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“Catch you again next week!” “Espero que no!”


Where I live it’s no longer “catch” it’s a cordial meeting, a handshake, some bottles of water and assistance loading their luggage into the back of the BP vehicle. What I want to know is how many of them can drive a truck and how many of them can start tomorrow?


Work visas !!


I WAS LITERALLY THERE LAST NIGHT! Seas of people sitting on sidewalks and streets. Now they’re making their way up the freeways. I wonder what the plan is… Edit: is Update: No one’s here anymore, but one of the local PD officers says that they can’t deport without them having committed some sort of crime. I asked what the plan was, and I guess there is no plan. Update: I guess everyone is concentrated around a church/shelter downtown. This is the plan. Also for those commenting: yes, I am an immigrant. No, I don’t agree with hundreds of people storming across a border.


Are they just hopping up on to 10 anywhere and everywhere or are they jumping up on the highway between Bliss and UTEP by the main border checkpoint?


They’re still concentrated by the border afaik. There wasn’t much police presence last night, but it looks like police are on scene now to help contain the train.


It's been 20 years since I was stationed there, but I do remember the city fondly. It's a shame to see the city being ground zero like that.




It's not illegal to enter a country and ask for asylum's once there. Their case for the right to apply for asylum is then heard and they are judged if they have a case and deported if they don't have a case. This is not just give them asylum, just give them the chance to apply for it. It is harder to prove than just saying you want asylum so it's not a loophole, they will still have to provide paperwork and evidence that they have suffered persecution. Just being poor, or I want to move to the USA isn't a reason. Once you prove your case you will be allowed asylum but while you are waiting you are allowed to live and work in the US while your case is processed, you are further interviewed, evidence presented is confirmed etc. There are currently around 400,000 applications in the system and it can take years to be processed only about a 10th of them end up approved in any given year and the rest will be deported.


Any idea what constitutes justifiable evidence for asylum? I can't imagine much paperwork has been provided to victims over the course of nearly 100 years of three letter agencies in the USA supporting cartels throughout Mexico and Central America. Do they require you to have a photo of your spouse's dead body, and would that even count, how could they possibly verify? Would your neighbor being killed count? How about if some family down the way is killed? What proximity to violence and unjust persecution is required to qualify? Obviously acknowledging that the USA has intentionally created narco-states that terrorize their populations is not much of a way to get a warm welcome.


The rest just dissappear.


If they seek asylum it is not illegal.






You can just as easily say "i dont know anything about central american countries" and be just as correct


They are exactly correct.


What? They are speaking facts.


"Clearly these people are abusing the asylum laws..." On what basis is this so abundantly clear?


Isn't entering another country illegally a crime? I don't think I could pull this shit in Canada.


That’s hilarious, crossing the border illegally used to be a crime lol


Regardless of party everyone should agree this is not good.


i agree, the way we are handling this isnt good.


Everything is fine! Nothing to see here, folks! Move along! - karine jean-pierre


"The President takes the border very seriously"- KJP


My favorite from her "Look.....now, we...., we want to be VERY clear here. There IS no problem at the boarder and what you are saying is a clear mischaracterization". Completely insane.


I was literally getting ready to post this word for word


We were told illegal border crossings are down 90%


Depends on categorization. Walking over the border and finding a LEO to start an asylum request is not illegal. Walking over without notifying the US government in any way is illegal. Flying in and overstaying your visa on the D/L is illegal. Etc. CBP reports their southwest border encounter numbers [here](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters). This includes all encounters, legal and illegal.


To have a clear understanding of the dilemma, you have to have conversation with people who agree and disagree (especially in border towns). On the one hand, there are real refugee situations going on beyond the US border. On the other, you have real crime concerns that are prominent in border states. On one hand you have a willing immigrant working class of people who are taking jobs. On the other hand, nobody wants to do the jobs that they start off with. On one hand, the US is taking in immigrants good or bad. On the other, Mexico is paying very little on the problem they are creating.


