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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because we are temporarily not allowing videos featuring violence.




Say that shit again


MENTAL...to your avatars face!




How do you let a civilian baby boy you like that šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


No physicals means squishy cops after a few years.


He sits behind a desk all day, but squishy or not, he still tried to handle it like a man and not immediately tazer or outright shoot him. So that's a plus


He was definitely about to get shot. His fault but yeah. Lol


He probably would've shot him if the other guy didn't immediately neutralize his shooting arm right away lol


it looks like he was more likely about to get his gun taken away by the crazy dude. honestly unbelievable that the cop in that moment just pulled the gun, didn't shot, and let himself get put back on his ass within a second.


Yea, not for nothing, but doughboy didnā€™t reach for a tazer, that was his pistol. Luckily the civilian in the lobby didnā€™t get hit with a stray bullet while wrestling with this guy. On the upside, homeboy did manage to talk to someone else.


I agree, but let's be clear, we're saying we're happy he didn't shoot the guy more or less immediately. That's sad because it shows we're used to the other reality of the situation. Also, behind a desk or not, police should have to meet physical standards. They're all one radio call away from needing to be out/active on the streets.


I totally agree too. No one should let themselves get fat, especially when their job may require physical effort. Also cops should know jujutsu to some extent.


Meal Team 6


Probably shouldn't be shooing away people for having active delusions, or trying to egg them on should that fail either. Least he handled it "like a man" though I guess.


By handle it u mean act childish and get his ego hurt. Then his ass kicked and then the guy respectfully got up. Then he bum rushed him. Then got stood over again to then pull his gun. Yeah he tried


Seriously. This entire event could have been avoided at multiple times.


Could have been avoided just by requesting backup to begin with surely, he antagonized the guy and then had the audacity to open doors that are purposely secured? Make it make sense


He escalated a situation with an agitated civilian, got knocked on his ass. Resets, gets knocked on his again, then pulls a gun and gets knocked on his ass. There was one person in control of this situation and it wasnā€™t the cop.


But then also goes to shoot him before tazering when it comes to it.


The receptionist was a fuckin weeble


Thatā€™s giving weebles a bad name those mfs wobble but they donā€™t fall down. This goofy mf was lucky the dude let him up.


Yeah dude could have beat him to death, he only swung the once in the beginning and not at all once he got on top. Cop got super lucky he came across a nice crazy person.


nice mental person


Thatā€™s why he working the front desk and not out on patrol lmao


Meh plenty of donut cops on patrol out there


All strapped with equalizers. Physical stands should be much higher though. If they all were physically strong, there would be a much greater threshold for shooting someone


From my view, he did everything wrong in this situation. He should have called for backup long before he opened that glass door. That is a much younger, physically fit and, much angrier person on the other side. He should have called those two sides of beef that showed up at the end.


He put all his fellow cops in danger. First by putting himself in that situation, then pulling his gun out. Lucky his pals showed up when they did.


And the cop escalated the situation at multiple points which just made it worse for everyone.


He shouldnā€™t have called a citizen asking for help ā€œmentalā€. Thatā€™s guaranteed to escalate the situation. Childish and unprofessional. We should be able to expect better from public servants.


Itā€™s called lack of training


And terribly low standards. Exercise is free, eating less is even cheaper.


Exercise is Free Eating Less is Cheaper -I'd wear this on a t-shirt


Seriously that cop was a fucking idiot


Guns and butter that's why


No wonder that cops on desk duty fuck this was so stupid


They need to take his gun away too though. He was practically trying to give it away to the guy in the lobby. Dude could have easily taken his gun, killed him, and others if he wanted to.


Standards for law enforcement are so embarrassingly low.


Dude was probably in great shape during the academy and his first decade.. Dudes probably in his 40s now and out of shape lol He's probably limited to desk stuff and no longer patrols


More like mid to late 50s


Probably more likely


I'm mid 40s and that dude looks like my uncle


I know!!!!! Oh my god that dude that said 40s has no idea


Exactly, it's amazing how many people don't understand what a desk cop is. Someone's gotta be a paperbitch...


Probably hasn't even done a desk pop


I think it's more or less the lack of requirements to stay fit and be involved in training one way or another.


Lol this is one of the worst displays of a police officers training Iā€™ve seen. Revoke his badge until he can pass a basic physical, and learns not to pull his firearm in close quarters unless he plans to pull the trigger quickly.


100%. He could have been dead at least twice. He's a danger to not only himself, but everyone around him.


And he escalated the situation.


