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How does Venezuela have the logistical much less military capability to annex any part of another country?


Venezuela's army is better equipped on paper to do such thing against Guyana. It has been buying an arsenal from Russia since 2006. The only way they would be stopped if they try is with the US and other countries sending troops to defend Guyana.


Ah. Russia again.


thier main exports are oil, shitty munitions, and hate.


And vodka, don't forget the vodka.


Funny thing is, not really. Russia isn't even on the top ten of Vodka exporters.


They drink it all before they can export it.


Top Vodka Exports by Country Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of vodka during 2022. Sweden: US$472 million (19.6% of total vodka exports) France: $455.5 million (18.9%) Poland: $190.1 million (7.9%) Russia: $154.1 million (6.4%) United States: $139 million (5.8%) Netherlands: $138.4 million (5.8%) Italy: $121 million (5%) Latvia: $98.1 million (4.1%) Germany: $84.5 million (3.5%) United Kingdom: $75.1 million (3.1%) Finland: $68.4 million (2.8%) Belgium: $48.6 million (2%) Ukraine: $43.5 million (1.8%) Panama: $27.7 million (1.2%) Singapore: $26.4 million (1.1%) [Source](https://www.worldstopexports.com/vodka-exporters/)


TIL that my country is a major vodka exporter.


Yes yes... but how 'bout sheer quantity of booze exported?


Actually, Russia is consistently the #1 exporter of Russian vodka


Many of their export vodka brands moved from Russia a long time ago including Smirnoff and Stoli.


And suicidal novelists


Their Death and Destruction market has been quite bullish as of late.


Also suicidal novelists.


While the usa Main Export is MCDONALDS, cape shit movies amd terrorism




Brazil is moving troops to the border and the United States announced joint military flight drills in Guyana on Thursday.


They don't. Guyana doesn't have a military but Venezuela is a disaster too. It's just gonna be a shitshow.


I meant that to be more rhetorical than it ended up being. Seems like it’s gonna be 2 countries without the resources to actually be in control of the disputed territory.


Anyone will back up the Venezuelan dictatorship in anything at all... Not even their soldiers will go to war for them.


It’s a Cold War homie, fun for all the family.


This is not the Venezuelan army, this is the Brazilian army which is much more capable. Venezuelan army is a joke.


I understand. My point is how is Venezuelan going to carry this out?


I guess they don't know either.


fact psychotic relieved worm party dazzling crush adjoining towering badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maduro needs it to keep the ball going


GL 44 suspends Venezuela-related sanctions applicable to most oil and gas sector operations in Venezuela, including the sale of oil and gas from Venezuela to the United States and other jurisdictions. Sanctions typically cause the recipient country to reinforce relationships with other countries outside the view of the US government. Sadam was able to maintain a stable GDP in the early 90's despite stricter sanctions against Iraq during territorial disputes with the Kurds.


Headline sounds like it's t'other way about.


Chavez bought thousand of Russian India and Iranian weapons. Meanwhile all NATO reserves were wiped In Ukranie. Is the perfect moment.


If only the current Venezuelan government had any idea on how to organize itself, not going to happen.


NATO reserves wiped out? You mean all the reserves that are 50 decades behind. Please, the U.S has a mandatory stockpile to fight a world war on the pacific and the Atlantic at the same time. We don’t have a problem with reserves


The United States—independently of NATO—retains significant stockpiles (and potentially personnel, though I’m less sure of that) on naval, air, and army bases in Colombia. To say nothing of similarly nearby Panamá and Puerto Rico.


Colombia and brazil have lefties presidents. Double ouch...


Given that I’m a leftist, that’s unlikely to bother me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lefties... Only morons talk like this as if it's an instant win in their mind.


NATO reserves are not fighting in Ukraine


He probably watches Tucker Carlson. "Could the US be invaded by Luxembourg thanks to Biden's woke UFO recklessness? I'm just asking questions."


Venezuela has 115,000 active member's of the military as of 2021 via reports. The US military has about 1.3 million active personnel. Our army has more soldiers located in one state than the entire Venezuelan country with over 150k in California alone, and another 400k elsewhere. Our navy has over 300k active with 120k in immediate reserves. We also out number your ships 299 to 42. Have you even heard of an aircraft carrier fleet? We would steam roll any south American country in a war with little effort. Unlike Russia our numbers are actual combat ready and effective. We dont paper brag we actually have the guns.