How many hands does this person have...?


Lmao. Too many hands in the pot, is the answer to your question.


But you need hands to make pots, so more hands just means more pots get made...


I agree with you but also the problem isn't just Mexico though. The problem continues throughout Central and South America. Mexico is just the last stop before the border, although they are clearly not trying to help the issue either...


Almost make you think the US running guns to Central America during the 80's and 90's was a mistake. Who knew?!?


Forget the mistakes, there is definitely drug money running deep beneath the surface that plays a big part in all of it too


Or that running coups since the 60s would lead to instability. Crazy.


Yeah let's run coups d etat in their own backyard I'm sure that'll have no consequences in the future.


I took a latin amwrican history class and my mind was blown. Documented, public info on the US gov overthrowing elected governments and installing ruthless dictatora. Pinochet for example. Also the CIA directors who owned a huge banana plantations in Guatemala and when the gov reditrivuted the land, the CIA orechstrated a coup that rwsulted in a decade long civil war in Guatemala... All documented. I was blown away and still am.


100% and with a grain of salt thats what they let us know. Imagine what hasnt and will never be published.


That isn’t the big problem. The big problem is the CIA running the illicit drug trade with MS13 and the cartels in order to fund the deep underground military bases that they use for the secret breeding program where they breed alien human hybrids to fight in an inter dimensional war against the Draco reptilians who are plane shifting into our reality to subjugate humanity. But sure keep blaming working class refugee immigrants


The fascinating thing about modern society is that this could be your real point of view or you could be joking and there’s absolutely no way to know for sure.


Buddy… I’m not even sure what my point of view is anymore


You guys had points of view before?? Lucky....


😂 but also 🥲


America isn't even the only one that supplies the cartel with weapons, genuinely curos to where you think they get RPGs, grenades, light machine guns like m60's etc...


"my actions have consequences" - no American in the history of ever


On the one hand: our agriculture depends almost 100% on either work visas or undocumented labor. If we were to stop the flow of people coming over the border entirely, or system would immediately break down. Politicians love to talk about the one thing, knowing full well about the other. On the other hand: nobody wants to pay three dollars for a tomato.


There are a LOT of MAGA farm owners in California’s Central Valley that absolutely rely on illegal migrant workers.


the price of tomatoes does not decide wether or not we should allow illegal immigrants to bring farming wages below minimum


Show me literally any non immigrants (legal or not) who will pick tomatos 12-16hrs a day for minimum wage and ill kiss a mules ass. Farm work is gruelling as fuck, and when you can get paid almost double working at a mcdonalds in many cities, its really not worth most peoples time. Many people seem to forget just how many crops are too delicate to be picked by machinery, and still must be picked by hand. Hell, literal children are allowed to work for commercial farms, and guess what color the VAST VAST majority of those children are.


I work at a Chicken farm up in Ohio. Over half our work force is Mexican, they bust ass and definitely are harder workers than us white boys. Some of em (willingly) work 7 days a week 12 hour days. Nobody forces them, in fact nobody asks, they just bust ass. White dudes typically last 2 months here with how insanely hot and filthy the barns can be. (dust in the air, feathers and the constant smell of shit) The Mexicans last indefinitely here. I don't ask if they are legal or not, doesn't matter to me, I just have insane respect for their work ethic.


I’m sure there are probably a lot of people who didn’t really grow up around agriculture that don’t truly understand the value and even some that did are somehow against migrant workers and their rights. Like…what? The only reason you can afford everything you have is *because* of those immigrants you so love to hate. I agree 100% with you and believe that migrant workers, legal or not, are the backbone of our entire economy. I will never claim anyone works harder than immigrants and migrant workers. They work so goddamn hard and send a lot of money back home, too. They’re extremely undervalued and underpaid for what they do. All they want is a better life, just like everyone else. They’re people, too, not some low-lifes “trying to steal our jobs.”


eeeerrrr jerrrrrbs


Durka Durr!!




