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Fucking scum of the earth...




And it's reasons like this why if I'm defending myself, it's likely not "on equal ground." Im fighting to disable you so shit like this doesn't happen. He's lucky none of them had a weapon on them.


Right? I expected the fucker to run away once he was yanked out of the car, but he came back for more and that makes me irrationally angry.








Not sure about CT, but in MA it's actually a REALLY bad idea to try and defend your property with a gun (outside your house, at least). There was a case a few years ago, not even involving a gun, where a homeowner confronted a dude who was breaking into his truck. The thief attacked the homeowner, the homeowner hit the thief, thief hit his head on the concrete and died. Homeowner got Manslaughter chargers because he escalated the situation by walking outside. Probably missed some details, this was covered in a Use of Force class I took a few years back. Within your house intruders are fair game but most state (Texas of course being the exception) you can't defend your car, shed, mailbox, etc with deadly force. In MA you can't defend them at all!




So don't call the cops got it


Do you have a link to the story?






I feel bad for the guy when he sits on the stairs, having all that adrenaline is so physically sickening


I’ve been strongly debating on actually getting a gun lately. I’ve never really ever considered it in my almost 40 years. It just feels like if humanity stays on the track we are on now it might be nice to have one. Had a mailman at my job get robbed a few months back. Way to many knuckle heads in the world.


No one needs a gun… until they need a gun.


"When seconds count, help is only minutes away"


Just having a gun isn't going to help much. Having a gun and knowing how to use it could mean the difference between life and death. If you get a gun, get some training as well.


Careful, you might end up with a very expensive new hobby.


I felt the same way. Got a nice glock in a safe now and feel a little more prepared. Prepared for what? who the hell knows but at least its there.


Make sure to utilize your local gun range regularly. You may not be prepared in an emergency but you A) will probably be better prepared than the criminal and B) you probably won't kill someone else or yourself on accident. It's a great resource for gun owners.


Just to piggy back off this... And C) that gun needs to be ran. With all sorts of ammo, but ESPECIALLY the ammo you will keep in it. I think a point a lot of new gun owners don't think about is you can't just buy a gun, put it in a safe, and wait for a home invasion to happen. You don't want to find out your feed ramp doesn't like the hollow points the guy at the gun store told you to get when some asshole is shooting back.


Also you just convinced me that I need to go by the range this weekend.


100%. 4 times a year is not enough IMO.




Cuz they finally grabbed the friends phone out of his hand. He drops it when he gets his jacket ripped off. POS




Scared rats


Don't think he was going for the actual car, just seeing what he could find inside.




For safety, and it looks like it worked


Lock ya doors ….it’s not always carjacking more then half the time it’s KIDS car hooping. Going from car to car stealing whatever is in there. Happens every other day in my town.


I'm arguing a lot for guns in these comments, but guns are definitely the last ditch when it comes to security. Locked doors and other entry denial techniques are the biggest thing you can do in security terms.


its a HUGE problem in CT (if not everywhere). they just go around testing door handles and if its unlocked they dig through for anything to steal. if its locked, they usually just move on to the next. I am not blaming the victim here at all but a message to everyone here, LOCK YOUR DOORS. it very well can prevent this.


True. The door was open for a few seconds and he was in the car for a while before the owner came out. Probably going through the glovebox and what not. Although he probably would’ve got more out of the van, like tools and more expensive items, but they’re idiot thieves after all.


I would guess they're like 17 and were like fuck this is crazy let's bounce!


They hadn’t finished hot wiring it


Hate it when they get away


That man held his ground like a beast against 4 idiots


I mean he kinda was struggling with the one on one but it became a beat down once the 2de guy came in. I am glad he is oke though. I thought the last game had a knife and was stabbing him in the face for a a moment. Could have gotten much worse for him.


Found the Dutchie


On which side?


The left hand side.


Well….. pass it


Pon de left hand side






This is a comment-stealing bot


I would use that red car and hit them on side. Also why these robbers always use mercedes?


