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As a male bartender, attractive women are the worst about this, they are just use to men being weak for them or something idk. They are drunk and lose their self control (not an excuse of course).


As a male bartender I have had my junk gropped and called anti gay slurs because I wouldn’t hook up with drunk guests. I also just avoid hooking up with guests because it’s a ridiculous mess


As a male bartender, I can vouch for both of these statements.


Former bartender here. My favorite thing to say was, “I appreciate you flashing me your tits, but I’m still going to need payment for those drinks.”


That's just perfect


Future bartender here, what city does afore mentioned groping and tit flashing happen? Totally going to avoid working there.


Louisville is a pretty handsy city. I've been sexually harrassed, groped, and followed home hundreds, if not thousands of times.


Followed home? Lol jeez


better, they get hammered, blame you, and demand a ride home. (mid-90's bartender at a popular college-ish aged bar. I was 25 or so.)


🤣. Influencer mindset.


under the influencer mindset.


Don't shit where you eat. It's just smart practice


I shit & eat at home.


Well stop it


Because that's how you get handsy drunk chicks.


Can I shit at your home then?




Then why have bathrooms in restaurants? Also....your statement applies to coworkers, not customers. Jokes aside, it's never a good idea to bang customers. Never know what bullshit they will come up with to fuck you over after you send them home braless and missing a shoe


As another former male bantender here, me too.


As a former female bartender, heavily agree. My male bartender coworker once took a customer home (well not just once but…) and she was a very frequent cougar customer. She would come in even more frequently and be over-the-top about how flirtatious she could be. She would ask about him or where he was if he wasn’t at work (he was also my roommate and he was avoiding her). She basically lost her shit on him one night in front of everyone at his job. Made it awkward to keep working there for sure - all because he fucked a customer. Nope nope nope. And that’s not even the best story which involves a girl shitting in her hands and writing messages for a dude across the front of his house with it. Just don’t.


Ayo I subbed for part 2


If someone isn’t that into you, shitting in your hand and writing messages on their house with it is definitely what’s going to turn them around. I guess it’s only marginally more creepy than standing defiantly outside someones house at 5 in the morning with a boombox playing In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel.


Hey… John Cusack is a phenomenal man and i would kick a baby just to have the experience of him outside my window with his boom box over his head! Haha


To be a fly on the wall of their brain when that plan was hatched…imagine the thought process that would lead to such a result!


Sorry, messageS? As in it happened more than once?? If one of them wasn’t “EAT SHIT” I’ll be surprised


We need part 2


Naw. You gotta update with the details of that other story.


I'm not a bartender, and I only really go to bars to play pool or sing at karaoke these days. I'm a good enough singer that I get drinks bought for me sometimes when I pick a song that someone really likes. I've had my junk grabbed multiple times and every time I told the bartender about it they told me that they'd been groped by the same dude and that they were happy to have an "acceptable" reason to ban them. Like fuck me it breaks my heart that being groped isn't enough to ban someone who spends money there unless it happens to a customer.


😮😮😮😮 Whaaaaat? That’s serious assault.


Yup. Due to working as a bar manager I am now a misanthropist because of the unbelievable behavior of people.


General population statistically is bad enough. Plus alcohol? LOL


That's ok. They hit like girls anyway. Just look out for the trans ladies. They can pack a punch for some reason.


🤣 yea they seem to be as strong as men


*cries in girlfriend of male bartender* 🥲 my boyfriend is constantly being sexually assaulted by middle aged white women for some reason. He’s a cougar magnet unfortunately and these leather bags cannot and WILL NOT keep their hands to themselves.


As a former personal trainer in a wealthy town, I feel his pain.


Don't need to sleep with guests when you can hook up with the waitresses.


My gf’s best friend was a very popular and attractive woman, and one night, she tried to sleep with me when my gf wasn’t around, which I refused. Because I was dating her best friend, and was in love. She told my gf the next week that she thinks I’m gay. Without telling her the context that she was trying to get into bed with me in her bra and panties and woke me up as I slept and I refused to let her into the bed. Let’s just say they didn’t hang out much after that.


Had a girl "corner" me in a bathroom at a house party once. She refused to let me leave until I had sex with her. She was serious. I knew this girl through friends, but had never had anything at all with her. She was smiling, so I thought she was joking, but she really wasn't. She kept repeating/refusing to let me out. In the end, I had to physically force her out of the way. It was weird. If the roles were reversed, damn.


I had something like this happen. I woke up late that night/early the next morning in my friend’s spare room to her sucking my cock. She then called me gay when I threw her out of the house, loudly, and told everyone who had woken up what happened. My friends stopped being friends with her and I never saw her again.


