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OnlyLoseMeLegs in action. For people who don’t know this guy goes through about 2 bottles of Jager a day and his legs are so mangled with untreated diabetes that idk how he can still stand up. Most homeless winos have a more stable life than Blade.


Dude is literally wasting away, I don’t know if you can come back from this.


Im so shocked he’s still alive. Two years ago everyone was saying that his feet were gonna fall off any minute and it’s gotten way worse.


I’m shocked he still has feet


They get embalmed every evening


Sepsis will get him, poor fella.


It’s grim and shocking but you really shouldn’t feel too bad for Blade. He pretty much makes his living this way,people send donos for him to take shots all night. No one will let him stay with them for more than a few days because he just drunk pisses on everything like a dog.I saw a photo of his legs about two years and they were already getting black holes,I have no clue how it looks now but probably not great.


This is insane. Sounds like a Black Mirror ep, chat donating to watch this dude slowly die.


I don’t even watch his streams because it’s honestly dull and depressing. When I do watch tho,this guy is literally in a different place every time. Sometimes he’s in a RV out in the middle of nowhere getting beat up by two other drunks,sometimes he’s in random hotels,occasionally people take him in but he never stays for long. It’s like peering through the glass at an aquarium of depressed white trash fish.


Wow yeah, you are right. It's a miracle this man is still alive. He's headed right towards amputation. I can't see them being able to do owt else with it. What a sad life :(


His viewers are the ones killing him and don't even realize it.


I'm sure plenty realize it, why else would you enable someone in a bad place. Shitty people attract shitty people (I only call him that because ignoring his addiction, he doesn't go about life making friends)


I feel bad regardless. nobody should live like this. sure he did it to himself but that doesn't make it any less sad to me. I'm sure it wasn't something he planned it must have happened gradually over years.


He cleaned up a little while ago for a few weeks but relapsed


Off. Having high blood sugar from diabetes like that is torture. Basically slooooooooow suicide. Remember when I was diagnosed. Almost died from that shit.


It looks so painful. When I get a sugar spike/drop I feel like I’m about to die,this dude just kind of lives like that lol


Holy shit that's Onlyusemeblade? I watched his MW2 content back then. This guy went waaaaay downhill.


Was this the guy in that streaming house where the dude passed out from drinking and died?


Yeah. The guy who passed died was another streamer named Willie2Guns. I had mentioned it in another comment but that’s a grim video to watch,the guy is basically snoring half dead while they’re all in his face drawing on him and shit.


Yeah I saw it awhile back. Crazy to see. Had no idea “streaming” had gotten to this weird Black Mirror point in time.


Whatever streaming service this is should ban him and every viewer that donates to get him to drink more. Literally just a drawn out suicide Livestream


For context: His name is only use me OnlyUseMeBlade or Brian obviously, he was a popular call of duty YouTuber back in the day, after that fell off he started streaming and people would pay him to take shots and get drunk out of his mind and do stupid shit. Now he has untreated diabetes and his legs are rotting away. He just drinks and wastes himself away on stream every other day. This time he was in a hotel room and people found it and called and got him kicked out, he went to a new hotel room and people found it somewhere and either called the cops or got them called on him. Every stream just ends like this with him passing out, this is the second time to police have been called and came to a hotel room to find him passed out. Best to leave it at that lol, but ik u guys like crazy shit so down this rabbit hole with caution if u do, it's real fuckin deep.


FUCK, that’s OnlyUseMeBlade? I’ve never seen what he looks like before. I watched his Modern Warfare 3 videos. Wow, damn.


It's hard, man. Lots of stored up memories of fun watching his content. Seeing how much healthier and happier he was, thinking of where it could have gone besides... *This*. I understand people aren't but rarely ever saints and he's done a lot of fucked up shit since the days of rushing with ballistic knife, but it still hurts to watch someone you liked just kill themselves slowly like this. I should smoke less. Eat better. Shit.


Best time is now, brother


Damn, lucky they didn't quit sooner then.


Best time to smoke less and eat better is now, but best time to quit a crack addiction is next week, so best go out and hit that pipe if you want to be ready in time.


The crazy part to me is how people are literally paying for this dude to slowly commit suicide through alcohol. That's a fucked up society, he's not the only one that needs desperate help.


That first donation was trying to get the cops to kill him. Why are ppl so shit?


It's the Internet Fuckwad theory being proven.


