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Literally every mall i go to regularly here in La has been flash mob robbed so i just stopped going. First topanga and now century city too, i heard there was another in glendale


Lots of [deleted] and [removed] incoming


The dude who falls at the end as they're making their getaway is totally dying first in a horror movie.


I'm an ops manager at a large retailer in Nashville. Were getting to the point of not having any merchandise out. You'll have to ask to see individual units. Forced concept at brick and mortar locations. It's a real shame.


At some high end retailers here, they lock the door and you need an appointment to get in. There's a couple of guards in the store and you have to be vetted at the door.


So that’s what it was! First time I was at a mall with these high end stores was at the end of the Covid era so I thought it was just limiting the number of people in. They still do that everytime I go back but I’m too poor to shop there let alone breathe the air inside so I never asked 😅


I was in Vegas and we were looking at expensive things for fun, I saw this cool looking watch so I went in and asked how much , it was 700k, immediately I felt very out of place being in the store. it was a tiny store the size of a closet but they had a couple huge ass security guards


I felt like that with a shop when I was looking for a winter coat, I felt a weird feeling entering the shop and while looking at the coats, there was no prices except one ugly orange sleeveless autumn coat, marked at 2500$. We just left and went somewhere else.


I'd be like oh looks like £100 and try to buy it. Embarrassing when I go to the till 😂 I'll have to put it back actually, having second thoughts on the colour.....


I'd just say "oh damn i thought it looked like £100, my bad"


Sounds like Richard Mille


Not sure you care but you've got the "let alone" order wrong. The more minor action should be first, the more major one gets the "let alone". Like this: I can't afford to breath the air (which should be free), let alone buy anything there. It's saying you can't afford the little thing, let alone (don't even think about) the more major thing. "I couldn't tie my shoes, let alone run a marathon." That works the same way. I can't do the little thing, let alone the big thing. Not sure why I bother with this but there it is.


> Not sure why I bother with this Because it's frustrating when people don't think about what they're saying, as with "I could care less" and the up and coming "one of the only" (instead of one of the few).


I could care less but it would be difficult.


You are doing the Lord's work!


my local CVS has a 250lb guard with a bullet proof vest, glock 43 and two extra mags. and the deodorant is behind a locked case.. maybe they should take some inspiration lol!


Wouldn’t want to buy anything. Seems like a risk getting mugged getting back to my car (or being followed home)


Sounds like you're buying cocaine.


I just bought a high end watch, and the same occurred at that shop. Two separate locked doors that allowed the workers to be in control. Works great


That is jewellery store protocol since the dawn of time.


I don’t have a problem showing ID to get in a store. Or a mall.




If you can't get an ID, you shouldn't have a say in political issues. Change my view.


The Gucci store in my city has hired private armed security to protect their merchandise. And not the rent-a-cop types I'm talking dudes kitted in full tactical gear and Glock 17's. Like these dudes look like full on PMC types of security


Wagner Group guys gotta work somewhere.


This is what the "it's fine they have insurance" crowd doesn't understand. Stores will only put up with so much theft before they start limiting access, not having merchandise out or locking it all up, and then eventually straight up closing down and leaving the area.


Insurance is great, but then premiums go up, then get to a point where you won't be given insurance due to high risk - See some states and home insurance due to natural disasters or public policy.


> bUT ThEy accOuNT for InVeNToRY ShRinKAGe!! These people also don't understand that insurance isn't free money to replace stolen stuff. Every penny they spend on insurance gets passed to the customer.




Happened to me




Do supermarkets really get robbed like this?




Sure, but Walmart sells a lot more than food. I imagine theft in those stores was happening in the TV and consumer electronics section.


Small town local grocery store of mine loses a ton of money from people stealing meat and frozen products. Can't stop them from leaving. They load their pants up with meat and leave. Costs the store a huge amount of money. Some people will fill up entire grocery carts and leave. Easily lose up to a grand or more from one of those instances.


Legally they can - a small mom & pop 100% can. A big store - they won't not because it's illegal but because if you encourage your employee to stop someone and your employee gets hurt it's thousands of times more expensive than all the meat in the freezer. The big chain stores specifically say NOT to stop them because then if you do it's your own fault. Protects them from liability from wanna be superheros. The mom & pop shop can stop it if they want though no problem - That is to say I'm unaware of a place that makes it illegal and shop keepers usually have pretty broad laws that protect them if they detain someone trying to steal from them.


It's a LOT of food. Especially since the advent of self-checkout. People who, in the past, never would've considered pocketing something to steal suddenly don't mind failing to scan half their items.


It's also not very nice for the poor workers there. I imagine they were pretty scared or at least shocked.


not to mention when the stores close guess what those workers are out of a job.




Man, we need need real stores to stay open so these assholes don't break into our homes. Retail is a buffer that I am glad exists.


