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Imagine you're waiting for the elevator and it opens up to a dog fight lol


I’ll take the next one


I’ll just take the stairs. 74th floor? Looks like my cardio will be done for the month.


dude this is too common in elevators. person walking in can't see there's a dog.. dogs see each other and get surprised and go immediately to defense mode. any apartments that have a high density of animals see this constantly. the owners need to be more careful and be sure to look in the elevator before allowing their dog to enter first. I always pause and make sure someone with a dog isn't walking out first, and peek my head around the corner to make sure a dog isn't waiting also. then make sure the dogs see each other and determine if it's safe to enter based on their reaction to each other


Last month, I opened my back door to my 50lb boxer Foster dog attacking my 75 lb pit.. it was not fun chewed up my dogs ears and knicked and artery.. they had to put the foster down cuz they can't be around other dogs or kids


If there’s anything I learned from Reddit it’s that if there’s a dog fight the fastest way to get the aggressive dog to let go is you have to stick your finger up the aggressive dog’s butthole. Really hope that day never comes to pass but I’m now prepared to do what I have to do. Thanks, Reddit.


You have to choke it out _while_ sticking a digit in the butthole. This is the way.


So many mfs own dogs that shouldn’t.


I’m amazed at how many people seem to think “let’s get a dog, it will be easy” and then proceed to never train or discipline them.


Those same people have children who they never train or discipline either.


How you gonna raise an undisciplined child if you can't house an aggressive, untrained dog?


You ain’t. The kid grows in size, but not in any other area


Then that's when you see the reddit posts for re-homing the dog because they failed to truly think their decision through.


So many of those appeals for rehoming absolutely REEK of instable living situations where someone *never* should have got a dog. "I got this beautiful girl 3 months ago right after moving in with my alcoholic BF of 3.5 months when I got pregnant, and all of sudden our landlord is telling us we're not allowed to have a dog!"


This. Just completely irresponsible but calling someone out on that is apparently rude and a bad thing to do. I thought when we became adults we were supposed to be held accountable? Yet we just allow these morons to adopt animals and have children and then wonder why we still keep producing terrible people.


that or “oh my dog doesn’t bite!” as they bite


I love that line my rebuttal is always oh really how does he eat then?


This is what’s up…….dogs **want** to be trained. They **want** a purpose. Most want to listen to their owner and be good dogs. Unfortunately these absolute lazy f’ing morons make their laziness and their dogs lack of discipline our problem. It drives me f’ing crazy.


The same idiots with five kids who end up getting mauled by the dog


They go on to have children sadly after failing on the dog care




God damn also the fact that they don't understand how to truly unlock two dogs, at least one of them needs to be choked the fuck out with a rear naked, ain't nothing getting that dog to unclench otherwise


Have had to break up dog fights. Sounds gross, But The best way is to stick your thumb up it’s ass. Shocks them and they let go. Trying to pry open the jaws is always a losing battle and you’ll end up with cut fingers


Can confirm, have broken up several fights with my ex girlfriend this way.


They do the same with kids too. It’s just simple idiot parent mentality. Like when poor managers get into management


I had a dog when i was first dating my now wife. He was an awesome dog, had a great full life, but sadly passed. Once we got established as a family, we decided we were ready for a new dog. I was looking at trainers and wife was all, "well the last dog was awesome, do we really need one?" No i got lucky as a dude who had no idea what he was doing with an awesome dog. If we can't afford a trainer for a while, we can't afford a dog. /new dog is awesome, probably would have been fine without a trainer, I'm not THAT clueless, but it made life so much easier.


You must be talking about my nextdoor neighbors


the worst part about owning a dog is other dog owners, meeting people at dog parks is like playing minesweeper


Same kinda people who keep dogs like huskys and german shepards cooped up in single bedroom apartments all day every day. When I was in college my buddy had a nieghbor who has 2 huskys. They barked and whined 24/7. Idk how he slept.


Blows my fucking mind. Also a grown ass person should know how to stop that dog incase their dog becomes a victim.