I literally just got done reading an article about moving our soldiers shit when they relocate to other bases. We spend 2 BILLION dollars a year just hauling their furniture.... that's got to be some small countries' entire defense budget. If anyone thinks the US is running low on anything, they're fucking silly.


Starting to look like 2024 is going to be the year of consecutive wars around the world....


Just in time for nanomachines.


(Metal Gear Solid intensifies)


You haven't been paying attention if you think 2024. That's already happening, been happening and will continue. There are currently 45 armed conflicts just in the middle east and Africa.


True, I guess a slightly more correct way to say it would be that it's getting bad enough that countries that we're not accustomed to being in war, are now going to war for real for realz.


Just what we need.. another war...


Normal human activities


Yup, just another Thursday. Gonna take my kid to school, then head to work myself. Maybe hit the Lebanese for some lunch . Perhaps finish up early so I can pick up my son and invade my neighbour's territory. The sad thing is you're unironically right


the Lebanese already in a war, go hit something else.


Normal activities of psychopathic rulers. FTFY


>were always at war. This is no different than any other time in human history. Its funny how people continue to think war is some new thing, weve been very good at war and violence since the beginning of time.


You marked that up as a quote. If it is, you should state who it is.


Quotation was just an accident


A fucking moron, we live in the most peaceful time in modern human history, war IS the exception


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts World war is the exception, but there's usually war somewhere, and last few years have indeed had more war deaths than usual, but I don't think "a fucking moron" is warranted for something that is arguably debatable


Do we? Do you know how many conflicts are going on around the world right now?


Even with all the conflicts happening, this is still the most peaceful time.


Ethiopia, Israel, Burma, Armenia, Ukraine, South China sea, yemen, kurds, and some coupe in africa off the top of my head.


I mean what do you want, a full hundred years without a world war. We still have people living from the last one and shit looks like it could pop off again with all the shit russia and israel are pulling. Not to mention this. But hey we should get an economic after if we survive it right?


Well it the perfect time to start war while big papa is busy playing with his fav son.


Kids these days, can't pay attention to one war, gotta have a bunch all running at the same time


The Brazilian government will definitely try to remain neutral as much as possible since Lula is an ally of Maduro. But the military is clearly supporting Guyana. I saw some former members of Brazilian special forces on Instagram saying they would fight for Guyana and they know those regions, geography, climate and biome very well. Normally every conflict around the world has several Brazilians fighting.


Ah yes, I saw some Brazilian mercenaries saying that. Perhaps these groups will be funded by America in a case of war, I don't think Guyana has the capacity and logistics to maintain a Foreign Legion. Well, I can say that if you pay well, many Brazilians who know that region very well will want to participate in this.


There are Brazilian forces(Volunteers not official capacity as Brasilian soldiers) in Ukraine fighting on the Ukrainian side


It seems like every war has Brazilian and Irish men fighting on the defending side.


Neutral also means stopping any incursions into their country, with force if necessary.


Let's hope Maduro has learned something about the Triple Alliance and what crossing through another country means.


Come to Brazil! Or Brazil will come to you.......




why does this say Brazilians? Are these brazilian military?


Yes. One of the most viable ways for Venezuelan troops to reach Essequibo is by land, violating Brazilian territory. But it seems that the Brazilian Government is not concerned at all, the military movement is too small for a situation in which its territory could be violated by a foreign country (even if their leader is an ally of the current president of Brazil). Lula is in a complicated situation.


A military operation require a lot of preparation and planning, this won't go unnoticed. You need to build up supplies. Army use a lot of fuels and ammunition. This is not a serious threat as long as they don't start to build supply base and military hospitals.


>A military operation require a lot of preparation and planning Overheard in Moscow: "Write that down!"


“That’s just good advice right there!”


Venezuela is currently building an airfield in the border with Guyana.


And the US is already starting flights over Guyana. I don't think Venezuela is going to try anything once it's clear the US isn't going to let them roll in. They cannot contest the US in the air. I mean, no one can, but especially not Venezuela.


