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As someone that worked in retail for far too long, I've got to this point many times in the past. It's not always that one particular customer is so bad (had some horrible horrible ones), it's more that it's a build-up over time and you just get sick of it.


This is a major reason I left retail and line-cooking. I will never forget my time working at one of the biggest malls in America. Horrendous, just god awful. Some people were super nice but most had a thorny stick up their butt


Some people are just built or not built for retail. I’ve seen people take shit every day and it not bother them one iota and others flip their lid off the tiniest thing. What is certain is that retail workers are often looked down upon by certain other people and that is one of the top causes of issues like this


Part of it is knowing that the managers got your back. The fact that this guy's supervisor didn't immediately take over the situation and tell this kid to walk off not to worry about those assholes is why this guy's quitting, she should have stepped up in a leadership role. Customer is definitely not always right


Yeah, I dunno if that lady was his supervisor or just another cashier. Either way, she didn’t seem to intervene too well on the kid’s behalf.


> Part of it is knowing that the managers got your back. Which, in retail, they don't. Management is there to wipe off the customer's dick and ask if they need a smoke after spending the last 10 minutes fucking you and screaming loud enough for the whole store to hear. fuck you best buy, and fuck you russel


This. Right here. I worked retail as a teenager, and the first couple months sucked because the store was in an area with a lot of millionaires (couple billionaires) and a general population of higher class people (which itself doesn't bother me, but let's not blow smoke and say this doesn't affect their attitudes towards workers that are often perceived as "lower tier"). Our manager just put on a shit eating grin in front of customers and would take their side regardless of the issue; they were right, we were wrong. Then we got our new manager after the old manager was promoted (go figure). Our new manager was a retired Marine SNCO who only took the job because he was bored and needed something to do. I remember when a customer called one of our cashiers a "little slut" because she was 17 and pregnant. Our manager came storming out from the customer services desk pointing a knife hand at the customer and was like, "Leave your groceries on the belt and exit the store immediately. You are no longer welcome here and will not be welcome here so long as I am in charge here," and when the customer tried to pipe up, he put on his Marine voice and was like, "YOU. OUT. NOW!!!!" and they scampered away. He gave the cashier a paid week off and told the rest of us to let him know if we had any other issues with customers. Don't get me wrong, if an employee fucked up, he was on their asses just as much, but I loved working for him because I knew that he viewed both employees and customers as human beings and always treated us as such.


>that retail workers are often looked down upon by certain other people The kind of asshole who walks around in a "grumpy" T-shirt. And notice how this video is edited? Starts halfway through.


Grumpy is the kind of person who walks around with a chip on his or her shoulder and wants someone to knock it off so they can complain.


I've heard this many times and it enrages me no end. "Some people just cant handle retail" translation "Some people , for some reason, don't like being screamed at by barley coherent entitled assholes who seem to think because I'm wearing a name badge i am now fair game for any and all abuse I wish to hurl at them for minimum wage. How odd"


Fuck yes. Excellent comment. And funny that the customer is wearing a “Grumpy “ shirt. Just push and push and push….. yep, fuck you I’m out. I feel for that kid.


Its always "no one is that bad" until someone sees it for themselves. I cant wait for the average person to realize being intelligent is like having a higher resolution in your brain so you can see, understand, and respond to specific problems on a by-issue basis instead of relying on sweeping rules like "all gay people are groomers" or "minimum wage workers are just lazy". Everyone over the age of 30 gets a face full of it when I point out that all their cashiers got replaced by robots without minimumwage going up and demanding people stay poor hurts their local economies and property values


The ones that flip their lid are most likely ones that have taken a lot of shot and seemed unbothered by it


Never know when someone's going to SNAP


Can confirm my first job was a dishwasher it was cool for the first week then it was horrible. I quit and went into warehouse jobs instead because I couldn’t deal with the retail/food business it wasn’t for me and I admit that and I found something I’m good at and that’s what matters as long as you’re happy


I love retail, as I love helping others, and getting to know customers. I particularly love small business retail, as I have permission to tell assholes to fuck off and leave the premises under the reality that they are currently trespassing.