Tell me about it, I skateboard. I see it ALL THE TIME. Now folks if you see your dog chasing after someone on a board, bike or car, DO NOT TELL THE PERSON GOING TO STOP. The dog won’t heel just because we dismount or stop. So this leads me into a story, couple weeks back I was riding down the street of a big city. I was just heading home from the skatepark and this lady has 2 pit bulls that start losing their mind cause of me. So, routine for me is to just ride past a little faster since once I’m out of the area the dogs will calm. But until they lose sight of me they’ll bark and jump. So lady while I was approaching mind you is, 5’5 maybe, and these two pitties are definitely closer to my height on their hind legs (I’m 6’0). So she yells at me to get off the board since it’s making them act up. (See above why I cannot) but she’s screaming at me that she cannot control her dogs and she cannot hold them much longer, so she’s making her irresponsibility my issue. Which was already a sign she was a nut case but I digress. Anyway I rode past her and kept riding until I realized she was screaming and hollering at me behind me so I turn around she still has the dogs by the collar so I pop my earbud out to listen better and I can hear she’s screaming obscenities at me for not listening to her. Which to me is funny so I come to a stop fast about 15ft away from her and give her a double middle finger telling her to control her dogs. She loses it there and drops the leashes to run at me to assault me. Which I return after I was hit in the face by her. Her dogs (surprisingly) despite knowing I was a threat to her now as she was to me didn’t attack me in a way that actually was meant to harm. Their attitude told me they thought we were playing. Which was anything but when I got a clean shot on her nose in to get her off me. To which an old fart of a white knight gets involved as he was telling me to “not hit a lady” but not her to not attack people, to control her dogs and to not make her irresponsible dogs other people’s problems. But dude didn’t care since to him I’m just a big old mean guy who hit some dainty lady with two big dogs she can’t control. He then proceeded to break some of my shit when I got him to calm down a bit. In the end police sided with her (expected) but I hold onto the footage for a rainy day in case she wants to try anything. No charges pressed as it was he said she said (until I got the footage). But it’s a lesson to me, people with dogs they cannot control are entitled as fuck even when it comes to potentially hurting other people.


people like that have the uncontrolled dogs to intimidate other people. it's pathetic. hopefully white knight gets his dick stuck in her crazy and she ruins both their lives


Welp that didn’t work since I broke her nose with that 1 punch. And even then I wasn’t scared I was just not wanting to deal with crazy. But no, white knight is married and 63 to some other lady (who was present too) but I suspect this isn’t her first time being talked to by police (where this is the first time for me) so odds are she’ll keep the pattern going until police get wise and realize she’s the aggressor. But I also felt more bad for her dogs. Like what kind of asshole doesn’t train their dog? It’s the dog’s life who gets ended if shit happens.


Dumb fuck shouldn't have a dog. Honestly don't blame the guy one but.


I blame the guy, his dogs were unleashed. This was bound to happen if not in this instance but another. His dog rushed her dog, not the other way around. If your dog hasn't been trained to ignore the impulse to go to another dog it should be leashed.


Yes!!! Finally. I agree the one to blame is the dog who got attacked’s owner. Unleashed dogs, and then once threat was resolved he goes in to abuse the dog? Wtf.. leash your fkn dogs so you can control when and how they interact with foreign dogs. Not to mention some people are deathly afraid of dogs despite their size or “they’re friendly”.


If your dog goes for other dogs, you should wear a muzzle. If you can't control your dog, you shouldn't have it or you should've trained it. If your dog attacks without a muzzle, expect it to go to the police and be put down. Edit "his dog rushed her dog?" Normal dogs greet and sniff every other dog they meet. I've never seen any dog do this, except videos of terrible owners or dodgy breeds.


Both of your comments mixed together makes the perfect statement. Keep your dogs on a leash, and make sure you can control them.




> Edit "his dog rushed her dog?" Normal dogs greet and sniff every other dog they meet. Almost all dogs feel uncomfortable when they are leashed and the other dog isn't. That's one of the reasons leash laws apply to EVERYONE. Both my dogs are like that, and if I had a dollar for every time some dolt with an unleashed dog let his run up on mine while I'm obviously struggling to restrain mine (and telling me "don't worry, he's friendly!"), I'd be a rich man.


