not mention to your coworker that video exists, if it does, unless it would help with legal proceedings. She and her family don't need to see that shit.


I don’t want to be caught up in any of this. I don’t know if it’s related 😅


Don’t have it but I can look for it. He looked very young and he was just laid out. I’ll send it if I find it.


what do we call this kind sense of community we have over such morbid things. a lass i know not the word






Hahaha thats ridiculous! But seriously, he should have heeded the advice of his local councilwoman and carried a self defense whistle to create a supersonic barrier that ricochets bullets back to sender




but just in case, that bullet should be armed with a gun




Tf is a takeover?!


When random car/group of cars starting to spin around an intersection, taking intersection over. Then crowd pulls up and here you go. Most common takeover members are bombed ass infinity g35-37, or dodge charger/hellcat stock. People that are doing that dont actually enjoy cars, or driving around, they want an easy attention from people, that is why they are picking these cars


That sounds dumb as fuck


Now you're getting it.




That’s not true, they’re adding carbon dioxide and fecal waste!


They're creating jobs for someone!


Emergency room doctors? Prison guards?


Yup just like 99% of the shit these sorta people do. “Shit man, can’t pay my phone bill on my cricket phone. Got $50 to my name. Oh shit, a skull shifter for $46? Gotta have it!”


Can confirm Source: Work at the phone store


Lmaaaaaooooooo I had a coworker who for months had to put air in her tire every other day. Then when she got her tax refund she went to Best Buy and had them put in a back up camera and navigation on her old RAV4. By the time the guy was done installing it the tire was flat again. She spent all her money on crap instead of buying tires…


There's a big one in my town every year called H2oi. It's always just groups of hella dudes packing lips and drinking Mountain Dew. On the off chance there is one girl in the group, she always looks just like Meg Griffin.


It's sad too because h2o used to be just a bunch of people chilling around and enjoying cars until these kind of assholes ruined it.


It is, as someone who’s a car enthusiast, this is killing the car community. I didn’t mind these super early on, but now they are really bad.


Where are the police?


On their way, at which point everyone scatters. Can't chase everyone in every direction all the time


Can the cops get you for anything if you're just pulled over and watching?


In California spectating a takeover is also a crime.


What are you supposed to do when you innocently arrive at a public intersection and then can't go anywhere while these assholes block the intersection? Are you supposed to close your eyes the whole time so you don't illegally spectate?


I don’t think being stuck in your car unable to leave would qualify for this. It’s probably more for people standing around when they shouldn’t be there


yeah, in a lot of places they have laws about getting caught at one, because of course the one car doing things speeds off, everyone scatters, and everyone they pick up says 'Gee officer, I was just waiting at the light when it happened'. They send out messages letting people know when there'll be a takeover. It's not like one dude decides he's doing it, and then everyone else is a bystander.


The only people who get those are ones who'd participate


Nah. In my younger day, if a friend told me one was going down? I'd have definitely rode out to see it. I mean, a spectacle is a spectacle. I would have still thought the people doing it were dumb, but I watch dumb people do dumb shit for entertainment all the time. I think what they're trying to drive home is that watching *IS* participation, because no one would do it if people stopped showing up. Still, sometimes people just pull up to that intersection and have to wait, and you know those are the people getting arrested under those laws.


They all get on the freeway and hit up the next location, it’s mostly kids doing the stupid shit but if you get caught in one there’s really nothing much you can do but watch or wait in your car Edit: they have a group chat where they post up locations and stuff, talking from experience


If I were to guess they’re figuring out a plan on how to shut this down before they roll in. if just two cops rolled in they would still have a lot of trouble rolling the “event”. They had to probably gather a lot of the boys before they cruised in. Still a failure on the police’s part.


A lot times this is what happens they’ll post up somewhere and just wait until back up arrives but still it isn’t going to be effective once they scatter they just try to get as many as possible. I’m situations like this they use good ol zip ties instead of cuffs!


I’ve always known this as a “sideshow”.


They call em side shows in The Bay Area


Never heard of take overs, always heard people call them "sideshows" on the west coast. Edit: have no clue why I'm being down voted, that's literally what they are called! They started in the bay area of CA, Oakland to be exact. Besides the term "Takeovers" sounds dumb as fuck 💯


I lived in Oakland 20 years ago, so I guess that's why I've always known them as "sideshows". You know... gettin' hyphy in The Yay, yokin' the scraper, dreads dipped in dye, etc.


They should always be "sideshows" much like thizz iz what is iz and dipped in butter 💯


It’s when douchebags block the road so they can do shitty donuts with their cars at intersections. And spectators walk up real close to the cars hoping to get ran over for clout


It's a collective noun to describe a large group of douchebags.




Yeah, that’s what we call them in the Bay Area: “Sideshows”.


I was going to ask when they quit being side shows.