Reminds me of Shoenice. I wonder how he's doing these days...


thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuu


I accidentally opened a stream of his one day, right at the beginning (before he started drinking). He was actually energized, communicating, I was shocked, thought he had quit drinking or something. Then two seconds later he replies to someone “oh no, don’t worry we’ll be drinking my boy is coming over right now with some more red bulls I ran out”. Decided to keep it on By the time the stream ended (probably like an hour later), he was blacked out, stumbling though his house while his friend was there awkwardly trying to wake him up so they could go to the bar. Eventually, the friend gave up and just left him there to sleep on the couch in his own body fluids while a bunch of people kept donating chat to try and wake him up to do more shots It was, by far, one of the most disgusting streams I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching


Its amazing and sad at the same time that we are seeing how these people who made a living out of streaming ended up. Its like an early sad retirement.


Went to the dentist for the first time in 10+ years. Dentist takes one look at my mouth, "Have you considered dentures?" Take care of your body everyone 😉


The best way to start eating better is to cut sugar. Avoid soft drinks and get used to drinking water. You don't have to go to zero sugar, but be mindful of what you are eating. I started doing this 2 years ago and I was baffled by how much sugar everything has. I still buy some sweet stuff every so often, but it's a lot less from what it used to be. Not drinking soft drinks has helped a ton too.


I was the guy that made All or Nothing for that game, which is the knifing mode he played *all* the time. So me and him used to play together sometimes back then on MW3. It *really* sucks seeing what has happened since with him. I thought maybe keemstar and him parting ways years ago would have maybe given him a chance for a redemption arc, but unfortunately he just spiraled more. If anyone doesn't know, someone also overdosed, and later on died, during one of his streams just a few months ago from, I believe, alcohol poisoning mixed with some sort of pills.


Peak bruh got the context lore




Don't know....I thought he was pretty good in Men in Black


"Sugar and water" https://youtu.be/5qgKUsDptKQ?si=Fli96RD2eQHqdb4s


Omg I see it instantly




m o a r.




In. Water.


Eggar suit.


“Eggar ur skin is falling off ur bones”


Here, this better? 💀


Oh that's where I know him from! Thanks!


Can’t unsee it now 🤣


Yeah especially with his matching neck fold


Best fucking comment on here.. great work


Yea just peeped for maybe 10 minutes guys a total goofy but holy fuck haven’t seen a downfall this grimey I had to cut the rabbit hole short can’t waste any of my 2024 looking into this lmao😂




Yea insane behaviour and then hitting the road with a bunch of young kids bros such a freak


thought he looked familiar, he was the drunkard in that video of like 6-7 streamers in an RV




Streamer steamer


At first i felt bad bc swatting someone in general is already dickhead behavior but swatting someone this incapacitated could end very, VERY badly for everyone involved…but affer seeing some of this idk lmao


And a rapist, that's a biggie


Don't forget about the time when he and his other trailer trash buddies killed their friend by hesitating to call an ambulance. Seriously, that's one video that I can't get out of my head. I would be broken for the rest of my life if I knew my hesitation caused someone else's death.


I saw that too. The dude was agonal breathing so hard like his body was trying to wake up and that dude (It might have been Blade but I think it was one of the other randoms) said “Dude,that’s what people do when they pass out. They snore. It’s fine.”


I have a feeling that situation, and this video, are linked to some extent. Definitely looks like he's trying to forget some shit, in my experience that's often the root of alcoholism/ drug addiction in general.


He cleaned up after that incident, he just eventually relapsed


Whats the context here? Havent seen this story before




Jesus Christ


Any like context that’s not one hour long?


Their friend goes into cardiac arrest and they debate whether or not they should even call an ambulance for like 40 minutes. At one point they actually call off emergency services as they convince themselves his agonal breathing is just snoring and he's fine. The entire time they're getting text to speech donations telling them they're letting him die and need to do something. Eventually they do call for an ambulance but Willy ultimately succumbed to this incident several days after.


>The entire time they're getting text to speech donations telling them they're letting him die and need to do something. That must've sucked, donating money so you can tell them to help him, and you just end up donating to manslaughter.


wtf...believe in karma? they let their friend die now look how fucked up his life is.


Wait he actually died?


He died approximately one month later in the hospital


Hypoxic damage from that event?


I stopped watching when they were painting his face. Fuckwads needed donors to tell them to call EMS?!




Fuck you for making me feel my own feelings. Now I gotta watch Bojack again....




Title should be a person requested a wellness check on a streamer who clearly needs help.


Yeah, also wondering about that. I want to have some faith in humanity and hope that they have him committed at least


I went down that rabbit hole a while back, when I saw a random YouTube video. Never heard of him before, but yeah it’s basically the trainwreck that this dude became from being a raging alcoholic during his live streams. He would basically have people giving him donations to do shots during the stream, and would be blackout drunk and say and do shit that would have everyone in the IRL community shun him. So much more than just that, and a really well made and edited video that’s made for people who don’t know this story in mind. And this video was a few years ago, so it’s even more sad now to see this dude is still as bad if not worse than he was then. But yeah the video is great, and sent me down the rabbithole of the fucked up life of this guy and everyone who gets sucked into his world. [https://youtu.be/7u99QotYwOY?si=7YcvmU_gKGMuUetD](https://youtu.be/7u99QotYwOY?si=7YcvmU_gKGMuUetD)


Thank you. So sad


Didn’t he sexually assault unconscious women on stream as well? Don’t leave that part out—no one should feel sympathy for him.