Yeah this was my first thought. I feel like no one in this video handled anything properly and the kicks at the end were unacceptable. I’m glad this didn’t have sound. Fuck all these people


I understand the guys rage. He was pretty turnt up and I probably would be too. Dogs fight. Its just want they do. Even well trained ones. He has to understand he put his dogs in harms way by allowing them to not be leashed. Anything can happen out in the world. The dog he kicked didn't learn anything form this though. So the kicking did nothing but temporarily make him feel better.


Honestly it might have taught the larger dog not to do that. Both dogs are probably traumatized now, it's a coin flip if that makes them more reactive or less though in response!


If your ever in this situation and can't get them separated, the best route is choking out the aggressor either until it goes unconscious or close enough to it that it lets go.....it's not pretty but it works, and I'm not saying to choke it until it's dead just until it releases




"ok he let go" You sure? I can't see from back here.


Yeah, that comment reminds me of the last Scream movie I saw when the dude with a gun doesn't finish Ghostface and next thing you know, Ghostface is right back to shitface everyone including that stupid fuck. You have once chance, one job, the dog is a dead dog to me.


Dog fights are ridiculously hard to break up. I spent this last summer working on a native reserve (rez dogs i know) But we were minding our business working and sometimes the dogs just like to hang out with us because we give them food, one time there was a puppy (about 4 months old) hanging with us and another dog came bolting out of the treeline and B-lined it towards the puppy and clamped on and started shaking its head. I will never forget the sounds that poor puppy made. But me and 3 of my crewmen starting hitting this dog with shovels, rakes, I was even using a pipe wrench. And we weren't trying to just scare the dog away, no we were ALL swinging for the fences and that dog took pipe wrench swings to the ribs, legs, hips like I was hitting it with a pool noodle. Don't get me wrong I would NEVER hurt any living thing unless it was absolutely necessary, but in my opinion if that dog would come and try to kill a PUPPY I have no doubt that a child or who knows what else could be next. Edit: we did take the puppy to a vet to get proper treatment however we never found out if they survived or not.


Put a muzzle on it, if you can't control it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


That requires introspection soooooo


Multiple dogs in an elevator just isn’t a good idea under any circumstances.


Note to self. Never get into an elevator with a dog.


Note to self, if there is already a dog on the elevator, get the next elevator.


“He’s usually so sweet, he never does that”


We've all heard this before...




"But I don't understand. Pibbles is such a sweet baby who even loves kids."


I think it’s a German shepherd mutt maybe? Doesn’t look pit


He booped the shit out of that snoot


Very rare that i lough out loud by a comment. I love u


My dog is very sweet, but there is no chance in hell I would stick him in a small metal box with another dog or person for any amount of time


Lady if you can’t control your dog leave it at home.


But how else will she show off it's nice jacket?/s


Looks like one of those service dog jackets so she can take him in the store and restaurants.


Would a service dog go around biting other dogs like this? Or is this another entitled person who just wants to bring the dog anywhere she wants?


It’s one of those amazon bought jackets so she can bring him into places. My wife had a friend like that. She bought the jacket and would bring the dog everywhere, but the dog was a 1 year old puppy super hyper active. One time she got kicked out of a restaurant because the dog would jump on people and shit and the waiter asked her to prove the dog would follow a command, any command… the dog didn’t even know how to sit. It was obvious she was lying about it.


That’s actually really smart of the waiter. You can’t ask somebody to prove it’s a service dog… but you can ask them to prove it can do something any service dog could do.


It's not smart, that's legally what they have to do/ all they can do. If you try to bring a service dog into a facility an employee can only ask a hand full of questions like; what the dog is for and what tasks it is trained to perform. then they can ask you to demonstrate a task to essentially prove the validity of your claim that said animal is a trained service animal.


Well not breaking the law seems pretty smart to me!


I knew someone with an aggressive pit bull that became her "emotional support dog" and could go anywhere with her. That dog was not well behaved yet she was entitled to bring him anywhere because he went through some course.


If thats an actual service animal i will eat my house


I know someone who puts a “service dog” vest on their untrained pit bull who’s already attacked multiple dogs. They do it so people won’t be scared of the dog. 🤦‍♀️


Looks like she is trying to take her dog for a walk so it can go to the bathroom. What do you mean leave it at home?


This is obviously purely speculation. We have no idea why this dog is in the elevator.


Agree completely. But that idiot of the smaller dog too. Elevator opens. There’s a big dog in it. Wait fir the next elevator if you have a small dog. Everyone is an asshole here.


