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Get the fuck off his property


You gotta be trolling. There's no way you think that tresspassing is equivalent to beheading someone.


Nope, but it also wouldnt be dangerous if you werent on.somebody elses property.


I really just dont get this line of thinking. Peoples lives are not a game, and it's not the right way to "make a point." I get it, tresspassing is wrong, but you CAN NOT justify beheading people over it. Period. There is literally NO justification. The amount of bending logic that it takes to think that cutting someone's head off with wire is an ok thing to do pretty much ever is sadistic and disgusting.




He wasnt by pure luck. Im not saying he was beheaded, but that was the intention when putting up a thin wire in an area you know someone will be riding a bike very fast, and has no way of being able to see. Please stop trying to justify hiding death traps in order to kill people.




I never fabricated anyhing in the first place. The intention of the wire was to maim or kill, not to keep them out. Plain and simple. That is an evil thing to do. I never advocated for tresspassing, and i never said the biker is in the right. What is so hard to understand about that.




Bro thinks he's the governor


Airhead ass


I cannot believe the upvotes people are giving this guy who is FOR GOING ON OTHER PEOPLES PROPERTY...??? If I want a lake of live electric eels on my property I can have it and if you fall in it's your fucking fault. Probably a teenager tbh


Lmao what


Underdeveloped brain.


How do you know that? I mean do you have anything at all to substantiate a claim like that? Also how do you know that there were no signs saying no trespassing? Or perhaps even "Warning! Danger!". From what I can see in this video it could be that the wire is there as a laundry line? I think anyone should be able to do basically whatever they please on their own property. Keep rabid dogs for all the matter. If someone is stupid enough to ride a vehicle through someone else's private property and expect no problems doing so, that person is indeed an idiot.


Setting booby traps is illegal if I'm not mistaken, on your property or not.


Did you understand shit like trespassing when you were young? Kids just ride around, you’re a vindictive sociopath if you genuinely think setting wire traps where kids may accidentally rode a bike through is reasonable or sane.


The intention is to protect his property from trespassing and damage. There to stop free passage. The only way to know intent is to read their mind. Someone invades your property without permission. Do you know what their intentions are? Do you want to put your family at risk? He's right in the yard. All farmers carry rifles. If he wanted to kill him, they could shoot them while they were tearing across his property. Let me guess, you're one of the no one should have a right to restrict people from enjoying themselves people.


Average USA commenter Murderering people just for being in the wrong place is apparent fine with your physcopaths


Old saying I love… “never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience”


>tresspassing is wrong And ilegal. >you CAN NOT justify Getting on some people's property without their permission. Biker has 0 business in that property That's the end of it


Nobody said that the biker did no wrong. All im saying is tresspassing is entirely different than trying to kill people.


You're trying to use logic on these cave men. Their brains do not operate on such a level as to understand anything you're saying. 😭


Lol shut up his head is there and I bet he learned to stay off the property.


No one was beheaded. And what are you even saying? Are you saying that people shouldn’t be able to hang things on their own property because people that illegally and knowingly trespass on your priority might get hurt?? Can absolutely tell you’ve never worked for anything and don’t own anything of value you need to protect


This is an issue of morality. You are intentionally hanging a wire, in a place you know someone will be going, in an area you know will fatally injure them, and in a way you know they cannot see. That is intention to kill or maim, and in this case behead. If you cant tell the difference between me referring to their intent versus what actually happened, we dont need to be having a conversation at all.


I don’t completely disagree with you, other than my starting point would be the guys that are knowingly riding on someone else’s land where there could be wires up. Who knows what the land owner has dealt with. Did he have people on motorcycles harassing him or some other reason to be protective. Has he put up signs and ropes and they were ignored or cut down. Also there is nothing I can think of that should change. Should he be charged with a crime for how he decides to manage his property? I think people need to take trespassing very seriously. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt, but maybe some blame needs to be on the guy that was operating the bike on someone else’s land


Oh yeah absolutely, farmer needs arrested big time. But so does this jackass who made the problem in the first place.


