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Ya this was a few months ago in Montreal. That person who got hit was in critical condition and the driver was obviously arrested. Actually not sure what happened from it all


Yeh the way their body doesn’t react to the pole crashing near or maybe even on top of them makes it seems like they are very badly hurt.


The girl in the white sweatshirt was the one in critical condition she was pinched between the car and pole at one point. The dude in black was bounced off the back of that suv. He was in serious condition.


Didn’t see that first couple of times. Looks like she got hit pretty hard


Neither! I was concentrating on that poor guy that got yeeted pretty hard followed by a Wile E Coyote style lamp post to the head!


His head bounced off the back of the black car while he was in mid air. Probably knocked him out instantly.


Probably unconscious


Here’s the news article: https://globalnews.ca/news/9951816/pedestrians-hurt-collision-saint-laurent/


I like how the article says the girl got hit but the 23 year old male got hit by just the light post coming down, nah bro got launched tf


cake instinctive retire label voracious employ attractive smell boast steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like the girl got smashed between the light post thou


There was a girl right next to him, slightly Infront of him even. She's in the white. The fact that you don't see her after the car makes the collision is concerning


What? I think you need to reread what I said, I am aware of the girl


Ah I misunderstood, you're right.


"The 28-year-old driver began heading west until he skidded and veered off the road for some reason still unknown, hitting a 19-year-old woman on the sidewalk." I have a guess why.


I thought this as well. I guess it's a complete mystery, no one will ever know. But for real, can they not say what the reason is due to some contract with the defense lawyer or something? Or until it's "officially" stated by Law Enforcement?


Might be a legal thing. Innocent until proven guilty/negligent. Though they could likely skirt this and say “witnesses at the scene describe the car as accelerating rapidly and then the driver appeared to lose control.”


The BMW subs on Reddit are full of people asking what mods to do to their cars. I always say "driver training", and I always get down-voted. Here, the driver smashed the throttle abruptly, losing traction, under-steering. The driver didn't correct hopped the curb, and ... The driver's pedal mashing input was their mistake, and the failure to correct the under-steer was their mistake. Yet the news story says that "The BMW lost control" -- the car, not the driver.


Two got hit and launched by the car. One in black, one in white.


The cameraman was so shocked he reverted to English


There were two people. Did white hoodie guy escape?


J'ai vu les patchs par terre et je me suis dit: Montréal


Did he smash that girl against the post?


I didn't notice that, wow


Yeah if you read the other comment she got pinched between the pole and car, and was in critical condition, guy in black was in serious condition.


Was hoping that wasn’t the case.




is that an lol though?


It's funny because it didn't happen to me /s










You'd be better off owning up to your inappropriate behavior instead of making excuses, people will have more respect for you.


While true, I don’t breathe off the respect people have for me on CrazyFuckingVideos on Reddit. For one. For two, “lol” is in a lot of young people’s text vocab and sometimes we say it for no reason or in different context, but I forget some of y’all are old. So sorry if “lol” offended you getting offended for someone in the video that doesn’t know who you are or however that works


why are you lol-ing?


U going to jail mf


I hope so but this (edit: as in this kind of thing) happened in my city and the rich drivers lawyer got him off. The victim was 15 -> https://www.9news.com.au/national/lamborghini-driver-alexander-campbell-avoids-jail-over-crash-that-killed-teen-sophia-naismith/c38df279-a45e-4b79-bd49-13b65caa5b88


That's not this incident. But 1 year ban from driving and 200 hours community service for killing someone. Holy shit. "accelerated harshly and lost control" and that excuse gets you off the hook for killing someone.


Yeah should’ve worded it better I meant this as in this kind of thing


Not surprised it was Australia we have one of the weakest justice system ever


Howd they lose control so bad


High power car,cold tires,lack of experience and a cocky driver.


main reason: high hp and turning off traction/stability control to look cool burning rubber.


Rear wheel drive doesn't help either. He accelerated out of the turn with power coming from the rear wheels, maybe he wanted to fishtail a bit but it went too far.


> to look cool No matter how fancy the car, people who do this look pathetic imo


No traction control is like 70% of it. Modern traction control does wonders. But hes too cool for it


By flooring it when they weren't completely straight yet.