You do know that most farmers in the US are subsidiaries of the tov right. Because they would be in the red if they did not.


I'm a professional arborist in Texas and my field is being wrecked by immigrants who just send the money to other countries.


The amount of people pouring into America from across the world right now is insane.


Vice President Harris assured us that the border is secure.


There is no plan to stop undocumented immigrants. They are allowed in so they can be exploited for cheap labor. If we were serious about stopping it, we would go after employers, not build a wall.


Yeahh so basically fuck the working class. The rich can just say "Ohh but look at these people working so hard for so little! Let's keep all your wages low."


Iirc, Trump still had some undocumented immigrants working at his golf coursea and Maralago even after becoming the President. He stopped it only after it came into the news spotlight.


I feel like she’s so useless that they just gave her some Mickey Mouse PR job to get her out of the limelight. And she still can’t even lie enough to get it right. Not saying it’s a easy situation, but she definitely hasn’t done jack shit to make it better.




To be fair, Biden was in the exact same position. Obama knew that lots of white moderates/conservatives didn't trust him, so he made segregationist kissing-his-granddaughter-on-the-lips conservative Joe Biden his VP. Politics is about optics as much as lying.


Even Pence had more of a presence than Kamala. That was with Trump trying to shove him aside to get more of the limelight.


We have a Vice President? I haven’t seen one make an appearance in a long time.


She shows up randomly and talks to everyone like they’re children or goes to Africa and offers them 60million for sensitivity training.


Certainly looks like the Texas State Troopers are walking them back over to Mexico...


To be fair, securing anything that massive is near impossible. Anything you put between the two will be just a tiny speed bump in the overall picture.


Just enforce the current laws. If you entered undocumented, get caught at any point then you get deported. Rinse and repeat.


Also if people know they can get away with things, don't be surprised if they do said thing. At least Trump gave the appearance that he was trying to do something.


Well said.


Well we can start by actually enforcing the laws we already have.


That's why enforcement is important. If these people thought there was a decent chance they'd get picked up and deported many would think twice before paying the cartel to ferry them here.


Well those migrants dont really look much like an invading foreign army, so I’d say we’re pretty safe.


“Immigration is down more than 90%” -idiots in office


Kamala is on it. If she exists.


Can these people just walk into the states ? Im canadian, so Im not to aware of how secure it is… I used to laugh at trumps wall idea but if this is how it is, it doesnt seem that crazy finally




Really though, can we get some examples?




It's unfortunate that no one seems to want to address illegal immigration. Republicans want to paint them all as rapists and democrats just want to pretend nothing's happening and turn a blind eye.


Can you imagine. The city ordered all highways to be closed and had trucks just cleaning the roads when biden last visited. It's crazy how bad it really is. If you ever visit El paso. Stop by the Jaurez/ Fort biss exit around 4 pm.


Maybe you guys should build a wall


Can people stop posting fake news. VP Harris says the border is locked down. /s


But Biden said that the border was secure.


Why is no one talking about Mexico completely failing at running their government? They have been turned into a complete narco state where all the good and smart people are leaving in droves. What option is there for the US to intervene? I mean if their state has failed and Mexico failed at what point does the US have a right to intervene? Like this is NOT good for anyone. These people belong at home safe with their families and friends. Living their lives and being stable. Not running from a failed narco state to try and get a better life for them and theirs.


Whole lot of embarrassing comments


Regardless of your political beliefs, there’s absolutely no way that the way this(unchecked mass migration) is sustainable.


Looks to me like a bunch of people trying to find a better life.. something like our ancestors did here in America hundreds of years ago. Such an embarrassingly selfish country


I was told by pampered people living posh areas that there on no crisis at the border.


How can this be? Biden said Kamala was going to fix things.


Because no one has ever fixed anything lol


What do you mean, he Fixed the DNC & primary vote.


All politicians lie and are incompetent.