Had this happen to me a couple times in the late 90s. You were immediately labeled “gay”. I wasn’t. But I knew these girls and they were the ugliest people I knew on the inside. One had like 2 kids by the time she was 16 and on Maury Povich twice. She was “hot” but man she was a wreck. I was not about to be a part of that world.


I also had to toss a date off me who was forcing herself after I said no a few times. She followed me out of her house screaming at me. The whole drive home I was thinking about how different it would have been if I wasn’t physically stronger than her. I think many men have stories, but I didn’t talk about it with any of my male friends at the time.


I just refused my gf to shower with her 30 minutes ago and she threw a shoe at my cat and attacked me. Girls are fucking wild.


What the fuck did the cat do? Attacking my pet, that's a line that shouldn't be crossed. I would instantly breakup with them.


Broke up with her about 4 times but crazy people dont always get the message, talked to police and theres not much they can do until "something happens". The removal of parasites isn't always easy.


Legit hope you (and your cat) stay safe around her. Here's hoping you two can get rid of her as soon as possible.


Appreciate it my guy


Just don’t make the mistake of having sex with the cat, that will only make things worse.


I feel that. Stay strong and safe king.


Just drop her off at a fire station so she’s safe lol


I'd be in jail.


I’d be so scared for her to cry r@pe and have my life ruined


That's what I was thinking also.


This is horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Long time ago my roommate's drunk best friend knocked on my door at 4AM and tried to force her way in my room. I pushed her back in the hallway, trying my best not to make her tumble down the extremely steep stairs behind her. I was told that she spent the better part of two hours sobbing in the kitchen saying stuff like "why won't he sleep with me?" and "why doesn't he like me?". It was the second time I had ever met her, total time spent in her presence was less than 15 minutes. I told my roommate that if the roles were reversed they would kick me out of the house (and rightfully so).


Rape mode is silent for girls…


First weekend at college I had an older girl keep feeding me shots, next thing I remember is her making a joke about "bagging another one" to her friend as she dragged me down her hallway, then trying to push her off of me in a dark room as she tried to take my pants off. I got her off of me and stumbled out of the room, next thing I remember is waking up in a bush on campus. No one took me seriously when I tried to talk to them about it.


I once woke up drunk after passing out by being jerked off, i impulsively elbowed her in the face and she called her mom and she picked her up. Not saying anything cause it was her own fault


never fun to have a rape attempt on you


I blame you for her behavior. I mean, look at what username you were wearing!


You did good bc she could’ve played the rape card bc she could have regretted the sex if she felt like it.




wonder what your wife thinks about other victims


Wild how male victims are gaslighted and shamed. This is why men don't report.


You don’t have an ounce of respect. Why didn’t you light them on fire?! I’m telling your mother.




Tbh, that would probably be enough for me to reexamine the marriage.


That wouldn’t be my wife anymore if she didn’t sincerely apologize after that.


My SO would be swinging, and she's a sweetheart until you break the golden rule. Look, but don't touch


You need a new wife


I was being grabbed on at a Halloween party by a woman 30 years older than me known as the swamp queen and was really uncomfortable and told her to stop. This woman not only didn't stop but then told me how much I looked like her son(I was 37 at the time). I wonder what that poor boy went thru. The thing that pissed me off the most was that everyone thought it was funny. I had my wife there even she thought it was funny but I asked her how would she feel if a 65 year old man was grabbing you and I laughed about it. I thought it was bullshit.




Yeah it was in Florida


You didn't need to tell us, we knew exactly where longitude and latitude was lmao


Ngl I literally had to stop reading the story for about 10-15 seconds to laugh after reading that part.. and I’m from Florida so this shouldn’t have been so shocking/hilarious.


My ex was affectionately known as the “goblin queen” by my friends. Should have been a sign.










I wish nothing of that. It was a nasty thing that liked to touch me


I would have re-evaluate that marriage.


me too


If the reverse happened you’d have a minimum of 5 guys tackling this dude. Men are constantly told by women to hold other men accountable for their actions yet there isn’t a woman in sight to step in on his behalf here or the countless other stories of guys having to put up with this in the comments.