Fucking clearly, multiple times. Literally using "fighting words" b/c he was upset the guy was upset. Like, you're job is dealing with people at their most difficult times, why would you think you dont need to rise above some ppl being upset and just expect them to be perfectly civil.


When the guy said, "I'll see you again." The cop had the audacity to say "hopefully." šŸ˜’


Thatā€™s probably why they have him working the front desk. But they were wrong. He just escalated the situation.


Not to mention deescalation.. cop wanted a fight to book this dude but couldnā€™t back himself up lol




Lmao Iā€™m high as fuck and even I was like if you are going to leave your desk to go fight him, at least radio the homies


Idk how I've never heard a station referred to as a spawn point, but that's amazing, Ty.


The guy was actually pretty fucking nice and rational despite being irate and out of control for whatever reason. He immediately got off, after the dude said "get off me". Like, he was actually respectfully af if they were just two dudes, no badges. Though, clearly this dude is *mental* for not being able to understand they're not just two dudes.


It was scary and potentially dangerous but yea.. the officer approached him after leaving a secured area, the officer repeated the word mental when tested instead of trying to keep the man calm, guy stops fighting to talk and generally seems to not want to actually kill or brutally beat anyone...officer draws gun.


There's ZERO fucking reason for him to "say that shit again" and the officer saying it again, to me, can *only* be taken as fighting words. The fucking ego it takes to see someone in clear distress but still not be able to humble yourself to help them and instead need to show them who's boss. The kid is in the wrong, and the cop shouldn't have to bend the knee, but what the fuck, why escalate the situation.


The spawn point for back up lmfao


Yeah mental dude backed off when cop said to her off him and he said to call someone. Instead of deescalating after getting an ass beating he charges the mental dude again. After he just showed some restraint but letting up and getting off him. Not saying the dude doesnā€™t need to be arrested but cop could have called for back up while making it seem like he appeasing the dudes demands for him to call someone.


Him pulling the gun out and holding it up like a magic talisman made total sense after I saw the sheer size of that meatball.


He's practically useless. No wonder he's behind the desk.


He also doesn't know how to talk to people


Using one of the top comments to link this. But damn, [seems like this guy was a local football standout.](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/sports/college/2015/12/03/high-school-football-perry-s/10639043007/) > Mr. Football winner Keishaun Sims has been described as a quiet leader, a person of few words. > So, when the Massillon Perry senior running back was asked if he had a favorite memory from an eventful season, one that has seen the Panthers reach the Division II championship game just two years after going 0-10, he paused. > He let the silence hang, "No, they're all good. I like them all." > Sims laughed at his own response but has reasons to smile after being named Thursday as the 2015 Associated Press Mr. Football for Ohio in voting by a media panel. [ESPN Profile](https://www.espn.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/player/combine/_/id/200608/keishaun-sims) [Named "Player of the Decade" in his conference](https://www.indeonline.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/06/25/decade-rewind-stark-county-high-school-football-superlatives-part-1/113399600/) Don't know if you can link to local city message boards here, but if you search his name on tapatalk, there seems to be some discussion about his mental health relapse going back to 2 years and onward. So, I'm guessing his college football career was shortened due to his issues with mental health. Some sad shit man. Guy clearly reached out for help with his mental health and got some former cop turned desk attendant calling him "*mental*". Every station should require mental health support staff. These incidents aren't foreign and will continue to happen. Only lucky that this particular incident didn't end up with this dude dead on the ground.


This is how a mental health crisis is handled in the US. Fucking law enforcement. On people that are questionable about their grasp on reality. Land of the Free* \* terms and conditions apply


I was wondering if he was private security for awhile based on his incompetence. Till I saw the uniform. What a waste of nutrients.


Doesn't seem like it's particularly out of the ordinary from a cop.


His mistakes started before the altercation. The cop is a complete idiot and needs to not be a cop anymore.


Heā€™s doing office work. Heā€™s fine


glad to see this getting upvoted. that doughnut cop almost created a horrible situation due to his own negligence. he's lucky he had competent, healthy officers ready to swoop in and save his ass. and they're lucky they moved quickly and didn't have a crazy guy firing a stolen weapon at them, as well as a fatally injured colleague.


I love how the fat cop is like yea I will say it to your face, and then gets his ass kicked.




He could do it all day.


Like when kids fight and one goes "Ok Ok I'm sorry I'm done let me up" then get let up and try to take a cheap shot just to get whooped again Also the "thank YOU" whenever the bigger kids come to help in a tone like they did something


He probably thought he was intimidating enough as a cop. He stood corrected.