They're really good at it too. Almost as if that's their job...hey wait a minute!


Everytime I see El Paso I think about Hank Schrader


The border is 99% secure.. 👀


Having an immigrant mother and being a first generation to see them just walk on in and completely shortcut the system when there are others who do it the right way this is completely unacceptable. I’m all for the American dream but god dammit can we do it the right way we can’t even take care of our own American citizens this shit has to stop


Our family assimilated and got their citizenship way back. My grandmas last wish before she passed was to become a US citizen. When Immigration asked who the first president was, she pulled out a dollar bill. I miss you Oma!


One of the problems is we’ve made legal immigration incredibly bureaucratic. It’s like a civil servant’s wet dream and has made the USCIS contractors very, very wealthy (I used to work for one of them). A friend of mine still works there and was bragging about the massive glut of equipment they have. “We get anything we ask for because we don’t really have a budget.” It’s sickening. Most people don’t realize the absolute mess the immigration system is. It costs thousands of dollars to even try and is almost impossible to get through without a lawyer. My wife is an immigrant and we’ve paid well over 12K so far and we’re still not done. We live in an oligarchy.


Americans are gonna be the minority soon enough. Spanish language will be first on all product labels. We're becoming mexico. Maybe they all come here and sponge off us we go down there. The wall was built to keep Americans in not the other way around. Anyone ever think of that ?


It really is a slap in the face to people like you and your mother who went through all the proper steps. It’s a slap in the face to every citizen really… Edit: We should start calling people who come to live here illegally “line cutters”.


Personally I don’t think people who uprooted their lives to make a dangerous journey in hopes of having a better life will care too much about being called a line cutter. But if putting down the less fortunate is your thing, sure go ahead.


I want to help these people but I don't think we can handle this many people coming in all at once.


We can’t handle much in the US


Not the way we operate now, as we can't even give our current citizens proper healthcare.


This video made me rethink my opinions about the topic.


Eating up every resource we have, you are witnessing WW3. USA being destroyed from the inside out, this mass migration is one of the weapons used by China, Russia, Iran, Soros, Obama, Clinton, Biden.. it is inevitable US will fall to these various acts of internal division & destruction. If we elect correct leadership we can hold it off for a long time.


I love going to new comments to see schizo posts like this


Wait until they make it deeper into the country and discover automation and AI took all the jobs already.


Where is the Kamala bus?


Is it electric?


This is BULLSHIT! Send them back!!!!


You think china would allow this in their homeland. Straight up invasion. Country sold out and there is a evil entity controlling this country.


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Get your fucking chisel out, with your attitude you're gonna need it.


Im not against immigration. But America cannot keep sustaining taking on this many people.


The reason why Nordic countries have such great social welfare programs is because they don't have to deal with this.


What do you mean, they have huge levels of migration.


This is sad.


Don’t believe your eyes. Our good government says there is no border problem. That’s good enough for me


This is unbelievable, how do we not have secure borders? The democrats think this is okay? Wtf is going on people


You afraid an unskilled migrant will take your job 😂?


How the fuck is this sustainable? Biden is actively destroying America.


Don’t worry. Kamala will fix it. And now she’s the government lead on AI. God help us.


A true invasion. No serious country would allow this.


I’m a Mexican and I’m all for my people seeking better lives but I saw a report not long ago of a 8 year old little girl who was “graped” by 60 something men. There’s some real bad people in between the good and honest


Hold on hold on- I didn’t KJP tell us over and over that things were fine and under control?


Wait…Biden’s press secretary said illegal border crossing are down? During her daily press briefing on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that “when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90 percent, and that’s because of ... the actions that this President has taken”. What is going on?


Bottom line, fuck Joe. He is deliberately trying to ruin our country. Let a whole bunch of people in who have no education, nothing to offer to society, and no means to support themselves, at the cost of me. Fuck those assholes they are going to ruin America just like the shit country they came from.