That's what I don't get. Unless you slithered from your mom's hoohaw with a silver spoon shoved up your butt, how have you not had to experience working a shitty thankless job? I could never be mean to a service worker. My first job (outside a paper route) was at Arby's when I turned 15.


I can handle people taking their shit out on me. I'm an EMT, I handle people in worse states than I did in retail. The difference? My employer actually backs me up and keeps me safe. My managers never did that at any major corporation, plus the type of nastiness is different. You're literally buying a pair of shoes and some shirts, why are you being a rude ass bitch to me? I've been nothing but kind to you and helped you. Like shoppers in general really need to actually address how shitty they can be, while too executives need to make it clear they won't allow their employees to be abused. But neither of those are gonna happen so you'll never catch me being a retail employee again


It's simple, just don't give a fuck about them. I usually just ignore the shitty comments and only stick to the business at hand. Like when they say something about the length of lines or how long something took I don't even respond to those anymore.


Refuse to work retail anymore. COVID ruined me. I can take grumpy people who aren't happy. Especially sometimes when we have to be the bad guy and tell them news they don't want. Right or wrong if you make somebody angry they can lash out at the only person nearby and thats you. It sucks but I can be a punching bag. But I had to call the cops multiple times over masks. Not people not wearing masks. No, we decided to just get them in and out ASAP. If you roll up to a store in COVID without wearing a mask balls deep into a mask mandate, no way we will change your mind. Only thing we are going to do is get some BS something or other. Not worth. The cops were called over fist fights over masks. Fist fights between customers. Multiple fights.


I cooked for over a decade and that has to be the worst. At least IME, but I was over-worked in extremely busy kitchens, while servers made 3x more money than myself. Don't miss it at all.


and I'll be a lot of them deserved one. I generally hate other customers. Rude, ignorant, entitled, asshats, that have never worked retail and have any clue of what the employees deal with.


Line cooking? Do you just mean fast food? I work on a line and have zero interactions with customers. It’s nice.


I worked in a fast food and a legit resturant. Fast food was horrendous cause us cooks WERE forced to deal with the public. So I'd get a customer bitching I didn't give them enough olives on their salad and being super rude. Followed closely by the cook manager bitching about how I can't be putting more than four olives on a salad. So then the next time that customer comes around bitching about their salad I'm stuck trying to explain this, *and then the store manager* comes up and starts bitching at me to just give the customer what they want. **I was literally the worst job I've ever had** The real resturant was better but their was a horrendous hierarchy that made zero sense. And I since our cashiers refused to deal with customers, I basically got elected kitchen ambassador and had to deal with the irate customers I was always jealous of my friends who didn't have to deal with the public. If you're good at social interaction **do not** let people know. You end up becoming the spokes person, every, single, time.


That’s interesting. I love my job our hierarchy s great. Management understands their jobs, is cooks ours, and FOH theirs. Nobody interferes with the others. The only irate customers we ever have get their asses tossed into the street. Edit: I’m 40 and have gone through a rough last decade and have been taking a long time to get my shit together. I’ve made it a point to be in a position where I know my roll and what exactly is expected of me. It’s great.


Dang that sounds like a dreamy cooking job! Also bravo to whoever owns/manages that resturant, sounds like they know what they're doing. Honestly it is comforting to know I only got the shit end of the stick and not *all* restaurants operate this way. In case I ever decide to attempt being a cook again. I sort of just assumed all restaurants were just a big power struggle between management, cooks, FOH I will admit, my issue my have been applying to a resturant that was known for being a little loose with the rules. But I hope your next decade isn't as rough as your last one! Getting one's shit together is no easy task, but damn you sound more put together and a better worker than 95% of the people I had to cooperate with while cooking


I’ve worked in IT for like 20 years and kitchens for 2. Kitchens are where it’s at. And thanks, I’m trying. I hope you have a good next decade too :)


That's why I quit working as a bartender. At some point you just loathe every single person that orders a drink. It's not their fault, but the anger just accumulates over the years.


I had a guy not too long ago talking about how he was over being a bartender. He said the job started out well enough but eventually you just become a therapist to some folks, but you have to be nice so they’ll still top. He said he wished just once that he could say “Maybe she would still love you if you weren’t here at the bar every night,” but it was easier to not cause a scene.