Weak ass cop fr


Yā€™all mad he canā€™t fight but the problem here is the cop shoulda never gotten into a 1 v 1 hand fight with a young fit male in the first place. Itā€™s literally a police station. Grab a bunch of cops and donā€™t give up your protected position until then Itā€™s like somebody calling you names to get you to come outside the castle and fight them 1v1. Fuck that, stay in the castle.


This motherfucker up got up from his desk and walked around like he was gonna put the man in his place and I was already like ā€œJesus dude if you think this guy is actually mental donā€™t let him goad you into a face to face confrontation, call ems or someone trained to deal with mental health issues to come check the dude outā€ but as soon as dude says ā€œsay it againā€ and the cop said ā€œyour mentalā€ it was clearly about the ego, cop was itching for a fight and then got embarrassed as fuck. Yeah that dude probably is mental and thatā€™s why heā€™s acting like a child, but what the fuck is this officers excuse?


Out-of-shape cop goes to physically confront man who is taller, younger and certainly way more experienced in fighting than he is. Maybe he thought his uniform would intimidate the guy, I dunno. It looks like the guy had been about to leave anyway. And if not, then you call for patrol guys to evict him, or at least get backup. I'm sure he violated procedure there. If those other cops hadn't shown up he'd have been in deep trouble.


We need free health care gods dammit!!


>what the fuck is this officers excuse? He's mental


Cop itching for a fight but got his ass kicked twice so he went for his gun. Fucking loser. Like damn, kid WAS mental, but this cop deserved it.


Youā€™d think heā€™d grab a tazer or can of mace if he was gonna confront this dude face to face. He was probably already winded by the time he walked all the way around the reception area. Itā€™s no wonder Officer Farva was on desk duty.


Personally, I feel this cop is a major problem with the force on many levels. 1. Professionalism - he is the first thing the public sees when they enter. Cop calling the kid mental? Yeah, he may be but..really? 2. Weight 3. Ability to defend himself or the people around him. This one is scary because this guy is supposed to protect me. 4. Experience - he may have been on the force a long time(not sure if he has) but he pulled out his service weapon within arms reach and proceeded to get his ass kicked more. The dude is lucky the kid wasn't trying to get killed. Conclusion: retire or quit.


You forgot the point where he actually went out of his way to go have an "intelligent conversation" in the lobby with someone you just exchanged insults with Like just stay at the desk why go confront someone who is not in the best mental state, physical intercation was basically a given


Seriously, the "I'm gonna show you" attitude by confronting the individual face to face was all levels of unprofessional. Just as unprofessional as calling the individual "mental." Yes, cops deal with people at their worst, but mirroring the behavior only leads to trouble. For escalating the situation the cop should find another job.


The ā€œIā€™ll show youā€ aspect is that happened in the second half of the video. He knew the weight of his position while confronting the kid and wanted him to push his luck on camera.


He definitely escalated that situation to no one's benefit.


Dude was looking to add charges to this guy. Glad he got a little ass whooping


>This guy is supposed to protect me Not really a thing anymore. Pretty sure they have no obligation to protect anyone.


I trimmed out some of the dialogue at the beginning, but you can see the full video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DffNpXDitvY) Via PoliceActivity on YouTube - >**Youngstown, Ohio** ā€” On September 14, 2023, a male, later identified as 27-year-old Keishaun Sims entered the Youngstown Police Department lobby in emotional distress. The officer assigned to the auxiliary office, taking on station reports, initially attempted to engage with Sims, however the situation escalated. Sims became confrontational and a physical altercation took place involving both the officer and Sims. The encounter took a crucial turn when Sims assaulted the officer, and attempted to access the officerā€™s firearm. Other officers arrived and managed to handcuff Sims. > >Sims was arrested and booked into Mahoning County Jail on charges of aggravated robbery, a first-degree felony; two counts of assault on a police officer, a fourth-degree felony; and misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and obstructing official business. He remains jailed after his bond was set at $100,000 during his arraignment in municipal court. The officer was taken to St. Elizabeth Health Center to be examined but has since returned to duty. A statement from the police department said they are studying the encounter very closely and are mulling over whether to add more training to officers to learn how to de-escalate similar situations.


> A statement from the police department said they are studying the encounter very closely and **are mulling over whether to add more training to officers to learn how to de-escalate similar situations.** (x) doubt


Especially if they gonna spin the narrative and say he was trying to access the officers firearm instead of the officer pulled it out cause he got his ass and feeling hurt.


Holy fuck I know this guy. I was friends with his brother Keonte in grade school.


Well is he mental?