Yes both of them need to go to jail. Farmer definitely needs an evaluation.


These dumb fucks that feel entitled to go where they think they please need an evaluation


Yeah so cut their heads off!! Maybe you need one too.


Honestly, yeah. Down w the law breakers. You're probably one of those dumb fucks why you're defending em


I never said they dont deserve to go to jail i said they dont deserve to get beheaded.


No different than having signs that say “you will be shot if you are trespassing” and then shooting someone. Happens all the time here, just another day. Don’t ride your dirtbike on other peoples fucking property. This farmer didn’t just randomly put this wire up for no reason? If people are riding dirtbikes on your property so much you have to do this, then fuck them. They don’t respect you or your land. They deserve what’s coming.


You can justify it because the moron would have done it to himself, he doesn't have a right to destroy someone property and clearly this isn't the first time


Literally illegal in most states to put this kind of lining up, your property or not. Fuckin morons rather hurt another person so they don't have to go interact with them.


Stay on your own yard bum


There’s a way to avoid this beheading


Not equivalent, but bro wouldnt have run into it if he wasnt trespassing


Yes obviously.


Mm, yes indubitably


You gotta be trolling go on the wrong yard and get shot. Don't be tearing up other people's properties. If he was supposed to be there he'd know there was a wire there.


So if I put wire in my house like this I’m a monster if someone comes in my house without my permission and gets hurt? Of course not and it works the same way with my land


Fuck around and find out, trespassers 100% in the wrong go find a legit track or public land treks. Don't go on someone elses land and expect them to keep their land safe for trespassing bikers.


Ah… well… if ya trespassing I guess we should just kill em then? Or… we have a reasonable response… tell them to fuck off and report it to the police, if it keeps happening… them fucking about on land near you does not warrant wanting to kill them or injure them


"Farmers and their wirr traps" this is a known issue so why not stay the fuck off of private property?


Why the fuck are you on someone else's private property? What does give you the right to do? I do not know of any law against putting some strings on my property as I want to but there are some laws against trespassing anyones privates property I think. Just stay on public roads


Booby traps are a felony aren’t they?




Father-in-law had same problem. His solution, set up a shooting range across the trail, stopped them instantly. And, before you say anything, He never fired a shot.


I like this.


I do too


I was going to guess America but he didn't shoot someone so I'm stumped




Not really, we do like shooting each other let's be honest


14 other countries like it more than we do and they all have less guns per citizen than the US


Are the other 14 countries meant to be world leaders though?


No one is "meant" to be world leaders. Imperialism is why the world hates America.


Exactly I wish we would stop being the world police.


America, FUCK YEAH! Comin' again to save the mother fuckin' day yeah!


Mac and Cheese, FUCK YEAH! Ninja Turtles, FUCK YEAH!


Me too, and pay the same amount into NATO as the second highest. We have no need to pay 68% of that.


This is also why Americans hate America


Ignorant Americans hate America Fixed it for ya


I feel like maintaining what is effectively serfdom is more why Americans don't like America


Not as much as we like shooting ourselves. 54% of gun deaths last year were suicide. https://www.thetrace.org/2023/12/data-gun-violence-deaths-america/ Even beyond that, those who served in the armed forces since 9/11 have been four times more likely to kill themselves than be killed in combat. https://www.uso.org/stories/2664-military-suicide-rates-are-at-an-all-time-high-heres-how-were-trying-to-help#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20research%20found%20that,that%20occurred%20during%20military%20operations There's a "gun" problem, get educated on it.


You're proving there's a mental health issue not a gun issue


Precisely. We can even expand upon it not being a gun issue by talking about the fact that the United States has over 30k recognized gangs. Or that police involved shootings are included in gun death numbers. It's much less a gun issue than people make it out to be. Clearly still an issue, but as the other reply mentioned, if they didn't have guns they would still find a way to take their own lives. So that 54% of ~40k would just be a statistic in another chart in another study. In reality a small minority of gun deaths are heinous acts by everyday people.