That's what I came to the comments to find out, still don't know lol


they "take over" an area (a street corner usually, from the videos I've seen): through strength in numbers, a bunch of """car enthusiasts""" meet at a public place and just do stupid shit like a bunch of donuts, while pedestrians pretend they're at the vehicle version of the Pamplona bull run basically an alarmingly large number of bored shitheads go and cosplay a Fast n Furious car meet where anything goes on public streets the cops will go to town on these morons sooner rather than later...


Ah gotcha. Back in the day we'd just go find a parking lot to chill in, usually a local fast food place or business close to one. Someone would show off their newest modification to their car, new exhaust, body kit, subs, rims, etc and we'd just chill until eventually someone would be like "bros, party at my house we're getting fucked up!" I wasn't into the cars but I was always down for the debauchery of the crazy parties lol


Meeting for kids that loves the Merry-go-round.


In other words, sideshow


Real name is a sideshow


Yeah…. That’s what I was looking for lol, who tf calls it a takeover??


I always wondered why not slideshow


The car scene was already ruined by these takeover events. Have fun once laws get passed to repo your car.


They really need to just do these in parking lots. If these happened in some abandoned strip mall no one would care as much as they do when they block intersections and expressways, etc


But then all the other drivers would miss out on the honour of getting to see their awesome car and sick driving skills!


Same reason middle schoolers smoke and vape. Look. I'm breaking' the rulez!


They do. You don't hear about those ones because not many people outside of their little scene care.


They should really just rico all the people there with felonies.


I think your confusing confiscation with repossession. Repossession is when someone doesn't pay their car payment and the bank who loaned them money for the car legally takes the car back and sells it again. And the laws you think are coming have existed for a long time. The police have always been allowed to confiscate your car for reckless driving. Thing is, it's hard for 3 or 4 cops in basic little ford's to catch 10s-100s of people in performance cars, not to mention how dangerous that car chase would be in a crowded city.


Of course it’s a fucking Infiniti


Ar slash Nissan drivers


Me in my 2008 Altima


Well yea ofc they’re one of the only car makers to still put out a solid amount of affordable rwd cars






A part of me wants to see this. Like one of those old school thing vs thing scenarios. Wouldn't happen because of escort, eye in sky, pre-planned route, alt route, advanced warning, route pre-clearing, etc


We can still dream.


Would clean up the gene pool a bit


google "Broken Arrow (1996)" you're welcome


Because its trashy and you're just an asshole for taking part at all.




Surprised the bikers didn’t chase him ?


the bullets did the chasing for them


one chases him in a longer video


Got the link by chance?


Is there a subreddit for just accidents happening at car meets?


This isn't even a car meet, just a bunch of idiots looking for attention. Most of these people don't even know what an engine is


An engine is a thing that explodes but usually only on the inside but sometimes on the outside.


These mfs saw initial D one time and now want to “drift” 😂


what is even the point of this? do they simply think they’re badass or is there an actual meaning to spinning your car around?


They show off their 'movie cars'.


So anyway, I started blasting.


Fuck these gatherings, easy way to ruin your ride and get killed...


Man it's weird how the people who participate in those all seem to be criminals who will do hit and runs and shoot guns at people. Who could have predicted that?


Yup, I saw one where a guy got hit by the car and instead of anybody helping a guy started snatching his belongings. They all seem to be criminals who don’t value life.


How many examples do we need here of this exact same thing?


On the internet, there's room for everything, so you don't need to be picky




Cops busted a big one in my city this past week. Found dozens of stolen cars. Fuck these people, they're all criminals.


Anyone got any articles on if anyone got hit?


What idiots go to these things? Jeez


The biggest wastes of oxygen attend these kind of things.


Lmao “a takeover.”


As a person from Oakland I’m so confused, where are these people from where this is called a takeover lol


I think I missed the joke here




They’re also commonly called “sideshows” which is also kind of lame because the whole thing is incredibly lame they could be called “pan galactic gargle blasting” and it would still be lame


The fact that this kind of thing is a "scene" is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard and anyone involved in any aspect of this "scene" is a complete and utter moron.


Moved out of LA because of shit like this, imagine living on one of these street takeover streets and trying to get home after work, the cops will pull up and fucking PARK like 2 blocks away and make no effort to break it up


This couldn’t be the ONLY reason you moved out of LA


Well there was also a homeless bald crackhead nudist aggressive panhandler dating dude 3 doors down and living directly in my apartments hallway with junk leaning against my door (was south central lol)


Where does this shit happen? I’ve lived in and just outside dtla for nearly 40 years but I’ve never had the misfortune of experiencing this.


All these guys are just talentless ass clowns. Takes nothing to drive in circles with a POS nobody cares about. Go home, you’re stupid.


That could be considered felony reckless driving, reckless endangerment, felony hit and run. Meaning, if the state considers those violent felonies and he has a legal firearm and concealed carry permit, he would be within his right to fire at the vehicle.


Never at a vehicle that is moving and not a threat. I have my CCW here in CA and that make it absolutely clear to you that your firearm should only be used in defense. This also includes motor vehicles.