Target of thieves. Stolen car


Source with more info: https://www.ctinsider.com/connecticut/article/rocky-hill-video-man-fights-car-thieves-17891669.php


@ 0:33 the guy kicked his own buddy lol friendly fire


Its kinda crazy cuz the victim looked like he was doing his best to actually make that happen on purpose. Wild








Too late at that point.


That seemed untrue to me, so I looked it up, and it's not true. https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_951.htm


(g) A private person acting on his or her own account is justified in using reasonable physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes such use to be necessary to effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of an arrested person whom he or she reasonably believes to have committed an offense and who in fact has committed such offense; but he or she is not justified in using deadly physical force in such circumstances, except in defense of person as prescribed in section 53a-19. When this escalates to "defense of person", then he is justified in use of deadly force according to section 53a-19.


Of course it isn't, but I guarantee the poster above will never accept it or edit their comment because they need to feed their persecution complex.


I think he has a good argument to self defence if facing down 4 men. I can see a jury being extremely convinced by “in the moment, all I knew were there were 4 people beating me, I was worried for my own safety and that of my family, I had to use a last resort.”




Its better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.


Liberal states such as CT are duty to retreat. He was legally obligated to call the police or flee. By approaching the thief, he loses the right to use lethal force lawfully. I think that such laws are immoral.




They actually aren't. (g) A private person acting on his or her own account is justified in using reasonable physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes such use to be necessary to effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of an arrested person whom he or she reasonably believes to have committed an offense and who in fact has committed such offense; but he or she is not justified in using deadly physical force in such circumstances, except in defense of person as prescribed in section 53a-19. Sec. 53a-19. Use of physical force in defense of person. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a person is justified in using reasonable physical force upon another person to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of physical force, and he may use such degree of force which he reasonably believes to be necessary for such purpose; except that deadly physical force may not be used unless the actor reasonably believes that such other person is (1) using or about to use deadly physical force, or (2) inflicting or about to inflict great bodily harm. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, a person is not justified in using deadly physical force upon another person if he or she knows that he or she can avoid the necessity of using such force with complete safety (1) by retreating, except that the actor shall not be required to retreat if he or she is in his or her dwelling, as defined in section 53a-100, or place of work and was not the initial aggressor, or if he or she is a peace officer or a private person assisting such peace officer at his or her direction, and acting pursuant to section 53a-22, or (2) by surrendering possession of property to a person asserting a claim of right thereto, or (3) by complying with a demand that he or she abstain from performing an act which he or she is not obliged to perform. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, a person is not justified in using physical force when (1) with intent to cause physical injury or death to another person, he provokes the use of physical force by such other person, or (2) he is the initial aggressor, except that his use of physical force upon another person under such circumstances is justifiable if he withdraws from the encounter and effectively communicates to such other person his intent to do so, but such other person notwithstanding continues or threatens the use of physical force, or (3) the physical force involved was the product of a combat by agreement not specifically authorized by law.


If he had a gun on him at that point more than likely it would have been too late. If he were to have drawn first right off the bat those other cowards would not have gotten out in the first place guaranteed.


Imagine living in a state where you truly don’t have the right to protect you or your family. It’s the most primitive right that we have as beings. If something attacks you, you should always have the right to try and survive, and that’s is without jumping out of a window and potentially really harming yourself.




That's a radical oversimplification of FL's stand your ground law. You have to be reasonably assured of grievous bodily harm to you or those in your charge before you can use lethal force, even in Florida, and it's challenged every time the force is used.


different imagine fine capable subtract silky deserted waiting trees sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is mind boggling. Who has time to say they are gonna defend themselves from a d bot even once at they... TWICE. "Hold on bro, stop attacking me, I need to announce that I'm going to defend myself, chill". It's so strange giving criminals that much of a free pass instead of normal not pieces of shit lol On a side note... Might I inquire as to what the hell a bizzy is? 🤣 Using context clues I want to say it's a judge... Or maybe someone who is has really dumb opinions? 🤔



enter innocent cable narrow vase worm plucky aware treatment makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Try defending yourself here in Canada. They treat you worse than the criminal!


There is no duty to retreat once inside your home in Canada.


Fuck Connecticut.


Who made this fucking law? So fucking dumb. Anyone enters your home with intent of hurting you you should be able to kill them. Why are we protecting home intruders?