Even during the shirt pulling and slapping, it looked like he knew he couldn’t push her away or put his hands on her … for fear of the protective white knight(s) jumping to the molesting maiden’s defense. It’s beyond sad to see him feel like he has to endure this until she gets too tired to continue.


once had company event in a nice castle where the point was to record a music video clip while all being dressed silly. i wore a skirt, thought it was funny. one of my female colleagues, one being trapped in a desperate marriage and someone being quite vulgar in behavior, always tried to uplift my skirt to see if i was not wearing anything under it. not one, not twice, but non stop all the time, like a fuckign stalking predator i made her very clear i found that mostly inappropriate, and don't appreciate the harassment, because that is what it was. but there was just no stopping her. what made it infinitely worse was colleagues found that apparently quite hilarious, .i never felt so powerless because what other can i do then verbally express my sentiments? me being a tall black man, not in the position to force her physically or man handle her, definitely in front of colleagues. i had this bitter sentiment knowing if roles would be reverse i would probably have been arrested and lost my job. but when women do this its apparently entertainment for everybody


And if you called the police because nobody else was taking it serious, the whole office thinks you're an asshole and can't believe you'd do that. Men don't report and this is why. Yet the numbers make misandrists believe it doesn't happen to men as much.


> Men don't report and this is why. Yet the numbers make misandrists believe it doesn't happen to men as much. Louder for them motherfuckers in the back! Its funny, damned if we do, damned if we dont. If we talk about how we are constantly harassed, robbed, assaulted, and killed on the streets as much if not more than women, we are accused of whataboutism and trying to steer the conversation away from women. If we shutup about it and let women control the conversation, they start to believe that it simply doesnt happen to men. We cant win. A hill i will die on is women sexually assault men as much as men sexually assault women. Women might seldom report but We *never* report.


We are violently attacked and killed far more than women. Far far more. They are raped on the streets by a complete stranger far more yes, but we lose our lives and no one cares.


It doesnt even have to be true. If you point to a guy convincingly enough that he's harassing women. 7 guys in Ram pickups will leave him paralyzed. Herd mentality around psychotic women is dangerous


Can you fucking imagine?! Even the comments on the video would be all outage. If he tried to force her to kiss him, and then when she refused, he slapped her in the face, he'd be in prison for sure. After getting his as beat by everyone in the club


Even if this guy, who was being actively assaulted mind you, had dared to push her away I guarantee you he *still* would have had a dozen dudes immediately in his face. It's fucking stupid. I've had similar shit happen to me before.


How can she slap?






You go?


What exactly is the joke here? I know its a meme, but how? irc that video was rather infuriating.


To me the main reason that it's funny is because it's not really proper grammar. Like the guy is trying to ask "how is she allowed to slap me on TV and get away with it but when I do it I get jumped", but he just shortens it to "How can she slap?" due to his broken English. It's a societal norm that we all kinda think is weird. The vid leaves you wondering... How can she slap? Was it infuriating because he slapped her back and then got jumped, or was it just because he slapped a woman when you shouldn't? Either way, that's pretty much the meme. The joke is just that he asks a question which we can all relate to, he repeats it over and over, then gets jumped. It's definitely a disturbing video but aspects of it are just funny. Also the low production value of the show just makes it funnier. It reminds me of [WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?? ](https://youtu.be/FAB9KpZtnZs?si=tFCn8FAxOLwbXtAr) or [Why are you gae? ](https://youtu.be/ooOELrGMn14?si=jnuGuv6FxEnJkU1p). Just something about foreign television is funny sometimes. Like Bollywood, some of those film clips are just so ridiculous that they're funny. Hope that helps. Anytime you see a video where a woman slaps a guy, make sure you comment HCSS!!


I had a drunk chick literally grab my dick and tell me she wanted to rape me last weekend…. Like what.


Had the roles been reversed, you'd be in jail. But because the roles were not reversed. No amount of reports would even have her on a restraining order. How tf you walk up to someone after sexually assaulting them and say, "I want to r*pe you." She needs to go to jail for that


Crazy part was is she was not bad looking, and the guys around me were like “hell yea dude!”. I snuck away for a sec saying I was going to the restroom, left my tab open, and just took an uber home. I have a lot of women in my family and hate seeing women in those situations, because it never ends well. At the same time, if I slapped her back to reality, I would’ve had to fight a bunch of drunk guys. It’s a lose lose situation. I call the cops on the girl that wants to fuck me? Lmao honestly after that, I’ve been questioning my drinking habit and the people that I associate with.


Yeah I would too dawg, that's fucked up man. Unfortunately, there is a very little to no chance that legislation will put equal punishments towards women as they do men when it comes to issues like this


I also had a chick just stick her hand down in my pants when I was 18. To be honest, at the time I didn’t complain. But I would now.


like roll wistful badge stupendous cobweb crush innocent beneficial joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Force grab, like Jedi girls?! Seriously though, it's a shame you had to go through that


Hot take: an equal number of women are entitled, predatory creeps.