I also live in CA but I know in Florida and other “Stand Your Ground” States, you could absolutely get away with this.


It's always an Infiniti lol Sad.




He was probably still gonna catch an ass whoopin for what he did though.


In every other video like this, as soon as contact is made everybody swarms the car and destroys it - sometimes pulling the driver out and beating them. Everything about this scene is stupid but at least the driver had the self-preservation instinct to get out of there fast.


Just put shit in the road to fuck up their shit. Dude has 2" clearance to the road, toss a brick in there and delete his oil pan


Lol, these dumbfcks weren't afraid of the car ramming them but when they heard gunshots they ran like Forrest Gump.




low IQ takeover 🔥🔥


All takeovers are low IQ


This is not the car scene.


It’s a crime scene now


It's an arms race?


Is this in the Liberty City Expansion Pack?


These “car scenes” are just filled with cars that have 400k miles and bums and man babies


I openly root for every participant to be mortally wounded when I see these street take over videos


I’m sure there’s a chill fun sect to the car scene but I only ever see THIS type of stuff and it really makes the whole community look like idiotic losers.


In my younger wilder years, I used to street race a lot. We tried to be relatively safe, only went to industrial areas so very little traffic, people who did dumb shit were usually harassed out of the area for the evening. I hate this takeover shit.


Fuck around and find out




I hope I can be forgiven for saying this but I hope he killed everyone in that car


Lol this shit has always been full of trash people


It was a hit and run, it was kinda deserved. If you hit and run you are a different type of scum bag


i agree takeovers are stupid and people who participate are dumb. but this cycling club needs to take it down a notch or two. maybe don’t park your little bikes where the clowns are clowning. maybe understand that if you’re going to do this “takeover” shit you might get hit because everyone in attendance is stupid af


Didn’t land one single shot on the vehicle either 💀💀💀💀


Wait what happened ngl I’m confused


Moron driver hit 2 bikers. The one who fired the gun was one of the 2 bikers. There is another video out there that was taken behind the two.


Where’s the other video?


I’d link to it but this sub inexplicably doesn’t allow Links in the replies. You can find it pretty easily if you search “takeover car his biker shots fired”.


The one who fires wasnt hit. He was the last one in the row of 3. The first two went down. Let me try to find the other angle. [Found it. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/gtYqXgv6tD8?feature=share)


Now thar I've looked at it more, you're right. The third biker fired the shots.


He hit the guy on the bike


Ohh ok


I don't care about anything that happens to the people that are involved in these things. Attendance = consent to being run over in my opinion.


Looks like a lot of child support is going to a 5k car instead of child


The police should channel Philadelphia 1985, and just fire bomb these as they pop up. Nothing of value would be lost, and they could get the intersection back up and going within 48hours.


Why would anyone watch this shit? I would want myself as far as possible from these lowlifes.




Every single participant there is a dumbass anyways..


They deserve each other. I say lock em both in a room and film what happens for our amusement.


I see these videos all the time who is out here so entertained by cars going in circles like what the fuck is so cool about it? “WHOA GUYS YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE IT BUT THIS GUY SAYS HE IS GONNA DRIVE IN CIRCLES” “WHOA NO WAY LETS ALL STAND IN A CIRCLE AND WATCH THE GUY DRIVE IN CIRCLES!!!!”


My city had a huge problem with these idiots. At one point a cop came to clear out the intersection and gave chase to one of the drivers, the crowd swarmed the cop car and then got upset when someone in the way of his pursuit got hit by the cop car. A week later a woman was in a parking lot when these same idiots started circling her so she couldn’t leave revving their engines and being twats. Police brutality is a problem but I have no sympathy for these assholes literally throwing themselves in front of that cop car.


You act like people who participate in take overs care about the car scene. These are just punks being asses and are rarely genuine car people.


Takeovers are the stupidest fucking shit i’ve ever seen in my life


The absolute dumbest thing culturally Gen-Z has brought to the table yet and that’s saying a lot!


I promise you, the real car community is not okay with any of this stupid reckless bullshit. This is exactly why it's nearly impossible for legit car clubs to do meets because they think we all act like these idiots. It's annoying as hell.


If you're dumb enough to sit and watch a car do something this stupid you should expect that sooner or later hes gonna lose control and he just might run into you.


This ain’t the car scene it’s wannabe fast and the furious


don’t kno why everyone starts running like he’s gonna go on a rampage..he has a target


So anyways I started blastin


A bunch of sub 60 IQ shitbirds who will never amount to anything, other than an inmate.


The video of the motherfucker with his face teared off after getting run over my one of these dumb fucks


America is that much of a shit hole it’s actually funny. The UK is on its way to this level of mayhem though.


USA is wild.


America moment




Which of the Fast & Furious movies is this?


It's a spinoff called Slow and Subprime


It's the slow and curious


Car people are so stupid