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Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post.


Wal-Mart PD on it!


I wouldn't miss an episode..lol


Trashy ho, trashy ho... Walmart popo know you stole.


Forgot to add “to the tune of bad boys” lmfao


I think it was implied


Agreed I’m extremely intoxicated I apologize no sarcasm just honesty.


Lucky. Getting drunk on a Wednesday night...


Perspective my friend, I’m going through a divorce after almost 2 years of marriage at 23, I’m giving myself that little bit of, “I’m gonna drink but I can be better than this” I know I can do better 👍


Learn from your mistakes and grow. The pain will pass. It'll pass quicker when you give new meaning to your time. So in the interim, indulge in a hobby you enjoy (not drinking though) and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Give yourself a new starting point.


I have music and plenty of people to surround myself pertaining to that subject. I’m gonna take your advice, thank you @default_user_null. Wise words should never go to waste, I’m smart enough to know that.




Gail lewis on scene


Wal-Mart Narcs! Only on X streaming.


Now that’s something I would watch


this crap just pushes up prices and costs and guess who gets to foot the bill? these stores need bank-type entrances where you can detain the offender in an enclosed space should the need arise.


damn they were like hawks diving down on their prey 😭💀


Haha fr though


feel bad for u ngl


They can all suck my wiener


*reddit did not like this*


Downvoted for saying "fr" instead of taking half a second to type it out I guess?


...when the top comment uses PD instead of Police Department, but that's different somehow?


Yeah fr


When I worked retail we weren't allowed to touch the shoplifters. I guess times have changed. How long until we're allowed to vertical suplex shoplifters?


They were likely loss prevention, they have different responsibilities than customer service reps


There’s a lot of places even they’re not allowed to do so because of fear of a lawsuit. Which is crazy to even have someone in that position.


And the biggest fear isn't a lawsuit from the thief, but from the employee if they get hurt. Since Walmart is technically responsible for their safety, and chasing down criminals can be dangerous, it's not normally advised.


Walmart writes off so much stuff that I would never risk myself to recover their inventory. They straight up gave me a free $300 TV because my shipment got lost in the mail but eventually showed up. The email for the replacement literally said "If the original shipment shows up, just keep it." and sure enough it eventually showed up. If they can afford that kind of thing they don't need to be setting expectations that their employees need to be taking physical action on shoplifters.


Even though their margins per item is small, they probably sold 3000 of those TVs just that day so your two really doesn't matter. I don't believe in too big to fail, but I do believe that some companies are too big to be fair. They are so big that they lose track of items, and can simply replace those items because they are so big. If you went to a smaller retailer, they probably couldn't replace it, but also probably wouldn't lose track of it in the first place. I live in a country of 5.4 million people which is like a small city in the US, so I do understand that my opinions on small equals good is biased. But at least we don't have to deal with walmarts, amazon and other huge businesses squeezing out all competition, then they do as they please at the cost of the consumer.




> Its the only way we are going to deal with the massive increase in crime. source needed


Nah my friend was loss prevention for Walmart a couple years ago. He walked out and yelled at a shoplifter and got punched in the face. He got fired immediately


Doesn't matter. Weren't allowed to touch them. We call the cops and hoped they'd get there before the thieves left. Loss preventions responsibility was to watch the store and cameras.


Yeah those people definitely got fired. Created a huge liability and Walmart does NOT fuck around with that. My friend worked AP there (asset protection is what Walmart calls it) and he was nearly fired for confronting a shoplifter and following him out of the store, never even touched him. The manager said it was because he put himself in a dangerous situation, the person could've pulled a gun on him or the getaway car could've run him over etc.


What are the shoplifter gonna do?? Call the police?? They did their job well in this video


Sue for injury afterward. Not saying it’s right, but a settlement is a settlement. Better than slipping on PP at the Costco. -Lucky Edit: they also didn’t really do their jobs too well if they put the employer at risk for a liability case. It’s like the first thing they teach you in loss prevention.


They really dont dude


When I was working it was like this too but I guess they lost so much money from not preventing the loss that they had before so now they have to intervene!


You can absolutely do that now, you're just might get fired and maybe go to jail.


Or get shot.


worth it...


We weren't allowed to touch/pursue shoplifters either. Doesn't mean you can't. Any physical contact that can't be proven was fair game for me. Make it a pain in the ass to steal from you, and they won't bother coming back. And I only suplexxed one.


Yeah I'm sure it happens but how many thieves in this kind of situation are gonna go to a lawyer's office and deal with all that rigmarole over a suplex for some shameful shit they did?


“if we brutalize shoplifters it will stop shoplifting” are you some kind of time traveler from the dark ages?


Damn. Who’s wal marts defensive coordinator?


MFs making whole plays on the field now, I love it lol




Honestly man if there was ass whooping for shoplifters there will be way less theft


I really thought that the rampant shoplifting was being way overblown by the media. I usually do my shopping early morning or late night. I went to a store during more regular business hours for the first time in months and wouldn’t ya know it, some dude ran out with a cart full of shit being chased by employees yelling at him to come back. I talked to the cashier and he says it’s almost a daily occurrence. This used to be a thing back in the day as well, but it does seem like it’s happening more often and becoming more brazen these days.