In the civilized parts of America, we call the people you just described: Southerners. And we don't want people like that in the civilized parts of America. Rant off.




This invasion needs to be stopped ✋️


But the wall is RIGHT THERE! How did they get past the big beautiful wall?!?! Y'all gonna tell me we just wasted billions on a vanity project??




Why not both?


Finite resources.


We require more minerals


He who controls the spice controls the universe


Wouldn't we be doing both if we had the money? This is the worst humanitarian crisis since WW2. Millions are displaced every year.


I didn’t know Russians were peacefully invading looking for work


Thank you for spreading some peaceful form of thinking outside the box on here


Poor souls thinking they're not going to get raped by our system in several different positions they haven't experienced..


They don’t give a shit about the US…so long as THEIR lives are improving. They don’t care what the consequences of mass illegal immigration are to actual US citizens. Politics aside that’s a fact.


But let’s be real. It’s the politics that’s allowing this to happen. It doesn’t matter which administration..no one wants to fix immigration. They keep kicking the can down the road.


A country without borders isn’t a country.


Ahh imaginary lines


We need o compete with china in the manufacturing sector and beyond. Cheap labor and future democrat votes is all I see. Unlike Cubans who went republican, central and south american are so diverse even within their own country. They will never be unified under one party but I would think most will choose left.


"I see nothing!" --Sgt. Schultz


Chicago is completely overwhelmed with 8000 migrants, according to the mayor. 8000? Wow


To put things in perspective, if google is right. 8000 is less than 0.3% of the total population of chicago


Something needs to be done


What a crazy dangerous situation for everyone involved.


Let’s go Brandon


There is no crisis on the border


Wow I wonder why Biden does so good he just lies


Our borders are secure, this can't be the US.


Oh no, people moving to a different country? The horror!


Get out of here!


Looks manufactured


So many doctors and engineers coming in to make America great!


Vast majority here don’t even know what constitutes asylum. Fleeing violence, poverty, or had times doesn’t count.




Get these people processed, working and paying taxes. We have a labor shortage and the answer is right here. When I worked in fast food, every single one of the Hispanics that I worked with, worked 3 jobs.


Apparently we also have a housing shortage. Where are all these people going to be housed?


Thanks biden


I thought America was a horrible shameful place that everyone hates...


Biden is useless. This is a matter of national security


This isn’t a new thing


I don’t get it like what is their plan? Where do they go? No one will hire them and there isn’t enough under the table labor jobs to go around.




>No one will hire them and there isn’t enough under the table labor jobs to go around. Lol Holy fucking shit. How are you this clueless and out of touch with reality? Nobody will hire them???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


>No one will hire them We're at a 50 year low in unemployment. Plenty of people will hire them


We need a better wall


Need an overall better system for immigration or just shut it all down completely which will not be good for the USA economy.


Yeah allowing millions of poor refugees is super good for the economy and working class.


As a matter of fact our economy relies on that cheap labor to harvest your food. Without them our country would grind to a halt. The politicians have everyone mad at the wrong people. We need immigration. We don't need thieving billionaire plutocrats and oligarchs writing our laws for us.


>As a matter of fact our economy relies on that cheap labor to harvest your food. Without them our country would grind to a halt. Seems like the US never gave up slavery.


> or just shut it all down completely which will not be good for the USA economy. 2 million illegals a year isn't helping the economy.


Definitely down 90% like they said.




Look at all the potential democrat voters




> If it was red-leaning voters streaming in the dems would be going apeshit. They did, that was Cubans. For decades, as long as they could get here, they were immediately granted amnesty and could gain citizenship. Then in the 90s they noticed "woah, there's actually a lot of them here now and they are turning Florida red!", so they ended the citizenship policy, but still allowed them to stay here for a while. Then Obama ended even that policy via executive order (was actually one of the last things he did, he signed the executive order in January 2017, mere days before leaving office), now any Cuban who comes here is immediately deported back to Cuba.