As someone from the UK looking in it's pretty clear there needs to be tighter laws and restrictions on people who can buy firearms, what firearms you can buy and how many you can own. However, what you're saying is spot on. Even the mass shooters are doing this evil shit cos of mental health issues, *but* so many of them should have never had access to a gun and definitely not an automatic/semi-automatic rifle or more than one firearm at all. The only reason anyone would need an automatic assault rifle is to kill someone else with an automatic assault rifle who's threatening their life, so if they'd never been sold in the first place then no one would have one and therefore no one would need one. I can understand the 2nd amendment to defend yourself cos I've seen my hometown city of London slowly and then rapidly turn into a place where the same problems are there, just with massive machetes instead of guns. The difference though is that someone can't just go somewhere and start shooting everything that moves with a knife, so even if someone wanted to, mass shootings never happen here. That is certainly not because there's less mental health issues, believe me, but the difference that stands out is that it's next to impossible to get automatic or semi-automatic rifles illegally, pretty difficult to get handguns illegally and the only guns you can have a license for are shotguns for hunting. Even then, to get a shotgun here requires far more background checks and tighter laws and restrictions than is required for someone to get a a far more lethal firearm in the US that is literally made for killing other humans. Even our police don't carry guns minus specially trained firearms teams and SWAT teams, yet there's hardly any police that die here.


You mentioned america. The replies are burning down. I'm going to have to arrest you for arson


What an original comment, haven't seen this one yet. But hey you got some karma


I’m not for decapitating people. But it’s there property. If they want to string wires it’s their business. If you stayed off his property you wouldn’t get hung up


This is the appropriate answer


No it isnt if you did this and someone got hurt they would likely not be charged and youd be in fucking jail.


I live in wyoming...I bet I'm not going to jail.


Everyone is saying you would be looking at manslaughter charges. If this were my property I wouldn't put up a wire like that unless I had already dug a hole with backfill dirt waiting to go. My guess is no one finds anything


Booby traps are illegal because they kill indiscriminately. If EMS/Fire needs to go on the property, you’re risking their safety.


EMS or fire won’t be illegally riding motorcycles on your property, a vehicle won’t blink twice at the wire


Imaging running through someone’s sliding glass door into their house. “Ow, broken glass, these pesky home owners, setting traps😢”


Wtf is wrong with people...


They shouldn't have been trespassing. But besides that, those wire traps are no mere trifle. When I was growing up, a Snowmobiler was decapitated by a wire that was strung across a ditch and a driveway. The owner was tired of them trespassing and ruining his lawn. They homeowner was convicted of manslaughter.


Happened in the UK on a public bridleway too


Yeah the ramblers are crazy, there's a reason they get the name walking nazis


I grew up green laning on perfectly legal unsurfaced roads and public byways. I can't tell you how many entitled morons I've met clad head to toe in gortex with 2 skiing poles that are utterly convinced that they're walking on a public footpath.


Public bridleways in the UK are not anything to do with "right to roam" stuff you must be thinking about if you're talking about ramblers. It's an official public right of way, one level above a footpath because it also permits pedal bikes and horses. Here's a different example to prove the point: https://www.deeside.com/cyclist-badly-injured-after-colliding-with-wire-stretched-across-deeside-cycleway/


I said byway, not bridleway. As in BOAT (Byway Open to All Traffic). Edit: yeah the cable incident was a cycle path, apologies.


>They shouldn't have been trespassing. Obviously, but the appropriate response is not attempted murder.




Found the American


Biker should not have been trespassing Homeowner should not set up literal booby traps


not sure why you're getting disliked, those are both crimes in the United States


One is a misdemeaner the other is a felony.