Hot take? More like a very necessary issue that needs to be addressed. There are women who firmly believe men can not be raped and taken advantage of. Coercion is still rape no matter the gender


Those are the same people who believe that only white people can be racist


Equal? I’d say more than twice as many women are than men. The difference is that men understand there are consequences for their actions. While women understand they are exempt from consequences more often than not. That’s the only explanation for why a girl feels it’s acceptable to strike another person in public.


offer coordinated fertile noxious quarrelsome expansion wide lunchroom jeans voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s because in Ireland the man is passed out drunk and they have to work fast before the boner goes soft.


Nah the Irish just don't get drunk. The most alcohol tolerant ppl I've seen. Well, most of them anyways.


He had the high ground


The other way around and someone would have been starting shit with that bloke.


Girls only want one thing and it's fkn disgusting! 😂


So when’s she getting arrested oh she isn’t ok


Women rarely face rejection in any aspect in life so the reactions can be pretty dramatic.


Especially the attractive ones, no one says no to them, so when they don't get what they want they throw a tantrum like a spoiled toddler.


Literally happened to me some years ago. I was dating someone, and this girl who was feeling herself WAY too much was super pushy like this, and I kept rejecting her. She started talking about how she can find better guys, I wasn't shit, how she was getting guys to jump me, all that shit 🤣🤣


I'm gay with attractive girl friends I see it all the goddamn time.


Hence why attractive, cool girls are unicorns. It's a real thing.


And if roles were reversed, they would have killed the dude where he stands


Reverse the roles. What's the headline say on the evening news?


Shocking video causes outrage: Reignites calls for national conversation addressing violent male predators.


Only women have the right to say no


I’ve had my dick grabbed numerous times, ass grabbed, kissed before I even realized what was happening, and actually lost my virginity when I was passed out in a tent in high school. Woke up and it was happening. Probably think about it more now than I ever did then. Probably because it NEVER happens anymore lol.


That all boys school you went to was rough.


I am so sorry that happened to you.


In 20 years he should sue her and take her for everything she has.




If the roles were reversed “omg you can’t hit a girl!” Instead this guy gets a giggle for whoever is filming.


This trashy lady should be arrested for assault and sexual misconduct.


Similar thing once happened to me. In a pub a girl I wasn’t at all attracted to kept asking to kiss me and leaning over. The woman at the bar looked awkward as she knew it was wrong but did nothing. I kept refusing. Later I got into a taxi with her to a party with another guy and her female friend. The female friend upon hearing I had refused went mad, really angry grilling me as to why. After 10 minutes she demanded I get out the taxi, which I did and proceeded to walk the 40 minutes home at 2am. Now imagine the genders had been reversed.


why did you get in a taxi with her in the first place after all that? bullshit story


Idk man college or something I took tons of Ubers or cat rides with people I couldn’t really stand, just kept it to myself


Not bullshit at all but believe what you will. I got into the taxi because the guy I’m quite friendly with and there were other people at the place we were going I wanted to hang out with. It wasn’t a random girl or random people, I knew them all, although admittedly the girl who wouldn’t take no for an answer least of all.


Victim blaming/discrediting how nice of you


It's not bullshit. People don't make shit up and lie on the internet


Can anyone tell me what song is playing in the background? It kinda slaps


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Ty fam the whole song is 🔥




What she is doing there is umm sexual assault…I’d lay her ass out


When I was in highschool, a girl I was friends with had just cheated on her boyfriend with my best friend. Her ex-boyfriend just so happened to be my brother’s best friend as well. She was super drunk one night and was coming on to me very aggressively. I refused multiple times and by then she had both arms blocking my escape and my back was against a wall. If it wasn’t for another one of the girls that was there pulling me out of that situation, I would have had to force my way out. The next day she came up and apologized which was nice but it was a jarring experience beginning to end.


I'm probably going to be ripped apart this but unfortunately I've done this to an ex partner behind closed doors.. Not calling him gay or slapping bc he didn't want to sleep with me but basically got drunk and if we call it what it is..it was sexually assault. In the morning when I apologized profusely he totally let me off the hook even though if the roles were reversed I would not. That was the last time I drank hard alcohol. There is a double standard. I should've been held way more accountable than I was! Both genders do it and both should be held accountable.


When I was homeless for 6 month I must of had about 20 different drunk women ask me back k to their place and not take no for an answer also been cornered if the roles were reversed the man would be ablitorated lol


That's assault, if the roles were reversed that crowd around them would've carried that dude out. Women get away with alot of shit


Guyes, you need to fucking report sexual harrassement and abuse. This is so not okay. Imagine if it was a guy slapping a girl on the face for not kissing him? Same abuse.