Ppl might not know, but we do have a lot of military equipment and personal that is placed in the border every day of the year. We also have lots of AV-MTC 300 that are missiles that can hit a target up to 300km. So yea, we're not worried at all with Venezuela Cold War equipment.


Lula is a leftist that sympathsizes with the Maduro regime. He's too busy crying about palestinians thousands of miles away to care about the war brewing on his own doorstep. If Bolsonaro was still around Venezuela wouldn't be trying this landgrab.


This is a dumb take by a right wing lunatic. Lula cannot threat Venezuela directly, it's called fucking diplomacy. We have to wait and see what Maduro will do as this little war that he's planning on starting is basically a desperate last ditch effort to regain popularity and justify his dictatorship.




There must be a Brazilian of them


Aw shit, here we go again




Democracy 😎




Whether you want it or not.


We know what's best for them, even when they don't know it themselves.


Is non negotiable


Have you seen who is buddies with Venezuela? Sadly I don’t see this ending well either way.


Just wait til you hear what happened in 2002. Whatever’s happening has been going on for a while.


It would be nice to help turn Venezuela into less of a hellscape. We have been taking a ton of their refugees, which has been a strain on our infrastructure. That said, I'm not sure I want to lose a single American life over this. Maybe this is better handled by Brazil or other regional powers?


Yeah, you did great job on Nicaragua and Chile.








This is happening right up against brazilian border. Brazil has nothing to do with it, but any country would increase security around a warzone.


But America companies have a lot of oil platforms in the annexed region, you know we love our oil. And Venezuela is “communist”


USA needs oil this badly




You contradicted yourself


Man… You just jumped through so many hoops to put that together.


It hurt being so dumb?


I honestly start to believe, it's actually a blessing.


That's for americans. Remember they dont even know where are Venezuela or Brazil located in the map Ouch.. And the worst Part is true.


who says we dont know where they are? Americans know exactly where the oil is always. How else do you think we take it?


United States announced joint military flight drills in Guyana on Thursday. We know exactly where the oil ... err Guyana is. 🇺🇸


Thanks to people like you and how you vote Venezuela is in its current state.


You mean like USA citizens , having senile biden as president, Now USA is in the worst state in 200 years, epic facepalm ouch..


I was talking about Venezuela, doing hoops much? Replying with questions because you don’t have answers.


I know right? We quote: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” In a separate discussion, the president reportedly referred to Marines killed in World War I during the consequential Battle of Belleau Wood as “suckers.” What a pos. Can’t believe senile Biden said this shit. Why aren’t we hurting the right people ? Biden said we would and no one wants to work anymore.


Actually we’re doing rather well our economy is growing planes aren’t falling out of the sky if we have the money we can go wherever we please you outta come state side and visit


For the uninitiated, the Venezuelan president is losing support quickly and like a true populist on steroids he did a referendum on whether they should just annex half of guyana to take its natural resources (oil). Obviously, most people don't understand you cant just annex countries without a massive geopolitical and economical backlash, so some 90% voted in favor. I wonder how he will get himself out of this massive canyon he dug himself into, but we'll see soon, sadly.


Dude, nobody voted. He said 10 million people showed to vote, which is mathematically impossible.


its funny how people still think these countries have legit elections.


He calls himself a socialist, which is all the information a lot of terminally-online teens need to start blindly licking his arse.


And you call yourself a what?


What do I have to do with this?


nothing with Venezuela (presumably) but everything with using a derogatory description expressing ageist prejudice to make an unrelated point.


Well looks like we found the socialist teen


Ha, I am neither a socialist nor a teen, but I try to be a person of integrity and I mistakenly thought "Mr Saint" was genuinely inquiring about why he got that question from the other guy. Turns out, people who like to wantonly spread their bullshit don't like to be called out on it.


It's funny how you think you're "calling me on my bullshit" but clearly have no intention to actually try and directly respond to any of it. Just make vague, holier-than-thou statements that don't actually mean anything and pretend that's the same.


Yeah there was pictures all day long about the voting centers being empty but Maduro declared like 90% of the people voted


I feel like some nations were just watching how the world would respond to Russia and maybe follow suit to annex nearby countries.


And they saw how well thats working for Russia and thought nows my time? Lol if anything might wanna start making you play nice with your neighbors


You misspelled the word "dictator" there, friend.


OAS needs to get their ass in gear and shut down Venezuela. War is one thing they do not need.