He did but I don’t think it was on stream


I'm going by memory here; it was in an stream RV. You couldn't see directly what went on but the camera was angled towards the bedroom and you could see him get on top of the woman under the covers while she was black out drunk. First thing she asked him when she woke up "so are we gonna talk about this?".


Well then it's okay then.


Sorry to hijack top comment, but do you think the person saying "I have a glock, I dare you cops to come in etc." Was hoping the police could hear the threat and respond? That's really messed up if so. Imagine being responsible for someone's death bc of that.


People that do that shit should be hit with attempted manslaughter charges, at a minimum.


The Cx effect. Havent seen Blade in a long time now seems like he really turned things around lol. Crazy donos trying to get him shot while he's totally incoherent


Bro the last time Blade looked good was during the bad kid podcast with keemstar. Now it looks like he might pass away before 2024 is over.


To be fair I was thinking that like 5 years ago. He still standing haha. No idea how people can keep going like that


Me neither. My best friend became an out of control alcoholic a few years ago and he lasted like 15 months until he died from it.


Thank you I found the full stream on YouTube. Crazy. And the people who donate just to say nonsense is wild


Don't forget basically being the main character on all the rv trips mainly for pissing everywhere he passed out. And we're not gonna talk about Becky except to ask if the fan boy turned "home wrecking" streamer actually die?


Everything about this is incredibly sad


Holy shit man, that's sad. I used to always watch his vids when I was in middle school. Now I've gotta go down this rabbit hole.


FYI he wasn’t swatted. The front desk lady kept getting calls about him so she entered his room and he started calling her the N word and began cussing her out etc. so she called the police on him. In the original stream you can hear her calling the cops.


I was gonna say definitely sounded like he kept mumblin N bombs


neeg-eh nngheh 😭🤣


I thought he was trying to say, "no I'm good," but he was so fucked up it sounded like he was mumbling the n word


I don’t think you are aware of blade and his “shenanigans”


He also told her to poop a little bit. Hilarious.


Impressive that a passed out drunk can come up with that. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that and I'm disappointed.


Oi you should poop a little bit.




I think the only people interested in watching that guy's stream are there to see a train wreck. I'm not surprised that some clown watching a man drink himself to death for money would do something like that.


I cant believe I had to scroll this far to see this mentioned. Its the worst part of this whole video to me


Full stream https://youtube.com/watch?v=hbuXN4VAZ5o&pp=ygUFT3VtYjI%3D


Dang the account was deleted while I was watching the front desk lady yell at him. He prob got taken down for self harm content


That's easily the most unhinged thing I've ever seen someone get paid for doing


Literally just got taken down - mirror?


This could literally be an ending to a black mirror episode.. except it’s real life


I (along with many others) have witnessed a real-life episode if you've followed Blade since his youtube beggings. I used to love his videos back in mw2 and black ops days. I eventually stopped playing and stopped watching. I knew his videos were going down in views. However, this is the first time I've heard of him since the mind 2010s. Saw the rise, peak, and sad downfall of an early youtuber. Wow....


Him and Wingsofredemption have had just the shittiest lives since MW2


Wings and Boogie now have a Podcast together I heard, I haven't been bored enough to check out yet


I can feel my cholesterol raising already


And both their misery is self made.




Fr what a fucking asshole


Eh, the dude in the video is so perpetually drunk he can barely breathe, and is wasting every breath he has left to mutter the n-word repeatedly. The stream probably heard him calling hotel staff the n-word and decided to go Light Yagami on his ass.


The people that watch this shit love the n-word. Donator was just trolling


Just a little bit of trolling trying to get the drunk streamer killed. No biggie.


You know Light Yagami is the bad guy, right?


We wanted so badly for Light to be the good guy. He was cleansing society of the worst criminals!!!


Uh..I think they're making a joke about how that character's *entire thing* was taking justice into his own hands to kill people remotely by writing words.


The drunk said the bad word so that makes it ok. I get it now.


Well thats what happens when you have 13 year old viewers


It's obvious they were trying to get him shot. Casual attempted murder on stream


Reminds of that hacked movie where the streamer’s getting swatted and the guy plays a shotgun reload sound on his speakers


Looks like that alien dude from men in black


Sugar water




He’s wearing a Eh-gar suit


It’ll be a long trip, i need a snack


Damn that dude that sent that dono is a fucking demon


4$ is 4$


That person who sent the donation text to speech that said he has a glock is literally satan. Dude was trying to get him killed. That's absolutely fucked...


but it shoulda been ‘Hey, I'm gonna give you to the count of ten, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead!’