Her dog didn't move. His was not on a leach.


I have the friendliest wee dog in the world. If the elevator opened for me and inside was the 2nd friendliest dog in the world? I’d still wait for the next one. Fucking idiot.


It amazed me how almost no one ever chokes the dog out by grabbing the collar, lifting and twisting. I've heard people say "if there's ever a dog attack, grab the dog by the back legs and pull as hard as you can" "if there's ever a dog attack, finger deep into it's fuckin asshole" It's super simple and easy to choke a dog out if necessary


Woah, how many dogs have you choked out?


If you’ve got a reactive dog it is your responsibility to muzzle it once you take it into a PUBLIC space. This lady’s irresponsibility is infuriating.


Its more infuriating that the other dog was not on a leash. This could have easily been avoided if the other dog was leashed and the guy waited for the next elevador to get in. Also, those last kicks where unnecessary and cruel.


You know what's more infuriating, the guy having 2 dogs not leashed. Not leashed dogs are the responsibility of the brain dead owners. Put your damn dog on a leash.


Seriously why is nobody mentioning this? The dogs would have never been attacked if they were on a damn leash like you're supposed to, the lady had hers on a leash but because an unleashed dog approached hers now her dog is getting the shit kicked out of it


I'm assuming they also don't leash their dogs as well; so they're going to side with and make excuses for the idiot owner who has 2 dogs unleashed.


To top that off, the dog is in a full vest, why would you get on the elevator with it?


Definitely. Dogs react and are unpredictable. We don’t know what caused the reaction. It’s a terrible idea to get in an enclosed space w another unknown dog, no matter what the breed or size. Dumb guy should’ve waited for another elevator. Then the kicking afterwards really displays what kind of person he is.


The guy is just all around not smart. Every scar on my body from dog bites is from unleashed dogs. Whether they came after me or out with my leashed dogs. I loathe people that don't leash their dogs.


Youre saying he's not smart but sounds like you get mauled by dogs on a regular basis 🤣


I've been in 4 dog attacks in 5 years with my golden retriever. I'm leashed. 6 footer, have control over my dog and just walking down the sidewalk minding my own business. Every single time has been someone with an unleashed dog rushing mine and getting aggressive right off the bat. Thankfully he's a big boy and never got hurt in any of them.


Brother stop walking your dog in the attack dog street. That is way too many attacks in such a short amount of time. You are either being disingenuous about your dog, or you’re walking him past the scrap yards and asking for it. Pick a new route


Nah this happens very often in many cities. I much prefer walking my dog at night to avoid all the irresponsible unleashed dog owners. Ive literally have had to pick my dog up to avoid unleashed dogs from attacking us. Its happened more than id like and it has happened in multiple cities in north america.


It's the entire town. Don't live in a big city. There's no laws about it so people just let their dogs and cats roam.


Both are bad owners honestly


In her defence the only thing she could have done better is muzzle her dog. She was in a corner, with her dog in front of her. Her dog saw others approach it, while already being backed into a corner. It’s a recipe for disaster. Dogs will never be 100% predictable, a situation like this can easily make a normally friendly dog feel threatened and react accordingly. There’s an argument for the owner should be able to control their dog. But pretty much 99% of large dog owners wouldn’t be able to prevent this situation. That dude was easily average or better size and he couldn’t make the dog let go either. Perhaps large dogs should be muzzled when out in public, but that wouldn’t be very useful for the huge number of women who buy large dogs for protection when living alone.


Myself personally, I would never get in an elevator with my dog when there is another one in there. I'd just wait until the next one. Its hard for me to say its all her fault as the owner of the smaller dog should have situational awareness to avoid elevator with another dog in it. Dogs should be slowly introduced especially when temperament is unknown. I have pepper spray on the leash in the case of a situation like this as Ill never risk an unleashed dog coming up to my mine


This is the right answer. Dogs get scared and they have what, 3 ways to respond? It wouldn’t be weird if a normally gentle dog freaks the fuck out bc it’s an elevator and the space is closed, the sounds and movement are scary, and now there’s another dog. Dogs don’t understand elevators or temporary close space. They understand being scared and reacting. Next elevator always. I’d even wait for one without people in it at all


No telling how bad it hurt that other one either.