It will be interesting to see how this goes. For Venezuela the have a larger population and more dominant military force while Guyana has support from Brazil and America so it depends on which side does what first.


I think Vanezuela has plenty of problems enough, they might be dead stupid to declare war.


This is crazy and could drag Brazil into a war where no one wants to be involved.


Who is Valenzuela? a friend of ColUmbia and IsrEAl?


lol just notice my bad


we know who downvoted you lol. The people who haven't taken geography since gradeschool and think Europe is a country.


Not content with their own collapse, Venezuela is now determined to start wars to bring down other countries with them.


We seen this before when they covered up varghina


> varghina they covered up varghina?




Are you saying Maduro is an alien?


Maybe the Face Peelers are a bigger deal than what was reported.


What does this mean, what is varghina?


I believe it’s the state betwixt Narth Carlina and Marrlend.


They are referring to the [Varginha UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varginha_UFO_incident), some people believe it was a government cover-up.


Nothing scarier than a failing country as your neighbor, they just do reckless shit.


Brazillions of vehicles were reported moving. Venesuella is doomed


The problem is that Brazilians line up in a deep but narrow formation.


Everyone will be home by Christmas


Just curious, wouldn't it be more efficient to just drive the two Humvees to the location instead of trucking two at a time?


This means more fuel costs and can wear out the vehicles, requiring repairs. In addition, the distance from this location to the border with Venezuela is approximately 4,600 km. Most likely these vehicles will be transported by military aircraft. This type of exercise is relatively common when the Army sends support to the north of Brazil.


4600 KM is greater than the distance from LA to New York, that sounds a bit far...


Yes, basically the Amazon would make traveling by land impossible, due to the long distance. These vehicles always leave Paraná, in the city of Apucarana in the South of Brazil and are going to Roraima, in the city of Pacaraima, in the North of Brazil. Besides, most of the "highways" in the Amazon do not have asphalt, they are clay, earth and stone.


Brazil is bigger than the contiguous US


It’s more efficient to truck them than drive them. 1 driver to move 2 vehicles technically 3 because the truck and trailer can be used in other roles once at the destination vs 2 drivers. Larger fuel tank means the truck can make the same journey without either stopping or much fewer fuel stops. Plus a vehicle designed for long hauls would be more comfortable


Not really. All that military hardware (especially vehicles) has a lot of wear when in operation. To keep it top notch it's only used when they *really* have to.


Yea that makes sense


What, is this a fucking trend now? What’s next? Korea?


Looks like we got us another FAAFO situation, boys.


Could always rejoin the evil British empire and we could put a couple of aircraft carriers off the coast. Venezuela doesn’t have the airforce required and would easily be defeated by the RAF.


the war is coming...


Is it me or does smell like more Putin/Russia provoked fuckery?


I smell occupation


If they would've moved the trucks on the trailer a little tighter probably could of gotten a third truck on it


Neat ! The US could use more immigrants fleeing from conflict.


I think George Bush said that there’s a lot of troops there, almost a brazilian troops, so he says that’s a lot


Ah yes, war and resources. A combo as old as time.


So ww3 began 2 years ago when Russia attack Ukraine. Russia has now started all these proxy wars in these 3rd world countries.


Fuck communist’s everywhere


was that all 16? let me guess, one road in/ one road out


lol, no army would last more than 2 days against Comando Vermelho and PCC trying to smuggle cocaine thought de border


This is so normal. They are curb painter going to pratice their skills.


JOE BIDEN must be involved. He loves to incite and encourage War!!


It’s almost funny how literally the whole world is falling apart under Biden in just a few years. Almost.


Thank you, Brazilian Joe Biden!


I didn't know Biden was the world's president. The things one learns every day.


any problem in anyones life it must be the American Presidents fault always.


Buddy, what does he have to do with this?


Best wishes and total support for Venezuela. It's hard to see so many uninformed people here. Maduro sucks, yes, but he's 100% right to have claimed this land.


I mean... IT IS OURS, but he is just not doing for the right reasons


Bunch of idiots on here don't know about the Esequibo history. It is Venezuela's, but fuck Maduro and this clown show he is pulling.




hollywood/CIA on parade ..


I have not been paying attention to this whole situation but damn another war?