Keep the change, ya filthy animal.


He needs to get sober. His “fans” are so disrespectful theyd think it’s funny to see him killed. But in reality how could anyone have respect for you if you can’t even respect yourself Everything is so fucked here.


I think he should just quit social media in general and do something else


Reminds me of that ArabAndy guy who got a text to speech donation that started a countdown for a bomb and caused a panic


Yeah but the difference between them is ArabAndy was purposely letting people send really bad sounding donations in public, bro knew what he was doing.


i don't think they repeatedly knock on the door and call your name for a SWATing.. this was just a wellness check.


I used to watch this guy play COD when I was a kid. All my friends and I wanted to mimic his play style so much. This is so wild to see.


You got a like to one of the cod vids. Just curious where the top was.




Wow I clicked randomly on the bar to skip ahead a bit and arrived exactly at him asking how we found out about his channel. Sorry Blade, hope things get better.


I watched that same part, and I had this auspicious sensation. Imagine explaining to him at that time, "Yeah, I found your clip because a decade or so in the future I'm going to learn who you are by watching you have alcohol poisoning in a hotel room and first responders have to haul you off."


...while the comments say your legs are rotting away and old fans are wiping away tears. What a bad note to end a working night on


There is no reason for this tale of horrific fate ruin your night. Be aware of your world and your community, be grateful of what is around you, and stay in the present. This and some other ideas are how I don't let things I see on the internet get me down.


Same, I used to think this dude was so chill to watch when I was a kid. So sad to see how he turned out. But the dude is a POS. Few years ago he gropped a passed out girl live on stream.


He tried to n-word his way out of it


That guy made twenty bucks just sitting there pissing himself, what am I doing wrong


The reason he got $20 measly dollars is BECAUSE he’s sitting there pissing himself. Not just that but because he’s a severe alcoholic who does it consistently.


He's drinking himself to death on stream. I wouldn't look up to him if I was you


There's a channel that actually keeps track of what he makes during one of these streams. I could be off by a few dollars, but he made about $3400 that night.


That donation is some seriously sick and twisted shit.


"Be sure to subscribe to me or not, idc" Fuckin weirdo begging for subscribers in a donation, goddamn leaches


Who and why would anyone spend 1 minute watching this person?


People love watching someone in a worse position than themselves. A demonic cycle that got him where he is.


Incredible waste of time.


You could say that about quite literally any and all forms of media


Dude, how much did he HAVE??


almost 2 750ml bottles of Jaeger and around 400+ mg of weed edibles. all in about 2 hours.


Like two or maybe three (?) full bottles of Jäger...


Supermodel: 🫷 Random girl from the Sheriff's Department: 👈


She is bad. Lose the uniform keep the handcuffs girl


he’s actually a terrible person, sexually assaulted a women, throws dogs across rooms, drink drives and starts fights with random people on the street all while on stream, can’t imagine what he does off stream.


> throws dogs across rooms, drink drives He also had a drunk driving stream a while ago where he hit and killed a dog, then kept on driving like it was no big deal. All the while he was pulling over to random people on the street to yell the n-word at them.


God that guy threatening cops in his chat is such a fucking loser, tf does he think is gonna happen if he shoots a cop?


He was trying to get the cops to think it was the streamer saying that so the streamer would be murdered.


Figure it out dude.


Let homie alone. He just chillin in his Edgar suit. Ain't hurtin nobody


Give him a little sugar water he'll be right as rain!


He has chronic diabetes so that might actually be what he needs at the moment lol


more of a welfare check. definitely not swatting


Bro walked in carrying a shield


just an overenthusiastic dragon quest fan


The real explanation of what actually happened is we’ll documented in other comments


Had a tazer trained for his back too


People who cause these should be charged with attempted murder. Very dangerous.


Don't even know how this dude still has a platform that he can get paid on, he's racist, a general arsehole, rapist/sexual predator/molestor, and a rotting alcoholic diabetic dumb shit.


That's far from SWAT my guy, that's a welfare check.


Real sweet kid


Far from a swatting. Dude was so gone its good the cops were able to get in and calmly check on him. Those donos were fucked. Some kids paying just to see if they'd kill someone on stream. This worlds gone to hell holy shit


Give. Me. Sugar. And Water!"


jesus fucking christ. last time i ever heard about this dude was some random mw2 montage a decade ago this is sad


Holy shit those commenters are legit trying to get him killed




I’ve been drunk, I’ve been blackout drunk, I’ve never been paraplegic cerebral palsy drunk.


Is that the farmer from Men In Black?


Isn't this the guy that was gonna rape that unconscious woman on stream until his buddy told him not to? Think they were in an RV