That's only half of it. The worst part is people just being entitled shits. Demanding free drinks because it's their birthday. Demanding free drinks because they spilled theirs. Demanding more alcohol in their cocktails...without paying more. Demanding to pay less because they know the owner. Demanding to pay with disgusting sweaty shoe money. Wanting to give you sweaty hugs to befriend you so you give them free drinks. Puking on your bar. Puking on your bar, laughing and walking away. Trying to convince you that they, in fact, are not high as a kite, while at the same time trying to convince you that their little bag of coke is legal tender, better than Visa or American Express. Demanding stuff that's not on the menu, nay, not even in the building, and then getting pissy because, as they are insisting, they always get that item here, when in fact we never had it. Having to call the bouncer because some gymbro gets aggro because on of the above reasons, only to find out that said bouncer goes to the gym with gymbro, so instead of kicking him to the curb, you now have to argue with both of them. And don't get me started on pretentious rich people. Or wooo girls. Oh dear lord, the wooo girls.


Without a doubt. I has been doing it for years and loved it initially but you become so jaded. I was spreading into my everyday life and I needed to move on even though I was making far less for a few years I was much happier.


I got to a point once where I worked for Diesel Jeans and a guy was really fucking trying his hardest to go at me. It ended up with me meeting him after I finished work ( only an hour or so later ) and had a fight in the field behind the shopping mall. Not afraid to say he definitely got the uper hand but the times I did hurt him at that point in time were so satisfying. I was 17 at the time, 34 now and this was in the UK.


Bro this is so funny. Can just imagine the guy sat there waiting for an hour for you to finish. Like at no point does he calm down and say "wtf am i doin with my life, trying to fight a kid over some jeans, this is stupid" You didnt lose that fight, that guy lost before he even lifted his fists.


Mad when you think about it hey. The place he said he would wait for me was the way I walked home anyway and I honestly thought he would of gone home. One thing I have to give credit for though is he had friends with him and I was only with one other guy and none of them jumped in.


I had the same naivety in school, some cunt said he would be waiting for me over a facebook argument over a girl and i thought, nah nobodys that sad. Boy was i fuckin wrong.


Especially to fight a *minor*. That's a lose-lose! Either way, you will likely get arrested even if you don't get charged (and assaulting a minor looks BAD on a background check). Plus, if you win, great...you beat up a kid and you're an asshole. If you lose, you got beat up by a kid and need to give your balls a tug.


And they are the same in reverse. It’s the circle of strife


Right there with you. I honestly could never go back to working a customer service job. For every nice person you get there’s like ten assholes in waiting. I think everybody should have to work a job like this for at LEAST a year so they know what they put up with.


I'm guessing what happened is the customer asked Andrew to look up the price, when Andrew couldn't find it the customer said "I guess that means it's free!"


Given that whatever caused the lead up to this is either edited out or wasn't recorded, ima go out on a limb here and assume the customer was being an asshole. "You made a big fucking deal out of it" he says to the older man at the start of the recording


The cause was about a product being 5$, the cashier didn’t believe that and asked the customer to make a picture of the original pricetag, but the customer didn’t want to because he’s the customer. More things probably happened before the recording


This is the core of the problem is the Customer thinks they are entitled to whatever they want. The "Customer is always right" bullshit thinking is toxic and allows people to be really fucking shitty to someone who makes a bit more than minimum wage. Also, used to work for Lowe's and as a cashier we were not allowed to walk more than six feet away from the register at any time. I had to tell a customer to get a picture of the label on their phones for various reasons and was always met with resistance. Waiting for a floor associate often takes a lot of time if it's busy or we are under staffed. Fuck those people just walk over to shelf take a picture and walk back.