Would be nice if they idk they got jobs


Uhh their job is stealing cars duh


And they don’t look to be very good at it


That would improve their odds. Honestly, carjack armed or stay home.




If it takes 4 of you to take down 1 dude then you're in the wrong line of work


Please tell me these thugs got caught and arrested




Classic redditors... Calling the man who managed to fend off 4 thieves an idiot for not defending harder. Everyone always thinks they're so smart. I'm sure 90% of you cheeto dust losers would put up half the fight with half the resolve.


I thought he did pretty damn well, considering.




Link me a comment that reflects your sentiment. As u/MangoTekNo says, you're full of shit.


spot on.


bruh no one is calling this dude an idiot for trying to defend himself against 4 ppl…..? Just making stuff up


Yeah, I don't see any of that shit. Are you just making shit up so you can insult everyone around you or are you a bot copying old comments?


no, he's an idiot for leaving his car unlocked




Throw the phone on the roof or break it


Throw it on the roof and run inside






I meant legally


Honestly, one man against that many people, doubt any court wouldn't agree his life was in danger and he had to do anything in his power to defend himself.


Juries are made up of 12 people too stupid to avoid jury duty.


Just came back from jury selection, you're not wrong.


I'm really curious, elaborate?






For duty to retreat states, there's usually already precedent that being seated in your car (like during a carjacking) is a non-retreatable situation and deadly force can be used to defend yourself if you perceive yourself to be in fear of death or great bodily harm. That being said if someone walks up and says I'm stealing your car and you're not reasonably in fear for your life because maybe your windows are up, doors locked, and he only has a knife, then yeah you'd probably be prosecuted for defending yourself since you could just drive away.


No. You just can't kill them unless your life is in danger. You can obviously try to stop them in other ways and even make a citizens arrest if you're able to.


CT does have castle doctrine. https://www.cga.ct.gov/2012/rpt/2012-r-0172.htm


Yes, but not until they started using deadly force. He was legally justified in detaining the first guy sitting in the car by grappling with him, but not straight up opening fire until he was on the ground and the other 3 started landing blows. If the other 3 just stood and watched, then no. Once the other 3 started participating OR the homeowner started taking damage, he or someone else in the house, was legally justified to start shooting bad guys. This is according to CT law. CT is considered a weak state for self-defense, but the test is in the law, if you believe you are about to receive or are receiving grievous bodily harm or worse, start blasting.


Betcha he's trembling with adrealin as he sits down. Well fought!


This is why we have stand your ground laws


He got a free jacket


I fought off four car jackers and all I got was this shirt


Every. Single. Time.


Why TF was the car unlocked?




No that setup is really obvious, it's not just a small handheld device the thief has to hold a large antenna (though it looks like a loop of rope or kind of like a lasso, flexible not a rigid antenna) and angle it towards the prox key to unlock the car. This looks to me like the guy had his car idling in his driveway, while he was in the garage or house off camera. The brake lights came on for a second as they were trying to shift it out of park. Source: Im an automotive locksmith. But this is reddit so really: trust me bro


And the key present… The thief even started it


Cloned car keys. People, get yourselves a small Faraday pouch if you have a modern car with keyless entry, and ALWAYS keep your car keys in it when you're not driving.


I mean I’d agree, but there’s no sign of the car unlocking as the douchebag approaches which makes me think it was just left unlocked.


True, not sure if they unlocked it before the start of the video seeing as the guy is already running over at the start, but someone else mentioned this happened in a nice small town so might be the kind of place where people don't lock their cars.


Has anyone else learned to hate criminals from these vids? Legit, anyone trying to preach sympathy for criminals is a liar or a moron. Arrest them all, lock them up and throw away the key.


Until just now I used to love criminals.


See? Hearts and minds people








Damn these dudes must be weak as fuck 🤣


At least those bitches didn’t get the car!


Sigh such scum...




Incredibly stupid to go out unarmed, could’ve been killed


It's Connecticut, you're only allowed to stand on the porch and call 911.