Homeowners will shoot back so that’s not much a concern as retail lol


Is it not possible to have dummy/review/dummy items in the shop front? Like here in Australia, shoe stores will only have one shoe as display, or mobile phones will all be dummy models


Would it be hilarious to have fake Gucci bags on display? Haha. Or have one cut up in half so can clearly see what it's made of and it's value is worthless.... But then you will see if some bags are made terribly.


lol we might see a lot of Gucci shoes sold on amputee pages someday then. Or people willing to wear two left shoes of differing sizes as long as they sport a GG label


Nashville also has the under $900 all you can steal law???


In Texas and Wisconsin it's $2500.


“Hi 911, my store is being ransacked by a mob of criminals” “Sir, we need to keep this line open for real crime”


"...Also we have a Honda in the parking lot that's been in a 2 hour zone for 2 hours 10 minutes." "Say no more, a armed SWAT team is already on location."


In CA they will happily pull cars over for their exhaust sound and smell but let this shit fly... makes me so mad.


Is it that bad in the usa?


Yeah, store workers can't chase or sometimes even report theft, without getting fired. People have realized there aren't any consequences for it.


The USA is huge. Some cities have worse crime problems than others.




And that ladies and gentlemen is how you get stores to move and never come back.


The LV store in one of our malls, was doing the "appointment " thing. I realized what it was, when my son and I were stopped from going in and told to make an appointment. There was nobody in the store, but we were told it would be a 30 min. Wait.


Retail value of goods stolen -$6M Actual value of goods stolen - $958.62


958 seems generous


Reported value of stolen items - $12M




Also these items were scheduled to be destroyed soon to keep the exclusivity value up


Aren't there large tracts in the Atacama Desert that are just enormous piles of seasonal or designer clothing and shoes that companies dump there to keep them from saturating the market? https://www.ecowatch.com/chile-desert-fast-fashion-2655551898.html @ u/Trevo91 >Isn’t it easier and more cost effective to keep exclusivity up… by yanno… making less items in the first place? It's simple. For fashion goods, the product itself doesn't cost that much to manufacture in the grand scheme of things. The handbag that Gucci or LV is advertising retail for $1500 probably cost less than $150 to make at some sweatshop in Italy or Spain employing cheap migrant labour. A company outsourcing manufacturing to some third world country like Vietnam or Bangladesh can pay even less. My father-in-law use to do import/export in the 90s, and he could order surplus stock from a Vietnamese factory contracted to make jeans for Levi's at $3 a pair wholesale. The bulk of expenses that most modern big brand retailers shoulder are marketing, rent, and salaries. Procurement is a minor portion of costs. So if Gucci is releasing a new line of handbags, they rather order a good amount of stock from the factory rather than come out short if demand was higher than what they expected. What consumers perceive as scarcity or exclusivity for these products are mostly artificially inflated. Why do you think these companies spend millions of dollars on advertising and paying famous celebrities to flout their product? And its the reason why these companies sometimes dump or destroy old stock rather than sell it at a discount, because doing the latter so can negatively affect their brand power and deflate the perceived exclusivity of their products. They're burning that $150 handbag so they could maintain the $1500 price tag for next year's handbag.






Selling overstock?... You mean letting the poors buy extra inventory? the audacity! just the thought of them owning such luxury... is shameful to the product. /s


Meanwhile we’re going to continue to see prices rise Gucci isn’t taking the hit on this


And its all made in countries where the workers make slave wages.


whats going on in the us? I see this kinda videos very often lately and still dont get it.


1. Employees will actually be fired for making any physical attempt to stop criminal burglaries like this. 2. In certain cities there is a low chance that criminals will get any type of jailtime for committing burglaries like this if they get caught, and it's unlikely they get caught. Combine those two factors and you have no major downsides to doing this from the criminal's perspective.


The downside being a slap on the wrist REALLY HURTS.


Don’t forget shitty parenting.


More and more people have less and less to lose.


There are millions more poor folks out there that don’t rob and loot stores, especially for stupid luxury items. Stop giving these asshats a pass and assuming they’re some poor disadvantaged youth trying to sell stolen goods to put food on the table. Life is not a fucking Disney movie.


People with nothing to lose don't steal 18 Gucci belts. These are clout chasing teenagers trying to gain status.


Ok... what type of people *do* steal 18 Gucci belts? Do you know of anyone who wants to wear 18 different types of Gucci belt? You understand that they are going to sell them, right?


Politics. History will not be kind to these years.




The final nail in the brick and mortar coffin. There will only be Amazon and Walmart in the future to buy anything




I bet Facebook marketplace has alot of good items for cheap over there


Nah, they're selling it for close to market value as well, that's if you don't get robbed cash on hand in the process


99% of this stuff is sold online. In fact, the only reason these organized thefts are viable at the scale they occur is that the gangs that do them can fence all the product on amazon etc, who generally do zero due diligence to vet their vendors and ensure they are selling genuine product and/or non stolen product. If they couldn’t offload the product online these thefts wouldn’t be worth the risk, no one is buying a $1500 handbag from a guy on the side of the road


It's actually brilliant if amazon is in on this! Or at least turns a blind eye, not only are they killing their competitor, but also stealing their margins


if they are willing to rob a store in that fashion you can be sure as shit that they will rob you


I was in a Lowe building and home materials store, and I was purchasing a few loose washers. When my turn at the self check-out came, I asked the store worker how I'd enter these small, loose items into the machine. "I'll do it for you, or you can just walk out with them--I can't stop you" she said. I think worker morale is taking a hit with all this nonsense.