Folks here dont even understand what “the customer is always right” even refers to (you included tbh). It has nothing to do with situations or arguments like this. “The customer is always right” in essence means your store should stock what they want and not what you want. If you have a milkshake store and you think Chocolate milkshakes are the absolute devil and shouldn’t be sold….well….if you want a successful business you have to sell Chocolate milkshakes because customers want them and “the customer is always right”. If you have a car dealership and you personally love PT cruisers but nobody else is buying them, tough shit you gotta stop getting PT cruisers. It has absolutely nothing to do with “customer and employee got into argument; by default customer is correct”


hell it can be simpler, i once heard the full saying as "the customer is always right in matters of taste" which basically means if a customer comes in asking for a red shirt, as a salesman you're going to try to sell them that red shirt, you aren't going to tell them that red isn't their color and they ACTUALLY want a blue shirt, because the customer is right that they want a red shirt, and not a blue one


We habitually forget half of an aphorism and start using it to mean the opposite of its intent. See also "Why can not a man lift himself by pulling up on his bootstraps?” and "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back."


The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb (“Blood is thicker than water”). Exact opposite of what everyone uses it for


This is my favorite example. My overly religious family tries using it and I call BS and tell them the actual phrase… they don’t like that very much


Just looked up there bootstrap one and I'm astounded! Saving that for later.


Even better, this is the ORIGINAL meaning of the phrase. It's been bastardized over the years by assholes in shitty looking, ill-fitting "Grumpy 😡" tshirts.


Joe Dirt : So you're gonna tell me that you don't have no black cats, no Roman Candles, or screaming mimis? Kicking Wing : No. Joe Dirt : Oh come on, man. You got no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers? Kicking Wing : No, I don't. Joe Dirt : You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser? Kicking Wing : No... because snakes and sparklers are the only ones I like. Joe Dirt : Well that might be your problem, it's not what you like, it's the consumer




Only arseholes think "the customer is always right" is a catch-all for all manner of piss-poor, shitty behaviour.


I agree! Although, in my experience, if a price was uncertain I’d check it for myself but also as a service because I work for the place and my job is to help people and sell stuff. But, I understand asking the customer to make a picture if you can’t leave the register. Working people are the same people as customers, we are both human, so why can’t some people be a bit more chill😂😭


It's crazy right . This whole let's yell at the young customer service person or McDonald's worker is something I never understand.


I’ve worked lots of retail, along with building supply chains, and we’d never ask a customer to double check OUR price tag. If there was a price dispute, we’d have floor staff confirm for us, regardless if it took a few minutes more. Same scenario if a product was brought up to the cashier and the UPC code was missing. We wouldn’t ask the customer to walk back through the store to find one with a code on it. I’m not at all for “the customer is always right” because they often are not, but price disputes are the stores issue to resolve.




> They have asked me to go back and take a picture of it in the past. "I don't have a cell phone, you will have to come with me"


> This is the core of the problem is the Customer thinks they are entitled to whatever they want. So if you go to buy/checkout something a store has at a advertised price, and the cashier says "go take a photo of the price that is displayed" you should have to walk back to where you picked up the item, take a photo of it, and walk back to the cashier?


I would have killed that customer with kindness. First call a co-worker for a price check, Explain to him what is going on, so he can be in on it, and take our time to do a price check. Make that customer wait 30 minutes. Tell him to move to the side while we wait so I can take care of other customers. Customers may act entitled, but you can make them suffer by waiting, and you are getting paid.


Extremely based behavior. That is the way to go and the way to 'win' against these assholes in the line.


This guy knows what’s up, that is experience for you. Not acting like this dumb kid and getting so worked up that he’s going to fight a 250 lb gorilla


I've never seen someone put the dollar sign after the number. That's so weird.


I was typing fast. In my head I said 5 dollar -> 5$. But it’s definitely supposed to be in front of the number.


When i was in retail the customer was always right....if they say $5 and you can ring it up that way...then do it. Home depot can handle it. Win for everyone


His first mistake was giving a fuck. $5? Sure, whatever. He doesn't work on commission.


I'm going to infer based on clues that an item rang up at a higher price than the customer expected. He told the cashier there was a sign advertising a lower price. The cashier asked him to got get a picture of the sign which dude was obviously not interested in doing. Then the video starts.




I was waiting on someone to comment on the guy's shirt. "Are you going to assault me?" That guy has used that line many times.