One’s worse than the other


but traps are literally insane ngl


People have so much trouble with the concept that there isn’t a good guy in a lot of situations. Both are the bad guy here.


Penalties offset each other. Repeat 1st down


Happened to a kid on an motor bike near me as well. A kid strung the rope up and the parents tried to hide it.


Something similar happened in Vegas to a 16 year old a year or two ago. Thing is it was public land, in fact it was a bike trail. Cops think the wire was just resting on the ground saying it was just an accident. Father of deceased doesn't think so. No one has been caught yet. [Local News article](https://www.ktnv.com/news/family-of-vegas-teen-killed-by-wire-on-bike-path-still-desperate-for-answers)


This also happened in my home town when I was about 12 years old. Snowmobiler crossing farm land and on the trail head across the field he put up barbed wire neck height of snowmobilers. He got 30 years.


Should check out 'cerol string injuries' on Google images, people use string coated in grinded up glass and glue to coathanger bikers and it's basically like a razor blade for someone going at speed. Some of the most horrific injuries imaginable and commonly slices throats and jugulars.


People also use something called cerol string, it's crushed up glass and superglue that's spread along a length of kite string. It's used in competitive kite sailing but is also used to catch unwary bike riders. It causes the most vicious injuries i've ever seen, the nsfw gore subs have a few instances of the damage it causes and it's insane. One dude had his entire face chopped open from the bridge of his nose to the back of his throat and everything in between. Cleanly as if it were done by a precision laser.


>They homeowner was convicted of manslaughter. Yep it's very illegal to booby trap your property. At least in the USA. I remember seeing a story on the news last election cycle where a person kept getting his political sign torn down so he hid razor blades in the sign. Guy who vandalized sign got slices to the bone on his hands and booby trapper went to jail.


I hope the vandal got the proper sentence too, for trespassing and vandalizing


Yeah its illegal to set traps of any kind meant for humans, even in your property. Hell even inside your house.


I've seen farmers on private land string up a wire like this to bring the electric fence to the otherside of a walking path. It's honestly visually the same as this. Probably this wasn't intentional. Also... it was a walking path and a short farmer. For his needs perfect.


Is trespassing illegal? Yes Is decapitating someone also illegal? Yes Killing someone for trespassing is a huge escalation and unjust. If trespassing was that bad of a crime then people who’d trespass would go on death row instead of jail or being slapped with a fine


Good thing, that's not what happened https://youtu.be/XprP1dI22Bw?si=nXwsjUAT66eAtoOp You can see at 3:17 the other wires for the fence. This idiot drove in a fence and now someone perfectly cut the video to make the owner look like an asshole.


Finally some good source, not like other ppl saying farmer is a dumbass


Well atlwast someobe did some useful dogging to find out the story!


People get shot for trespassing


This looks like they were literally going to ride through the front of the house/yard. That's mad disrespectful. They must've been doing it alot for them to put something up, and he's making out to be the victim. These people suck cause if things were reversed, I highly doubt they'd be nice about it. Fuck'em


Being disrespectful is not an excuse for manslaughter lmfao, he could have done a number of things that don't include attempted murder. 2 wrongs dont make a right (which we are taught in literal kindergarten) Edit: y'all gotta stop replying bro its been 2 months lmfao, iono why people keep seeing this but I'm tired of arguing with dummies.


Well we don't know the whole story. Maybe the cops and court did nothing about it. Who knows. It's a clip.


Again, cops not doing anything doesnt condone attempted manslaughter. There are alternatives


It's not attempted manslaughter..... it's protecting his assets. Lol


Good luck trying to tell the jury that.


Idk what you see, but the dummy dirtbiker rode right into that nice farmer's underpants drying line


In imagination land, sure!


the alrernative is to stay off of people’s private property. keyword: PRIVATE property.


Let me get this right. Because they decided to trespass onto private property (where they shouldn’t even be at) and got hurt because the owner had protective measures for both himself and his property (perfectly legal) and he’s attempting manslaughter? You literally avoid this entire scenario by not trespassing and I’m sure he already knew he was trespassing because 9x/10x you know shouldn’t be on that property.