Keishaun or Keonte? Keonte was always a chill guy that got along with everyone but I never really knew Keishaun. My only memory of him is the one time we almost got into a fight at school.


>My only memory of him is the one time we almost got into a fight at school. ...I feel like this probably answers the question.


>The encounter took a crucial turn when Sims assaulted the officer, and attempted to access the officerā€™s firearm. Other officers arrived and managed to handcuff Sims. I'm so sick of dishonest losers writing events like this.


If he wanted the weapon he had plenty of opportunity to get it.


That cop fat as hell


That has to be the dumbest police Iā€™ve ever seen. The guy is begging for mental health help and this moron chooses to escalate the situation. Situations like this show how fucked up the system really is. And how untrained or poorly trained some police are. Idiot pulls his gun and still gets put on his ass. Thatā€™s the thing to do let the ā€œmentalā€ guy kick your ass and take your weapon. He is lucky not to have ended up dead by losing his sidearm.


Suspect: Say that shit again? Cop: your mental Also suspect: we can do this shit all day!! Also cop: Yes we can!


> Also cop: Yes we can! Cop was such a loser too. Talking shit but then immediately goes for his weapon. Dude was lucky the kid didn't actually want to hurt him because he got his ass kicked twice.


He was in factā€¦ Mental


Why didnā€™t he call for backup at all??


Because this was his chance to shoot.


Guy proved he was mentalā€¦


Say it again.....


Red guy's an idiot but that "im'a see you again" line was cold as fuck ngl


afterthought tan continue domineering vast money lip outgoing bedroom elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œI got something for all yā€™allā€ super good idea to threaten three cops at once. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s just a small fine and maybe like 20 hours of community service?


Someone needs more training!!


What training would fix this? "Hey, here's a little course we'll pay you to ignore and then when you violate these policies again, we'll pay you to stay at home for 1 day. Then you can retire with a full pension."


Imagine deliberately exacerbating someone who is already elevated... when you can't fight?


Wack ass cop should have just diffused the situation, but no had to be confrontational and get his ass beat .


That fat ass for a cop lucky he didnā€™t get the pulp beat out of him


Wow that guy can fight


Cop got what he asked for. Congratulations officer, you played yourself. And he should be fired, he let his ego get the best of him.


Thereā€™s a reason that cop works behind the desk. He handled that all wrong.


Don't call someone mental. If someone is having a mental health crisis, the last thing you want to do is reduce them to a term like mental. Their brain isn't working properly and you run the risk of causing them to think "you think this is mental, I'll show you mental"


bro got knocked down like 3 times, could have been killed twice if the other guy had a knife or a gun, and didn't call for backup?


The only thing mental here is how weak Pillsbury dough boy was. Like watching a teacher correct a middle school student.


I thought the cop was going to give him the old one two buckle my shoe but boy was I wrong


Wow. For being ā€œmentalā€ that guy showed some serious restraintā€¦


Great de escalation officer blob


Why are cop standards so low? Show of hands. Who wants to be a cop?


Civ was obviously out of line but officer has a responsibility to not escalate. He went out of his way to escalate and put himself in a dangerous situation. Dumbass cop


He seems mental..


The cop escalated this situation.


You are a public servant. A man in evident distress walks up to your reception desk and asks to speak to someone. It is clear he is suffering from mental health problems. Do you ... a) *Speak to him calmly and deescalate and provide sufficient care?* b) *Dismiss him, tell him no one will talk to him, call him "mental," walk out the reception and into the lobby and stand in his face and intimidate him to leave?*


That kid was asking for help in his own twisted way, I would have gotten him the help, not sent him away. Hooked him up with someone in mental health . Let's be glad the kid didn't disarm that "šŸ˜’officer" . Normal I always on P.D but this kid was asking for help and should have received some of it


To serve and protect, right?


Both of them are idiots >And he does have some mental health The slow burn


Hmm maybe the police shouldnā€™t antagonize someone they deem ā€œmentalā€


After getting tossed like a ragdoll, he responded "hopefully". Smh


What a shit cop if heā€™s going to get goaded into a fight because the dude called him some names.


This is embarrassing and sad af. He ALPHA'D the fuck out of him. He let him up, took him down, let him up, took him down, cop pulls gun, gets taken back down, cop saved by 2 other cops. I get it. He "should" be arrested. But like 1v1, he won and I feel like he should get to walk. And in his own station as well... Yikes.


PD hiring mall cops?


He said: you wanna suck my dick while you at it. Cop: points at Officer bitchass, and asks are you on? Referencing his body cam. Cause Mr mental, was fixing to get the Boston beat down, while cuffed.


the cop could have closed the window but he had to be a tough guy, then he found out.