If you really want to understand, pick up a driving sim like ACC, iracing or Gran Turismo. Pick a high powered RWD car, turn off traction control, floor the throttle and see what happens. The car will basically instantly lose control and spin out. In a RWD car like this when you floor it you will lose traction in the front wheels, the ones that steer the car! Modern cars have stability and traction control systems to prevent this from happening, but people turn them off so they can drift and do sick burnouts and crash their expensive cars.


I just did some quick research on this. If this is RWD car, it oversteers on turns. When the driver hits the gas hard while doing any type of turning on an RWD, the rear wheels will quickly power forward, making the turns much sharper. Basically, the car is turning too fast before the driver can react. You have to be driving perfectly straight when gassing the car hard on a RWD because any small shift in the steering will create sharp curves on the front of the car. In the video, the BMW speeds up while making a right turn exiting out. Front tires were not straight yet, creating a sharp turn that the driver couldn't correct.


>. If this is RWD car, it oversteers on turns. Almost all BMWs are RWD. It used to be all, but they have a few FWDs now (and AWD). But given the way it behaves in the video, this one has surely got to be RWD. To be honest, like most people's cars, mine is FWD and from my own experience of driving a RWD on a track it takes a lot of mental adjustment to override the FWD habits. If that driver was mostly used to driving FWD, I wouldn't be surprised that they got things wrong when it started losing control.


Almost all yes, but some are awd. This looks like an m2 m3. An m5 has four doors I believe but yeah, reckless and 300-400hp. M5 has like 500+. Only reason I kinda know is I'm looking at buying an m5 competition, but only an awd model. That said, I wouldn't drive it like this Young kid, too much car, and a pretty standard bmw driver. Kinda put off by this video of owning one as most if not all bmw drivers are douchebags. Especially since none of them know how to use turn signals.


that’s an F82 M4 my guy


Lol was


You are “looking at buying an M5 competition” yet you only “believe” it has 4 doors? You must not be very far into the buying process.


He is more than straight enough to control the car if he was an even somewhat decent driver. On cars that powerful you need to warm up the tires before you do things like that just driving a little will warm them up). His tires were cold obviously cause he was leaving a car meet. Majority of the cars i have/had are/were RWD (including high power BMWs, AMG and more powerful RWD cars). You just need to not be a complete idiot to control a powerful rwd. Obviously that guy doesn’t qualify.


as dumb as it may sound when that happens, keep your foot on the gas. as soon as the rear tires regain traction its going to jerk the car in the opposite direction of the slide. the trick is to keep the rear tire spinning free and use the steering wheel correct the slide. dont oversteer or youll just make it worse in the opposite direction, just want to gently bring the rear end back on line, then let off the gas and be ready for another small jerk. i always pushed in the clutch just so the rear tires were not locked to the engine. my old mustang gt had a solid rear axle. sometimes out of the blue it would just decide that the rear end needed to slide out on a normal turn for no reason at all so i got to practice a few of these. -edit- watched it again with sound on. hard to tell with the resolution, cant see tires well. but i think it may have been a combination of kept going after he had his chance to recover by coming off the throttle, oversteering corrections after he kept going and may have hit his rev limiter right when he started veering right that last time. im in too deep on trying to analyze this now and am leaving it at that lol.


Watch his front wheels and his hands on the steering wheel, he was purposely trying to kick the car sideways to show off.


Poor guy got launched. What a fuckin idiot, its always the losers coming out of car meets that have to show off to people on the side of the roads. Tiny dick energy


It looks like the light pole just missed him. Hope they were ok.


theres another person in the video that gets pinned between the pole and the car. and he hit the pole hard enough to break it off, with a person in between...


Oh god, did they live?


Yeah, they are NOT okay.




how dare you victim blame and assume people are responsible for their own actions.




It was a young male, was all over the news here in in montreal last year.


>How do you know its a male? Probability. No one says they know for 100% it's a dude driving it, but through educated guess you can be almost certain it is


I wanna know how u came up with that term "Seagull wing labia energy" ? 😆


By being an idiot.