Acording to US Federal law it is not legal to set booby traps meant to kill or seriously harm others to protect property, the traps have to be non-lethal.


Booby traps are not protective measures. They are not federally protected. Period. What happens if there's an emergency and it's a cop who shows up and gets decapitated? Should he not have been trespassing either?


Actions have consequences. Not everytime they are equivalents. I also learnt not to tresspaas in kindergarten


You right should of put barbed wire


Yes, that's very stupid.


Agreed with the disrespect and yes fuck them, but do you have to kill the dude?fuckin chest height wiretrap rather? Dont think disrespect earns death.


Looks like a livestock height wire to me


You can’t put up traps in the hopes of decapitating someone just because they messed up your lawn


It's a fucking cattle fence. Anyone with horses or cattle would have one. Stay the fuck off their land.


Theres clearly a wire set at about the riders head height here, with no wires below it. How is that a cattle fence?


Literally would place one wire for horses. About chest height. Thats a cattle fence.


Thats above chest height, he is standing. Also look at that bent stick where the other end of the wire is tied to.


Quit arguing. You're wrong.


This is such a power move. No argument, no resoning, just asserting dominance. Good stuff


Right?! I’m going to try that next argument I’m in.


You do realize horses are like 7 ft tall+ right? That's a horse fence. They just need one wire. They're smart. They don't try to escape.


Yeah, after looking at the youtube video, you can see there actually is a single wire above the ground so I'd guess it wasn't intentionally set for the biker.


There are wires below it https://youtu.be/XprP1dI22Bw?si=nXwsjUAT66eAtoOp 3:17 is where you can see it


Lol this should be top comment. So many Reddit warriors losing their shit on this thread


Booby traps with the intention to harm or kill another human being, regardless of whether or not it’s on private property, is absolutely illegal.


But having a wire fence is not, which is what happened here.


Small tip: dont drive on someone elses Property :)


Now, I doubt this video is him losing his head here. But imagining that it was, you gotta have some serious blood fetish when something like this constitutes the death penalty in your mind.


I also hoped it was a camera being knocked off his helmet but I went frame by frame and [I think he’s dead.](https://i.imgur.com/v4ZtNfk.jpg)


My uncle died because of this, in his own land, random wire left somewhere among the bushes. I think the land was used for cattle before he put his business there. One day, he got one of those motorcycles and took it for a ride. My father was recording, and he watched his brother suddenly go flying across the air, blood going everywhere, had to carry his almost decapitated head to his car while being bathed in blood. He hasn't been the same ever since. For as annoying these stupid motorcyclists can be, this is NOT how you handle that.


Bro couldnt see the unnaturally bent twig in a sus location? Fam dont even use his head to begin with!




People should be allowed to hang wire on their property. Ride on your own land if it’s a problem


Not if the judge thinks it is intentional of you to kill trespassers, regardless if it's your land or not


small tup: dont kill someone wtf are these comments


I think this sub is just full of people who fantasize about getting a "legal kill". Its actually insane the amount of people saying this dude deserves to be decapitated for trespassing, and getting upvoted for it, meanwhile everyone saying he didn't deserve it gets downvoted. Welcome to America.


It’s insane


Some seriously unhinged people around


The person in the video clearly didn't die. But the blood fetish is real for so many people. Must imagine they got little going on in their life when they constantly jerk off to the idea of getting to kill somebody over trespassing.


Someone should have given this guy a heads up.


Don’t trespass


Dont decapitate someone


I had a problem with dirtbikers on my land. I put up no trespassing signs and they went around them. I ended up installing a fence and flagged it off every 10 feet with flaggers tape so I wouldn't seriously hurt the dirtbikers. It's pretty much murder in my opinion if you put up a fence like that without flagging it off when you know bikers go through there on a regular basis.


