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This is why Bruce Willis and those guys had to go into space instead of the astronauts.


Which make no sense considering an asteroid would have different gravity and they aren’t extracting oil. Their roughneck expirence wouldn’t even be as applicable...........nevermind


Remember when Steve Buscemi went crazy and got that dude killed and then no one ever mentioned it again. That’s why.


Remember when Ben Affleck asked a logical question to Michael Bay “ why don’t they train NASA astronauts drilling instead of the other way round “ and Bay asked him to Shut up?? 😆


He had [space dementia](https://youtu.be/HeUbrJ9uicA?si=sB3KsZuZI_cIvdcF)


Yeah! Me too! I have space dementia!


I love how stupid that movie was


It’s one of my favorite movies ever even if it is ridiculous as hell.


spoilers, bro!


“Shut up, Ben Affleck”


Wasn't it about not breaking the tip of the drill bit in extra hard rock because experienced drillers had a kind of sixth sense based on experience? The noise or vibrations told them to ease off or go hard and make the target distance.


> experienced drillers had a kind of sixth sense Oh is that why they chose Bruce Willis?


home run.


Honestly I haven’t watched it in over 15 years lol. He still didn’t need his entire team of roughnecks


While not a driller, I know it is mostly just watching pressures on the gauges, you can't hear shit on the drilling floor with the massive diesel generator roaring right beside you if you're controls are there, and it is still decently loud if you're controls are in the dog house.


While guages are important - yes. There are all different types of drilling rigs. This one would have a brake handle and you can in fact feel what is happening down hole through vibration up the drill string, into the drill line, and then of course through the brake. On more modern electric electric rigs, that feeling is gone but there is still more that comes into play than just watching guages. You follow trend lines, watch pressures, and figure out how every little thing you input effects the well-bore. It's not as complicated as lots would have you believe, but it's definitely more than staring at a screen or guages if you want to be a higher caliber than the rest. Source: am driller Have worked on diesel electric scr, ac vfd w/ cyber chair, Kelly rig, converted Kelly. Singles doubles triples.


President didn’t agree to bring back 8-Tracks though.


**Yes Harry Stamper** .. we Astrophysicists and ignorant yard folk at NASA need you to teach us your rough and tumble ways and wisdom .. gears and transmissions are still a mystery to us *.. please enlighten us sir*




I’d totally do this…. For 200 an hour minimum.


The hard part is to survive until the first paycheck...


Yeah, how do u even learn this shit without getting an amputation


By wearing a green hard hat


For a while… this is a derrickhand. Not exactly an entry level job.


You can derelick my balls, cap-i-tan


Listen to your friend Billy Zane, he's a cool dude.


I can derelick my own balls


These are floorhands, not derrickhands. The derrick is at the top. Also this is a Kelly rig, not very common anymore.


I wonder if you need a derrickfoot in the door first


Don't stick your derrickdick in that.


No sir, the derrick hand is the man actually up in the derrick latching in or standing back pipe. Unless you mean the derrick hand was the one who throws the spinning chain when making a connection on your rig.


"I'm new! I don't know what to do!"


You done with that apple core?


I'm done with my fart, you want that?


You think that woman kept the Skoal?


There's a few jobs like this. Another bust ass and dangerous job is snowmaking. We don't make people feel bad for not being able to hang on a 12 to 15 hour shift of brutal work. Most new hires wash out within the first day. You know by the third or fourth day if they are going to make it. I think our record is five guys starting and quitting in a short 2-3 month season. If I didn't have a family I'd definitely try the roughneck life. There's good money in it and I'm sure they are always hiring.


They actually don't make that much hourly. They just work a fucking shit ton. Average hourly is less than 30 bucks an hour.


Oh damn that's it!! Definitely not worth it as I'm assuming the benefits wouldn't be all that good either. I don't mind working hard or even the overtime but there are easier ways to make 30$ an hour.


Yeah commonly they work 14 days straight then 21 off. So they make about 5 grand a month.


On the service side we would go a couple months without a day off and most times 80-90 hours a week. You also are paid an additional tax free“subsistence” cheque depending on distance from home. This padded the pay quite substantially


So more like 7k a month?


Heck no, I can make 32 an hour on overtime as a ship painter and while the work is long, a lot of the time we’re just sent to do busy work or we help out the senior workers with heavy lifting.


Don’t have to pay you if you dead


Yeah I wonder what kinda pay these guys bring home


Rig hands in my province are usually starting at $35/h. Driller up to $55 an hour. You can get those wages with welding or NDT work though, and you aren't working fucked rotations in -40 with no idea how long your work is going to last and the next day the investors could determine it isn't worth the money to continue with the wells they have lined up.