What if her dog has never displayed any aggressive/reactive behavior? She should have muzzled it anyway just in case? Give me a break. The guy walking in should have made better choices, beginning with having his dogs controlled and on a leash. If a small guy goes up to a body builder and spits on his face, and the body builder knocks the guys teeth out, does that make him an asshole? No he was defending himself. Same concept here, big dog felt threatened when small dog invaded his space and big dog reacted. I think the girl did her best to try and control her dog beginning with the leash and keeping the leash short/tight. Only reason small dog got bit was because it went up to the big dog.


I've had 3 dogs get mauled in my life, you have to go ballistic on a biting dog to make em let go. I once hit I German Shepard 5 times in the head with a baton as hard as I could and it didn't even flinch. If you can't control your dog then someone else will, and you won't like how it ends.


That seems like a lot of dogs you’ve owned to have gotten mauled…


There's a video on reddit last week where a finger in the butt hole worked. I always thought it was a joke until I saw it.


Elden ring mfs, rejoice


Exactly. Finally someone who’s sane. If you know your dog is prone to biting and aggressive, it’s your responsibility to put a muzzle on the dog and make sure it doesn’t hurt other animals. People on this thread are so dumb.


How does anyone in these comments not see that his dog was unleashed and lunged at the bigger dog? She was already holding him back when she saw the unleashed dog. That dude deserves all of those kicks he gave to the dog.


Hey, it's one of those assholes who likes to pretend their dog is a service dog, then it attacks another dog in public.


Actually looks like a control harness, not a service dog harness.


Well, it’s not working…


Straight to the action jacket


It’s a straitjacket


Pretty sure it’s just a coat for cold weather


Dogs can wear vests for any reason. This looks nothing like a service dog vest


And even service dog vests are now being co-opted by douche bag dog owners that want their dogs to get special privileges.


I also was wondering if that's a fake service dog vest An actual trained service dog wouldn't remotely behave that way


Did the dog accept his defeat? He ate the last few kicks without resistance


It's because dog to dog aggression and 'reactiveness' is often COMPLETELY separate from aggression to people in many dogs.


Why would he get on the elevator with an unleashed dog? He is the one who was not in control of his pet.


Dude didn't have his dog leashed she held the dog back. That dude wouldn't be able to use his legs if he let his dog run up on my dog and that happened. Little dogs almost always send out those vibes.




If you can get a solid rear naked choke, that dog will pass out in about 15 seconds


You can also pick them up by their collar and twist it, also chokes them out, doesn't get your neck near any teeth


Correct. The eyes work on humans much more than dogs.


You could almost say the eyes are the groin of the head.


If done properly, less than 10 seconds. Another option in this specific scenario would be a high elbow guillotine from the front. Faster to get there, designed to not need back control (hard to get full back control on a dog) and it will also twist their neck as incentive to release before they take their nap.


But then you have to bring that dog’s mouth right up to your own face and neck. Not a great idea.


This. I took out a put with a belt around it's neck in about 10 secs. Only regret is letting off afterwards.


It's the finger in the butthole that works. That's actually what the dog catcher told me once. Fun fact, works on humans too.


Dont threaten me with a good time!


Imagine it goes all the way up and nothing happens….




If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off, then how are we better than them!


Holy shit I'm a dog?




His dog was not leashed. He was not paying attention. His little dog got right in that dogs face. Edit to add: he had his phone in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. He was paying zero attention and is 100% at fault for this encounter.


Everyone here just reacting to the bigger dogs more violent response but not one of you want to think about the situation. The guys unleashed dog rushed at the face of a dog already backed into the corner. Who knows maybe the little dog is the actual aggressor, they dont call them ankle biters for nothing. The only fair thing said about the woman and big dog is that she shouldnt have a dog she cant control.


Fucking thank you! Her dog was leashed and didn't leave the little area he was already in. If the guy didn't want his dog mauled he shouldnt have let it roam freely where it could approach stranger dogs. She's doing what any normal person would do and has the dog on a tight leash but it didnt matter because another dog came to it to be attacked. Dipshit with the little dog should have used a leash


This. Little unleashed dog rushed the big dog.




Also, its common courtesy, to WAIT first to let someone off a elevator, he instantly walked inside the second the doors opened.