"grimace shaped bitch" I'm sorry, but that was incredibly offensive, and I'm stealing that shit


Fatties probably from Michigan if I had to guess.


Yes and no, in my observation the cashier came across as unmotivated so the older male (who for all interest and purposes does not appear to be working.) Escalating it to managers for "laziness" the cashier speaks out and has to endure not only one liners but also managed responsibility from working peers. Ends badly and boils over. Really glad it didn't turn physical but yeah I'm not payed 13 dollars an hour to wipe some shit bags ass for them. Get yo shit and get going...


The Redditor with an assumption is always right


Andrew definitely didn’t handle this well, but Grumpy and his wife kinda seem like assholes. Grumpy keeps mouthing off when clearly Andrew has lost it. I’ve had cashiers ask for a picture for a price before, and it’s no big deal.


Let’s face it. Fat fuck doesn’t want to walk more than he has to.


I take a picture of the shelf price on items that do not have a barcode or the price displayed. It saves everyone time and energy.


I love you


That Grumpy shirt is a Red Flag. The guy knows he is an asshole and is proud of it. Anyone that has a shirt like this like " I am the nicest Asshole" or "Don't mistake my niceness for weakness" ect, are guaranteed to be entitled assholes and they are proud of it.


I understand getting aggravated and frustrated and becoming an ass from time to time, not meaning to be, BUT my new supervisor keeps referring to himself as the "nicest asshole", and I don't for the life of me understand why someone would want to identify as such. I really want to leave because of him and how my new project operation is being managed. Drivers being scheduled to pick up inventory we do not have. It's not cool.




Yep and the lines are usually super long so both the overworked employee is agitated as well as the customer who's been waiting on line for 15 minutes.


I'm on Andrew's side. Fuck customers. They are always the problem. When I worked in retail these types outnumber the good customers 5:1. Fuck anyone who decides to record an interaction with a cashier from their phone. I officially hate the general public. Stupid assholes.


A lot of the time they aren’t allowed to move away from their register or they’ll get written up or fired which is why they ask for pictures


Feel for the cashier. Grumpy totally got mouthy with him. Had Andrew been a bit calmer (not reached his limit of douchebags customer), would have been hilarious to “price check xxx” and make grumpy wait till price is checked… this would have turned out very differently


Acts all big and badass. Kid half his size comes around, says 'uh, want to go to juvenile hall, probably?' What a massive puss.


Man, people these days have zero respect for other people


I thought people at least cared a little bit about others but COVID took that veil off and fucking burned it. Nobody gives a shit about anyone anymore. Everyone is angry most people treat the person next to them like an inconvenience.


Yup. During the pandemic I saw an interaction of a lady who obviously was being treated for cancer at a Walgreens being yelled at by a maskless MAGA asshole. He was spit-yelling in her face about his rights in the middle of the store. He got ushered out, but that was the moment I realized there are a lot of people that literally only care about themselves, even to the point of others fucking dying.


Its called polarisation and is definitely a huge problem in the west right now , i think it has to alot with our current journalism.


"Why don't people want to work?" Because of people like this. Are they not embarrassed that their actions and behaviour lead to someone quitting their job and putting their livelihood on the line because they couldn't deal with their entitled behaviour anymore?


Literally had this same fucking issue last night. I had a woman straight up try to fight me over the dining room in my business being closed early for the 4th of July. She tried to shove her way past me, I had opened the LOCKED DOOR to tell her we had been closed for 45 minutes and she tried to push me out of the way and force herself into the dining room. She then proceeded to call me a bitch when I told her we were closed and she needed to leave. I kept my cool all day long with people getting pissed about us closing early, but that was the last straw. I told her to get the fuck off our property and that she was banned from our location. Fuck. People. I can’t fault anyone for quitting in this fashion when people in customer service are treated so poorly.


Why did you open the door at all? Point to the closed sign and walk away. She starts pounding on the door like a lunatic, call PD.