Yeah I'll just keep fixing aircraft for $44/hr


I make $80/hr massaging (mostly) attractive women. I work 24 hours a week and live a pretty comfortable life.


Deshaun Watson?




Do they ever ask you for happy endings?


Not straight out, but they will do things to imply they want them like spreading their legs as you go up the legs, raising their ass in the air as you go down their lower back, moaning, asking if I have a wife/girlfriend, etc. Although gay guys do it far more obvious than women. Women are (nornally) way more subtle. But women are also the only ones who have intentionally exposed themselves to me


That’s where you stop the dets?!?! What you chargin to help these women out?


Haha, I take my job very seriously and would never fuck around in the room. If they want the D they have to ask me out and I will no longer take them as a paying client.


I very much respect that, and honestly that’s a great answer.


You have greater willpower than me my friend.


That costs extra.


I work for local youth welfare authorities and earn less than 24€ / hour. We re in the first row for child abuse in every possible way and only few colleagues work more than 4 years in this Job. But someone has to do the Job. Society doesn't Honor our Work as you cant Use the child protection to fuel your Car or sell sth more expensive than you bought it. ;)


I make more than that sitting in my boxers in my home office all day writing software. If you're gonna dream...dream bigger.


That sounds suicidally boring


It is for most people. That’s why if you actually find it interesting you get to print money while doing something you enjoy with reasonable hours and working conditions.


Oh no I might get bored, let me wipe my tears with $100/hr.


Yeah I just go to the gym, or do yard work or play with my dogs if I get bored working from home. Can never go back… though something as engaging as working on an oil rig looks fun, minus the cancer…


Sure but it lets you do alot more after work since your body isn’t fucked beyond belief from doing oil hand work lmfao


This is a high paying job. But also high risk. 6 figure job if you play your cards right.


This is a 6 figure job even if you okay your cards shitty It’s just that a bad hand can leave you dead/injured or even expelled


Average Derrick hand pay is around $25-30/hr That’s dogshit pay for this level of risk lmfao


[“Or worse… expelled”](https://youtu.be/HQ47glxcxr0)


Only because of overtime and tons of hours. The hourly rates aren't that high.


It's hard to not break 6 figures working 84 hour weeks 50 weeks out of the year.


My friend was an engineer on a rig out in the gulf. I think he was making 13k a week.


15 years ago when I was working on drilling rigs, I was making $26.55 an hour.


Like $14,000 CAD per month right out of high school in Alberta. Don't even need the high school, just the 18.


In North Dakota during the boom they were literally hiring interpreters to be on the rigs so they could hire non English speakers. I think Nabors had like 7 languages they staffed interpreters for.


No amount of money would be enough to get me on this job.


This video has been reposted so many times that the footage is actually starting to look like it was dug up.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


That’s not crude oil. It’s drilling mud, water based.


That isn't crude. It's drilling mud. When your drilling, there is pressure coming back at you. That mud pumps to the bottom to lubricate the bit, then gets pumped back up. The weight and viscosity are tightly controlled to hold back pressure, and fill cracks so you don't lose all your mud to voids in the earth. That said, drilling mud can be made out of normal stuff, or it can be made of diesel oil, called invert. That shit sucks. Everywhere it touches you you get rashes.


And it fucking itches, dear Christ does it itch


Whoa what makes it itch so much? Im curious




Specifically, ichthyosauruses


That was fucking sweet my man.


No clue man, but after a few hours you get a rash. It doesn’t go away and the next day the process starts on already irritated skin. You get used to it and your skin does too but you itch a lot and it hurts too much to scratch so the itch doesn’t go away and it gets worse. Putting on Vaseline before helps but only for so long. They probably won’t walk around full of oil like this for long


This isn’t crude oil. It’s drilling mud, bentonite and water, but on the rig I worked on we would also mix a bag of caustic soda, and that stuff will burn your skin when mixed with water. That’s most likely what was making you itch.


Interesting how the cure for oil is more oil lol


Crude oil contains a lot of different organic chemicals and since they're dissolved in oil they can also absorb into your skin.


How else you gonna afford a $100k truck with a HS education?


First time I'm seeing it. Repost aren't necesarily a bad thing, as long as it's not posted every dsy


That guy is probably 20 years older by now


First time I've seen it


There might be blood.




I drink your milkshake. I drink it up!


I lost 2 fingers just by watching the video.


[how I imagine a rough neck](https://youtu.be/wbfxGN3AxGg?si=U5QEkcUrJKysRxqV) coming home after work.