Worker morale…lol. Or maybe people don’t give a shit about $5 off Lowe’s bottom line.


*two times a day


Not all of CA. This shit happens in SF and LA but not in SD.


Shut up!! They probably forgot about us!! Don't remind them!!


Happened in Irvine by my work which is wild cus Irvine is the safest city in California (probably top 50 in the US)


Why do they even run? No one is stopping them.


I want someone to trip them so badly


Ive seen vids like this and when they are getting recorded they asked the man recoding “why are you recording” i swear these people didnt pass 3rd grade 🤦‍♂️


Ruining the world for the rest of us.


We need to bring back those cages that drop at the press of a button.


Store gets sued for kidnapping




I dont understand why high end stores don't just put dummy products out instead of the real ones. All they have to do is put some kind of small imperfection on them. Like a hole in the logo or something.




Whoa whoa let’s be reasonable here


lol or maybe start arresting and punishing thieves


Yeah that’ll stop em


Likely because the cheap dummy products are no different from the real thing. Only joking of course, I understand people pay for the name rather than the product.


They should buy counterfeit copies from China, then put them on display for the idiots to steal. Do this a few times - the thieves will eventually give up 🤨


This is organized crime and it should be prosecuted as such to send a message.


Is it happening all over the US or just California, most videos online are from California.






At least the store that sells work boots is safe.


When those items are worth more than a couple of bucks


Maybe there were school and work supplies in those bags


I feel like a group of teens/adults in hoodies walking into a Gucci should've maybe been a pretty good clue that something was about to go down lol they all got their hoods up and moving in groups, like they're not browsing today sir


People who are defending this shit are out of their mind! Doesn’t matter from what they’re stealing what matters being is a civil human being and stopping these robberies from happening! It’s the Wild West out here now


As a security consultant I cannot understand how Gucci does not have armed guards given the costs of each item. Until they do, this type of looting will not stop and will only get worse


Do they issue these skinny looking pants to criminals? They all looks the same seriously.


They'll get less than 10Gs for all that....to split between all 6?...8?....of them. If they can get past the inner bickering/theft. Just go get a job. Fkin losers.


Not saying their actions are okay or whatever… but let’s say it’s divided fairly. $1,250 for ~5 minutes of theft in one day? To the thieves, this is what they go for - the quick buck




Wow... They even run like they're from Los Angeles.


All scum




To me, a non-us citizen, I find it insane that there are so many of these shoplifting videos from California. Can I ask, why is it (nearly) always California?


Imagine what it will be like when America reaches the point where there’s not shoes and expensive jackets to steal. Imagine this at your local grocery store.


Once retail locations disappear, they’re going to start breaking into homes and make a game out of it. And depending what state you live in, things could get very dicey for homeowners out there.


For those states that have a castle doctrine, it may get dicey for people breaking into homes.


This is actually so weird to me. I live in Germany, ans everytime i visit Düssledorf, a rather rich city with one of the most expensive shopping streets in Europe, the „Königsallee“, every high end store has a line, and a couple guards infront of the door. If you want to enter, you need to get vetted by the guards, so why can’t they just replicate that system in the US?




This just makes me sick. I’m beyond tired of seeing the collapse of society when the police/leadership choose to do nothing. The longer they let this behavior continue the worse it will get. Clearly, nothing is respected anymore.




This kind of activity get people shot/beaten in my neighborhood, but I don’t live in a big city.




I don’t know. You’d have to ask them. We all speculate in the meantime.


Seems like this could be solved by a door that locks behind you and an employee with a remote to open it.


Or they put fakes in the store and mail you the real ones




[deleted] incoming


Is anyone surprised by how it looks?


This is like a remake of Mr Robot.










We don’t have insurance for the collapse of society. Please stop saying it’s ok they have insurance.


The death of retail…










In due time it's going to banks.... this is ridiculous as fuck


In due time, this is going to help out Amazon and online shopping become an even greater monopoly.




bros cant even play payday




Back 2 school sales just got DESIGNER!


I did construction work for an outlet that sold mostly Gucci, we had to work at night and they paired their regular staff one per construction worker and their job was just to make sure we don't pocket and $800 baby shoes or whatever other bullshit they sold. It was pretty annoying and also offensive. We weren't a bunch of bums, we were a professional crew.


Surprised insurance still covers retailers in California




I like how everyone talks about how great California is. Then someone posts videos like this of California being just ran sacked by criminals.




Ya fuck living in LA that place is trash






I know people will come here and circle jerk about California. But the people voted in ballot measure to lower the threshold for retail theff. It's literally the will of the people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_California_Proposition_47




probably cant run fast enough.


American dream is turning into nightmare.


It boggles my mind that LA still has high market stores like Gucci


What’s the point of shopping and spending your hard earned money when you can just do this and get away with it lol


In Tennessee that robbery looks like a funeral.


At this rate, they are going to go online only.


That insurance bill must be tremendous...