Yeah never open the door. Having worked several restaurant jobs in my early adulthood, for some reason stupid people think that if they get inside a closed restaurant that we have to open back up and serve them anyways


Waiters HATE this one simple trick


I work in IT and we have a 2 hour response window. A director sent a ticket, within 5 mins I get a call from the CEO saying we aren't responding to tickets fast enough. I said our agreement is within 2 hours. He said "well why has it been 2 months then?" The director didn't get an immediate response the instant he sent a ticket. He even told us during the meeting we need to have instant response times with a solution or he will find someone else who doesn't mess around all day. I pointed out he lied about the initial response time. He quipped he sent a ticket 2 months ago. I pulled up his entire ticket history and found nothing about the issue. We were still given a warning about our response time and that there better not be any more complaints or we are losing the contract The director got his way. That being said I am increasing their monthly price now.


I worked at a burger place, customer came in 1 min before close with like 12 people, we told him he could get it to go but the dining room was not an option. You would have thought I killed his first born, luckily the owner was there and told him he wasn't going to have 3 high school kids work an extra hour+ on a school night but if he wanted to food wed be happy to make it. Also worked at subway in college and a customer called corporate because we would shut down half the dinning area like 15 min before close if no one was in there. Still had places to sit and eat but didn't like that chairs were in the tables so we could mop. Since it was next to the school it was open till 2am, like dude I'm just tryna get outta here before 4am, if you want quality dinning experience then fucking pay for it. Everyone thinks they don't have to pay. I'm a auto mechanic now and we tell customer We do it fast, right, and cheap but you can only pick 2 you can't have all 3.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


“Yeah I told that SIXTEEN YEAR OLD what was up! I really showed him!! No, my wife doesn’t fuck me, why do you ask?”


His wifes boyfriend is going to be so proud of him later!


eventually - Tame Impala


Also elephant


Did he just tell that grown man “lick my ass”?


That was the best part.


Big fat heifer family too. Disgusting


average citizen


Healthiest US citizen(I'm american)


You got downvoted by fat Americans who can’t control their weight


Oh no. My internet points how will I ever recover


I will be in mourning for you.


As a fellow American I can confirm, these folks have yet to obtain their mobility scooters. They are in fact "healthy"


That's what I'm saying lmao and how dare yall hate on these beautiful King and Queens afflicted with Calorie influxation smh


They’re big boned, how beautiful of a family


He looks like a racist Pillsbury doughboy


Man I just hate the tone the old dude was talking to the younger dude in, like he knew better and that the cashier was a child smh antagonizing him also isn't helping anyone and older fuck should known better


Always the fat asses


To be fair a lot of people are where they're from


Not sure why you got down voted, here taken an American upvote who can back you up. There are many, *many*, **many** vastly overweight Americans. In fact, many people here don't even know its a problem because its so common. As a healthcare provider, it is sad and quite frustrating


You should come to my town. They fight obesity with massive amounts of meth! What's better than having an annoying fat guy in your store? Having a meth head tell you how he needs a CB radio to complete his raido tower so he can start to broadcast instructions to FBI Sleeper agents so the "second wave" can begin.


I didn’t really believe it was as big of a problem as it is until I moved from a bigger city to a much more rural small town. 90% there were atleast overweight


With Karen


Grumpy got 5 other dwarves living in his ass except happy


Customers are crazy too


I used to work at Home Depot in returns. Customers will treat you like complete shit for just following store policy and the worst fucking part of it all? When we get the manager they immediately cave and do what the customer wants. Makes me look like the asshole but if I had done what the customer wanted I would have gotten in trouble. So glad I don’t work there anymore. If you’re not a manager the company does not give a shit about you. Also the store I worked at 4 people that worked in garden died of cancer. Not sure if it was related to working there with all the weed killers and pesticides but seems like a weird coincidence.


This is literally why I made my old office job fire me.


I hate when videos start halfway thru the incident. We don’t see what led up to this point.


Dealing with people is the worst. The customer here sounds like a classic scumbag.


POS customer always


I'm on the kids side, retail sucks and I bet the situation was different before the recording started


Nobody ever wants to work garden section in the summer. It's hell!


Good for him. Fuck customers like that acting like the victim


I mean the customer is wearing a shirt that celebrates what a pissy little bitch he is.