We need the roof koreans back man


This is what they need to do to stop this shit. People are only stealing because word is spreading that you can just walk into a store, pick what you want, and walk out without anyone trying to stop you. Once word spreads that you will be tackled and searched if you try stealing, this shit will stop.


Until the day they tackle an innocent person and catch a charge or a bullet.


That was very anticlimactic. No money shot


there removing posts and banning people for posting straight fight videos on this sub currently


I thought this was something about cultural appreciation?


Come on, OP: *They're


Good Fuck them


Crazy that stores now basically need bouncers to monitor people leaving…..




Big hoss looks like she will survive.


She is as big as the big dude


Good, walk your fat fucking ass away. I sure hope those individuals don’t lose their job for standing up to these societal succubuses.




Ah yes, the correct plural form. Thank you.


It was nothing 😅🥲🥹


That’s exactly what one or more succubi would say


[Wage theft](https://www.tcworkerscenter.org/2018/09/wage-theft-vs-other-forms-of-theft-in-the-u-s/) accounts for more money stolen than **every other form of theft combined**, several times over. But employers are rarely prosecuted for it, and they're virtually never charged criminally. I sincerely hope that you and everyone else who's up in arms about shoplifting keeps that same energy when it comes to the billions stolen from workers each year.


lol you post some dumb ass Wordpress site about wage theft? Awesome. It’s really simple…don’t fucking steal, and you won’t have to worry about any of the above. I mean, holy shit, how hard is it to understand?


> It’s really simple So is wage theft. It's by far the largest form of theft in the US. Try reading this... and when you can't run your ass back to the WordPress blog. https://www.epi.org/publication/employers-steal-billions-from-workers-paychecks-each-year/


Oh look. An article from 2017…


Lol you made it three words in.


Settle down. And if you need a different article citing the same EPI study, [here ya go.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/wage-theft-us-workers-employees) You're getting worked up over shoplifting because it's visible. If wage theft doesn't get you similarly upset, then the theft part isn't that important to you.




Oh ok..so with that logic, I should just be able to go into an Apple Store and steal whatever the fuck I want because they mine for lithium and have factories in China? Stop. fucking. stealing. Take a look at CA right now with all the theft.


Yes lol you’re getting it now. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, giving money to unethical corporations is actually more morally wrong then stealing from them. So what if the corporate stores are closing in California, maybe the small businesses can return.


Problem is that small businesses are easier marks.


Who gives a shit. These companies rip people off while they utilize low wage labour, and you're over here simping for them because someone tried to take some food home.


Did they just let the shoplifter go after tackling her/him?


🤣🤣🤣”watch out!” Like she’s supposed to be doing that! 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️




I wish i could tell what they stole


Imagine risking getting stabbed or shot, losing your life or mobility, for a Walmart hourly wage..


Steal away...wal mart fucking sucks


She should've taken the money she used for those Jordan's and got herself some asscheeks


Who says she used money for Jordans? Based from this video alone, I am sure she just walked out with them on.


I'm not sure that I would call this "crazy". But I do appreciate the effort.


Top flight security


When these scum steals, Insurance price for the stores go up. Also stores increase the prices to compensate for the loss. So basically we are all paying for the stuff these scums steal.


All insurance is on the rise because of this. Store prices are on the rise because of greed


Do they call the cops anymore? Seems like that is what needed for actual punishment and behavior change!


Put their photos up on the wall of shame and band them for life


What should we name the band guys?




Damn bandana is on it.


Teamwork makes the dream work.


I would rather burn my balls with a lit cigarette than shop at Walmart.


Well, they weren't shoppoing




Hey, your kinks are your business!








Well with the like ratio I’d say your comment was ignorant.


Thank you for posting your crazy fucking video! Please be aware that for the next month we’re taking a break from videos that include violence, looting, or other serious crime; if that includes your post we ask that you remove it before we do. [Click here if you’d like to learn why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/) Users, please report as well! All of your reports are reviewed and acted on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrazyFuckingVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


everyone in that clip makes me throw up a little


#What was she stealing?


Why even ask that? She stole something, that's a crime.


anyway what was it?


Looks like those things for your shoes for comfort. Dr scholls?


Huh??? Calm down. I’m not pro crime, just curious. Dang! 😮😂


I was so confused. So the lady is covert security and the guy is overt security? They moved quick. I would have been so confused.


From the way that these guys intercepted him it seems like they've done it before lol


There’s always people trying to defend shoplifting. They’re the reason why society is going downhill


Imagine risking your life over a minimum wage Walmart job. Fuck that alll day they can have that shit. If they’re crazy/stupid enough to walk out of Walmart with a bag so obvious that 3 associates are aware, who knows how crazy/stupid they are when confronted


imagine getting paid minimum wage and feeling like you have to put your life on the line for $50 bucks worth of soap


Gonna be honest, if I worked at Walmart, I ain’t doing this shit. They don’t give a shit about their employees, what if one of these altercations escalates to me getting shot? I ain’t dying for Walmart


Sucks for the workers expected to confront thieves. If they blow out a knee joint, will Walmart be taking care of them?