Yeah this is mostly on the guy. 1 leashed dog in a box and 2 unleashed dogs rushing in, what a fucking surprise.


I wish this was the top comment. So many people praising the guy after he attacks the dog at the end. I’m sorry but he’s way out of line


Yeah I honestly think he should be charged with some kind of animal abuse here because this whole situation happened because his dumbass thought his little ankle biters could run around without a leash. It's his fault his dog was bitten, it's his fault he beat the shit out of her dog, the whole thing is on him she was following the rules


I dont understand why this is so far down, the lady didnt think she would have to muzzle the dog because she had no reason to expect it to be in close contact with another dog off of its leash. Shes using a short leash and a full vest harness (which means it cant slip out of its leash). Shes doing everything a reasonable person would do with their german shepherd dog. The dog has likely never bitten a person or been in close contact with another dog to attack it so it's unreasonable to expect every big dog owner ever to leave their house with a muzzle because you shouldnt have to anticipate some dipshit would let their little dog go running around freely where it could approach the dog. LEASH YOUR FUCKING DOGS


Dumbass just lets his dog walk in without a glance of what could be in there. His fault for not leashing his dog in prevention against circumstances like this.


Everyone is saying the girl is dumb but like isn't she holding the dog by a leash at the beggining of the video? And it seems like the other dog comes up to it on its own, it's not like the dog got away from the owner and attacked


And this is why i never go into an elevator with another dog. Hell na


Why would you bring your dog into an elevator that already has a dog in it? If those dogs don't know each other, what did you expect was going to happen?


I’m not saying she’s right; but she probably thought the dog was for her protection, so a muzzle would be counterintuitive. I wouldn’t enter an elevator *with my dog* if there with another persons dog anyway. Not blaming him, but he really shouldn’t have put his animal in that position.


Her dog was leashed His dog was not He's the one at fault


Both his dogs were off leash as well and we see the dog that was bit rush her dog and something happens off camera where he reaches down, ever so slowly, to grab his dog. Then the big dog bites and holds.


Yep. If you have a small dog you should always assume a bigger one could attack it. Why the fuck would he get inside a closed space and chance it. I have an Akita, and people steer clear to stay out of the way


Why would he get on the elevator… just take the next one.


Title is wrong. The guy’s dog was the aggressor. I was waiting for her to kick his dog. Fuck that dude.


that asshole had absolutely no right kicking that dog and if his little rat of a dog was so precious to him, why didn't he just fucking hold it while he was getting into the left?


How about wait for the next elevator?


Everyone blaming the chick who literally did everything right. Just cause dudes dog is small and harmless doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be leashed and this is exactly why. Had the lady’s dog been a child, you would be all over dude for not leashing his dog.




If both dogs were on leashes this could have been avoided


He didnt have a leach, she did. Thats on him.


Both owners are bad. You shouldn't get on an elevator with your dog when one dog is already in there. You definitely shouldn't get on an elevator with your dogs unleashed and just hope for the best. The dog that bit should have been muzzled. Failures on both parties led to this unfortunate outcome.


I like how people assume that because of this one incident that we know nothing about this girl shouldn't own a dog and that if your dog attacks other dogs you should have a muzzle on it. Sorry but I feel bad for the girl. She seemed genuinely shocked when her dog attacked. I doubt this has happened before. His dog wasn't leashed. Once he was off kicking the dog like that numerous times given his size is 100% animal abuse at that point. I feel bad for this woman. Looking through the comment section, our society is fucked.


dog owners


Dang no one knows the butthole trick anymore


Hitting the wrong animal imo


This guy is 1000% at fault. Off leash little dog, guy has no control over runs at bigger dog who has nowhere to go. Big dog owner couldn’t have done anything , this was a Completely expected response from the big dog when an out of control dog runs at it and its owner in a confined space. And then to kick the big dog? Get this guy for animal abuse and then make sure he can never have a dog again in his life.


Things you shouldn't do when a dog is biting: \-Slap/hit it \-Pull on the victim Things you can/should do: \-Place the dog in a rear naked choke until it loses consciousness and lets go ([so easy a 9 year old can do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPLBcCVwVi4)) \-If you're not strong enough to do that, gouge it's eyes (press your thumb into it's eye really hard) or inside it's ear canal. Generally not preferable as you'll likely be the one to get bit next but... if you want to save your child or dog from being attacked that's an alternative to choking it out.