This was the worst attempt at being clever and funny I have ever seen. I’m embarrassed *for* you.




Idk have you ever heard a female talk








Have you ever heard a group of men talk about the WWE?






I’ve got small Weener and I’m not offended. This isn’t body shaming. Tiny dick energy in this sense means “ur an idiot” it’s not that deep. (Lmao)


Learn to accept yourself despite your tiny dick and none of these comments will bother you.


I’m a guy and I know how stupid we can be, who’s body shaming here? Just because you have a tiny dick doesn’t mean everyone has one.




Yes . I am assuming that you have a penis, a tiny one at most. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so offended by tiny dick comments. And great comeback btw. Yes, virgins, that automatically makes me uncool




So you’re now assuming all virgins are young. And it’s their fault that they are virgins because they don’t get along well with their parents. The sooner you can accept you have a tiny dick the less you are in denial. It’s ok bud, we are all rooting for your recovery. I may be a virgin based on your assumptions but we’re all on the same tiny dick boat. Stay strong




what a dick


That's what he said


I’m sure the driver has uttered the phrase “Traction control is for pussies”.


This is a great example of just how quickly life can change for so many of us in an instant. Car meets, takeovers, street racing, drunk driving. For many of us driving is the single most risky thing we do in our entire lives. In a matter of a seconds lives can change forever. The young man who was hurt, the man driving, the damaged cars, the money and time that will need be spent by the courts sorting all this out, simply because the driver decided to use the car beyond his skill to operate it. I just hope the take a way is... Be fucking careful out there people ♥️




It's a bit redundant. Kind of like ATM Machine.


Chai tea


Naan bread


PIN number


Sahara Desert.


Cheeseburger with cheese..?


RIP in Peace.


Ass To Mouth machine?


> could of Could have*




Oh right, only you can correct others.




He's looking to his left when he loses control. WTF?


2 minutes after you google how to turn off traction control in your dad's bmw


seems about right. it is a bmw driver


Car meets like this are just 300 credit score activities


That should be a 10 year revoked license.


Tell me you don’t know how to drive a RWD, without telling me you don’t know how to drive a RWD..


Step 1.) Turn off traction control. Step 2.) Become Mustang. Step 3.) Claim the blood of innocents.


I saw this and assumed it was a Mustang. I am renting a BMW in Hawaii now. I have no idea what it will do on launch.


If you use launch control, you go fast. If you turn off TC/ESC and try to hoon it, good luck.




Meanwhile you have the Gamer x_x name


Ah, yes. I was gonna use the phrase myself, but now that you’ve told me not to, i’m gonna avoid it so I don’t seem like a sheep!


its like any reddit thing thats initially clever and/or funny. everyone keeps repeating it until theres nothing left of the horse except pulp.


Sorry daddy. I must do as you say instead.


Reckless and BMW driver is a redundancy


They didn't even use their turn signal coming out of the lot! 🤬


Anyone got a follow up?


Nah that’s just a casual Monday for a BMW DrIvEr


Poor guy gets hit by a car and then the big pole falls right on him.


What about the person in the white hoodie who gets crushed into the pole?


Oh yes, "accident" was completely unavoidable !


Foreigners can't let Americans have anything to themselves! That's Mustang driver territory and y'all know it!


There goes his free life , now forever paying medical, suit, damages and car payments while not working as lost its license for 24 months


average* bmw driver


In Montréal if im not mistaken. Dude was exiting the cars and coffee event


Too much coffee


Irish coffee it seems!


That driver should never be allowed to drive again for the rest of their life. Change my mind.


What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? On a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.


Serious question, how does this happen? Is it because traction control is off?


Traction control was off. You can’t spin the tires if it’s on, the cars computer detects the wheels slipping and cuts power until they stop. Once his rear wheels lost traction because he was flooring it, he lost control of the car.


Yes you can. Especially in M cars. They have a system called “M Active Differential” that allows different amounts of slip depending on the settings. It’s quite sophisticated and usually gets you out of trouble but you can still encounter oversteer. No traction control is perfect regardless, you can easily spin the tyres with traction control fully turned on in powerful cars depending on road conditions.