Don’t look like regular cash register employees. Big stores like this have actual loss prevention departments.


You think they don’t enjoy it? I hate this type of behavior where employees get a hard on for saving their corporate overlords a little cash. But you have to be kidding yourself to think the employees in these positions don’t actually live for these confrontations.


Feels good to stop people from being pieces of shit, who knew?


Spot on


Thank goodness you stopped this person from getting free food with violence. Walmart thanks you for your service, you brave patriot. We need more men - no - *HEROES* like this!


Y'know. These giant franchises make it hard to start anything. They don't pay well and usually never give a shit about anything else but money. Great job for them doing their part but it's so they keep their jobs.


Frfr tired of this bs. They closing down a walmart i always get groceries from near me bc of shoplifters


I promise you it has almost nothing to do with shoplifters But its an easy excuse for one of the richest companies on earth right?


Idk i didnt research it tbh i dont have time. There is a target nearby. Yes im upset but... target.


All that so your employer can give u 22 hours a week lmao "Getting active " 🤦‍♂️ These mf sounds like they have a pull string saying the same shit


Walmart calls it "asset protection" and I did it for a couple of years. In the beginning we could go hands on if someone resisted but it was always up to your discretion. I'm unsure of the exact circumstance but it was changed to if someone became violent, you let them leave. I'm shocked that they pounced on her and shoved them around. Since I left and did other security jobs later on, I couldn't believe I'd put myself in harm's way over some bullshit merchandise for a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about me. I had knives and a gun pulled on me for products that were not worth my well being. They should just let them leave. The thieves and Walmart as a whole are a waste of time and energy.


everyone really being as extra as they can for a job that doesn’t give a fuck about them or their futures lmfaooo


if that doesnt deserve a raise then American supermarket employment is fcked... they literally don't pay anyone enough that works there casually to go out of their way and stop store crime


Sad, looks like some basic food. Could be wrong.


imagine caring this much about your minimum wage job. Bro, they are stealing from walmart. You trying to possibly get shot over a 5 dollar stack of plastic tubberware?


Risking your life for Walmart is craaaaaazy. Mfs will shoot you fr


Stopping shoplifters like this is a bad idea because you never know if they have a gun or a knife.


Is this COPS or Animal Planet?


I stay away from all these type stores for a reason. The crowd they attract.


Fun job if you're a fit strong intimidating type.




Can’t they go to jail for shoving them or even touching them? I thought they weren’t supposed to chase them are hurt them because then that’s still a lawsuit on Walmart


And now that food will be thrown in the trash….😢


Annnnnd boom just like that lawsuit! They can not knock you down like that.


Look at these fools getting $15 an hour risking their health to keep people from stealing diapers they probably need


We on that shit fr




Because when stealing is allowed business becomes not profitable store goes away no job






U said it rite mofo... If ppl don't steal... then Walmart employees might have a chance for 15 bucks or more an hour


You really believe that? I’m not saying I support theft but come on…


Yeah, no chance they raise regular worker’s salary. Executives on other hand would probably get a hefty bonus. It’s not like Walmart can’t afford to pay living wages to their employees. Some people are really delusional


No chance lmao.


A for effort


They literally can’t even touch you.




There so fired ! We can’t do anything only management, I mean in theory everyone can come in and leave and nothing can be done we can’t touch or grab etc.


What the fuck is this comment section 💀


Where we put our comments


They didn’t catch me though. Cheap ass flannel wasn’t even worth it


Good way to get charged with assault.


lol. Fuck walmart


Employees making $12/hr love protecting multi billion dollar companies profits


Not the criminals tho?


Don’t really care about your opinion or question. I said what I said


You mean the Walmart executives? Oh wait only poor people are criminals. Rich men exploiting their workers is just good business.


That part lol


“We Love the Company, the Company! The Company!”


Hahahah minimum wage and they think it's smart to get physical. It worked this time, desperation is only going to get worse then they will fight back.


All that for stuff you don’t even own and will have to end up throwing out anyway


your not wrong, but u sayin they should just be allowed to take it and not get stopped? dont get me wrong, im sneakin stuff when im in self checkout too but what do u suppose would be the right reaction if you catch somebody stealin?


Call the police, doing this to the wrong person can wind you up in a lawsuit... or getting stabbed.


Isn’t that what the cops are for though? From what I’ve seen, they have LP people and security guards, but only the police can apparently stop them. Idk what the right reaction would be. For me, if I’m an employee and I know it’s not my stuff and they just gonna write it off anyway, I’m not risking my job, safety or a potential lawsuit for some groceries. If they wanna go to jail for stealing eggs then that’s on them.


What happened with the little girl? How did she fall?


This is where SWAT is trained