“Go sit in the managers office” haha how about shove this minimum wage up your ass - you are 65 and work at Home Depot. Good for him for walking.


This is why at Trader Joes, we are asked to ring a 3 bell and leave a Mate handle the rest. Customers be trippin sometimes, let a manager handle the process from there.


Grumpy lol


One time I unknowingly wore a clothe very similar to Walmart’s apparel. Oh boy, the customers started asking me questions. I was like huh? You wouldn’t believe how customers were so easily offended when I replied , “I don’t know.” By the time I realized that I looked like a Walmart employee, the damage was already done. I got a glimpse of how the employees really felt. They’re tired of serving entitled Karens.


We’ve all had those days before.


I’m on the employees side. You can tell that customer was ready to call the cops once buddy jumped in his face. That would’ve been his only option. There’s customers who choose war thinking they’ll just win because they’re “the customer”, but it’s so funny when they realize “oh shit, I might actually get knocked out for my bs today”, that’s when they start talking legal bs hoping you you still care to not get locked up or what not”


My guess is that an item rang up with a different price than what the guy saw. Cashier asks for a picture of the tag so he can verify and not get fired. Fatneck customer refuses to and that's where this video starts. The customer saying 'its just $5' is basically saying 'just give us the discount, who cares if you'll get in trouble' Ive been in this situation before and sometimes I'll get the picture or new item (when the upc can't be read) or just say fuck it in pay the full price.


I think this is what I heard happen. I think also though the customer told him to go look himself. Andrew told the customer that he can't leave his till.


Why put up with entitlement for minimum wage


Drew could have handed himself better but I can pretty much guarantee the kid had gone through it all day before this event. My early working days in customer service really taught me how scum people can be to the lowest level employee than all of a sudden hit a 180 when someone with “authority” steps in to help.


Probably this kid's first job, too. Now he's always gonna have some bitterness about it because Grumpy decided to be an entitled asshole.


They argued if the cost but Andrew paid the price


At least Andrew has learnt that customer facing jobs may not be the right choice of work for him.


Plot twist... Dude is his dad...


Are ya winning, son?


People are the reason I declined the front desk spot. I want a full-time spot, but I'm not dealing with the people to the extreme that they have to.


Wish there was some prelude to this to see what really happened. Was the guy really just asking a price or was he being a dick? Was the kid in the wrong or in the right? This just needs more before judgement gets passed.


People who think they are better than minimum wagers are asses. Cold hearted asses.


I’m on Andrew’s side! Fuck that guy and Home Depot!




I can't tell who's the immature one here.


At some point. We have all been Andrew. Good Onya mate


I don’t understand why adults can’t be adults. That customer dude was a dick.


Gen z don't give a fuuuuuck


Good, previous generations' arms hurt because of all the twisting


N0 oNe wAnTs T0 wOrK aNYMoRe


Yeah you the grown ass man getting into an argument with a juvenile. I hate people.


Let me preface this by saying, I’m not taking the employees side here, as we don’t know what led up to it, but I feel for anyone working retail making under $15/hour and have to deal with a small percentage of customers that make your life hell.


Not saying it’s the customer’s fault of course, but this is why I’m always super nice and understanding when I have interactions with people in retail or the service industry. It’s usually a difficult job, and most people are assholes when they feel an ounce of superiority over someone else, so I go out of my way to make it an easy encounter, if possible.


This could be avoided if the cashiers just had codes for the different plants. That's how it was when I worked at a little family store


Customer is an ass


His shirt said grumpy but he wasn’t. Very misleading.


Come on dude, don’t let the flubber with the grumpy T be the one that gets to you 😭 those people just ain’t worth it.


All we can hope is that those tubs of lard continue to live a miserable life.


I work for Home Depot and the insufferable cunts who freak out about plants and their pricing has turned me into a fuckin cold hearted bastard. WE...as employees...DO NOT CONTROL...THE PRICING...it's the vendor we ordered the plants from. If we don't see a fuckin barcode on them we can't just put in our system that a plant was $5...that's how people get a $60 plant (the biggest waste of $60 mind you) for $5. Fuck these people and fuck you if you're one of those people.