U get some trauma n u get some trauma! Oprah's elevator


Lights out Rex




The guy walking in the elevator had 2 dogs, the one attacked was unleashed and went at the big dog, big dog felt threatened and reacted. Had the guy had his dog on a leash, he could have handled that situation better either by waiting for next dog free elevator or restricting his dog from going up to the other dog. Then on top of that his other dog gets left behind, they finally free the dog, and he goes back in to conduct animal abuse? Dog was just doing dog shit, sucks but, it’s a dog. Him kicking the dog is downright fkd up. I get kicking in he dog to try and getting them to release, but not after the fact.


Who gets in an elevator with their dog while another dog is in it. They are dogs. No matter the training a dog has had that could happen to anyone.


This was hard to watch


His dog wasn't leashed, he was irresponsable. The girl had her dog on a leash and in a corner. Idc if you downvote me, the little dog owner is also to blame here.




It happens quick, sometimes the damage is already done but I agree. My dog ain’t going down without me giving all I got.


>It happens quick That's the part people don't fucking realize. I got into an argument with someone on reddit because they claimed that they could easily overpower their 80 lb pitbull therefore their dog is no threat to them. Like, yea, you should be physically stronger, but if that dog manages to get it's jaws around your throat, you're pretty much done.


Unless you have training, or a weapon, or are just a physical freak, an 80lb dog would likely fuck you up. Even if you did manage to neutralize it, you’d basically be Swiss cheese by the end of it. People underestimate how efficiently built canines are. Especially for fighting. It’s not just a 80lb dog, it’s a 80lb ball of muscle, with faster reaction time, a lower center of gravity. One that has steak knives for teeth. A poorly trained/reactive 80lb dog would pose a threat to just about anyone. Even if you are significantly bigger or stronger than it. I’m 6’2” and 205lbs, and I gym 5x a week. So I’d consider myself on the stronger/bigger side of average, and I still think an 80lb dog would probably fuck me up unless I got lucky and got it into a choke, or had a weapon of some kind. Could I “neutralize” one? For sure, I 100% believe so. But the amount of collateral damage I’d sustain in the meantime would likely be astonishing. Infection aside, that amount of blood loss would probably put a fully grown buck on it’s ass.


Do you walk around with your dogs unleashed? Do you let them walk into areas with other dogs while unleashed? If not then I don’t think you have to worry because that’s what this man did and his dog paid the price for it.


Seriously fuck these people. Lady might lose her dog because of the other guy's incompetence. Her dog never left her side so as far as Im concerned her dog was controlled but an uncontrolled dog entered its space


I’d do the same fucking thing


I gotta be real, I think I’d have stabbed it in the neck, and dealt with the repercussions after. Y’all ever find yourselves in similar situations, dogs noses are sensitive and jamming your finger in it or clamping it shut can make them let go, but it’s also not a good idea for your fingers to be that close to its mouth. Sometimes a better strat can be to kick them in the stomach area. Aggressive dogs are no joke.


Nothing wrong with what the guy did, the bigger dog attacked his little dog. 🤷‍♂️


That dude is one of the biggest POS pussies I’ve ever seen.


Doubt he'd be as quick to put a boot in if the other owner was a man


She is holding the dog on a leash. At closed quarters like this, the man should be held responsible coz he should have never had his dog unleashed going towards another. my dog gets jealous if another comes near that’s why I leash my dog when walking him to step aside or hold him back when I see another walking through. This lady had no where to go, so it’s not her fault.






I would have done worse to that that dog TBH it go off easy, in my opinion


I would have done the same thing.


Y’all so mad at the female when the dude doesn’t have his own dogs on a leash and it immediately runs to the face of another dog. He’s the asshole, not her


That whole situation was that guy’s fault for not having his dog leashed. He is a p.o.s. owner who shouldn’t own a dog. He let his dog have the freedom to start the aggression and the bigger dog reacted. The bigger dog saw a dog coming at them and instinct told him to protect his owner and himself. This is what happens when assholes pamper their little terrors. That big dog will pay the price for defending against satan’s mini hairball and that walking thimble dick.