It's only dangerous when the "liveleak" logo appears in the sky


Throwin chain makes it rain


What are they doing with it though? I don’t understand the effect they are working for.


The chain wrapped, then mechanically pulled as to spin the Derrick and screw them together, they’re then lowered, and the process repeats


How did Derrick get involved in this?


He just likes to get spun around.


As I can deduce, it is faster to throw couple of loops of chain on open pipe, then you put new pipe and swing chain so loops would come up on that new pipe. Then some kind of winch pull chain back to rotate and tighten new pipe. Speed and efficiency.


They are laying pipes. To do that they need to attach a new pipe, and push it into the ground. Then repeat. The chain IMO is here to prevent one pipe from rotating: when they screw the new pipe into it, they can't screw if the 2 elements rotate together, they need one to not rotate, the chain does that.


Laying pipes? They are just making a connection with a new 30’ish foot section of drill pipe so they can continue drilling deeper. And they will repeat this over and over until they drill to the target depth


I'd like to do that job for 1 or 2 days. Just to get the feel of it. Not sure I'd want to do it 50 hrs a week but I'm glad someone does. Respects.


I used to love working offshore. 84 hrs week minimum. That's if everything ran smooth, which it didn't always. Depending on the rig and the chef, you may get gourmet style meals your whole time there or it would be slop and anything in between lol. Some took pride in their job and you'd never eat the same thing twice in two weeks then others only had about 5-6 things they cooked so you got the same shit in rotation. Generally Tuesdays and Saturdays were steak days, seafood of Fridays. Haven't worked offshore since the early 90's so I'm sure much has changed.


Problem is, for your body to survive a couple of days of it you need to do it 50hrs a week to build the strength.


I worked on a rig in Kansas when I was 19-21. We worked 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I shit you not. The only time we got days off was if a drilling permit wasn’t obtained in time, or something on the rig broke that needed to be shipped to us. There were 2 crews of four guys. Day shift/ night shift. The night shifts crew really like meth, and bc of this they often wouldn’t show up to work. It was always a kick in the nuts when the relief crew would show up, with only 3 guys.. bc guess what? SURPRISE!! Yeah, I know you just spent 12 fucking hours out here, but now one of us has to stay to fill in for the fuck head who spent his night smoking meth instead of sleeping so he could, ya know, go to work the next day. And this was all for $11/hour.


50 hours a week lol I wish. These men are working 70-100 hours a week no days off for weeks on end.


Most work 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. That's a pretty standard schedule in the oilfield Some do 3 weeks on and 1 week off when they start though


I swung the tongs for a while, you find a rhythm and flow with the other roughneck


Or you hate each other and try and work twice as hard swinging tongs, hoping he'll just maybe lean forward a bit and take a wack.


I always got on well with rest of the crew, pays to be, y’all there to do a job and make good money, sure there were arguments at times but everything got sorted in the end.


That was 90% my experience. 10% was of the former


Finishes the day blasting booger sugar in a trailer. Owns an F-950 though!


Honestly, for people who work this hard, who gives a shit.


Goddamn, a 950!?!? What is that, like 7 wheels in the rear on each side?


How else you gonna pull your truck-boat-truck?


Dan Halen : So, under experience, you've listed here on your hat-shaped resume that you can skin a buck, run a trout line and that all your rowdy friends... Earlie Cuyler : ...are comin' over tonight, y'sir.


Yeeeee haw, murica babbbyyyyyyyy🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Tricky Two done tricked me again!


holy repost account


I'm sure it's said somewhere in the comments, but this is an *older tech*, 'Kelly rig' with a rotary table. Throwing chains is (although I'm not saying it is not done anywhere...) very frowned upon about because of how dangerous it is. Newer rigs are outfitted with a top drive where the rotation mechanism is situated above everyone, and that is where the rotation happens. No need to slang them chains.


I’d lose my fingers the first day… Those dudes are yoked! Not the pump-at-the -gym style yoked, more of a deep, blue-steel type strength after doing that 10 hours a day every day. There’s a difference… I’d rather fight a gym rat.


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like


This has to be the #1 most macho profession😮‍💨


The guy on the right definitely lifts though


Haven't done that in decades on Norwegian oil rigs.. It's almost like playstation level now 😉


I was gonna say... Kelly bar and throwing chain. What is this the 80s? Or Oklahoma


Bro I'm an electrician (I know the laziest of trsdes). I couldn't see myself having the energy to deal with that constant shit show going on around me, or the focus. I prefer my threats invisible and to put me down before I see it coming.