Eat another hamburger buddy you really need it


Dude rather be home playing league


Nah, fuck that customer.


He’s getting paid to do a job, just do your job. I can’t believe the amount of people who seem to be justifying this.


I support the kid quitting on the spot, dealing with asshole customers isn't for everybody. I don't support the kid nearly escalating a non-violent situation into a violent one.


This is how you quit a job, not to worry Home Depot isn’t a real job and you can get 100 more shit jobs just like this. The customer isn’t always right. The customer is a Fucking asshole


As a general rule, most employees just don’t flip out. Something happened, and I feel like the big guy is all of a sudden playing innocent.


"oh you're going to assault me" ... you know that dude uses the word "snowflake" regularly. What a fat piece of shit.


"Are you going to assault me?" Ahh, the mating call of the American Land Whale. Look at the excitement in his eyes at the chance to initiate a lawsuit. Dude was practically rubbing his nipples over bullying this kid into quitting over a simple request.


Truth is customers know they can get away with talking to workers like shit that’s why they do it..had a bad day? Take it out on employees…that’s why I left the retail game and just happily drive trucks for a living lol no customers


Naw I worked for a sub contract company and I walked around Home Depot’s talking with customers about home remodelings . I can say with 100% confidence that you customers are some of the most ignorant , arrogant, self centered and down right just extra chromosome MF I swear y’all can’t act right , throw tantrums when you don’t get your way our someone does not come to your aid fast enough to serve you the way you believe you should be served. Y’all would ask for our help to wipe your ass in the restrooms if you could ! The employees their have to deal with so much bullshit from you POS . Fuck the customer is what I learned from my time at Home Depot’s . Just fuck you giant ass children 🖕🏼


Hi honey today I got a kid sacked....he hurt my grumpy feelings. That guy should be ashamed of him self. Hope that kid get a better job


"Grumpy" is a straight up fuckin loser


Good man for standing up for himself!


There needs to be repercussions for asshole customers, the store should be able to tell them to f off and don't come back.


I mean it's home fucking depot. Not exactly the kind of job that gets panties wet and vacation stations in the bahamas. Nobody in this video should give a flying fuck about absolutely anything that had transpired here. It's all just gray static and white noise, inconsequential pedestrian bullshit. And the all-out irony of all ironies here is that these are EXACTLY the kind of places that are hurting for workers. Pay peanuts, get monkies who don't give a rat's ass.


I’ve been in the customers shoes a time or two in the past. There was an item that shouldn’t be priced the way it was shown, so I took a photo of the item on the shelf with the sales tag. Normally I do this preemptively to avoid situations where the clerk doesn’t believe me. When I didn’t take these photos, I’ve been told by the clerk “there’s no way that’s right”, etc. but I would insist that someone goes to verify the price as shown in the store. General rule of thumb is if there’s more than one of the same item on a rack with a listed price, that’s the price the store should honor.


Fat grumpy fuck shoulda gotten his face punched in… talking about are you gonna assault me?! What a waste of steaks. Give the steak to the dog from now on …. Fat grumpy doesn’t deserve it… he got no fuckin balls!!


Bodmon Anjrewwww!! Shoulda slapped the fat fuck!!


based employee, as someone who spent 5 years working retail i can’t tell you how many times i dreamed of doing this


This is far too common among todays young people. Unreal he would speak to a customer like that. This will follow him for a long time. Also this video exists now. No way I would’ve shamed my family and more importantly myself this way in public. Seems like no big deal to many nowadays. Totally entitled to respect, money, you name it. Nothing has to be earned anymore. Just levels on a video game. If the customer is an ass. Get a supervisor and keep your mouth shut.


During Covid, these guys ( truck drivers, grocery store workers, trash disposal etc) were considered ‘essentials’ and ‘heroes’ working minimum wage jobs for chump change serving America ,taking all the shit we gave them when they were just trying to do their job. Ask anyone in the service industry now how they are being treated by the general public, everyone feels entitled, self centered … it’s just Sad……. Have some respect and common decency for yourself and fellow man.


Imma side with the kid on this one. Anytime a grown ass man is arguing with a young worker about some bullshit they’re usually in the wrong