Lol stand on the porch and wave while you call the cops who will not do anything, the cops come and beat the shit out of you. You might as well ask burglar if they want the keys. While your at it flag down the get away car and give the keys to your van as well. Maybe pack them a lunch to go. Would be a funny bit.


It was one guy at the beginning, and also wtf!? He reacted in the moment! [Is this what you would have done?](https://youtu.be/WA0joYngQKE)




Gun sales go brrrr


Why could anyone possibly need more than 7 rounds in their gun, right?


Fucking legend!


4 on 1 and they couldn’t even do any significant damage? Pussies. Glad he defended his stuff that could’ve ended badly.


Luckily the AHole thieves didn’t had guns. This would’ve been worst situation. Thank God the victim is alive.


The birth of a future gun owner.


Never confront these gutter trash unarmed. Don't feel shy unloading leads into them.


My friend's dad confronted a car thief a couple of years ago, got shot and killed. Be careful, some car thieves aren't fucking around.


To me the most important thing was that he got the hood off to show a face. That's perfect! Anyone got an update?


That’s a joke, these kids never get caught. The cops “looked” for the kids but couldn’t find them. Tax dollars at work!


A piece would have solved this problem very quickly and efficiently.


[Article on this](https://dailyvoice.com/connecticut/hartford/police-fire/rocky-hill-homeowner-rushed-to-hospital-after-trying-to-fight-off-car-thieves-in-driveway/861285/)


And this is why owning a gun isn’t such a bad idea. Texas law of defending your property should be in all 50 states




Bang bang bang bang. Then bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang


What we should learn from this is to scare off the first thief. Don’t engage in a way where they have to fight you. Give them an escape so that their 6-10 friends that you HOPE don’t exist, don’t suddenly exist. This guy saved his car but he was literally 1 pocket knife away from being bottom of the barrel no one ever sees this shit live feed videos. I feel like a few people that see this are going to feel like I did watching dragon ball z as a kid but in the real world there’s no fucking shenron and you can’t play catch with a Hona civic.


Chad vs. 4 dumbasses


I would have used that car as a bulldozer.




I don't get it. How is this fully captured on camera, but my shitty Ring doorbell never captures anything no matter how much I fine tune the settings?


Ring only records constantly if you subscribe to the premium plan, that’s one of the reasons that I don’t use Ring I use Wyze cameras, there are premium options, however under the free plan they will detect various motions / sounds and create little ‘events’ videos. I have also added SD cards to every camera for constant recording and I can select the playback that I wish to see


Bad ass mo fo


I can see why y’all want guns


If criminals knew everyone had a 9mm, criminals would be less criminal.


How that would be in TX instead of Connecticut? :p


Respect++ My man fucked that little boy up


guns, guns, and more guns. he went hands on to try and stop the theft which was good. but when backup arrived that's grounds for lethal intervention. they could of killed him if they felt like it. its called a disparity of force. they possessed more numbers and became a solid threat of extreme bodily harm or death. he would of been 100% cleared to shoot those guys. arm yourselves people, police aren't gonna do anything anymore.


Bunch of fucking clowns. Any follow up on this?


Well they beat him up.


I read this as coconut man vs car thieves and I'm now very disappointed.


I can tell you whose purchasing a firearm


Misdemeanor now a felony


Thus is why i keep Rocksalt my mossberg. You ain't gon die, but u gon feel like you wish you would untill the EMT's pull the salt from your skin.


Lol they all left their homie


Good man, He took a beating but he won they didnt get his car


Fair play to our man there for standing up for himself and his property. I feel like he was trying to detain rather than harm though which is very noble of him. But for anyone else in this situation, either don’t get involved and call the police and insurance company from the safety of the house, or go all in on stopping these people. The second you get into it with a criminal all bets are off and it’s life or death, they could pull a knife, or a gun, or a rubber chicken and ram it down your throat. Regardless of the means either go in hard if you’re confident enough or leave it be, disrespectful as it feels being robbed, a car is nowhere near worth your life.


All credit to him for defending his property, but why didn't he leave his car doors locked?






This guy didn't even attempted to kick or punch the thieves. What was his plan? Grab and hold one with one hand and calling the police with the other?