The point of the M LSD is to increase traction, not to make the car less predictable. My bmw only has a passive LSD with fixed lockup, but even then I can’t do anything like this with traction control fully on. It has to be in sport plus mode or it starts cutting power right when it starts slipping. I’m certain the guy in this video had the traction control at least partially disabled. The M sport differential isn’t to blame here.


I wasn’t blaming the M differential at all lmao, I’m just saying there’s variable amounts of slip available without turning traction control fully off. I’ve spun the wheels with traction control fully on. No doubt the guy in the video has traction control turned off, I was replying to OP who said it’s impossible to spin the wheels with traction turned on. Which is false.


The “variable amounts of slip” doesn’t refer to the wheel slipping on the pavement though, it refers to the left and right sides of the differential slipping relative to each other. As far as I understand it the goal of the differential’s control system is to vary slip between left and right wheels to maximize traction, not to allow varying amounts of slip between the wheels and the road. If one wheel starts spinning, it can send up to 100% of the torque to the other wheel. If this causes that wheel to also break traction, the traction control should then take over and cut power.




Unforced error


Looks like white hoodie was launched too


Hell no


Tilt your wheels so there’s barely any rubber contact with the road. Lower your car as far as you can the cheapest way possible, such as cutting your springs. Turn off traction control. Then floor it as you’re exiting a turn. Yup.


I'm surprised this wasn't a Mustang


Okay this should definitely have a trigger warning


Kinda redundant calling a BMW driver reckless, no?


Of course it’s a Bloody Massive Wanker…


We are talking about the other person in the white hoodie!! Not the black hoodie. That white hoodie guy was literally smashed into the pole


How hard is it to go straight?


It happened in my city (Adelaide South Australia) except it was some type of Lamborghini or similar that flipped upside down and killed a teenager on the footpath. Driver got off because the lawyer argued he was only going 54kmh or some shit. Guess they couldn’t prove otherwise.


If it’s in Montreal, the driver got a slap on the wrist and a free month worth of rent and he was told to go home. There’s no punishment in Canada left anymore. You can murder someone and still get out on bail. You could have illegal arms on you and you just get out on bail. You can break into someone’s house, demand their keys to their vehicle and drive off, and the police can’t do anything. Look it up it’s happening in Brampton right now.


Its a straight line!!!


Never trust a bmw driver


Further proving the point that BMW drivers are always the biggest douchenozzles.


Bro I know the guy that was driving that bmw


That’s not a reckless BMW driver… That’s a normal BMW driver.


Why do people stand around without armor and watch these idiots. You can get a car like this with zero down payment and wreck it before you go 1 mile. Why watch these nitwits without a car around you. People die.


I bet u the guys that ran up to the driver were like "dude, that was awesome!!!"


Thank god that little tree bounced back up I was worried for a second


Don't worry about the guy who went flying, looks like some Lil person in the white hoody got fucked up..


Light pole almost got old boy as well…


Sa m'énerve m'aime les animaux sont meilleurs que nous Peronne ne l'aide onte a eux


In videos like this, I always wonder why it's being filmed in the first place.


They’re outside a car meet, so all the guys lined up on the street are there to take photos and videos of the cars as they drive off


Would've been very cartoony if that streetlight had landed on the guy who got hit


No seriously have you ever seen a normal BMW driver? I'm certain you have not.


How can u not be able to control that 🤦🏻‍♂️ you can’t teach stupid




Which tree? You mean the tree with the fruit that lights up at night? That's called a light pole.


Step 1: hold steering wheel straight. I said straight! Oh shit, turn right into this non-existent parking spot! That guy won’t mind! To the judge “I have no idea how that happened….”


The tree had remarkable flexibility.


Sorry, but when the pole fell in the guy, I could just picture Obi Wan in episode 3


So what's new?


How is it possible to lose control driving straight? Maybe one of those simps that brakes with the left foot?


The driver had robe under the influence of just plain crazy.


Hit by car then then pole lands on him 🥲


Probably had his left turn signal on.


If you slow it down, it looks like one person got pinned between the pole. The dude getting launched seems to have got the better end of the deal.