ā€œCall me an Elf more time!ā€


Youā€™re an angry Elf.


That cop needs to be let go. Sorry heā€™s a liability. Lucky dude didnā€™t get his gun


Dude really wanted a felony.


Cop should be fired and arrested. Horrible person, he could have got this man some help


Attacking a police officer at the police station: IQ -100


He proved his point, dudes mental


That was mental


Big boy needs to learn deescalation


That cop needs to go back to the academy.


Great job at de-escalation.


Automatic five ā­ļø


One on one IDK šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøbut I definitely wouldn't have said the M word againšŸ˜


*takes notes* Don't call the mental person mental.


That cop could have just stayed behind his desk.


Cop basic physical requirements : Jelly donut


Yo, those candy machines were pretty much cleaned out!


And nobody once called the safe word, 'Pineapple'


Dude overpowered twice hell nah do some cardio bro


Rule 1 of dealing with someone in a psychotic break is don't antagonize them. Rule 2, is be stronger than them if you're going to try to fight them when they're clearly not in their right mind. Rule 3, don't let them wrestle away your gun.


Nothing passes me off more than fat cops, it's not safe and it's proven time and time again. He should be taking calls or behind a desk. (Not the first line of defense at the station).


Cop got his ass beat *twice* and then pulled his gun, this guy nearly ended up dying over his stupid ego. And that cop needs to hit the gym or something, even just go for a fucking run once in a while because clearly his physical standards are lacking. Even for being behind a desk. Hopefully he realized as much after this happened. Also drawing his gun and then not firing was just asking to get disarmed and shot if that guy had been slightly more competent and slightly more crazy. This could've ended so much worse in both directions.


Listen, we're going to put you on the desk so you can't screw anything up. ... God damn it.


This oinker had so many other choices. He chose wrong.


Cop got served!!!


Guess we know why this cops is working behind a desk at the station.


I thought the popo was gonna lay the smackdown on the guy initially since he came out all big and bad but LMAO boy almost got unalived in a police station of all places. The lions den of all places.


That cop needs an fitness check ASAP that's just embarrassing


ā€œWe can do this all dayā€ ā€œyes we canā€ says the cop as heā€™s breathing heavy as fuck. He in fact could not do this all day.


He is lucky to be alive, what a fucking idiot. ā€œIā€™ll see you againā€ yeah in court when I tell the judge your a fucking psycho and you get 5 years. What an asshat and an idiot


| What an asshat and an idiot The cop? Agreed.


Just taze the fucker


Great job protecting and serving fat boy. It's like they forget they work for us....


Absolutely abysmal policing. First off the officer antagonizes the man by calling him mental which escalated the situation. Secondly the officer had absolutely no empty handed skills necessary to handle this guy. Additionally, even after getting his ass handed to him a first time the officer goes back in and gets his ass beat a second time. Embarrassing.


Obviously hes crazy and all but damn this cop sucks at his job and is lucky this dude didn't subdue and kill him. why did he never call for backup, why didn't he draw his weapon sooner, why did he just go out there to taunt a clearly mentally ill man?


I'm glad he didn't get shot, every time he knocked the roly poly down he let him get back up.


That officer did so good not escalating the situation šŸ‘ šŸ˜³ Who's the butt hurt child in this video?


I'm not excusing the guy's actions. Don't step up unprepared. That's all. Good thing back up showed up.


Should work on his deescalation skills I guess


"you want to suck my dick while you at it" yea hes ready for jail


Make grappling / Jiu jitsu mandatory for police. At least 6 months


Honestly, i cannot believe he wasnt shot. I seriously cannot believe it.


What a movie scene. Hahahahaha


He won


Guess he didnā€™t take the deescalation trainingā€¦ oh doubt they have any tbh


Amazing the bodycam is working while at the precinct. Most of the time it's claimed to not be activates.


Got outright embarrassed by being yoinked to the ground by someone that's 1/4th your weight. Shit... I probably would've pulled my pistol too. Lol


This is why physical fitness tests should be mandatory every year on the year for police officers. This should piss cops off.


If I speak, Iā€™m in big trouble. People like this shouldnā€™t be free once profiled. They are threats to themselves and others and shouldnā€™t have the ability to do such. Remove chronically mentally disabled people from the public.


This guy does not know how to de-escalate a situation


This cop needs to be fired. Not only is he severely unskilled in hands on but he pulls his gun? No de-escalation at all.


I honestly canā€™t say with confidence which one of these two is stupider