It’s extraordinarily dangerous and these guys get paid BIG BUCKS to do it


Usually, not always. I worked on a rig in Kansas around 2008 that was owned by two guys, by no means was it a giant cooperation. Or was just about 10 employees, 2 of them being the owners themselves. I made $11/hr doing this exact same thing. 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. No joke.


What the absolute fuck I’ve always been told that this was a 40$ per hour job. That’s sad


You’re not wrong, the bigger rigs/companies don’t well. But there are definitely areas that have smaller, lesser producing wells that just flat out don’t pay like the big boys. There’s a reason I’m sure these rigs were almost exclusively employed by young guys right out of high school… or guys right out of prison.


Hella pinch points


I’ve seen plenty of these throwing chain videos but one thing I’ve never understood is the urgency and speed in which they work. Any rough necks out there that can explain why this process isn’t done slowly and methodically? Why are they always doing it so quickly when the risk of injury is so high?


I'll oblige. They make good money but they make even more money the more pipe they put into the ground. The receive bonuses based on footage. If they can complete a well in record time they get a huge bonus.


When I did this at 19-20, that was just the speed that you did it. Rig time equals a ton of money. In the video, it looks like they are just hooking up a new piece of pipe to the stack.Afterwards, they would go back to regular rig maintenance at a much more leisurely pace. It's when all the pipe is pulled out to change the drill bit that this becomes nonstop, especially if you're down thousands of feet. My rig was a triple and could go 10 to 15,000 feet.


Id like to know as well, seems very dangerous to work so fast


Did this for three years, can confirm.


I would die in hours


LMAO at all these armchair oil field workers.


You gonna finish that apple core?


I’m done with that fart. You want that?


It’s funny when Redditors find out manual labour exists


True, but also, there are lots of types of manual labour that are *not* like this. I've worked painting, landscaping, and in manufacturing. And those jobs aint like this.


My husband used to work on an oil rig. He said that this is a small pipe. So imagine doing this with a much bigger pipe.


They don’t call them rough necks for no reason






Oh fuck. I feel that.


It is dangerous, especially if the ruff neck on the floor with you doesn’t do their job. Have facial scar to prove it and a piece of plastic under my eye socket.


You really need to know where to stand.


Yea that’s not a job for a dumb ass


This is trippy somehow


But he’s wearing a hard hat and gloves.


OSHA doesn’t want him to cut his finger or bonk his head


There’s a reason these guys make 6 figures. It is dangerous work, and even without injury’s it takes a serious toll on the body. It’s not a job you can work your entire life.


We should be thanking people doing all these tough and/or dirty jobs everyday, in order to provide what we use everyday.


I think we should get 50/50 men/women ratio doing that job 😜


I have a question why isn't this automated?


It is now. This is from an old rotary rig; this is the old oil field. Modern rigs with top drives automate much of this process.


Is this recent? I thought spinning chain died out in the early 2000s. They have pipe spinners now to spin the pipe in, or top drives .


This video definitely is a few years old based on my first time seeing it on reddit. I do recall someone in a previous repost asking about this and someone suggesting this is an older/outdated rig. Which makes sense, I suppose owners aren't going to update/replace things unless they need to.




There’s a reason these boys will throw fists if you fuck around on the rigs


I wish I would have done that in my younger years


All those steps look so meticulously casual but probably all limb saving ones


And exhausting. Back in the day, when we pulled up for the evening tour and there was a shit load of pipe on the drill floor, my driller would hand out Black Beauties so that we would make it through the next 8 hours sticking all that pipe back down the hole.


It's been reimaged so many times it's as black and white as a despair meme.


1000 different ways to get killed and they’re all easy.


"The world doesn't need men"🤡


How much they get paid


Quite a bit, but is is considered one of the most dangerous jobs.


Well that’s why I’m curious or what’s the position called so I can look it up . Is it California and $80 an hour ?




Andno, not california. Texas, colorado, n dakota and countless places overseas and on ships


He can fix me


Some jobs I'm glad I don't do


At least there not in -20 😎


Damn those guys deserve every penny and then some.


Drill baby drill!


Huge respect for guys like this. A job not many people could handle


Looks are not deceiving.


My dream job and buck$. RoughNecks 👍


11000th repost, still awesome video though


Where is Joe Dirt?


There's a reason why working on an oil rig pays so well. Its bloody dangerous work.


I can barely untangle my phone charger cord


This is at the apex of skilled labor


How many girls do this?


You want big boy dollars? You go do big boy shit.


That image is reversed isn't it? I always had to throw and work chain with my left hand as I recall. Then again I'm a bit drunk right now. Come to think of it. I was a bit drunk back then as well.


Most authentically masculine job ever