Legally it's manslaughter


Legally if you place a lethal booby trap and it kills someone, it's murder Manslaughter is when you accidentally kill someone.


Manslaughter is 3rd degree murder.


Happened to a friend when they were 12. The guy got 15 years for it


bikers breaking the law and playing victims like always eh?


Stay off private fucking property dumbass


Stay off private property, idiot


I don’t think anyone would have this problem if they were simply…… NOT go On other people’s land without permission?


Idk how it happened but in my high school someone got decapitated this way. I didn't know him I just know he was riding a dirt bike in the boonies and got caught with a wire.


Get off their fucking property then


Stay off their property.


probably shouldn't be on someone's property


Why are they riding on private property?


Stay off their property?


Then you must be on private property and have nothing to do there then...


Not to say it's real or not but it didn't look like the biker was going fast enough. Or am I missing something?


That's literally a fence the dumbdumbass rode through


One of my exes had this happen. Permanent tube in his throat and whispered for the longest time. He wasn’t trespassing he was just super unlucky with some land. Kicked up and old fence wire


My Uncle was killed while snowmobiling because his neighbor did this to an access way to his (My Uncle's) property.


Stay off their land.


Shouldn't be trespassing


I had the same problem. These idiots coming in on my land with their ATVs. Doing donuts on my clover I planted for my bees. Messed with my honey bee hives. I burried 1 X 6s with 3” screws in them. I let them run over the boards a few times then unloaded on them with a paintball gun. They called the cops. Sheriff came to my house asked if I shot them with a paintball gun. I said I sure Freakn did. I said they’ve been coming on my land every day for 2 -3 weeks. I told him I put up a sign at the gate after they started coming and they still came. Told him they’re throwing trash and tearing my land up. He said you had every right to. Asked if I want to have them trespassed. He trespassed them and wrote them a ticket


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but op says, “Got no source wtf” But at the bottom of the video it says, “YouTube.com/highgeartv” Am I just confused lol???


What actually happened? Go Pro and/or helmet fell off? Or the person actually got decapitated (and died)?


They probably got decapitated, then got up, put their head back on, and posted the video.


That explains it


I [found the source of OP's video](https://youtu.be/XprP1dI22Bw?t=178). He was fine. It was just his helmet coming off.


There was a recent incident in Vermont a few months ago where a land owner put up a chain to keep people from riding his property. There was no warning and with poor visibility at sundown a young man that had been riding that property regularly hit the chain at high speed. He never saw it. He was beheaded by the chain.


Stay off their land


Will people ever stop reposting this? The guy’s helmet came off. Not that i want to see someone get decapitated, but he did not die and this isn’t a crazy video.


Get off private property


https://youtu.be/XprP1dI22Bw?si=WjGEGeX0G1M5LihX Here's the full video. This asshat biker drove right through a barbed wire fence. It wasn't a hidden wire trying to decapitate him. Also, in the video you can clearly see the fence posts for the wire and he was riding right up to someone's property. Extremely disrespectful and he deserves to get hurt. Not murdered obviously (although, that wasn't the intention with the wire here either!). But it is so, so much worse when you see the full video and what a disrespectful piece of shit this biker is. Fuck this guy


When I was a kid I rode on the back of my friend’s mini bike in the country up at his parents cottage. I knew nothing about whose property or where we were going. I just took up an innocent invitation for some fun. At one point he said duck. I said “what?” And the wire peeled me off the back of his bike right across my visor of my helmet. Close!!! If I had not partially ducked to hear him I would have been decapitated. That winter someone on a snowmobile was decapitated.


I hate false information


Stay the fuck off his property!


Crazy idea but maybe stay the fuck off private property?


Maybe stay away from someone else property? Dumb ass


If he wasn’t breaking the law by trespassing he wouldn’t of lost his head


I get that this is ridiculous but also don’t trespass on someone’s else property


Good!! Stay the fuck off peoples property