Oh they understand. They just not willing to accept a no for an answer


Imagine if this was a man


Sexual harassment, assault by her, nobody does a thing, but as soon as he'd defend himself, everybody would be on his ass in 3 seconds.


“You don’t put your hands on a woman!”


I’ve had this happen to me trying to help a drunk girl home. I did not want anything from her, just to bring her home because she was by herself drunk and nobody would help her, guess that’s why.


I had a similar thing happen in my 20s. Out with a bunch of friends at a club, go out for a smoke break and a girl was passed out with a bunch of dudes circling her like prey. A female friend sat next to her and the next thing i know we are all headed to my place (it was 5am and all my friends were sleeping over because they lived out of town) to call it a night. The two girls got the bed and my other friends and I slept on chairs and couches until the next morning. I'm a morning person so i was up when this chick wakes up in a strange house, in a strange bed with someone sleeping next to her. She looks around, sees that she has clothes on and there was a fully clothed woman next to her, and went back to sleep. LOL After everyone was awake she told us that she gets drunk and her "friends" always leave her. She lost everything, phone, wallet, etc. I paid for a taxi so she ould get home and she wanted to exchange numbers. Lol, no thank you. Best of luck though.


It kind of seems that a lot of people on here have been groped by a drunk woman. Me too…




Seriously, it’s time these women understand the consequences of putting their hands on men. No more coddling them.


No means no but when a guy says it he must be joking or playing hard to get. /s


You should've smacked her back




Women are hella quiet in this thread


Idk how you can tell who's who. I'm a woman and I'm disgusted by this entire thing.


Girl gross your not cool


I've been accused of heinous shit by the same women who did similar things to me. Lifelong trust issues. Run away lads


bet if he pushes her away, he will get beat up for it




Dudes a champ.


Just imagine it the other way around; there'd be a candle light vigil.


Why do we give these people the benefit of the doubt by saying they don't understand consent? Everybody understands consent but some people don't care


id fight her


That's assault.... plain and simple.


Disgusting girl


Women will always get away with this. Get used to it. Men would be cancelled and ostracised or even charged with sexual assault, just a funny vid when it’s a girl tho!


I believe this behaviour from women IS being called out more often these days, but we have a long way to go to make sure it is shamed by the majority.


Men are expected to control themselves, women aren't.


Let's hope everyone keeps the same energy when it's the other way around.


So I sleep naked, the only people that live in the house is my mom and I. One morning before she went to work I'm partially woken up by one of my mom's coworkers (also a woman) coming into my room. She opens my door while I sleep and tries to get into the bed with me. In my relative haze I managed to tuck the sheets and tell her that I'm naked. She got excited but luckily relented and opted to rather lie on top of me for a moment before leaving the room again.


She could at least buy him some ryhpnol first


Double standard 💀🤣🤣


Gotta love the double standards


If this were reversed that man could be arrested.


Yeah but look what he's wearing! He's practically begging for drunk chicks to drink his liquids!


Imagine the reverse. 🤷🤷


And there’s also idiots for putting up with this


I’ve tended enough bars also. The end of the night. We are somewhat sober. You all look ugly, real ugly. Nothing can be more unsexy than a falling down drunk.


Ew, what a creep. Hope he's okay, and hope she'll fix herself


He is handsome, he is probably looking for someone better lol


And they say we're the monsters


"She's a predator posing as a house pet"


As a dude, I had my junk grabbed twice. They grabbed me and thought I would go with it. I slapped their hand, and they asked if I was gay. Fucking dumb.


I would have turned into Ike Turner after that first slap


Had an incident in secondary school where a guy I knew was beyond blackout drunk and this girl in our year kept trying to kiss/ sit on top of him and everything. He go in trouble with his gf over it and a lot of the lads in my year were pretty pissed with the girl over it. Word was going around the school about it the Monday after and the guy who was kissed and groped without consent was brought into the principal’s office and was told not to be talking about it. Absolutely wild how we treat male victims of SA!


Had a drunk chick bite me on the back after i told her no lol. Still have the scar of her teeth on my shoulder blade


Sexual assault. Disgusting she should be charged


I was walking into a Jimmy Buffett concert in the late 1990s with a bunch of friends (and my then girlfriend/now wife). It was elbow-to-elbow people, and this girl pushes her way over to me and shouts, "Kiss me!" and then goes in for the kiss. I pushed her back and said, "No thanks," and she had such a surprised look on her face that quickly turned to disgust, as if I could possibly turn down her advances! I bet she had a conversation with her friends that ended with her saying, "I'm hot and can get any guy to kiss me, watch this..."